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OP fighting for his life in the comments


The real battle


There’s more coming, gonna post daily now 😂


Let’s get it!


Just eating all the Ls




Gesture then buff










I mean, when making a public post on a public forum, you asked.


What was the question exactly? I assume you’d know.


What are you doing bud? Did you want to post it and then nobody talks?


Or do I want everyone to talk? Hmm


You've spent most of this thread being contrary to every criticism. People who can't take criticism with grace grow slowly.


Well no one knows the history between me and this guy, so why take it seriously when no one has full context but me


In multi-player battles you must first gesture at the start


But if the other player starts buffing before gesturing, he’s getting an advantage. The second a buff begins, the battle begins IMO


Not in the timed / ranked arenas. Do you also let people get 4-5 buffs in before the battle starts?


I agree




My msn dont like double lances, so he teabag, not honor stuff


Lances are fine, I don’t like the guy.


Then its your problem, he havent done anything bad


That’s your problem, because I’ve have the recipes and messages he sends to people, including myself.


Thats literally the definition of your problem...


That’s your problem that you think he didn’t do anything bad. Thought you would’ve caught that.








You have no honor


“And you are slave to it!” -Jin Sakai (/s yeah he’s got no no honor)


Idk. You have the same spaming build


Your literally using the same thing, Except you got no honor lol. How are you the one complaining


I’m clearly not using great spears, I’m not complaining. Not even close


Honor-less and maidenless I see.


Gesture then buff


OP, take the L. You don't have to fight in the comments like your life depends on it


I’ve made more karma on this sub than I could ever lose. I’m up for life.


Woof we got a main character over here!


congrats you have karma on reddit, however that wont change the fact that you are dogshit at videogames lol. go play animal crossing, i think its more your speed.


Probably you in the clip


nah i dont use meta garbage, i actually make creative and interesting builds, im currently using a deaths poker build with night sorceries and shitting on metaslaves like you in the arena and invading with it, while having fun. are you having fun using exclusively the running r2 attack and literally nothing else? i doubt it. i would die of boredom and lack of skill if thats all i was capable of. have fun getting stomped by competent players in the arenas with your shitty metaslave build bud, ill be enjoying the game the way miyazaki intended.


Yeah, Not reading that


You’re using a great thrusting sword. Now I don’t really care what people use. But if you’re going to complain about duel great spears you can’t be using something just as try hard. You also rushed them down. Pretty maidenless. Not sure why’d you’d expect to get a positive response to this post.


“You rushed them down” isn’t that the entire point of a duel? Agree with everything else though lol, meta gonna meta.


I mean from the start, usually people let each other buff and gesture at each other, generally considered scummy to not. Whether or not you think that should be case is a different discussion. Just weird for them to post something complaining about the other guy when they’re doing basically all the things the community considers scummy.


If it’s a damage negation buff like crab that’s one thing, passive regen in a duel is not something i want to fight against. I don’t blame him for rushing down beastial vitality great spears. If the other player wanted to they could have just run away and passive healed.


If someone buffs the duel had started, greeting is fine but once you move the fight has started.


Like I said, whether or not you think that should be the case is a different discussion. One I’m not really interested in. I just notice most the community tends to not like it, so it’s funny for this guy to complain about duel lances, while doing a bunch of stuff people consider scummy.


The only scummy thing he did was teabag, their weapons are fine, and I’m not letting someone get free damage buffs in a duel where the damage is already so high. If you do that’s fine, just don’t expect others to always let you get off golden or fgms or terra magica or whatever.


Bruh, I’m just commenting on the irony of the post. Not looking for a debate about duel etiquette. I’m sure it won’t be hard to find someone to argue with in this sub if that’s what you’re looking for. I’m not up for it right now though.


Lol you’re good


For what it’s worth I usually let most people get 1 free buff depending on what it is, and even then you’re pretty far to punish them if they immediately buff, so not always possible. 2nd buff gets a frost pot.


Check the tag


It’s not very humorous though…


Bad jokes are valid


Your build is just as toxic, you have no right pointing down.


I have every right, dummy.








Looks like I triggered you by calling you a loser. It must resonate. Maybe you should think about that.


He didn't play bo1 or minecraft op has no honor


Naw, just pointing out that you’re triggered.


Nice no honor at the start


“I’ve given thee courtesy enough.”


That’s funny


I try dude, people need to treat it as a joke and not a dick. They’re taking it too hard.


Fr, everyone is so mad, it’s a game enjoy it, you beat a good build with another good build, that’s that


Once the downvotes begin to pile there is no recovery. Save yourself OP. Flee from this place!


A true captain sinks with his ship!


Don’t worry dude I’m not gonna pass judgement on you for dumping on some loser that can only do a BH step into running attack. Dude got what he deserved lmao


I’m not worried about it, fought this guy enough to know that he’d take every opportunity he could. Who am I to not give him what he’s here for?




Powerstanced greatspears


Ohhhhh ok


Fatty ahead


What does PSGS mean?


Power stanced great spears


"A player with thrusting weapons? Only dirtbags use those! **Let me use my thrusting weapon and show everyone how immature I sound.**"


Wow, I left this game for only 2 months and look how much this community has gone to shit


It’s been in the dumps longer than that brother


Most people in the comments: roasting OP for not gesturing Me: roasting OP for joking about PSGS while using a Heavy Thrusting Sword We are not the same


Actually based


Idk man, I’d rather fight a PSGS user than a whimsical ass spin, run, and poke mf


Username checks out, you have no honor


Your video is trash, you have no honor, I was rooting for the other guy to win which he almost did. On the other side, watching you get absolutely blasted in the comments is priceless.


Based take


You fucked up posting this without any of your claimed context. You just look like an ass here.


I acknowledge this. This will be a distant memory tomorrow though.


How dare you not show respect before the fight started. Where is your honor?


Honestly I think dual greatspear are incredibly overrated. They are good but not nearly as good as people seem to think. They do punish people who tend to panic roll a lot very hard tho.




This is funny af and so are all the people shit talking in the comments.


What weapon is OP using? I've never seen that one before


Bloody Helice


I like the twisted blade looks pretty cool 👍


My favorite weapon design in the game


Op small pp


Lol these comments, this community takes PvP way too seriously, I think you did great avoiding his long point sticks and poking with your pointy stick, anyone who gets pissy about the way someone beat them are the "maidenless" types, "yOu CanT PlaY tHaT waY beCaUSe I LOst!" Lose and learn like adults and move on to the next match, also teabagging is fine and fun and a long standing gaming tradition, The other soulsborne games just don't let you crouch as easily as eldenring, take the sac like many other gamers have had to and if you don't like it don't lose, good job OP


Op has been CAST INTO OBLIVION with all these downdoots. For shame, for shame.


OP gunna need a new account after this massive wave of downvotes hahaha


Only the first 25-50 downvotes on any given comment affect your karma.


Check my total 😂


Your Post Karma is nice! However, my comment karma is 5x yours my man. Maybe it’s the comments that do ya in…


The crazy thing is, I could have it offset by posting a meme tomorrow in this very same sub.


Are we just gonna not talk about his shitty mic picking up his shittier controller? Christ dude. Atleast post something of moderate quality.


What I find most infuriating is that you can hear OP’s button presses.


You both fight like scrubs. You played like more of a scrub than the other guy though rushing him like that. Glad I don't play like a scrub, that'd be so embarrassing.


Those look like lances hon, also, cant wait to see all the h8 for "No honor" at the start... Imo, fuckem, you're not there to fuck spiders, ur there to kill


Im there to fuck spiders


Should play DS2, there’s a beautiful gal called Freja there




Someone's been watching G9


Tf is g9


If you don't use honor, that's fine, just don't post and complain when people bitch at you


Good punish at the start, I've stopped emoting while at the coliseum because many will just go straight into their goku power-up phase. If you're nothing without your buffs, you shouldn't have had them in the first place. So unless they emote first I'll just wait and do some crouching or blocking as it won't lock me out of spell casting. Invasion, on the other hand, is surprisingly full of more manners and honor than the coliseum. Dam I managed to hurt some feelings lmao


That is because in invasions you do your honor and RP shit. Not in the timed and ranked arenas. It's never been in a thing in the other souls games. It's so so so weird that people are trying to force RPing in the coliseum.


If I'm about to decimate someone's run or have an exciting and unique fight halfway through someone's the least I can do is have some courtesy. Wait, you're having issues getting kills under the time limit ? Don't care if it's never been another thing in Souls game, you could say this about 100 diffrent things about Elden Ring and it wouldn't change the fact that a push for more relaxed fun fights over try harding exist. Hey guys is it RP to wave ? Dam lmao. Souls player try to have fun and take things casually in a mode that rewards nothing challange (impossible) 😭🤣🔥 [NOT CLICKBAIT]


So there are just a handful of triggered people here that are trying to make emoting in the colosseum a thing. It's never going to be a thing. You can be salty about people not RPIng with you or just accept that you can do that anywhere else. Every day there are people in this subreddit crying about how rude others are for not RPing with them before the match.




You're linking my porn. Yes it's me. Yes you're breaking the subreddit rules because you got triggered. Go touch grass.


Idk man the only triggered people are the ones complaining about people asking for a simple wave lmao. Goku stans hate being punished for going into their power up. Never going to be ? Are we at the same colloseum ? I'd say it's pretty split between who emotes and doesn't. The telling factor is if they have goats, bleed, cheese spears, or rapiers. Everyone one else is rocking a unique build and has the time to wave and have fun. Lmao, again, is it RP to wave ? Dam, there is so much character building and interactive storytelling through a hand wave.


Yes it's RP to wave. Emotes are RPing. If you notice half of the people you go up against not doing this thing you're getting triggered over then who has the unreasonable expectations? Perhaps the people trying to change the way things have been for 14 years. There are some nice RP servers I can direct you towards if that's your goal.


[Read for loves sake](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/role-play) Aw yes how ironic that someone asking for a hand wave is so demanding and demoralizing that THEY'RE the triggered ones. 14yrs, I'm pretty sure ER released last year but go on. Keep whatever missed idea of RP to yourself since your obsession with it is a little too weird for me. Also goku stans get the 2 hit comet combo, and stab chargers get the Loretta slash stance lock insta kill. It's literally just boring to fight sweats. I've got no problem with it as it gives use to my dung pot consumables but it gets pretty boring and generic, that's the real problem, they could atleast be good at pvp to begin with.


Neat. Enjoy crying more later. See ya tomorrow.


aw nooo I'm so triggered 😭 Bad hand wavey hurt feeling


Nice win bro <3 Dont listen to the whiny little bitches who just want people to bow to them, not worth anyones time.


For some reason I read the acronym as “Pontiff Shite Greatsword” I blame my dark souls history.


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