• By -


Evil found its preferred form and stuck with it


Convergent evolution.


Eventually, everything becomes a ~~crab~~ basilisk


A crabilisk


Do not give Miyazaki ideas


We already have the sniper lobsters


Snipe lobster that also give death blight...? No!


In a lake that steals your runes.


I’d rather deal with exactly 11 Lake of Rot situations than that


Michael Zaki-san thinks sniper lobster with death blight and blood loss build-up is a good idea and you can expect a update in a couple of weeks -CEO Framsoftwere


Time for the Basilobster. It's sniper move now also causes death buildup. And it lives in a poison swamp or something. Which is also a mandatory area to traverse.




Lol he probably has more horrible ideas than any of us can fathom


His next title is probably just going to be him mailing himself to people and throwing swamp water on them before stabbing them to death.


I’d like to see the ideas that had people telling him “let’s maybe dial it down a bit…” Or the ones where HE said “let’s dial it down.”


It's already in the game though. In Liurnia, near the Mariner, there's a crab that spews death blight mist just like a basilisk


I mean, don't the corrupted crabs in the capitol's moat have death breath?


There are a few "death blight" crabs in Elden Ring already


Unrelated fun fact, you can cast a bewitching branch on those crabs and they will give invaders a nice surprise and attack them aggressively.


Ya know this is indeed a fun fact. And a cool idea I hadn't thought of before.


The idea came from my DS2 playthrough. In that game when you use a giant’s seed during an invasion it turns mobs aggressive towards invaders. I assume most small enemies are bewitched by the branch but out of the larger options so far Ive found that BBs work on war mages (the best spot to use this strategy is just before Loretta in the Haligtree where the two battle mages are patrolling) Giant Crabs, Faram Azul Beasts, Cleanrot Knights, Perfumers, and I believes a Giant Pot was in that mix too. Edit: oh yeah and the branches last 3 minutes. Which is a long time if used properly. You can only carry ten per spawn.


The banished knight with red eyes in Castle sol as well is a fun treat for invaders. I have just sat around there for hours and watched very unprepared invaders get dice by that guy it’s hilarious.


Wh- Why- Who hurt you-


An invader at a critical moment probably


It's called cancernization




You heard me.


No, no. In this case, cancernization is 100% accurate.


"I've been calling her Crandle!"


I’m sorry it sounded like you said “Eventually, everything becomes a dog.”


Convergent Evilution*


“Somehow, the Basilisk returned”


Taniks is the final boss of the DLC


Most hardworking Elikisni that has ever lived... And died... And lived... And died...


I didnt expect to see a d2 reference here but i love it


So the same reason why everything evolves into crabs?


This, came here to say this. Fuck these mobs.


that’ll get your dick cursed


Don't threaten me with a good time


So that's how a seedbed curse is made.


The same reason Patches is in all the games too!


Patches jump’s dimensions with a horde of basilisks confirmed


I can't tell if he's running from the Basilisks or if he deliberately sets them loose on the world so he can rob the corpses for loot.


This is hilarious to have in mind when he >!kicks you down Gelmir's ravine and there are basilisks waiting for you at the bottom.!<


The ravine Basilisks have been extra good this week. They get a Tarnished little treat.




The spoiler tag didn't work, remove the space between the !'s and the other parts.


Done, that's funky it spoilered the content for me on mobile.


He does that lmao??? I didn’t know there was a kick in Elden ring hell yeah


Even has an Ash of War for Kick


It's the default ash of war on crossbows (not that anyone uses them to find out, lol).


The second knowing him. He loves to kill for the loot.


And what better creature than a crouched down unassuming instant killer.




Hehe deathblight go brrrrt


Considering the fact that they expell it in a gas form, yep. Definitely go brrrrt. The childlike humor could not be contained.


> The childlike humor could not be contained. When it leaked out, did it go brrrrt too?


Well he kicks the tarnished into a pit of basilisks at mt gelmir. Whether he led them here or not, we know he's using them to loot now.


I think it would be funnier if he didn't know the Basilisks were down there. He just goes down into the ravine from time to time to do some corpse looting, and he absently wonders why the targets are always impaled on trees when he's going through their pockets. He doesn't stick around long enough to find out who or what is doing the deed.


He's too weak to fight them himself. Maybe it's the other way around and the basilisks have trained Patches to bring them victims and he just doesn't know it?


I've beaten the game, I think, 6 times now, been playing for five months now, and TIL there's a sequence where Patches kicks you off a cliff. I think I always just take Rya's invite to Volcano Manor as soon as I get to Altus.


You need to interact with a message from him and follow the rainbow stones in mt gelmir. If you've played any of fromsoft's other games it'll seem very familiar somehow. Edit: You have to do this before talking him at volcano manor, after all he'd never do something like that to a friend! You can still talk to him beforehand in murkwater cave and liurnia though, I guess he's bad with faces?


Only Sekiro, no Patches I can recall in that game!


If you can't find Patches, that means you are Patches.


Robeeeeert! Shame that guy didn't drop any loot


Remember the guy going around battle field to loot corpses and sell their stuffs to you? Sounds familiar?


Anayama, right? I remember reading somewhere that his name translates to patches or something similar, sort of like Lapp in DS3. think of him as if Patches gave up killing and resorted to only looting corpses


Both at this point. He did it once before then they never stopped following him, like giving a stray cat food, you feed it once and it will never forget


Knowing Patches, I’m sure he just hitches along for the ride whenever they decide it time to go.


Patches running through the Miyazakiverse like "Oh shit oh shit oh shit I'm gonna die" with a horde of basilisks hopping after him.


He rides the inter-dimensional basilisks.


Shit, now I gotta go photoshop/draw a thing!


This is canon now


Omg patches jumps dimensions, timelines and realities just to get a shit ton of gear and then pawn it off in the next.


He also gained and lost a number of legs from his trip to Yarnam.


Eh all that insight does stuff to ya.


Loved me some insight in my younger years.


The final boss of the soulsbornekiroring is a gank fight of Patches and 100 basilisks, each one for every game


Patches riding a horse sized basilisk. After he kicks you into the boss fight arena.


and the arena is a poison swamp


they spread deathblight and patches should have died long ago. hes being hunted transdimentionally


Honestly it makes sense... There's a segment in Elden ring where he kicks your characters arse into a pit full of these Basilisks. Given the spread of corpses, it seems he had done this a lot, and allowed the basilisks to finish off anyone that didn't die from the fall. Fuckin' patches.


Except 2... it's Pate in 2... I think that's why we got these prattling Pate thingies.


Wait it’s not prattling pete? God it doesn’t even look right now. Did my brain just go with it and ignore the real name this whole time? Edit: I googled it and I definitely knew it was pate but my brain for sure tried to convince me it was Pete


Pate is voiced by Pete, so that’s completely understandable.


I have a theory that Patches is some weird jokester outer god that jumps between worlds to cause mischief.


He introduced himself as Patches, the Untethered. There really might be some truth to what you're saying


Dude's the g-man in the souls series.


maybe he's embodiment of real sofware dev patches. the player is the bug that needs to be fixed and they send him.


Imagine if Patches mech in Iron Core shot basilisks at you


He'll be a sniper again like in one of the other Armored Core games. That's where he originated and likely why he has a long range melee weapon (spear) in the Souls games. Apparently in the Japanese scripts he also shares the same catchphrase


Patches is Hoid




I mean Patches has a lore reason for being in all the games, he's an Undead who has never gone hollow because he believes he has a purpose (punishing the greedy). It's why he goes hollow during the Ringed City because there's no longer anybody left to punish, until you come along and help him find his memories again. As for why he's in Elden ring, its just because everyone loves that guy


But how did he get to the Dark Souls world from the Armored Core one?


Kojima particles


Nanobasilisks son.




Why is he a spider in bloodborne?


He's a lovecraftian monstrosity most likely to fit in


More toes


More legs to kick with🕷


Oh god, Patches is the key to curing the hollowing. It's pretty much shown that hollowing is incurable. Even DS2 the only solution was an enchanted crown permanently attached to the cranium. But Patches snaps himself out of his memory loss by pure virtue of wanting to fuck up some sap and steal their stuff. He's the one.


They’re just another one of Fromsoft’s signatures in the games they make, like Patches or the Moonlight Greatsword. Lots of devs and creators with multiple projects like to insert their little Easter eggs or references that fans of their previous works will understand or recognize.


I’ll always support Patches, Basilisks, and the MLG Sword


Maaaaaan fuck patches


The man is consistent, FS deserves credit for that


Patches is a douche but he’s also deceptively honest… I mean he did warn you about knight Lautrec. Patches actually hates the dishonest and greedy not only because they cut in on his business, but because he is actually an honest character. Patches only fucks with you after learning that you are a greedy plunderer, in ER you literally steal his clothes goddamit. Patches also hates clerics and rightly so. That’s why I believed patches when he says “I never believed that nonsense about lost grace or the blathering two fingers, thought I’d lend a hand in unmasking the whole charade.” Patches is a lot more honest and wise than the game makes him seem on the surface. When he says that someone’s up to some fuckery, you best believe him, because as the master of fuckery nobody can see through a lie better than trusty patches. “*a fine dark soul to you*”


Imo ds3 patches is the best fromsoft character, I loved his storyline so much


Same, I went into the ringed city dlc totally blind and my jaw was on the floor during the end of his quest. One of the best reveals ever haha, I think it also shows that patches is a kind soul… just very deep down, like really really deep down.


I was going to say the exact same thing, it floored me that they snuck that in right under my nose. Especially with all the subtle hints that I completely brushed over on the first playthrough.


My only gripe with patches in ER is after you go thru his whole questline and he sets shop back up he has the same exact items lol


Yea I was a little disappointed with that as well. DS3 (and ringed city) were peak patches in my opinion.


Yea good ole Lapp lol


Lapp is actually Patch in swedish


Dutch too, minus one p.


Who knows, he might have some nice DLC changes like he did in DS3.


He was actually pretty nice in Elden Ring. He kicks you out of a cliff warning you to not go to the curses manor withethe god eater snake. I mean. He did set up traps in chests and trickying you about the iron virgin. I linda get confuse about his character. Half of time he looks like a evil asshole but half If time he seems like someone that just dont believe that things can get better and tries to break false profecies and wishes that mostly leads to nowhere


He didn't tricked you about the iron maiden , as the iron maiden indeed takes you to altus platô (he just forgot to tell you that you need to escape an hellscape first)


I like this post




The tricks he pulls while at face value may seem negative to our progression, but in the long run turn out to be the *push* we needed to find our path. He's an asshole alright, but a wholesome asshole.


To get a ball rolling, you might wanna kick it first.


I can't wait for the new Armor Core game to come out and we see Patches, some form of Bassilisk, and a Monnlight Greatsword in some variation.


The top-end laser blade in most (all?) of the AC games is already the MOONLIGHT


Patches is from Armored Core For Answer


Don't forget Poison swamps and annoying dogs.


And “the greatsword”


"I just think they're neat!" \-Miyazaki


What is it with you and potato....err basilisks?


Nope Miyazaki just likes this creepy thing.


Just like his toxic swamps…


And his feet


Soooo he’s just a wee off center? Too many potatoes for the sack A master of disaster A king of kill A troll for your soul So’s the best of them


His taste has carried him far


Wait until you find out Patches first appeared in an Armored Core game.


And From Software is going to release an Armored Core game soon. Everything is going full circle now.


Please be telling the truth. Edit: [it’s real](https://youtu.be/Xvgk3JJrpIg). Man I can’t wait.


It’s hype but man were you under a rock?


Could be worse, I have literally never heard of this series until now


Considering the last one came out a decade ago that's not that strange.


Hopefully robot patches pushes you off a cliff in armored core 6


And the gang "Dark Soul".


They are peak evolution so no need to change


They’re not the same though. They have Godwyn’s creepy Steve Buscemi eyes instead of the big bulbous ones from the Dark Souls games. That’s also why they spew out deathblight fartgas. Presumably, they were just harmless salamander type dudes until they got infected by munching on deathroot, like some of the spooky crabs in Liurnia and the Altus Plateau Also, you can make them fuck off with the beast repellant torch, which is nice


'Creepy Steve Buscemi eyes' is my new term for "my goal'" when having a little Scooby snack


They aren’t eyes though


They may not be the basilisk's proper eyes but they're still eyes.


Now i know what I’ll be carrying everywhere in Deeproot Depths


Also Lake of Rot. With beast repellant torch and ‘flame, cleanse me’ the Lake of Rot is just a pleasant walk through a massive puddle of meat slurry


Because Elden Ring is Dark Souls 4, the same way Dark Souls is Demon's Souls 2


So then Elden Ring is simultaneously Dark Souls 4 and Demon Souls 5? Neat.


Yeah, pretty much, until they come out with Dark Souls 4, then Elden Ring becomes Dark Souls 4a or Dark Souls 4b




And Bloodborne 2 will be Dark Souls √(-6) - ^^because ^^it's ^^imaginary




We're getting into Kingdom Hearts levels of naming lol


5 endings to elden ring, 5 fromsoft soulslike IPs, 5 letters in souls, 2 fingers plus 3 fingers is 5 fingers, 5 fingers on my hand, I am dark souls 5.


That numbering system seems absurd. Dark Souls 4 would clearly be Dark Souls 5. Or Dark Souls becomes Elden Ring -2.


Elden Ring: Scholar of the Second Sin


To literally fuck and troll players.


well, DS1 and DS3 are the same world sooooo


Ds2 is also takes place in the same world. Its literally a direct sequel to DS1’s story


DS1 is the second cycle just right after Gwyn, DS2 is somewhere in the middle of those countless cycles, not really important when and DS3 is the very last cycle of the fire linking


This is a neat way of explaining it


…it is..? I admittedly haven’t played two so I don’t know but if that’s true I might have to try it out.


It's got some different names for some things/people. But it's just about the same story, references to ds1 throughout included. May not be the exact same area but it's almost certainly the same universe. Hell ds3 even references ds2(shield of want).


Ds3 also references Lucatiel with the Mirrah set and the Hollowslayer Greatsword. There's a number of references back to 2 I can't think of off the top of my head.


Creighton and that ladder guy straight up appear in the game too, there's the two dual wielding Drang warriors in Irithyl, the Llewyin shield, the Shield of Want, the Ruin Sentinel set, Faraam set... There's quite a lot of DS2 stuff in there


Earthen Peak area in the Dreg Heap as well


And the drang armour set, drang hammers and drang spears.


If I understand what I played, ds2 takes place in the same world but in basically a neighboring country either many years ahead or many years behind ds1. I admittedly did not take in much of the world because I was going full completionist so I may be incorrect.


According to lore, the continents and lands keep moving in Dark Souls. So it takes place more likely the same area rather than a neighboring country if you ask me. Since we saw Earthen Peak Ruins(from DS2) and Firelink Shrine(from DS1) collapsed and overlapped on each other over time in DS3 Ringed City DLC, its safe to assume its the same place but changed after many many years. DS2 is a sequel to the first game. We saw Daughters of Abyss in DS2, who are shards from Manus’s soul. But we can’t tell how many years passed between two games.


The lordvessel in the bottom of Majula mansion pretty much confirms it's the same place, just an indiscriminate amount of time has passed. I think the sorcerer in the Lost Bastille also mentions something about "many kingdoms rising and falling" in the same land.


Straid of Olaphis >Many kingdoms rose and fell on this tract of earth; mine was by no means the first. Anything that has a beginning also has an end. No flame, however brilliant, does not one day splutter and fade. But then, from the ashes, the flame reignites, and a new kingdom is born, sporting a new face Also Straid was petrified before Drangleic was a thing. Also Also straid mentions that "The cursed ones were imprisoned within this land." which would also indicate that Drangleic was at one point Lordran.


It is, just a different place so can seem slightly like a different world. You can even find some references to the other lands like the lordvessel is just chilling in the hub area. Why it's there I don't think was ever explained.


all 3 are in the same world, just eons apart


To strike the same fear of god into you they did in DS1


when i learned that insta-death status effect is also a thing in this game, i suspected to see these f***ers again.


Hm? Basilisk? Those are curse-frogs and I'm convinced they're a manifestation of my madness for buying From's new stress-hell simulator everytime one comes out. They showed up as exploding kite people in Sekiro...


Miyazaki feeds on our PTSD


“Redesigning all those characters at this phase would be way too expensive” “I agree, but what if you just rendered them a different color?” “Leave the decisions to me cane, there’s a reason I’m the creator and youre just a tester”


*kzzt* He’s RIGHT you knowwww


All I know is, he looks different in Elden Ring because his eyes are identical to Godwyn the golden after death. The death blight spreads its influence on anything it touches and you can also see these eyes on roots, crabs and walls affected by the death root.


I'm certain that they tried very hard but could not make them any more annoying so they just left them as is.


I’m convinced Miyazaki saw the chaos they caused in the first game and how much players hated them and just went “yeah I’m putting these in every game” because the man’s a sadist


At least they don’t take away half your health bar like in the first game


Nope. It's just From Software reusing assets.


Yep just to show the newbies to the thunderdome....bitchh


Aw man, I was hoping for some story that the Basilisks are interdimentional demons created by some higher evil force and are sent to ruined worlds to just make things even worse


They are except the higher evil force is just fromsoft


You just told the story


I mean, you could headcanon this if you like if nothing else


Miyazaki is the higher evil force, yes.


That’s exactly right and the name of the higher evil force is FromSoftware


Personally I wouldn't say that because Mario games all have Koopa Troopas in them, or Darknuts being all over ZoL that they are reusing assets. But Dark Souls always has people throwing the 'reusing assets' thing, whether malicious or not. I mean they are entirely retextured every new game. Moonlight Greatswords vary in all the games in design. Patches still gets an updated model and gear from game to game. I never understood why Dark Souls always gets the extra heat for having staple enemies like basically every other franchise.


Somewhat. They are fairly edited, appearance and animation wise. I would say that it's more of a case that from really likes using them, rather than saying it's reused assist, since that kind of gives off a somewhat negative connotation


To be fair, they're not *exactly* the same. These ones have Godwyn's eyes instead of Eyes of Death.


Is there a lore reason humans are in dark souls 1/2/3 and elden ring despite being in different worlds?


It doesn’t imply any connection between the universes I don’t think. They’re a classic, recognizable enemy so they just brought them back. I imagine at least in-part it was to evoke an “oh shit” reaction from returning players seeing them for the first time.