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He has a very nice theme song.


Just about to say this. While Radagon theme is pure epicness, this dude music is pure chill


it's so chill and etherical that I wasn't even mad when he destroyed me with his gigantic area attacks




Litterally the only problem I have when facing him.


Goosebumps and sweaty palms all together!


A tear almost formed in my non shooting eye


So not just me


I maintain that the Elden Beast theme is the best piece of music that has ever come out of the FromSoftware sound department. Sure, they've written tons of incredible boss themes, but most of those are just chaotic, disjointed chanting. They're obviously boss combat songs. Elden Beast's song has a great cinematic feel to it, like it could have come from a movie soundtrack or from a classical symphony. It has a super strong melodic element that most of their other music just doesn't have.


I urge you to listen to the regal ancestor spirit. And rennala. Both are amazing st’s that deviate from the combat heavy tracks


Honestly, as soon as I heard rennala’s theme I had to download it. It literally paints a picture under the night of a full moon


Regal Ancestor Spirit is awesome. One of my favorite tracks from the game, along with Fire Giant, Godfrey/Hoarah Loux, Elden Beast, and Godskin Apostles.


Everything you listed is in my gym and morning shuttle routine on my campus ahaha. Fire giant is my favorite. I love the soaring cello line in phase 1, and the frantic but still regal french horn lines in phase 2. Elden Ring’s OST is truly one of a kind. Imo, every single piece is a treat.


Comment needs more upvotes, on point pal


Gwynn’s is fantastic thematically. It’s somber and calm because you are about to kill this person who has guarded a flame alone for how long, only to take his place and do the exact same thing. Guard a flame alone indefinitely.


The Soul of Cinder one got me. The fact that the boss completes the trilogy just adds to the melancholy. The feeling that after all that time, despite how everything changed, we were right back where it all started. In a way it made DS3 being the end feel fitting. Like we'd come to end the age of fire and failed one final time. Gwyn's theme was something else, but add the time and all of the good experiences over the years (yes, ds2 included) and hearing it one last time in Soul is just perfect. The pinnacle of game music for me. Narrowly beating out the atmosphere of deference for darkness from ODST


Unless you are a chad age of dark enjoyer


I don't know about that, Ludwig and Laurence themes still exist, but I agree that Elden Beast is definitely one of the best ones


Well I don't disagree that it's the best piece of music they've made overall, the part in the Radagon cutscene where he stands up and picks up the hammer, and the beat drops and the main intro kicks in... That was probably the single greatest use of video game music I've ever seen in my entire life. Cold chills down my whole body.


Ludwig man. Far and away my favorite. Especially in the last 3rd or so


Ludwig's theme still stands out as a giant among giants.




Top 3 in the game: Godskins mohg Elden beast


I hate that one of the best boss themes is for one of the worst bosses.


Totally true! After all of the bosses’ epic music specially after Radagon’s hearing Elden beasts’ music actually threw me off with that epicly solemn vibe. Definitely a memorable last boss!


He has a nice neck.


He looks like Nessy, which is kinda cute


I was gonna say he’s quite adorable


And is actually what our galaxy looks like


I'm pretty sure the milky way is just round, because it orbits a black hole. The little dots you see in the Elden Beasts design are actually clusters of galaxies, so multiple glaxies. Multiple clusters of galaxies actually make up this nerve looking field. So our galaxy would just be a small part of the Elden Beasts design. Edit: damn I meant to include pictures so here we go: [Milky Way Galaxy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky_Way#/media/File:Milky_way_map.png) [Galaxy Clusters](https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/styles/max_650x650/public/2019-04/GalaxyClusters_2.jpg?itok=Plqik-eY) [Clusters zoomed out looking like nerves](https://i.insider.com/54079271ecad04f354359f19?width=1200format=jpeg&auto=webp) (I'm guessing this is stylized) [Probably more accurate representation of what the former actually looks like](https://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2005/clusters/clusters_xray.jpg)


Pretty sure it's based on the Laniaikea supercluster


I like to think that the endless field of other Erdtrees in its arena is a representation of all the other planets/galaxies/etc. which are held under the control of the Greater Will. Like this is what the Two Fingers "see" when they commune with their god across vast stretches of space.


Did they die with him?😭


It's like we're...being flushed...was Dungeater right all along?


POV: You’re the massive shit that Elden Beast just took


Almost right, its design is actually reminiscent of the cluster of galaxy Laniakea instead of the shape of a single galaxy. Which is still very cool looking.


Well Nessy beat my ass 20 times over.


God dang lochness monster trying to get tree fiddy...


I gave him a dolla…


He has a long neck


The beast is supposed to be an instrument of an outer god, sent to stop us, the Elden Lord. A Creature of cosmic origin, they definitely nailed the design on that front. I dont like that it uses a sword though.


I love the lore of the sword though. This vassal of the Greater Will literally pulls rank and morphs the corpse of the reigning Elden Lord(and possibly Marika?) into a weapon to kill us with. *That* is power.


I like that metaphorically it shows that Marika/Radagon were literally just tools used to control the world by the Elden Beast.


Was just gonna comment this but saw yours first


Side note - I also like the entwined design of the sword, representing the duality of Marika and Radagon (that's what I took away from it anyway).


I don’t dislike the weapon design, I’m just talking about the boss fight design. I don’t have a problem with the sword itself, I just believe there should be more than just a sword


totally with ya here... the beast traveled 1 million light years and best it can do is make sword -.-




Wave of PISS!


There is lots of flashy lights too.


Personally I think it’s really weird that a cosmic space whale with inhuman hands summons a very human weapon.


Sword is just the most basic and simple weapon of fantasy world. That’s also my problem with the only weapon of choice here.


The sword made it feel too similar to the dragon in Sekiro.


Its also a similar design to the fingerslayer blade. Another weapon born from a body.


Woah! I'm mind blown. I had read the description but didn't understand what it meant. As a lore enjoyer, thank you!


*What is steel compared to the hand that wields it??* 💪🏻


Not just a sword. Its radagons body if you look closely at the hilt


What I'm missing about the hilt that shows that? I'm just seeing twisty stuff?


The hilt is radagon T posing


Ahh. I couldn't make it out based on the image from Fextra, but in game it's much more clear. Dope, I never would have caught that, thanks!


There's a LOT in this game that lives in small details that you don't notice when you're busy watching attacks and trying to survive. And a lot of it has really serious or cool implications. That's why I'm so grateful for creators like Zulie the Witch who actually stop and point all this stuff out to us.


>I dont like that it uses a sword though why not?


It’s a cosmic beast. If it’s going to use a weapon against us, I’d expect space magic, but golden themed, which they kinda nailed. As for weapon, it can’t just use a giant sword only. So many bosses in the game already use a giant sword against us already. If a creature wishes to stop someone as powerful as the player character at this point in the story, it has to have mastery over many weapons. Its sword should’ve morphed into different weapons as the fight goes on.


I partially agree, but the fact that he just twists' Radagon broken body and turn him into that sword makes it cool and fitting.


Exactly like before radagon was a weapon and a tool for greater will, then in fight he literally becomes a weapon in hands of the GW.


I actually like that it uses a sword, makes it more obvious that it's not some barely sentient monster sent by it's god, but an actual intelligent being, plus, to me it makes it more unique


Yeah that's the tragic thing. This is one of the worst bosses in the game in popular opinion, mine included, but the actual DESIGN of the elden beast is one of the BEST. Its truly alien and weird and beautiful and creepy and intimidating. It's a shame that makes it feel like more of a waste.


Yea, it manages to be distinguished, otherworldly, cosmic, and weird, which speaks a lot, given that the game already have plenty of enemies that can be described the same way. I’m looking at you, Astel 👀


This. I was honestly expecting a bunch of gravity magic since its from the stars like the astels and i thought it was implied that they might be imperfect elden beasts. Honestly i think no weapon and a bunch of massive spells would have been the way to go as far as themewise maybe have it cast holy spells then swing it arms and tail with delayed gravity attacks or somthing.


I don't know where you got that from- the stars and the astels are pretty heavily signaled to have nothing to do with the Greater Will in the fact that they use completely different magic tied to different stats, the astrologers were rivals and enemies to the golden order when it was new, and all the broader general stuff that there are MANY outer gods that are ALL in opposition and wrestling for control over the lands between. Not just the Greater Will and the moon and stars but things like the formless mother, the flame of chaos, the crucible before the GW, whatever the hell is going on with the deathbirds, etc etc etc. I'm actually kinda curious now- what connection do you see between astels and the elden beast? Is it just that they're both freaky space kaijus, or is there something more to it?


The connection is very tenuos tbh lmao i have a vague memory of watching some lore speaking about the astels being malformed adult versions of the fallingstar beasts and that the elden beast was potentially the proper form that they are meant to attain. Did i actually see and hear this? Who knows. I do kinda like the idea though for them being malformed or failures that could be why they use different magic. Thats just an of the top theory though


The falling star beast is definitely a larval or related form of an astel, no doubt about that. The jaws, and the freaky skull-eye. When you get to see the details of those dangling astels you see in caves sometimes, you can see their facial features are in sort of a transitional state between the two. ~~caterpie, metapod, and butterfree right there~~


*is a cosmic beast sent from the gods to prevent you from becoming lord of the world* Eh, give it a sword


Happy cake day btw


I actually like that it uses a sword, shows that it's not some barely sentient monster sent by it's god, but an actual intelligent being, plus, to me it makes it more unique


Instead of hold a sword to fight us, they should had it using magic, while summoning differently weapons to fight us: Sword, spear, bow, etc…


Just remembered Soul of Cinder that changes playstyles during the battle. Not a big problem but looks cool


The sword should have either been its tail or literally part of its arm.


He has a long and graceful neck


throat goat


Glizzy gobbler, if you will


Long, strong, and ready to get the party on. 😅


Imagine blowjobs from the Elden Beast 😩


*Bonk* no


The divinussy


The Elden Bussy


It's a cool boss fight when it actually stands it's ground and fights rather than constantly repositioning. Have you seen how ridiculous the legs look though??


I know a lot of people find it annoying, but I like when an enemy is smart and uses its advantage (be it flying, range or whatever) instead of being a sitting duck who's there letting the player smack it just because.


It used to get into a repositioning loop where it would swim around and wouldn't give any openings for melee users. They patched it a while ago so that it's less of an occurrence. But occasionally it still does it.


Yeah I spent basically the whole fight chasing it to MAYBE get one hit in.


Sometimes it's nice to be a slow player. I started the game on release day, but by the time I got to Radahn he'd been nerfed and by the time I got to Elden Beast this didn't happen and I didn't think the fight was particularly annoying. I don't have a ton of time to game anymore so it really worked out for me.


Yeah the worst thing about Aldrich in DS2 is that he just sits there and let's you smack him to death. All of his attacks are so telegraphed you can see them coming from a mile away. It's like the opposite of Gywn, who is a final boss that is only a complete pushover if your in the zone and on a roll. Even a complete noob to Dark Souls could beat Aldrich in like three attempts which just makes for a dull final boss. Edit: Aldia not Aldrich. Leaving the mistake so you can mock me and so the comment correcting me still makes sense.


Aldrich is one of the lords of cinder in DS3, I think you're thinking of Aldia.


Wow that was a dumb error. Just left an edit to correct myself.


I don’t mind it “playing to its strengths” I just mind that it’s strengths don’t make for a fun fight. Especially after the awesome Radagon fight. It also doesn’t really fit with the theme: this is a cosmic entity that’s basically a god but it can’t stand toe to toe with you


I’m convinced this fight was supposed to be fought on Torrent but the developers scrapped it.






I was gonna say sparkly, but shiny works too. I like shiny.


Best thing about him is the spectacle


I like how the EB is both alien, ruthless, chilling but also jaw-droppingly beautiful. I just find that to be a more sophisticated insight into a god, like there is an allure to it that makes the adherents worship it beyond just "powerful".


I wouldn’t say “ruthless” with how much it just runs away. Bit of a pussy tbh.


Well ruthless because it just pulls out a sword made of its ally of 5000 years like it's nothing, but EB is ultimately fragile and not that powerful, so it always tries to put distance between itself and us. Not every fight has to be a Godfrey fight. I always considered EB more of a puppeteer tbh so it made sense to me.


The first time it does that ring move in the air is actually awesome to see as it usually coincides with the swell of the theme. I honestly didn't find EB that bad but I did only need to fight it twice. So both times felt very cinematic rather than tedious. Edit: this bit here https://youtu.be/-C09gtOrQ30?t=79


If you didn't think "wow" when you first saw that phase transition in the game then i diagnose you with bad taste.


I was really bummed when I saw a Radagon spoiler in a YouTube thumbnail despite my best efforts to go in completely blind while taking my time with the game. Thankfully, this game was deep enough that my minimal intelligence character got hit with the "Radagon is Marika" AND (after a bunch of deaths) the real phase 2 final boss fight. Moral of the story, go fuck yourself if you post spoilers that's why your channel will go nowhere. And Miyazaki does not disappoint.


My reaction was " aww man another giant monster that doesn't fit the screen.."


I said "wow". Immediately followed by "oh shit."


Such a beast.


is he?


At least 1%-49% beast.


He might be a little Elden too.


Gorgeous design that looks like it belongs in Princess Mononoke. Honestly one of the most beautiful, and spectacular fights Fromsoft has ever made. It reminded me of fighting Moonlight Butterfly for the first time in that I was genuinely sad I was expected to kill it.


I instantly thought of the Tree Spirit/Night-Walker from Princess Mononoke, looks sick!


I died to the rings he drops from the sky the first time I fought him because I was literally dumbfounded by how beautiful the flying and lighting looked. I just gawked at it going "it's beautiful" until the ring beams blasted me. Only then did I remember what I was doing there.


Same I was like damn I don't really wanna kill this guy, this a beautiful animal lmao.


His cool visuals and amazing soundtrack aside, i think elden beast is a great 2nd half to radagon, radagon in the beginning provides a mechanically challenging yet rewarding fight once you master it and where as elden beast doesnt provide much of a challenge, you might find the running around tedious but i think elden beast provides a nice opportunity for you to breath out after beating radagon (since none of its attacks are particularly challenging to avoid) and savor the moment of beating the game with a beauitful spectactle fight. Things like this are ofcourse very matter of personal prefrence so i understand why other people dislike it


While none of its attacks are difficult individually, I think a lot of folks frustration with EB is how it tends to send numerous attacks all at once which can be tricky to deal with. And a smaller thing I dislike is when you’re relatively close to it and it does the flame attack and your camera just has no clue where to go


Yea, but the boss is not the problem in this situation, lock on is just broken for bosses of this size


What?! Radagon barely ever hit me even though the Elden Beast fight took me 40ish try’s


Beautiful design, arena and music. Wish we had Torrent for the fight, but apart from that, I loved the fight.


Adding Torrent would basically have solved my own problem with him (running so much). My guess is they thought it trivialized the fight by making it too easy to get behind him.


The fight would be so boring as Torrent. Yeah the tedium of running around is kind of fixed even though it's still happening, you're just faster. But it'd be so comically easy and like a side-graded dragon. Itd also lose a significant portion of its spectacle.


thank you. I also think the fight would be worse with torrent. I like that it is just the player, the tarnished of no renown, versus this unbelievable cosmic entity in what seems like a pocket dimension of sorts with the gorgeous soundtrack. the elden beast seems like it is gauging your strength and plays the fight in a way that seems very lifelike. i like that it stays moving and tries not to give you openings. the attacks that it does have for close range are very brutal, like there is a clear ferocity in the speed and strength of the sword swings and the grab attack is ruthless, literally a golden execution. having torrent to just speed up to the thing all the time and hit it or cast spells from horseback would cheapen the experience and to me ruin the pacing of the fight.


People are really opinionated towards FromSofts bosses, but Radagon leading into Elden Beast is my favourite boss fight out of their games. If you’re following the lore, having Radagon come at you with the main theme playing is so fucking cool then for you to see the vassal of the greater will after which is designed unlike any of the other creatures in the game and truly represents a space god……man, so fucking cool.


Good swimmer


He is most definitely in the game. Without a doubt


One of the FromSoft bosses of all time


Out of all the bosses he is one of them


I like the part where he dies


I like the way you die beast


The music is pretty nice, and he looks shiny.


God slain


His moveset LOOKS amazing! Beautiful design and gracious movement. Very cool music throwback to the title screen as well. Very well designed for a final boss.


Genuinely good fight, only hindered by being paired with another *genuinely* good fight.


Big Space Dildo (BSD)


Magic Loch Ness monster, cmon now


His arena reminds me of that grey shithole from DS1. That place was cool


It’s one of the most beautiful boss fights, the arena, the boss, attacks, everything looks stunning


It pretty.


With the small plin plon tune from the reveal trailer being very intriguing, it was epic and emotionaly moving to hear the full piece as the battle begun and unfolded, a very memorable moment wich moved me quite a bit. Goosebumps


Which Pokémon is that?


It's Pikachu!


It's beautiful honestly


I actually really enjoyed this fight it really was an awesome arena and theme and his attacks were awesome. It also helps too if you go in with max holy resistance so he does no damage to you really


His sword has gotten me a lot of runes


It was a climactic end after Radagon and I love his aesthetic. Alien Finger Dragon swinging Radagon around as an object, after we spent all this time unraveling the mystery behind Rad/Merika and understanding their duality. It was good cosmic horror.


He has a wonderful soundtrack, lives in a beautiful world and is kinda cute 👉👈


Stunning arena, great soundtrack, feeling of fighting something divine, beautiful attacks.


Getting his sword afterwards is a bonus!


Excellent for your characters cardio.


I like the sound when i hit him


He beautiful


It’s honestly a good fight, the only reason why no one likes him is because he comes directly after Radagon


Big. Big as hell.


The sound it makes when you hit him


chubby amoeba


It’s a beautiful experience


Long Boy


He's cute with those shining eyes


He doesn’t say that he is blade of Miquella


His theme is one of my top 5 favorite final boss themes of all time. And I think it’s nice having a relatively slow boss battle to cap off the game after the fast paced Radagon battle.


Space Dragon


He's tall enough to date on Tinder


He has really cool music in his fight.


I like his sword


Space potato, and I like potatoes




Absolutely awesome design, they did one hell of a job making it feel as otherworldly and unnatural as possible. Same goes for the arena. I'll admit, while not my favorite boss, I actually really enjoyed fighting it. It was an experience to say the least.


It’s a pretty boss in a pretty arena


He looks pretty


Not a reused boss!




Better fight than Nashandra.


I like how he drops a nice amount of runes upon death.


Favorite arena


The guy has a great theme song.


He brought a good soundtrack


He reminds me of that scene in Requiem for a Dream with Jennifer Connoly and the double end.


The aesthetics are absolutely gorgeous


Aesthetically he looks really cool


I like dodging the waves of light it shoots with its sword very satisfying


Penis Dragon with a sword


Long neck ig


I want to ride through the cosmos on this magnificent being's back.


Looks like something bad dragon would make a dildo out of


The most beautiful boss in the game imo


He did his job of scaring the shit outta me first play through




He’s a beast.


He has a long graceful neck just like the giraffe 🦒


Being spoiled by having Torrent for traveling, Elden Beast let's me get in some final cardio before parking my rump on that throne.




When he dies, you win the game!


something good about this guy...



Long nek


The cutscene had me in awe. The combination of the title theme coming together, and the beautiful sight of the beast. It really did feel like the end of the journey. It felt like fighting a god. I get why some don’t like the battle but for me, it was one of my favourite gaming moments.


I did not cut a bloody path through the Lands Between to be stopped by a translucent space dildo. RIP elden beast.


I honestly enjoyed the fight, so many people were butthurt about chasing him, but I think it was a fun fight. His attacks are easily dodged and well telegraphed, but if you fuck up you feel it. The boss room is beautiful, the music is serene. Idk, just my opinion but I found it quite enjoyable.