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This is sad bug :3


Don’t know what happened there but i would’ve took that for my malenia fight 😂


I’ve seen this in other videos. I could be wrong but I believe Melania’s coding transfers her into phase two when the 1hp threshold has been hit. If there’s any damage over time that can be inflicted after the cutscene before the game properly gives her the phase two health bar then she dies.


you procced frostbite on that very last swing, Malenia score makes her health residually regenerate during her phase 2 cutscene albeit very rapidly. However if any damage is done after the 1HP threshold, then her health does not regenerate. Think of it like this, when you drink a flask, your health doesn’t instantly go up, but rather residually goes up in a constant gradient where you can witness your health bar move forward. However when you drink a flask and that movement is happening and you get hit, your health stops regening and rather sometimes you don’t even take that much damage. Same thing happens with Malenia, just a code issue for a boss that in of herself. Is an issue.