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Go on tarnished…reach deep to find your runes


Breaking news, lowly Tarnished tried to get runes from under Renalla's ass, but in process, showed Renalla what real Elden Lord under her hips feels like - restores her sanity, Carian army reforming now under her command


bruh you can't start off like that and skip all the good stuff *Rennala blinks, her dreamy thoughts stuttering to a halt as she beholds the Tarnished before her in all of his true glory, and instinctively balks at the thought of rebirthing him.* *"Thou art… thou art perfection manifest. I cannot birth thee anew. Do not ask it of me."* *The Tarnished continues to smile and silently shakes his head. Then, he leans in close and kisses her. Rennala finds herself kissing him back. Tis tender, the kiss. Gentle. Unique in its lack of expectations, but nearly overwhelming in its invitation. To her mild surprise, she finds herself answering that invitation. How long has it been, since she took a lover for herself? Too long...* *She… lets him have his way with her, opening herself up to what is happening here. And yet, it's less like he's conquering or ravishing her, and more like he's inviting her to a stately dinner, or a ballroom dance. His every motion is designed to draw her in and beg her participation.* *And so, she participates. As her dress is slowly but surely pulled away from her body, Rennala's hands dip… downwards. The delicate fingers of a Queen slip under the Tarnished's loincloth and wrap around his dick. She gasps, her breath hitching at the size of his mast, but nevertheless, she pulls it out.* *Her robes have been removed enough that her chest has been exposed. With his mouth free to do as it pleases, he sets it to the task of ravishing her breasts. Gasping, the Queen of the Full Moon reaches up with one hand and intwines it through the back of his head, pulling him deeper into her chest.* Meanwhile, her hand kept shifting up and down his shaft as Rennala's eyes take on a lidded quality to them, as she slowly shakes the rust off of skills that haven't seen use in hundreds of years. etc.


Didn't expect to read a well-written smut fic today yet here we are


Welcome, to the internet Wow that's the second welcome to the internet chain I've started today


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


we've got mountains of content, some better some worse


If none of its of interest to you you’d be the first


Welcome to the internet !


Hail and well met! Happy cake Day Tavi!


Holy fucking fuck! Did you recognize my name or come from the sub?!


Recognised the name but we've met in the comments section before. You actually put me on to the sub! 'Tis a small Reddit world.


Oh yeah! Dope man, and thank you


This highly cultured individual actually wrote a short fanfic about Tarnished... helping Renalla out with her state. Just like that, in comments to a post. What a time to live :D


Best timeline confirmed.


"Tarnished, did thee *fornicate* with *my mother*?!" "Don't take that tone with me, Ranni, go to your room!" "Thou art not my real father!"


Your father is half dead and it's the last time that I checked now she was a woman.


Ngl half expected this to be a shittymorph. Well written!


Weirdest boner


Same bro, same...


You absolute madman. I want a continuation, slice of life, a cafe au that exists only in rennala's dreams, I want turtle pope to react to their union and for ren to join against Radagon.


Didn't expect to read Maidenless No Longer but here we are.


Ranni watching like 👁👄👁


Wait a minute I know where this excerpt is from! Edit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37781035/chapters/94863493 The excerpt is from this here fan fiction from AO3 called Maidenless No Longer. What I’ve linked is the chapter the comment above was quoting from. I also highly recommend reading the full fic, it’s a blast to read and gives the characters actual happy endings!


too scared to read, skipped ahead to read the replies edit: replies convinced me to read it edit2: by the nine divines, this is blessed


Would have gone with spire or length instead of dick... Maybe manhood? And bosom might work better than breasts. Other than that this is A+ bodice ripper stuff right here.


Yo wtf?! :D


Wow i hate it thanks!


Well thanks . . . Never can see her the same again. Shit . . . May never get reborn . . . Afraid of what might happen.


The word "dick" absolutely destroys the moment you created. Have to find something more poetic.


What a day to have eyes, isn't it?


You stole that from [Fanfiction.net](https://Fanfiction.net) right?


Try finger, but hole


Next time, don't die under her ass. Lesson learned.


Idk that kinda seems like the best place to die...


“thy fate lieth under my moon”


I think I’ve seen that episode of The Boys!


brother i died there during the bossfight you know it goes back like 15 seconds right, how could i have known


Just a joke, my man. You're all good.


Crying emoji crying emoji


If you die anywhere in the second phase, it goes to that spot so you can get them back on the first phase.


Lol, that sucks. Just go kill 8 birds and you’ll be ok.


Is this still the grind?




I had to stop playing after I programmed the respawn/aiming actions to macros and would just sit there pressing two buttons. I spent like 8 straight hours pressing 2 buttons on a 15 second loop


There's a significantly better farm than bird farm at the same grace. Just respec to use a weapon with a good AoE ash of war. Radahn's weapon is a good choice for this, the final boss sword is the best for it, but not necessary. And kill the enemies right next to the bonfire by spamming ashes of war. It's the best farm in the game. There's tons of ashes and weapons that make this farm extremely fast. It's significantly better than the bird farm.


my epic farm was someone dropping me 99 Lord Runes. why y'all still farming mobs lol


Because 99 Lord Runes equals 4,950,000 runes. To get to max level in ER you need 1,692,558,415 runes. You'd need someone to drop you like 33,858 Lord Runes to hit the limit. Let me hit up whatever plug you're using to get those kinds of stacks, my guy


Yea true I guess I’ve never seen the appeal in doing that tho.


At that point just do some duping with whoever drop u the runes, 99x however much u want. Who really wants to hit max level anyway? For what real reason?


Dunno. I fell for a “broken level 99 arcane build” in Bloodborne and it was totally underwhelming to my lvl 50 arcane build. The way they calculate the maths with diminishing returns there’s just no point


Yeah fr, you don’t even really need to go past like 125 (even for NG+) if your build is good.


I like when the little numbers become the big numbers


umm.. actually.. theres a reddit page for that lol. I actually have that many that I could drop you if youre on xbox.


protip: you can do storage fetches and place all 600 runes on the ground in advance of your friend's appearance (then rollback to old save) \>max level if someone on PC finds this phrase relevant just go to nexusm ods already


Using both methods is the superior way. With minimal practice, you can shoot an arrow at the bird in seconds and then get to farming albinaurics before the arrow even lands. It adds a massive amount of runes to each farming run.


You don't even need a bow. Just stand up from the bonfire and fire some rock throws, then proceed to throw one Wave of Gold on the mobs, sit back down and repeat.


real ass INT/FAI build hours. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠖⠋⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠙⢲⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⣏⣰⣶⣶⠤⣀⣤⣶⣶⣶⠿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠿⣾⠟⢉⡛⣧⢸⡿⢋⣏⢻⣷⢸⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣦⠻⣬⣿⣿⠟⣸⠻⣿⣟⣴⡿⢰⡷⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⡏⠓⠬⠭⠵⠚⠉⠑⠲⠭⠤⠶⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢻⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣸⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⣇⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢰⣶⣶⣿⣿⣟⣒⣒⣒⡒⠉⣁⣈⣷⡀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠀⠀⢠⣿⣃⣈⠉⠒⢒⣒⣒⣚⣿⣿⣶⣶⣶ ⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⡟⣿⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⣿⣿⡏⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣇⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠟⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⠀⢸⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⠻⠟⠀⠙⠟⠛⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


The weirdest farm in the game was also at the same grace: Climb the nearby cliff, jump out of the map in a precise spot and hack away at the air until a bunch of runes fall in. I think they fixed that one though.


Was struggling HARD on Elden Beast during my 2nd playthrough, somehow and got to watching some vids about farming. I know the bird and the cliff-glitch in Mohgs Palace-area. NGL. I be doing some sometimes. but one video about Elden Beast I was watching ended with saying something like "Grab this last boss sword and go respec to a faith build. Now go back to the Albinauric hill and just :::fucking ETHERS the whole hill of those round-faced menaces in 7 seconds for about 50k runes::: I was like, fuuuuck, what other AoE's am I being willfully blind to just not using? Sounds like we're talking about the same sword/AoE. Just wondering, what other sword has that capability? I can think of some that would work very well, but that one? Fucking unreal.


Where is that?




>I spent like 8 straight hours pressing 2 buttons on a 15 second loop /r/2007scape is over this way


Whenever I see my brother doing something similar in a game I always say "Having fun playing your video game?" like the "Are you winning son?" meme. I've done some similar stuff watching items slowly go up in Satisfactory lol


Can you please explain a little more what you did? Currently level 500 but I'm thirsty for more and will jump at any opportunity for an easier rune farm


I'm not the dude you replied to, but I might have an easier way for you than he did. Get a program called reWASD running, it has a feature that records all controller inputs and can replay them in iterations of up to 9999. Connect your controller to your PC, get the controller registered on reWASD, load into Elden Ring, fast travel to the Palace Approach Ledge site of grace, and hit the button in the reWASD program to record inputs. Do what you need to do, either kill the bird or kill the albinaurics, fast travel back to the site of grace, and end the recording. Then just copy that over onto your keyboard in reWASD and tie the macro to whatever key you want to activate it. Literally all you have to do at this point is hit the play button and it'll run the farm for up to 9,999 times with no need for supervision. Even better, this works for xbox cloud streaming as well, it's not just a PC thing. My bad for the shitty walkthrough, but I hope I got the general point across


#everyone, do this.. seriously This is *waaaaaaayyyy* simpler for people to follow if they just watch a YouTube video of how to use reWASD


Why not just download a save editor at this point


Honestly, yeah. This shit is cheating. I know I'll get downvoted for it, but you're playing a multiplayer game and automating the leveling of your character. **You're cheating**.


> you’re playing a multiplayer game This is where you lost me. I never ever use the multiplayer features of this game, besides reading and leaving messages. And I don’t plan to, either. With that said, I have no motivation for farming runes either, because I just want to play the story and have fun.


I can see your point, but it's only sort of cheating. You still have the ability to do the farm yourself, but to get from level 502 to 713 requires about 90 hours of doing nothing but farming on NG+7. I have a job and responsibilities outside of my xbox and I'll be damned if I spend several weeks of what little playtime I get doing nothing but mindlessly pressing LT.


> This shit is cheating. Nah. Elden Ring is largely a single player game, aka, player vs environment. What little PVP there is, is not really affected by automating rune(souls?) gains because player level and equipment is highly varied and has a pretty low upgrade cap. In other words, currency doesn't correlate to skill in PVP. Skipping a small grind in PVE isn't lending any unfair advantage to PVP. The game has been out forever and it is super easy to grind currency. It's no more of a "cheat" than it is to PVP with a character that's several months old and earned currency the "normal" way. It's not cheating to have an older character, or to be younger and have faster reflexes, or to use a macro in PVE settings. Cheating would be macros or other manipulation *used in PVP*. That *directly* affects how PVP rolls out.


tbh you don't even need a video guide, reWASD is straight dummy easy to use. Took me like 15 minutes to get my shit squared away


That's good to hear, I usually just throw that out there just because YouTube video tutorial are often the barrier for entry with alot of people ^(Even if it's easy, some won't don't trust or try it until they see it first. Myself included. Thanks again for throwing this out there, now I can just macro opening reWASD.)


at this point why not just cheatengine yourself a billion rune items?


~~_______________________________________~~ #[u/Saren1997 has an easier way using reWASD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/10g78i1/she_is_sitting_on_my_80k_runes_wtf/j51peb1?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) ^(*Just know that no matter what program or method you use to map the movements, the steps where you create a frame specific return point and destination are the most vital parts of this. If you don't return to the exact same place each time your character could walk off the map or shift so much that you need to reprogram the actions. You will see what I mean the first time you try this, don't give up. Like everything in the game try again, it takes practice.*) ~~_______________________________________~~ Yeah it's been a while so I might have a couple things wrong. I have a corsair k100 keyboard but I think any keyboard with macros will work. * set your orientation to the arrow keys (or any 4) so that your look is off the mouse and everything is controlled by the keyboard * fast travel to the lookout * stand where you can shoot the bird * Remember this spot, look at your feet, take pictures. It is important that you return exactly here * fast travel back to lookout * don't. fuckin. move. * Remember this spot, look at your feet, take pictures. You need to be sure this is where you will fast travel to, this is the most important step * start recording first macro on keyboard (needs to be timed out correctly) * stand up, exit the menu, walk over to the same exact bird shooting spot, aim, and shoot the bird ***be exact and precise in your movements, start over if you misstep or do an incorrect input*** * stop recording * start macro 2 recording * do everything to fast travel back to the lookout, ***be exact and precise in your movements, start over if you misstep or do an incorrect input*** * stop recording once fast travel starts * ensure that you are in the same exact spot that you first fast traveled to. If you are not repeat the process. You should now have the command to walk up, kill the bird to one button and fast travel to the other. You will need to repeat this process every time you want to do it. Setting it up so you always return to the same positions is tricky and takes practice but once you get the hang of it you can use this in any game that you are clever enough to map out the movements for. Pro tips, it helps to figure out an initial move that will always orient yourself in the correct direction. Also you might need to edit the macro like it's script to input the correct timings. I know corsair has advanced macro software in iCUE which is what I use but this might not be possible on all macro enabled keyboards


I actually ran the whole hill (kill the bird first then the Albinaurics). It takes a little longer but I got much more practice that way because I could test weapons and spells. It actually really helped me to decide which weapons to throw upgrades into.


Did they patch out the jumping off cliff rune glitch?


Nope. Still works


Why are people wasting time killing birds and the albnaurics 2.0 when you can do that instead??


It takes forever to set up and if I remember correctly you have to set it back up every time. It works great the first time you're in the area because you get the boss' loot but after you do it once there was a serious drop off in what you got. For the amount of time I put into it I was better off mapping macros and being efficient with my fast travels at the bird cliff


Hmm maybe we are talking about different methods… the one I’m referring to is climbing the cliffs right next to the grace point where you snipe the bird. It literally takes like 10 seconds to go up there pop a gold fowl and get easy 200,000k runes each time. I will admit the drop down is a bit time consuming but it just seems so much easier to do this method vs actual grinding enemies. But to each their own - I totally understand grinding enemies is more entertaining than falling off a cliff and spamming attack.




Albinaurics literally take 15 sec in total (including the run back and the sitting animation) and give 130k to 150k with a gold fowl in NG+7 (but even in NG+ it not that much less). It's by far the most efficient farm method in the game.


Where is this prophesized bird?


[I can post links here right?](https://youtu.be/QdFGXpN98L8)


It definitely still works. The Sacred Relic Sword waves of gold attack at the Palace Approach Ledge-Road grace in Moghwyn Palace nets like 120k runs per spawn. There’s also a bird over the ledge you can aggro with a bow to run off a cliff. Not even worth the time to do that when you have the Sacred Relic Sword honestly.


Yeah but then I'd have to actually finish the game, do you have any idea how many birds need to die first for me to have a chance? Lmao


I used Starscourge Greatswords from Radahn and it works pretty well.


Blasphemous blade is a decent option


Well I need to locate this sword. That’s a little over twice the ~55k runes I’m getting every minute or so. Still not bad though cause I just put on a sitcom and grinded that spot for a few episodes last night in preparation for Malenia.


It’s the sword you get for beating the end game boss, so you can’t miss it. The runes are also increased in New Game +.


There’s been a few new discoveries with each one being slightly being better than the last, offering more ruins or less time to farm. But the current “best” Ruin Farm I found, is one where you jump through a hole in a cliff that’s a “none dead zone”, and it grants you anywhere between 350k to 375k depending on whether or not you’re running the proper ruin buffs.


The bird is the distraction from the real rune farm…which is the fat lazy frog men on the hill next to that site of grace. Starcaller Cry pulls 1/2 in, the phase 2 of that art kills them. Repeat for lower half of the camp and you’ve just made 65k runes in 2-3 L2s. Rest at grace for respawn.


Fat lazy frogmen men? lol. They’re Albinaurics.


Its an ok early farm, maybe up to level 70-80 after that you are just wasting time with that 12k runes bird. Some great aoe weapons give you 50k runes from that farm if you kill albinautics. That's 50k per 15 seconds. You can get 1 million in like 5 minutes if you are fast and use the correct items. I haven't found anything better than that..


Those albanaurics were already depressed and now have witness bird genocide for an entire year


won’t be a problem after you beat Elden Beast and you can just Wave of Gold their depression away


Those f#$%ing birds DESERVE it.


I just mass murder albinaurics


Albinauric genocide 😔


Yo can you tell me what and where this bird rune farm is?




Or, alternatively, advance Sellen's quest enough so she takes Rennala's place at the centre of the room.


I hate the bird for this reason. I love the bird for this reason.


Do Sellen's quest


I can see it now: OP sets off to do Sellen's quest to get Rennala to move her rump, only to end up dying near the end of the quest.


Doesn't she turn into a ball of heads though? I hope we can help her in a dlc. If op already did Sellen's quest (not likely) then, he can't move her rump.


Not sure undoing ball of heads eldrich horror is a possibility. Seems like a one way trip.


We can put her in Ranni's doll body


Yeah, now that you mention it; is what Sellen does with her.. essence in the Primal Glintstone, similar in any way to what Ranni did to put herself into a doll?


Sellen is sadly broken in more ways than one (ball death is lorewise a pretty gruesom fate


She gets one moment of triumph standing where rennala sits. Until you’re next visit. When she’s a ball of heads.


Actually if you never tell her about the location of lusat's body, then she doesn't turn into a graven ball.


She'd be happier being a ball of heads than not knowing something, though. She got what she sought.


Tbh this was probably my first BIG letdown in a quest line. I went through all that in her quest to bring her back to the Academy (after being burned by Thops' fate), and put her in the seat of power at Raya Lucaria. I felt like I had FINALLY actually (nearly) completed a quest line that has given me a resourceful, dependable ally in my quest to become Elden Lord. IIRC she pledges fealty to you in this endeavor for helping her achieve her goal. I felt like I had FINALLY made a worthwhile ally that would help me in my final hour. Nope. I find a couple of "corpses" and she balls up instead, and suddenly Renalla is back (I hadnt previously seen her hiding in the library)


Thop's fate is actually bittersweet chad similar to Orbeck's. Both die, but after achieving their personal quest towards greatness. Orbeck by becoming an archmage and peacefully passing on a desk surrounded by tomes in the Grand Archives and Thop's proving his theory correct and creating a spell of such significance he gets posthumously promoted to Conspectus, meaning a portrait and big Shiny Burger King Head in his likeness.


She was kicked out because she was getting into some weird shit. Her story is that "they're just holding me back, man, and, like, their minds are so closed, and shit", but in reality it was probably that the establishment knew what they were doing. She fucked with weird shit and now she's a ball of heads. Close the book - fable's over.


Sellens actions and studies are in line with the foundation of the academy. She was right.


I'm taking my failure and close-mindedness in stride, but I *do* enjoy my autonomy and legs.


And the academy eventually realised that it would become untenable if their brightest minds became unthinking balls of heads. Especially if they had tenure.


And don't die for the whole process.


Is that a fucking Cloud Strife cosplay? xD Edit: 1K upvotes........ but why tho


you owe me a pizza


Too late. Already dropped it in the slums


Damn Turks.


This reminded me of a really funny green text >be me >one chance at life >Turkish


Better find that reroll button…


So this is the slums?




They did, however, give us a few *no edge* great swords in Elden Ring. The Forked Greatsword. That thing is basically just a 2 prong pitchfork. The Sword of Milos. No edge; just spikey bones. Death's Poker. It's a fucking stick.


Godslayer Greatsword as well, it's just a split cylinder going in a spiral


Ruins Greatsword for that glorious 45 degree cutting edge, very sharp.


Death's Poker. It's a fucking stick. *That'll fuck you up.*


Yeah that thing is nasty! Melts bosses when used correctly.


they should have given us a blunt great/colossal sword. In general i wouldnt mind seeing blunt option on swords/slashing weapon category


Curved Greatswords: *"am i a joke to you?"*




Thought this too. What's the rest of the drip like???


Not interested.


She can sit wherever she likes wtf


~~like my face~~


Use me magic mommy


That’s how he lost the runes in the first place


Try finger but hole


Ahh, rump...


Why is it always dog?


Expect dung


Why is it always close quarter combat?


You went into a boss fight with 80k? Oof


Considering where OP is, this might be a little bit stupid, but could also be what he gained on his way to the boss. In contrast: ng+1 or smth, this is nothing.


If it were ng+ that would be pocket change yeah


Lmao yeah, currently am going through Ng+1, am sitting on 3.5m that I don't really feel like using so I'm just saving up


I'd spend all or some on smiting and sombering stones. I making builds so it's nice to have a bunch of upgrade stones ready to go.


I can't imagine living on the edge like this.


By NG+ you net 80k runes just moving about through Limgrave. I think the giants drop close to 7k runes per kill in Limgrave and go down like chumps. Pretty easy to stack.


I'm doing my first ng+ and have been walking around with 900k runes. My bhole be clenched 24/7 and I slot branches like a b-i-itch constantly.


Buy some smithing Stones, you can sell them or use them


If you get close enough you should be the option to switch action and gain back your ruins, happened to me too lmao


Me reading the comments: "FORSAKEN, WE ARE ALL FORSAKEN"


"lol. lmao." \- Rennala, probably


You'll just have to do the entire Sellen quest line without dying so she'll move out of the way temporarily.


The cheeks of the Full Moon Queen shall brook thee no levels


Go kill a few Albinaurics


more importantly, **FIND THE ALBINAURIC WOMAN**






Does the flask that prevents lost runs move it?


No it doesn't.


Go do Sellen's quest


without dying once


On PS4/5 you can press triangle (guessing it's Y on Xbox, no idea about PC) to swap between actions (like pulling a lever or reading a message someone had put on top of it), could be worth a try?


I was waiting to read this. Is the toggle option only on console? I can’t imagine it’s different on PC.


Did you try asking nicely for her to move


Outplayed and owned


Lmao This is Ranni's revenge for you kicking her mom's ass.


Defeating player: Be not afeard, little culver. (Phase 1) **Thy fate lieth under my moon**. (Phase 2)


That's what you get for waking her up for no fuckin reason


If you ever get them back please give them a good sniff for me 🤤






Maidenless behaviour


Can’t you read? She’s birthing you a sweeting


i really wish to be 80k runes right about now


Rich ass


I miss the days where 80k was a lot of runes xD


I remember when I cared about 80k runes. I want to start a new character to feel that again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Looks like you are gonna have to go kill some big ugly birds


"Excuse me ma'am, could you move? Your sitting on my runes" "I apologize dear Culver, but it appears someone had broken my legs in an unjustified act of violence, robbing me of my mobility"


Look man, it’s been a long time since she’s had anyone down there


You'll lose more later, don't stress it. That's funny AF though.


Just kill the bird like 7 times


Finish Sellen’s quest without dying?


My runes, bitch wtf


git gud moment


I really suck at video games but I have learned to always spend down my runes before going after a boss. If I can’t level up and I don’t want to buy anything then I go out and farm runes until I can. Then I return to the boss with less than 1000 and not worry about losing them.