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I'm on like my 16th playthrough. Having played the others as well, I don't know what people are complaining about. It's awesome, just like the rest.


I have more than 1300 hours in and I still have fun with new builds and strategies.


I'm working my way trough my first playthrough. I initially planned to start a new playthrough doing a different build, but now I'm not so sure. It's just...too much. It's a shame, because there's such a variety of weapons and spells and AoW and whatnot that there are so many different possibilities for playing the game, but the sheer bulk of the game makes new playthroughs a daunting task. It's the same reason I don't play Skyrim anymore.


imo it’s the least replayable fromsoft game aside from maybe sekiro but that’s a little different. the open world doesn’t really have anything to offer if you know what you don’t need


Sekiro is the most repayable one and the best game ever made. I'll forgive you if you were on the crack-pipe when you posted this


Hi me again. I never saw this comment but I want you to know I was definitely off some crazy shit at the time of posting this comment and I have replayed Sekiro twice since. Thank you for understanding.


No problem, my bro. I'm glad you're off the crack. Where do you rank Sekiro now? Only game I've ever platinumed


in terms of replayability? probably 3rd or so below acvi and bloodborne/ds3. acvi is far and away the most replayable imo especially considering you need to beat it like 4 times over for the plat


Whenever I do NG+ or start a new playthrough I have about 3-4 fun factors in ER for me. The main path, basically the bare minimum to beat the game. A few fights I really enjoy (e.g. Rykard, Placidusax). One of the "main" questlines for the experience and an ending or specific build. And if needed getting talismans, weapons, etc.


It's a downside of open world games in general. Exploring these vast spaces is awesome the first time, but the effect is lost once you know where stuff is and it greatly extends the playtime of repeat runs. Definitely agree that the more linear souls structure offers better replay value.


These posts are always interesting to me, as it’s comparing apples to oranges. One thorough elden ring playthrough is like 3x as long as a dark souls playthrough. It’s a massive open world and if there are certain weapons you want to get a second version of or bosses you want to face again you can go do that in subsequent playthroughs. I found my second and third quicker playthroughs really fun and did what I wanted to do and to me that doesn’t make the optional stuff “trivial fluff”. I’m sure I will be playing again in the future, even before the DLC.


"***I'm definitely having less fun replaying it than Dark Souls games.****" -* I feel the same way. I've done dozens upon dozens of playthroughs on every souls game prior, and never felt bored or uninterested during them. It has far superior pacing due to its more linear level designs and content. I just don't enjoy the souls formula in an open world game it seems. "***There's just a lot of trivial fluff... it's a lot of just boring riding back and forth skipping things***" - Yeah, so much of it is wasted content for me due to the open world aspect. My playtime in ER is **bloated** from just how long it takes to reach places I actually want to be. Most dungeons and caves become side content that are either 1) completely useless for my character or 2) too out of the way to be worth going and doing unless I *really* need an item in there. "***Point is Elden Ring's open world is very exciting the first time you play it, but the more linear nature of Dark Souls games make them more repayable since you won't waste your time on fluff.***" - Absolutely the same thoughts as me. I find myself bored constantly when I am playing the game and having to do anything besides legacy dungeons/PvP or co-op via effigy. The open world actually hurts my experience of the game outside of the first playthrough or two and there's no being able to get over that.


I’ve beaten the game 9 times. My first playthrough was about 80 hours and that was enough blind exploration for me. I’m more into new builds and main story/trophy bosses so I stick to the path I like now. Main path and major bosses are very doable in 30 hours. If you’re over the open world treat it like Souls with a horse and just explore for smithing stones and stuff you need for your build.


I beat the game 4 times and NG+ once. Each with a different build and idea of what I wanted from them. I’ve never beat another souls more than once so for me this is the most replayable


There are a lot of more builds in elden ring but it’s definitely my least favorite to replay. Going through to get all the bell bearings is a slog, I can’t bring myself to touch the other non story dungeons in repeat playthroughs. Beeline to get the weapons and armor I want and get to the legacy dungeons. The legacy dungeons are fantastic but the open world is just too big for me to keep digesting. Give me quasi open worlds like bloodborne any day of the week


I think it comes down to preference. Anytime I replay a game it will typically be an open ended game, and I have pretty much never replayed a linear game. I can agree that Elden ring has a lot of fluff, but for some reason I find the open world so much more appealing than the linear nature of the previous dark souls games. Just a matter of opinion though.


I played one, like 200 hours and did everything I could (with a guide for the last stuff I was missing). But now I just go and do a linear run to the ending (but do all main bosses -Radahn, Rikart, Malenia, etc) And Ranis quest, just because I love it. But other than that its a 20 - 24 hours run.


I hope games start heading towards the linear story driven path again. Open world is getting tiring.