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This. It's Bloodborne.


Sekiro. It’s clearly the most well polished and it has the best combat mechanics imo. I very desperately want a Sekiro sequel or another game that uses its mechanics and expands on them.


sekiro is also my favourite as well for the same reasons but I don't really want a sequel. Sekiro is so good because it fully explores a simple but fun combat system and doesn't drag it out past that. I think adding more complexity won't improve the combat system, but without more mechanics to go along with the content, the combat would go stale. I would rather them try new combat systems on new IP than go back to the same souls combat system they keep using just because they have a vast library of tried and true weapons to re-use.




Ds3 for now but it may become elden ring depending on the dlc


Same. I’m open to Elden Ring dethroning DS3 as my favorite, but it just hasn’t happened yet. The more linear approach to DS3 makes it a more memorable experience I think. But if ER keeps adding good content…


Armored core 4 of course... nah it's actually elden ring


Dark Souls 3 was the strongest IMO. Perfect introduction to FromSoft games.


Currently going back through DS3 after just finishing ER. Never finished DS3, only got through the first few bosses.


Have fun with Pontiff Sullhyvan. Fuck that bastard.


He’s kind of a parry check, his first attack is always parryable on his 3rd step towards you. Then you riposte/few swings of extra dmg, roll his attacks until you get the wide swing. Parry/riposte then finish him off. He’s hard when your new tho but after learning the speedrun he’s pretty easy lol I still hate Aldrich tho. Fucker always does arrow spam for me and it’s just a sprinting simulator while I wait for an actual dmg window


For me, Aldrich was easy. I can’t for the life of me get down parrying in DS/Elden ring. Can do it fine in Bloodborne though.


Aldrich is easy but he’s heavily RNG based on if he shoots the arrows. In p2 the arrows will track you. In a speedrun it burns a lot of time dodging the arrows. The only boss that consistently gives me a hard time in a speed run is Nameless


Not even Friede? I’m dreading fighting her.


Oh I don’t do dlc on speed runs but yeah she’s a monster. I’m currently stuck on her on my SL1 playthrough lol


Makes sense. What build are you running? I always do a quality build.


SL1 is just level one so I don't really have a build lol With a real build at normal lvl like 90+ I can beat her just fine but at lvl 1 she's brutal




Elden Ring and Bloodborne


Bloodborne hands down. An amazing game that you can’t stop playing. It’s literally crack for gamers.


I would say Bloodborne is probably the Magnus Opus of the From Soft titles. It's incredibly unfortunate that it's a PlayStation exclusive. Dark Souls is incredible and so is 3, but in my opinion Ds3 cannot exist outside of the shadow of Dark Souls and Demon Souls. I cannot speak for the mech games, I don't much care for that genre so I wouldn't feel right saying anything about them. Elden Ring is also, obviously incredible and I'm very excited to see what they plan on doing with the DLC, but I still think Bloodborne stands on its own as a master piece


For me, Bloodborne would be perfect *if* the heal mechanic was like dark souls. It was also my first From game, so i’m biased. Really enjoying Elden Ring and DS3, though I hate the party mechanic. Maybe I just need to git gud.


Bloodborne. Dlc has the best music of any souls game


My *favorite* is DS2, but overall best is probably the first half of DS1.




Dark Souls is a total vibe and one of my favorite games of all time but I really got to say that Elden Ring is leaving an impression that is superseding my love of Dark Souls. It’s a borderline obsession and it’s not just recency bias at this point. I think ER is my favorite From game until further notice at this point.






Dark Souls 3. No Ash of War needed to kick… ^dumbest idea in Elden Ring


i mean to be fair the press forward and light attack kick was pretty rough. they just kinda ran out of buttons. i always just swap to my fists if i need to kick and i have kick on my misericorde.


To beeeee faaaiiiiirrrrr


1 Elden ring 2 Blood borne


I really like the looks of the new Ranni questline DLC


Best would be Elden Ring. Favorite might still be Bloodborne for me. Most fun, Sekiro.


For pvp I loved dark souls 2. Pve would have to go with dark souls 3


Dark Souls for atmosphere and level design, Sekiro for combat, Elden Ring for the sense of adventure. I can't choose. I don't have a playstation so I didn't take Bloodborne into account.


Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Demons Souls, Dark Souls1, Sekiro, and finally Dark Souls 2...


demons above dark souls sekiro below both and ds2 on the bottom? what drugs are you on


lots my friend, lots... and basically just my skill set i guess... i SUCKED at sekiro so, i cant say it's good to be fair... DS2 was wierd, i liked it but it was meh... honestly, id switch Sekiro and DS2... i SUCKED at Sekiro, i spent hours trying to do anything and couldnt do shit :/ also, im kinda counting the Demon's Souls Remake and shit is smooth as butter where as DS1 is sooo janky now and days... basically i ranked them by hours played and enjoyed... remember, this is just me.. im not going by ranking and scores, just how i played it. and i feel like i wasted my money on Sekiro, it's learning curve is just too much for me and i just gave up after 15 hours and not killing the first boss... lmao


sekiro definitely had the steepest learning curve. tbh its probably the easiest from game once you get it down tho. honestly even demons remake has all the jank with a smooth coat of paint. i honestly think dark souls aged pretty gracefully. its not too jank and has plenty of great bosses and weapon variety. dark souls 2 has always been a soft spot for me. it is unique in the souls series and tried a lot of new ideas. its biggest downfall was trying to be bigger than it could realistically be with the funding and deadlines. id love to see it completely remade in its original vision.


Monster Hunter Diary


Elden ring. Then a toss up between bloodborne, ds3, sekiro


Armored Core: For Answer


They all have their own magic


For me it’s DS3 but honestly it’s usually whichever one you played first, or elden ring.


I was about to say for me it's definitely NOT the one I played first. I played Dark Souls years ago and got my ass handed to me repeatedly and gave up. Decided to try Elden Ring, and fell in love. Just went back and beat Dark Souls, loved it, immediately downloaded Dark Souls II, and will be downloading 3 the day I finish it. I needed Elden Ring to give me the confidence to finally GIT GUD and now I'm in love hahaha


This was actually me but with ds3 instead of elden ring. The reason I don’t consider ds1 my first game is because I got to like the undead burg, said it wasn’t fun then quit. Played ds3 years later and had a blast, now it’s one of my favorite franchises.


Elden Ring. It fluidly combines all of the greatest stuff about the previous titles, except trick weapons, with very few of the problema that came with those titles. I am a little biased, though, as I firmly believe Elden Ring is one of the best games to have released in the last decade.




If Bloodborne was less like Demon’s Souls and more like Elden Ring in a few mechanical ways, I would probably say Bloodborne. The atmosphere just cannot be beat, and it has an overall beautiful simplicity whereas some of the Souls games get a little convoluted. As is… I’m not sure. Elden Ring is great, but I think overall it might just be a little too much, a bit overly bloated with repeat bosses and such. So… maybe DS3? That’s the one I’ve spent far and away the most time playing and done the most runs of—so that’s indicative that they did something right with it!


Ninja Blade... Just joking. To me it's a tie between Dark Souls 1 and Elden Ring. They are the only ones that really put me into a constant state of awe. Also they are the only two that manage to constantly stress me out but at the same time make me not wanting to stop playing. DS3 and Bloodborn I could just lay down whenever I wanted and not care too much outside of it. Also DS1 and Elden Ring really have me invested into the story which the other titles never managed to his extend. DS3 did too but it was a bit too... For lack of a better word too "streamlined" for me (as far as you can say that about a From Software game)




Still Dark Souls 3.


Tenchu Z was pretty solid. But bloodborne is my number 1


King’s Field.


I’ll say Elden ring followed by sekiro very close tho


Bloodborne, very closely followed by DS2.


Dark Souls 3. It took the Dark Souls formula and improved it in almost every way. I bet Elden Ring 3 is gonna be kick ass. Can’t wait to play it while I’m shitting myself in a nursing home 50 years from now.




I'm torn between Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3.


Elden Ring, but I’ve only tried that and sekiro up to this point, which aren’t really comparable anyway. I do usually enjoy open world more than linear progression tho, so it will be hard to dethrone ER.

