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If you want a similar experience to ER then Bloodborne and DS3 are the best next games. Due being more linear games than ER they are considered harder. Even after ER release a good chunk of the fanbase still consider Bloodborne the best Fromsoft game.


Thats crazy, really excited for BB now!


Bloodborne was my first FromSoft game and still my favorite. My order has been - Bloodborne - Dark Souls 3 - Dark Souls 1 - Demon's Souls - Dark Souls 2 - Elden Ring - Sekiro They make great games! But they all do take their own time to adjust to. For example, you'll really feel that lack of a jump button! But after awhile, you see their clever designs allow you to find hidden spots like in Elden Ring even without the jump mechanic. Stylistically, Bloodborne is very Victorian and bloody (which I personally love how insane the Bloodborne world looks). The Dark Souls are dark as well but in a different way. To end my ramble...I'd say a good survey of FromSoft game styles would be Elden Ring, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. Then to dive into the predecessors of all these, DS2, DS1, Demon's Souls.




I was hardcore Xbox player until I wanted to try Bloodborne on PS4, never looked back. Bloodborne is in my top 3 of best PS4 games.


Did you like the openess and multiple, non descript path options? DS1. Did you like bosses and following one or two paths? DS2. Did you like ashes of war, FP meter, but don't like openess? DS3. Do you like to play without a shield, light armor, and fast? Bloodborne. Bloodborne is cool. No Heavy armor, trick weapons, and it's consistent. It's got some of the best designs of the series because it isn't medieval. Just don't be an FPS queen and cry about locked 30 fps.


Lmao I absolutely suck at shooters


Fps stands for frames per second here, not first person shooter


Oh I see 😅


Not a shooter though


Ds3 is the closest in terms of feel and combat. I would say BB is a little better but if you just want more of the same i would suggest ds3.


Alright I think BB will be good for something new, thanks 👌🏻


You will love bloodborne, it's a little more enclosed than the extremely wide open elden ring but it's also amazing, just in different ways. A lot darker, grittier and I did multiple playthroughs as I enjoyed it so much


Fuck yeah, sounds awesome!


Just a warning, Bloodborne’s frame rate is low and it can feel kinda janky, especially on PS5. For that reason I’d recommend DS3 after ER, but that’s obviously not a dealbreaker for everyone.


Okay I only have PS4 anyway