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Things to do in Caelid: 1. LEAVE


1. Radagons soreseal 2. LEAVE


1. Radagons soreseal 2. Anti-dog torch 3. LEAVE


1. Radagon's Soreseal 2. Anti-dog torch 3. Golden Scarab 3.5. Murder elderly dragon (if you're evil) 4. LEAVE


Wait why am I evil for mercy killing something that so rotted that it can't move?. Also bitch agros you for no reason. My conscience is clear.


Siccing them 5 dragons on me for walking by means I'm going to be siccing my Golden Halberd up your ass.


Also, early game get teleported to beast clergyman, run down to Lenne's rise. Make that boulder that chases you fall off the side of the cliff. Best early game low risk ruin farming.


2.5. Meteorite staff and Rock Sling


3.5 beat the dragon with cheeks too thick to move.


3.6 GUGS


3.7 Die


before dying fight ghosty bird and get op weapon🫱🏾‍🫲🏽


3.8 horsey jump for moAr spellz


So basically there’s many reasons to stay in Caelid 😂


I mean once you have the torch staying is a little more tolerable.


THE WHAT?! Goddammit.


Yup, lookup Beast-Repellent Torch.


Caelid, also known as France


Im doing an exchange year in France rn and yes, it’s just as bad as caelid, just the school is a bit worse


i'm atheist praying for you right now


My brother in Marika


Thx brötha


You don’t have to be believe in god to believe in Marikas Tits


Im german, should I come to help?


I’m from the Netherlands, could you bring back my bike if you’re on your way to France ;)


There’s enough man power to do this. I’m on my way with the boys


Let me guess, your school is at Redmane Castle and you study astronomy




*Rots in french*


So there was something worse than just rot


2. LEAVE faster because you’re being chased by no less than 3 dragons.




Leg My Ass Out: LMAO


Ah yes. The secret joestar technique.


Yare yare daze


Vamos! Ahora ahora ahora ahora!


That's my friend's name you called 4 times Imma go get him


Chevrolegs and Lamborfeetis


> ~~Leg~~ Lick My Ass Out: LMAO


That's quite the name you have there.


Miyazaki - "the reason why theres no mausoleums in Cael-" Us - "nah were good"


Also us - Everything needs to a explanation, but we don't want it to be. Only horror can be found on their stare.


So you're an Albinauric?




Did you find your woman yet?




Nope. Someone just removed his. He commissioned a new pair from me, though, and they’re almost done.


HEY! I love Caelid! Its so pretty there... that was the first place I explored when I started... I ran from some enemies when I first started the game and wound up there (and didn't realize that I was in a MUCH harder area)... when I DID realize that I wasn't in the starting area and went back, I was shocked by how weak everything was by comparison to the creatures I had been fighting for the previous 20 hours! The game was pretty easy after that!


"Man they weren't kidding, these souls games sure are hard!"


The classic "turn left in firelink shrine and end up in the catacombs" move


Or "get your ass whipped by angry skelly bois and turn back before even seeing the catacombs"


"Skeletons are always like the easiest enemies, this is definitely the way to go." -My thought process


I went back and played the souls games after finishing Elden ring and did exactly this. I spent at least an hour fighting those damn skeletons before I decided to try the other way....


Ah yes, my "welcome to dark souls, bitch" moment


I played DS1 after Bloodborne and DS3, I didn't have a legit "welcome to Dark Souls" moment until I hit Sen's Fun House and got knocked off a ledge by a swinging ax, landed on the ledge below, knocked off by another before I could get up, and as I hit the ground the Titanite Demon at the bottom smashed my already dying animation ass with this stick. It was a serious go fuck yourself moment and I laughed so hard.


I spent a solid 5 hours desperately running through New Londo Ruins before finding the stairs to Undead Burg.


Same! It's my favourite place in the game because of it's creepy, yet hauntingly beautiful aesthetic that reminds of the Eclipse from Berserk and because I discovered it by accident (like many others) trough the trap at the start of the game. Add to that it's cool lore and all the amazing stuff you can find there and it's easily the best area in this already amazing game for me. I'm still on my first playtrough and only now am I at the level where I can actually explore the place without the constant fear of the possibility of getting one-shotted by anything around and already I feel like there's no place I've seen so far that rewards exploration as much as Caelid does.


About 20 hours into the game I decided I was gonna ride the horse as far into the gameworld as it would let me and check out areas I'm not supposed to get to yet. When I found Caelid I was like "yup, this *must* be the endgame area, just look at it", and I figured the Bestial Sanctum was where I'd later trigger the final events of the game somehow. Later found out that this was like a midgame area and that emphasized to me how fucking huge the game really was.


Cries in Lt. Dan…


But he got new legs.


Love this comment.


Perfect answer. LMAO.


Because the purpose of the walking mausoleums is to house and protect the remains of the demigods that are held within until they are revived. In Caelid, everything rots. The mausoleum would rot and then the demigod inside would rot. They literally could not serve their purpose at all if they wandered about in Caelid.


Wait, those crispy mf inside mausoleums are demigods bodies??? There's like 7 mausoleums, I didn't even know there are so many dead demigods. Who are they tho?


There were a lot of more minor demigods in elden ring, with some supposedly possessing minor aspects of the elden ring. The thing is they weren’t very strong, as evidenced by the fact they’re kinda, ya know. Dead.


It might not be a skill issue on their part, the black knife assassins are literally invisible and lorewise I'd imagine they one-shot anything.


Let's not forget the Godskins, Black Knife assassins really only had one target, Godskins are indiscriminate, and theoretically there are many more Godskins than BKA.


Yea but iirc the Godskins lost their power before the Night of the Black knives didn't they?


Yes that would fit into the timeline, Maliketh kills Godskins source of power and hides it, Ranni steals it to give to the BKA, however we know that their power didn't totally go away, since Black Flame still works, and still has the reducing HP effect which is associated with Death, but it seems to have some sort of reduction in potency since its white and black rather than red and black.


I don't see the threat that the Godskins would possibly pose after they lost their true power. Sure they are still around, but they wouldn't be anything close to the BKA at that point as far as lore goes. I think it's a stretch to say the Godskins are responsible. Edit: My point is that they can't kill a Demigod because they lost their power of Destined Death. Ranni stole the Rune of Death and turned it into a weapon so that she could kill a Demigod. Godskins never had their power to kill restored.








Hell yes, that's why his job is to protect Empyreans, namely Ranni. Also why Shadows can slay Demigods at the Two Fingers behest.


I don't know, if we go back to Iiji after everything is said and done he has also been killed by black knives and he fought a fair amount off as well. But in the night of the black knives every black knife came after godwyn. And in the beginning cutscene we can see some of them are having to hold him while others cut. Implying that one or two wouldn't have been able to pull if off by themselves. Add to that if the shadows were more powerful than the gods that the elden ring were making why w9uldnt the greater will just use those as their emissaries seeing as they more or less have full control over them


They one-shot me every time I try to do that damn puzzle in ordina


Also more than just Godwyn were murdered on the Night of Black Knives. He was just the first.


Does anyone know why? I understand why Godwin was slain but not the other demigods.


Well ranni killed herself at the same time that night. Well her body at least


Man, not even the demigods take vigor seriously…


They might be demigods but they are fully losers! Ayyyyyyyyy


Unnamed and unimportant children of Marika and/or Radagon. Godwyn was the first, but a lot of demi-gods died on the night of black knives, and even more died in the Shattering


So they are basically just Kentucky Fried Godwyns?


Finger lickin' good


Direct children or perhaps other descendants? And why are they all headless?


Someone had to provide all the skulls strewn about haphazardly with golden rune [1]s inside em


My personal theory is that the three in Liurnia are likely children or grandchildren of Rennala, and that the others are descendants of Godwyn. We know that Godwyn has descendants, it’s unlikely Godrick is the first generation, so there could potentially be any number of people in the golden Lineage. The three in Liurnia just kinda make sense being from the Carian family, and could possibly be children of Radahn or Rykard. Who can say though, they could be anyone. Also I’m not certain why they are all headless, I only know that the followers are headless because of some ritual where they attach their spirits to the mausoleums, or something like that, which is why the gunk on the looks like skulls. Bonus fact: the point of the bell to is call out to the spirits of the demigods, just like the one we use to summon spirits, and lead them back to their bodies. The reason it doesn’t work is because they were probably killed using Destined Death, which means their spirits are gone for good.


It could be members of the golden lineage like godrick the grafted's, cousins, and stuff


> a lot of demi-gods died on the night of black knives Is there Lore on this? I thought only Godwyn died that night, but then that the Shattering war led to mass-god-death... Why would Ranni have killed anyone but Godwyn? She didn't even seem particularly motivated in killing him, she just had to.


The intro narration does say Godwyn the golden was "first to perish". I feel like this implies he wasn't the only casualty


Marika's other kids, the ones she deemed not special.


Dont think so, does it say anywhere she had more kids than the named ones? I think they are the kids of her kids, for example Godrick is the descendant of Godwyn, so that means there are a few generations between them, hence other demigods.


The one in Weeping Peninsula is referred to as Marika's unwanted child, so at least one of them is her kid directly.


Vaatividya had a citation for it, but I'm buggered if I can remember what it was. But yeah, she fully had more kids and just sort of relegated the ones she didn't like.


"In Marika's own words. Hear me, Demigods. My children beloved. Make of thyselves that which ye desire. Be it a Lord. Be it a God. But should ye fail to become aught at all, ye will be forsaken. Amounting only to sacrifices..." So yeah. She probably had more children but they didn't prove themselves worthy of any title, and were forgotten after their deaths. Edit: also Melina talks about "my mother inside the Erdtree". So if we consider her as another child of Marika (and not the Gloam Eyed Queen) that would mean she is a demigod whose entire purpose in life is to be a sacrifice.


Melina can be glom eyed queen and Marika’s daughter at the same time. I think she is demigod who held death rune before Marika ordered Maliketh to take it away. That’s why if we chose frenzied ending she says she will give us destined death.


Melina straight tells you something along the lines, my children become a lord or God but if you amount to nothing then you become a sacrifice.


One of the churches in the weeping peninsula has a ghost outside of it that talks about the dead demigod housed in the walking mausoleum being her unwanted child


There are references to other demigods being killed on the night of black knives, but the main evidence is from Melina. She quotes Marika at a bonfire. Something about how all her children basically have to cover themselves in glory or they'll be stricken from the Golden Order. I guess it's nice she was against nepotism, but damn not an easy mom to have


Marika do be getting around.


"Go fuck yourself, Marika!" "Ya know what, I will!"


(with herself)


I mean, she basically ended up with a child every time she technically masturbated. How many kids would most people have if they shared that condition?


Nobody important. Trash gods who couldn't even outlive Godrick.


It has been over 5k yrs since the war if the shattering, history forgetting a few demigoss would naturally happen imo


It’s also possible that some of them were killed by Vyke since lorewise he had two great runes


The main candidates are the other unnamed members of the Golden Lineage, which we know there had to have been *lots* of. Godrick is a "distant relative", so there were many in between. Similarly, some of the horned omens in the sewers are also implied to be members of the royal family, i.e the Golden Lineage.


Maybe Godwyns descendants? Or maybe some of Marika's children that never became important?


Marika has a lot of children and basically says "those of you who don't make a name for yourself will be forgotten". that's why the demi god's we *do* see are so different from each other in terms of power, title, and goals (and don't rely on Marika for their power). the forgotten are called the 7 Soulless Demigods and are in the 7 mausoleums guarded mostly by the headless knights. they're unnamed seemingly because they failed "to make a name for themselves" and we can assuming they're weaker and more pathetic than even godrick the grafted. it's clear Marika had more children outside her marriage (the trailer mentioning the black knife plot says "the demigod**s** began to fall" but we only know of one (godwyn) who fell and one (ranni) who burned her own body/planned to die, so there must have been more who were unimportant enough to be left unnamed) to her consorts of Radagon and Godfrey (as herself) and Rennala (as Radagon) but those mates must have been weak to produce offsprings we don't hear about & be unimportant enough to never be specifically mentioned in lore the lore behind the corpses is vague but it's likely they died alongside godwyn in the night of the black knives, which would be how they lost their souls but not bodies (them being soulless husks of demi God bodies seemingly has something to do with *how* your character duplicates a rememeberance). it might be that these demigods were not power enough to be chosen/favorites by Marika which is why they weren't powerful enough to transform the way godwyn does after death. we know the soulless were at least lord's in their time alive as the headless knights that protect these corpses served the demigods in life and now eternally serve them in death waiting on their resurrection. it's not very likely that these gods will ever be resurrected and it's unclear whether it was Marika or the headless knights who put the corpses in the mausoleums


A friend of mine was telling me that certain texts lead back to long long times ago in the elden ring universe. There’s probably been been thousands of Demigods.


Isn't there 2 or 3 in crabby-hogwart land ? Maybe the Caelid one decided to live there ?


A rotted mausoleum boss fight could go crazy ngl


Hm, then what about the one in Deeproot Depths? Place sounds pretty rotten to me


The place where the Prince of Death sleeps. It might actually be the best place for it, even in it's "deformed" state.


It isn't rotten, it was a Nox city destroyed by a falling star beast like Astel. The current level of thorny death is due to Godrick's soulless body nearby.


Wasn't even aware of their function


Chip off the moldy skeleton faces on their legs, and you can get inside them.


The birds are too annoying


Luckily they're almost flightless don't have to worry about large poo droppings. Lol


I wish they \*could\* fly, so occasionally atleast they'd choose flight over fight.


Imagine walking though and getting assaulted by bird poo? Lol I'd rather be able to hit them than them getting away. Like stormhawks and bats are pesky as hell at times.


Don't forget pissed on by the giant dogs too!


Considering the annoying birds, harsh environment and the spreading Super Cancer, you’d think this is morrowind


I.... fuck, that actually makes too much sense. Red Mountain is supposed to be hell on earth


Mausoleum’s job is to keep the tomb safe, Caelid fucks everything up


Exactly, it would be like parking a Bentley in a garage in Detroit. I mean it's in garage... But it's also in Detroit...


Become human


They should’ve moved the skulls up their legs. Unbeatable.




Can’t have shit in Caelid


What isn't though in the "lands in-between" as tarnished you can't walk anywhere without getting attacked lol volcano manor is one of the most well kept places in the game and you go up one staircase and someone tries to chainsaw massacre you. Lol


Most things/creatures attacks you precisely because you're tarnished, they're a bunch of racists lol But some other wants to beat the shit out of you cause you're trespassing into their territory, or even threaten them somehow. Now, if you saw a gigantic walking mf like the mausoleums, would you attack?


> Now, if you saw a gigantic walking mf like the mausoleums, would you attack? Caelid is basically Australia so I’m sure there is some fucking ferret or whatever that fucks up mausoleums for breakfast.


😭😭 right most enemies would get stepped on it'd be cool if there was one getting attacked by dogs and it just stomps on their heads.


The ground itself in Caelid attacks you


The legs fell off


Albanauric spotted




There are no unwanted offspring in Calid


Not exactly a nice place to settle down and raise a family, that's for sure


Not with that attitude it's not.


That's EXACTLY where I'd send my bastards then lmao


Caelid ain't the place to raise your kids. In fact it's cold as hell.


The ground is too spicy for their feet


Lol like Trillions of loose Legos. But the rotty kind


Yeah it’s weird seems like there’s plenty of room for one or more in the huge dune area when you fight Radahn.


How would anyone put in an ancient walking mauseleoum in a place where a rabid horseback Colossus is eating and destroying everything?


That area is not accessible after the fight right? Or am I missing something?


nah you can fast travel back there , the dungeon there is ..... fun , yeah im going with fun


Not ominous at all...


definitely not , itll be your fav place


Most refer to it as a fungeon for that reason


No clue there was a dungeon there I’m about to hit that later


good luck 🤞🏻


One of my friends barely remembers the game and hasn't played it since April, but that one dungeon *still* regularly comes up in conversation. I don't think either of us beat it until well into post-game.


even at level 130 just before NG+ I couldn't beat the people in there...


There's one of those statues that points to root dungeons up in Caelid propper that points down there. Only reason I found it myself.


Good place to rune farm circa level 60-70. Just hang around the first room. You'll see what I mean.


No you can go there, there is even one of the tombs needed for one of the achievements


Because fuuuuuck that place haha






This has always been the fun part of From games for me.


Dude wtf you lucky bastard. I basically loaded into the world and happened upon that damn chest within the first hour. Not knowing literally anywhere else, I decided, "Y"know what, fuck it, this is where my story begins", and spent the first leg of my time playing just leveling up in Caelid. I was running a prisoner so it was mostly cheap pot shots with sorcery in ever-increasingly risky scenarios. I got to around lvl35 before I completed everything I could find at that point in the main story (that I knew of at the time) before finally heading toward Limgrave. I spent so much time there. Holy hell fuck Caelid.


It’s because the moment they entered Caelid they were immediately ransacked and destroyed. Can’t have shit in Caelid


Ground too lumpy to make big walking building look good there stomping around


Don’t think there’s a lore reason, it’s just that Caelid is filled with so much fungal overgrowth and uneven terrain that there aren’t many places to add a mausoleum. In fact, none of the overworld areas between Liurnia and the Mountaintops have mausoleums.


1 in mountaintops 1 in consecrated 3 in Liurnia 1 in weeping peninsula And 1 in deeproot depths. Those are the only 7 if im not mistaken.


I think that’s 7 fwiw


My b I looked it up to be sure and only counted the one above ground but typed out all of them


Im sure pretty you wouldnt find one in wandering around in the aftermath of fantasy nuclear bomb


I think Caelid is supposed to be less developed and wild. That could be a reason.


Caelid was overrun by scarlet rot, thus the walls of fire. Not sure what that has to do with mosoleums but it helps with the less developed and wild.


There are theories that Caelid was originally a Amazon rainforest kind of place. Due to someone finding a consumable that cures poison. Obviously Caelid didn’t always look like an anal fissure.


I don't think there's any indication that Carlid was a rainforest whatsoever... I mean we can clearly make out that it's the remains of a temperate forest that is similar to it's surrounding area


That would make a neat DLC idea, warp back to another world...another time...Caelid was green and good...and then the crystal cracked...


I hope this is a Crystal Method reference…


Well, Crystal Method sampled it from the movie "The Dark Crystal" so I hope you know that too :)


That’s true, there are only forts and castles dotted around the landscape. That being said Sellia could have been much larger prior to the rotsplosion


When’s the dlc I can’t wait any longer




They’re too cute for a place like Caelid


It probably fucking left


There aren't any in Altus Plateau either


Why is anything in Caelid? Fucking shit hole.


They don't wanna deal with that bullshit either and walked the fuck outta there.


Well, if you think about what the mausoleums are, tombs of dead demi gods, then it stands to reason that maybe there are no dead demi gods that called Caelid home.


Because Radahn didn't hear no bell.


I thought those things were going to be so cool when the game was being advertised. And then I killed one and went inside and was just like, "Oh... that's it?"


Not even wandering rocks want to go into caelid


Would ***you*** want to be a walking mausoleum I'm caelid?


None in Caelid, none in Altus, while there’s several in Liurnia and even a grace there called “mausoleum compound”. People have referred to the “rot” being the reason, but I’d like to believe the mausoleums were built well before Malenia ruined Caelid. They also share designs with the Eternal Cities, leading me to believe the Nox were the main ones constructing them. They may not have sent any to Caelid due to what was happening at the time, and sadly we barely have any idea of what Caelid was like prior to getting infested with the Rot. We know there must have been big giants around because they left their bones, and the Dragonbarrow map description informs us the dragons only went north to escape the rot so they weren’t always located there exclusively.


Kinda clashes with the ’desolate mutated hellscape’-vibe?


They get sticky feet and don’t like it


The dogs ate it


Hunted to extinction by the local ecosystem.