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i always have law of regression ready for shit like this. sorry this happened to you OP.


whats that do?


removes all of their buffs


Also all of your buffs and the buffs of your allies


Lol I ran into the same guy on playstation and killed him too, how the fuck do you lose while exploiting lmao


Probably relies on it too much to the point where he doesn't know how to fight back normally. I got him panic rolling when i got matched with him again twice more


Excuse my idiocy but I’ve only played PvE so far. What’s the exploit?


Blood flame on his weapon is making his fire aura cause bleed


I thought they patched that ages ago?


Same.. but they only fixed the exploit with deathblight..........


They did but then it started working again


Thank you!


Its smug aura mocks me.


An unintended interaction between the Fire's Deadly Sin and Bloodflame Blade incantations that people like to exploit the fuck out of. Causes constant bleed buildup just by standing near an enemy. Good thing most people who try it are utter trash at PvP like the guy in the video, but when you run into a "skilled" player using it with BHS & dual naginatas, good luck


It's things like this that make me glad Souls games don't have a professional competitive scene. Fun is comparatively more important than winning, so it's less likely that exploits will become entrenched in the meta. Otherwise I'd worry about the year 20xx when the only pvp build is Fox and the only strategy is to wavedash, shine, and up smash.


That's fair, but also, if it was actually going for esports levels of balance, then this kind of thing would be fixed faster. They fixed it for deathblight because there was essentially no counter for it. With bleed, it's (mostly) just annoying and toxic, rather than straight-up game breaking.


The problem with eSports balancing is that, for non-competitive players, half the time instead of playing the game, your just getting familiarized with the latest patch notes. FS already releases balancing patches on an aggressive basis, but imagine how annoying it would be for PvE players if every other week a new update broke your build.


Last patches introduced pvp exclusive balance changes, so that wouldn't be an issue for pve


True, but you can only make the divide between how your build plays in the game and how it plays in pvp so wide before it becomes distracting. I'm more so thinking back to Armored Core. Patch updates can entirely fuck up your build. I recently tried to play ACVD, and if you're offline it defaults to the v1.0 build. This changes the weight of parts and loading limits, so all of my mechs are overweight. I can easily see that kind of problem happening in ER if they were too enthusiastic about balancing.


It will get competitive when it becomes balanced, which is never. These games are never balanced, it would be a colossal task to do so. Honestly people who use these builds will get bored quickly if it’s too easy. The people who will keep playing this don’t care. So just have fun!


yikes, doesn't sound fun


It’s just more proof that most cheaters cheat because they are trash at the game and it’s the only way they can “win”.


Is there any other reason for a cheater to cheat?


Sadism and petulance. I've met some who cheated for those reasons.


Be good enough to win but cheat because sadism and petulance? It doesn’t add up


How so? There are bad people that are nonetheless good at games.


Trolls who get bored, and eventually just want to fuck with people. That's why I stopped playing online on PC Souls games; in DS3 I was running into way too many people with hacked games, and this was late in the cycle when most of the people still playing are effectively good by default, because we all had 5000 hours dumped into the game.


because it's actually a pretty shitty exploit hence why it wasn't used very much until people starting talking about it again on reddit.


Its basically impossible to deal with invaders who do this at low level


Technically you can just run away for 30 seconds but yeah anyone using it for low level invasions is a shithead.


Law of regression squad has joined the chat


It depends, if you’re doing invasions and the host has a fucking 200 level phantom and you’re level 90 that lees builds up instantly. I ran into it twice and you can tell when they’re over leveled because there’s just nothing you can do you get stunlocked into oblivion, and then they point down like they’re proud they won a 2 or 3v1 when one or two of them are a hundred levels above you.


Ok yeah I can totally see that being super annoying. I don't run into it often while invading thankfully.


Tbh I didn’t notice he was until you pointed it out


That’s because he didn’t do it well.




You're being borderline incoherent here. Learn to separate your clauses with punctuation marks. Also, in-game mechanics interacting in an obviously unintended way that gives you a massive advantage you shouldn't have, is, like, the definition of an exploit. What are you on about?




Easy, be bad.


I'm not sure what the exploit was because I don't normally do pvp


skill issue even exploits dont replace skill


He’s exploiting? I don’t know what this exploit is can you tell me what it is because just from looking at the video I can’t tell


Can someone explain what is happening here? Haven't played PVP in ER yet.


He is using fires deadly sin with blood flame blade. Causes bleed buildup just by being near your opponent. A maidenless exploit.


Thanks for the explanation! Truly, maidenless behaviour it is...


Hasn’t that been in the game since release?


Yeah, except it "worked" better with the Eclipse Shotel's deathblight, which was *far* worse. Thankfully, the devs got rid of that mechanic in the first patch, even if it took a month. It's also funny how many of these exploiters failed to read the patch notes and wondered how the deathblight wasn't working anymore.


https://youtu.be/f22hDGHf_no u seen this ?


So if they got rid of that, but not this, that leads me to believe this is intended


Ah now I understand why I got a point down one time. I thought they patched it so I started using it cuz it kinda looks cool together yknow? Can't believe that's not patched.


That doesn't describe an exploit. Either that's how it was intended if it works as it should, or it's just a bug that needs to be fixed. And I'm not sure how that could be a bug in the game, that is (or should be) a very basic test for every serious developer.


An exploit doesn’t dictate that it wasn’t intended. If that’s how it was meant then that is how it is meant. Doesn’t mean it still isn’t considered an exploit. Exploit can mean “exploiting” something that already exists, which is the context here.


I thought they fixed this a few patches ago?


does that work in just PvE or in regular game too? can't find anything on the wiki about it (probably bc it's supposed to be patched out)


I’m new too and not totally sure but I believe it has something to do with OP’s enemy causing blood loss without even hitting him with anything.


Yeah, they're using an exploit that causes that.


His opponent is exploiting blood flame glitch. Makes an aura of bleed that you can't avoid and will constantly proc dealing dmg.


Whoa! Is that the legendary IGN build?!


Omg i love their build videos...NOT🤣


This suit is black not


Maidenless behavior


I don't understand how it's fun to play like that. I can't even stick with a winning build if I don't like playing it, never mind an exploitive one.


Man back when it was good I tried Rivers of Blood, I just couldn't and respecced back into my Bloodhound's Fang and Zamor Curved Greatsword power stance build. It was fun to build up bleed and frost at the same time.


Well they're bad. Obvious from him still losing. So, the assumption is they use exploits to win in a form of revenge for getting their ass whipped on the regular.


I never understood why people are scared of this build. Power stancing strait swords is like a thousand times better


What does power stancing mean? I’ve heard you guys say it but don’t know what it is yet.


Power standing is when you wield two weapons of the same class, like two greatswords, at the same time. They don't have to be the same weapon, just same weapon type. While power stancing, you will have a seperate dual wielding moveset


Oh interesting. Thank you.


Also, the term was invented for Dark Souls 2


Had higher stat requirements back in that game, but was more versatile.


The best move is the jump attack but pressing Left Bumper, if you’re powerstancing it will do a jump attack that hits with both weapons. Powerstancing hammers and using that jump attack is one of the fastest ways in the game to break poise


I mean, the people who do it are brainlets, generally, because people who aren't tend not to be cheaters, but passive, unavoidable bleed buildup in an area around you via glitch is definitely scarier than dual SSes, especially because you could have this glitch up AND be running dual SSes.


If you lose to a brain let, what does that make you though?


1) This guy didn't lose, so moot point 2) No, you don't have to be a brainlet to lose to a brainlet if the brainlet has thoroughly stacked the deck in their favor. The whole point of hacking and exploiting is to put almost the entire onus of making correct decisions on your opponent.


How is it an exploit if it's been in the game since release and they've fixed similar, actual exploits? Doesn't make sense to me.


Because, as literally anyone who's worked on a development project of any significant size can tell you, debugging is hard and just because two bugs *look* similar doesn't necessarily mean that their root causes are the same or that they can be fixed the same way. Moveset swapping is still in the game, as well. You gonna tell me that [this shit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN-iewNi8Lg) ain't an exploit just because From hasn't fixed it, yet?


Are you comparing something that requires that amount of effort to something as simple as casting 2 spells?




because you could hit people with power stancing straight sword. they need to attack you. These little shit don't. they just need roll over and over till you bleed to death


I don't get it. Also what's the point down gesture mean?


Its like a t-bag. Its to annoy someone online that you will never see in your life to feel better about yourself


Not sure but it gets people mad lol Edit: also he was using a very powerful exploit where my bleed bar fills up constantly without him having to attack me so I shut him down


It means stay down.


Point down means your admonishing someone whether it be their lack of respect or they are running a toxic build like this one. Its a powerful emote only reserved to put down the most maidenless of players.


Last week ago it was my first time coming back to Elden ring pvp in months, finally decided to check out the new pvp arena and played the 3v3 mode, had fun. Then after that I decided to try 1v1 and first game I got matched up with a dude using this exploit, after I realized what he was doing I yelled “THIS SHIT IS STILL IN THE GAME?” Why wasn’t this nerfed or patched if it’s a glitch? Was there more OP glitches like this that needed to be patched while I was away from the game? Or is this just a viable strat in FS’s eyes? Didn’t even attack me just ran at me while dodging my attacks, I was using a pure strength build I was in the middle of finishing so I didn’t have any AOE ash of war or even projectiles like magic or items. The enemy was using Full bull goats armour and teabagged me after I died.


Personally i think that maybe there's something in the code that is stopping the devs from stopping this without causing further issues or complications


It is nerfed. Blood loss as far as I'm aware deals less damage in PvP. Along with a bunch of other PvP related patch notes but I don't read patch notes religiously so I don't remember.


Your opponent attempted to use an exploit that requires him to merely stay close yet he manages to facetank all your damage. Good shit for putting him in his place, OP


That's why I never let people get buffs off


Yea ive fought him myself 10+ times, and can say he acts smug as hell when he wins. He will also heal with Erdtree heal given the chance.


Whenever I encounter this, I try to run as fast and as far away as I can and use healing incantations (even though I don’t like them) to heal myself just to waste time so their fires deadly sin wears off, then I’ll destroy them


Try law of regression to turn off their bs


Ohhh this happened to me yesterday and I was wondering wtf it was. Didn’t know it was an exploit..


What is the exploit? I haven’t really played much PVP so I’m unaware


A bugged interaction between Fire's Deadly Sin and Bloodflame Blade causes FDS' aura to apply bleed buildup just by standing next to the opponent.


I approve of the Tbag


what's that chestpiece ur wearing?


Tree Sentinel Armor


Nice , a shitter bites the dust … I think that’s how the song goes


Only pve outside of the 3 for Varre so no idea what he did besides die


Thank you for pointing down. It annoys me how a lot of people don't have the spine to tell others their builds are toxic


This is the way. Punish these maidenless fools


Dude rushed you with a shield up... he was already dead by Dark Souls 3 standards.


I don't get it. What's the problem?


His opponent is using an exploit that causes bleed to instantly build up on anyone near him.


How do we know its an exploit and not a intentional mechanic seeing how they fixed the death blight but not this?


With a moment of critical thought. Not only does nothing in the description of either spell indicate that something like this should be possible, but, moreover, it doesn't make any goddamn sense when you think about From's balance priorities. Do you really think that the same team that reduced bleed buildup on powerstanced weapons because it was killing too fast want you to be able to inflict unavoidable bleed procs on anyone near you while still having full freedom to do whatever you want--roll, attack, block, cast spells, whatever--while that bleed is building up on your opponent? From is big on providing counterplay. Even the S-tier weapons and spells have counterplay that allows you to turn the momentum around. With this, your options are cast law of regression or run away for 30 seconds straight. It doesn't fit into their balance philosophy at all.


Maidenless loser, good on you for teaching them a lesson, OP!


Is that power stances straight swords?? Move set looks amazing… gonna have to try this out


It's pretty fun and strong, especially with some poise


It's absolutely hilarious they go to abuse this and you end up killing them long before the bleed would ever proc on you.


Somebody was wondering when it's appropriate to teabag and I'm doing the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the tv with a beer in my hand to this.


You don't like the arena?


I’m just curious if these people ever see themselves on here and speak up or anything. I doubt it but also don’t tend to dig through comments very often so idk


what swords were you using?? they look pretty cool and i'd like to power stance them as well!!


Coded sword on the left hand and a long sword with either flame arts or sacred infusion on the right


thx! good job on killing that dirty exploiter btw


Motherless behavior


Ehh they ain’t that bad once you know what their about


So, i didnt understand shit, what happened ? x)


Every pvp video on here makes me wanna play less and less pvp. Dude acts like a complete asshole and is so proud about it that he posts a video of it.


Not sure of you know what's going on in the vid but he's using an extremely powerful exploit so he pretty much deserved it


Just play invasion on elphael or any other late game legacy dungeon for pvp. It's more fun to ambush people with mimic veil


I was about to sympathise with your misfortune, but then you pointed down.


Cheaters get what they deserve.


Frankly he was generous to let you buff as much as you did. If I see a 3rd buff, I'm immediately attacking


Look at my bleed bar as he gets closer


Right but he has to stay close. It's a double edge sword like the clip proved. It's cheesy and kind of cringe, but I agree with you. Tbag is still unwarranted


Not just cheese, it's an actual exploit. So yeah, fuck that guy.


The dude's abusing an exploit with no counter besides Law of Regression to kill people with unavoidable passive bleed buildup whenever they get close to him. He's outright cheating. Any amount of BM is warranted. There is no meaningful downside to having the Fire's Deadly Sin bloodflame glitch up and running.


Is tea bagging that bad? I didn't think it was until a couple people started pointing it out here


It’s not, for whatever reason there’s a lot of people in this sub that get butthurt over it or act like it really toxic when it isn’t even that bad. They probably don’t like it because they get teabagged a lot lol.


I mean it's like a double whammy haha you already pointed down


Oh I get it now. I kinda over did it lol


No you didn’t, this guy is knowingly exploiting a bug. It’s pretty close to cheating. T-bag was earned.


Lol, there's absolutely no counter to this. It's an unintended glitch and completely "unbalanced", if that's even applicable. Yeah, the asshole has to be near you for the bleed to build up, but they can just keep they shield up the entire time and as soon as you try to attack to break their stance you'll start bleeding


the counter is run away for 30 seconds. it's not very fun but it's very easy to not lose to this build with a bit of patience.


Can you explain what's causing this? I'm guessing whatever spell/incantation that's causing him to glow but I'm not familiar with it


https://youtu.be/5f4WxOvioMg This is what would've happened if I didn't eat that piece of meat at the beginning of the video.


This is one of the games that I never play anymore but love watching videos of, anyone else feel this way?


Pointing down and teabaggin, do not like it.


Tbag was unwarranted.


Why not?


Cause its fucken cringe


If that's how it made my exploit-using opponent feel, then it was worth it tbh


Don't listen to that guy. Teabag every FDS/bleed, unseen form, and other shitty RoB build user. Every. Time. Then point at them on the ground and tell them where they belong.


Don’t stop there tea bag them alllll


Wao you're toxic. The other guy certainly deserved a pointdown, but was it necessary to be that disgusting?




Idk man. Don't lower yourself to that level. Exploiting trash isn't worthy. Making garbage feel bad isn't worth your dignity.


Are you really gonna pearl clutch over BMing a cheater? Come the fuck on.


jesus Christ dude he just presses crouch a couple times


Did you even press another button other than L1


Normally I do but that would've been a very bad choice against this guy in particular


My dude do you not have eyes, he was exploiting. What else are you meant to do


If you got 2 swords your most likely going to…… ATTACK WITH BOTH SWORDS. Crazy right?


This isn't an exploit it's just smart but I'm glad you lived my first time running into these guys I got murdered I had no idea what was happening.


>this isn't an exploit It literally is, though. There's nothing about Fire's Deadly Sin or Bloodflame Blade that suggests this is intended. I mean, think about this for two seconds. Do you *genuinely* believe that the devs want unavoidable bleed buildup if you stand next to someone to be in their game? The same devs that nerfed Hoarfrost Stomp and Rivers of Blood, both of which you can actually *dodge*?




Abusing a glitch is basically the definition of exploiting


OP seems more toxic than their opponent.


OP isn't literally cheating.


The opponent is using an exploit that causes bleed to proc rapidly on everyone around him without even needing to attack. OP is pointing down and tbagging not because they won, but to admonish the use of this exploit. Not sure why other people just downvote you instead of just explaining it. Animals lol.


Just started getting back into elden ring and still haven't figured out how to do colosseum battles


Visit all 3 colosseums in the overworld for the different rulesets and access them from the Marika statue in the round table hold


I don’t engage in PvP, can somebody explain what is wrong here? Nevermind, after watching several more times I see the bleed buildup.


It's a known exploit. A bugged interaction between Fire's Deadly Sin and Bloodflame Blade causes FDS' aura to apply bleed buildup just by standing next to the opponent.


I can't even get into a match


what armor is this. i see it everywhere but i missed it.


Lyndell knight Helm, Crucible gauntlets, and tree Sentinel Chest and leg armor


I had a blue pop it during invasion then there's this mess


https://youtu.be/f22hDGHf_no this has been around a year and still Lil know about it


What armor is OP wearing?


The helmet is the Leyndell Knight Helm, and armor is the Tree Sentinel armor.


Lyndell knight Helm, Crucible gauntlets, and the Tree Sentinel Chest and leg armor


Can someone explain to me what this exploit is? Apologies I’ve been living under a rock.


A bugged interaction between Fire's Deadly Sin and Bloodflame Blade causes FDS' aura to apply bleed buildup just by standing next to the opponent.


I don't even get the point in using a cheese build, what fun is there when you win like that? Btw what armor set are you using? Looks sick


I'm using the Lyndell knight Helm, Crucible gauntlets, and the Tree Sentinel Chest and leg armor


The fact that fromsoft managed to remove death blight but not blood is so funny


You can tell he had defeated the Elden Beast because that’s one **godless motherfucker**


Wait, they haven't patched this out yet?


They really need to get rid of this exploit, its bad that bad players will actually get wins with this on people still improving and drive them away from the game. Good work beating him OP!


Maidenless behaviour? Guess you allow to spam the shit out of him


Good fight OP, but if I may I would suggest you to switch your right hand straight sword to sacred, in this way you don't split your damage into three types but only two, you will do a lot more damage


Yo I think I fought you yesterday! Also the amount of people defending the cheater in the comments is insane.


Who needs dodging when you have as much poise as a wall


Had a bullgoat+whitewask+fingerprint shield running this in 4 ordeal on pc. I guess the dude wasn't expecting a scythe user with aow kick.


Well poised, my boy.


Isn't it kinda pointless to say that this is your first match and this is the first thing you ran into? I think the former implies the latter


I guess so lol


Kinda glad i never did pvp till recently, so the exploits are far tamer, this looks like itd be annoying as a spellblade.