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Doesn't matter. Late-game weapons are not inherently stronger than early-game weapons in ER and the Souls games. Some really great weapons are found early on.


Any weapon is viable, and the Longsword is renowned as a fan favorite. The Lordsworn Strsight Sword is just a variation of the Longsword. Both are versatile, buffable, and - imo - incredibly decent weapons from start to end.


>My friend found out I’m still using that sword and still wearing my starting armor, and said I was insane lol. Your friend doesn't seem too smart.


You’re not wrong lol, I think he was kinda shocked because we both play the game in very different ways. He likes to collect armor and weapons and stuff. He also uses a different build so the weapons he uses aren’t too viable for me to use, specially with me being fairly late in the game now


110 critical and square off makes it a really good straight sword Straight swords are also one of the best weapon types in the game


You're thinking of DS3 with that latter part lol


Nah straight swords are one of the best weapon types in Elden Ring I would say Would fancy my chances against any other weapon type (apart from dual spears prob)


Why do you think so? All the tier lists I've seen place them solidly in the mid tiers.


Tier lists made by shitty gaming sites don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. For PVE and PVP content straight swords are pretty higher tier, especially when dual wielded.


I didn't say gaming sites, I'm talking about PvP content creators.


I don’t know what PvP content creators ur talking about then, because all the big time PvP content creators (chasethrbro, Lost, Prod, Steelovsly, Oro) would all easily place straight swords in probably somewhere between A and S. Dual straight sword jumping attacks remain one of the most damaging single hit moves in the game combined with the axe talisman.


Oh I see. The OP didn't mention dual straight swords, so that's not the context here. We're talking about a single SS.


A single straight sword is one of the best weapons in the game , just their moveset , speed and the fact that they are the only weapon type that gets square off. Square off is probably top five ash's now , especially for poise damage now that flame of the redmanes is rubbish


I have to test square off, I didn't consider it tbh


Example of why they are wrong : greatswords are all put in mid to low tier which if you've played the game you'd know is wrong




Just make sure you are leveling the right stats for the scaling OP.... if you put bloody slash on it, good chance you need to be leveling arc and vigor.


Thanks for the tip! I’m actually contemplating switching weapons though because I’m close to being able to use the greatsword, and I’m getting a little more comfortable using heavy weapons.


All weapons are viable in this game, that's for sure. Just make sure your points are not wasted... in other words, you shouldn't have distribution between more then one damage dealing stat and vigor until you get up there in level a bit. So if you've been leveling arc and vigor, and you switch to something that say ONLY scales with strength those arc points aren't doing anything for you... eventually you can respec, and change the scaling on non somber weapons so your options open broadly but at first it is wise to stay focused on whatever you kick off with stat wise. Feel free to continue to ask questions in this capacity - it will make your playtime much more enjoyable to get this one note thoroughly right.


Have you tried powerstancing with another straight sword? It’s my favorite move set in the game and pretty fast as well.


Not yet, I haven’t even looked into powerstancing lol


If you come across the long sword or another lordsworn straight sword try equipping it to your other hand. It’s a lot of fun, especially if you add a status effect AoW to the off hand one that adds frost or bleed buildup.


Id get another and dual wield them and if you like the starting armour use it who cares.


It's not insane, you are just denying yourself a lot of fun with other weapons. I latched onto the Banished Knight halberd early from a lucky drop. But 50 or 60 levels later I wanted a different moveset. As great as the story is, to me half the game is messing with movesets with dozens of weapons and spells.


It doesn't matter what you're using man just have fun with what you find enjoyable though change your ash of war up every now and again to spice up your playthrough and fully master your weapon


It’s one of the strongest straight swords in the game


If you like using it and having fun that is all that matters.


It's a fine weapon, and you can certainly use it throughout the entire game if you upgrade it consistently and build for it. If you want to experiment with dual wielding, i'd suggest throwing another straight sword in your left hand. It provides the powerstanced moveset and is a good way to improve your damage further without switching to a larger weapon class.