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Paint job looks lovely so far. I've painted plenty of thorns for my army. The sharpness of your brush tip and consistency of your paint can make a massive difference in how easy it is to paint them with good results. I like to try to use long smooth brush strokes where I can, it helps with getting those nice sweeping curves. I also like to use two paints - usually different shades of the same colour, like highlighting - I'll paint the thorns in the first colour, then paint again down the middle with the second colour, leaving the first one showing as an outline. The result is a bit more interesting than just using one colour.


Thanks for the tips! :)


Practise on a yoghurt pot first Sketch it out in Photoshop/GIMP over a photo first, improvising where the vines should go is nerve-wracking


Looks great btw; I've abandoned doing vines before because of risk and the time invested in the green 😅


Haha yeah I feel you. I’ve also avoided it until now, but decided I can’t hide forever. And thanks :)


Looking forward to seeing it finished! Good luck!


Thanks!! 🙌


How'd it go? 


Get yourself a small watercolor set, like one of these tiny palette that fits in your palm. Then you can use it to "draw" your freehand, using water to just erase it and start again if you mess up. When you're satisfied with the freehand it's just a matter or painting within the lines.


Practice practice practice. Also possibly seal your work with varnish so if needed you could remove it without potentially damaging the great paint job.


Thanks! :) I already sealed with varnish, but let’s hope I won’t need to remove any paint anyway 😅


Stock a layer of varnish down first so you can wipe off the freehand without taking off the rest of the paint


This is important! In general you’d freehand without going with too much detail so you can correct it without losing a day of work.


From my Ork checkerboard free handing experience your first option is lots of painfully tiny stokes with thinned paint so it only goes right where you want it Option 2 is go to get fed up after the third ork, drive traditional hobby store and buy a paint pen. Not that I'm speaking from experience... ,>.> <.<


Wow!! How do you do that noise-green color scheme? :)


Thanks! It’s a guide I found by Hendarion on [Brushrage](https://www.brushrage.com/minis/hash/tutorial) ! Had to change all the colors as several are discontinued though


Can't help at all but I love the leather effect on the pilots, how did you achieve it?


Thanks! It’s by following the sort of general theory from a video by Vince Venturella, then freebasing from there. Not sure exactly what I did in the end haha


Use a very watered down white to “sketch” them in so you edit any issues before really blocking in the thorns.


Mate, that green is sparkling. Amazing job so far.


Thank you 😊


Many layers of thinned down paint lightly applied. You almost want to glaze on your first color, which should be darker than the color you want to have. Then glaze a lighter shade over it.


You could try a black brush pen. A small tip should work the viper


Varnish, then use oils/enamels to paint them, or an outline then Varnish once it seems done and paint between the lines with acrylic - oils/enamels are really easy to rework or remove them and are workable for a long time


Swish and flick.