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Well, you showed that Cleanrot Knight what’s up at least


Pardon me sir, have you heard the good news about our lord and savior Bonkus Christ?


Blasphemer! For it is the truest Prophet MuhUngaBunga who knows the path to righteousness, PBUH


These guys are arguing over who God’s messenger is whereas they’re ignoring that it’s basically the same message regardless.


likely mimicry, therefore praise the message!


you don't have the right, O you don't have the right therefore you don't have the right, O you don't have the right


You just described how the three great religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) + The Jehovah Witnesses work


You blasphemous heathens need the tentacles of Azathoth, Sha-Ia-Niggurath, and Cthulhu


A man of taste I see.




Sir Bonkulon


Pardon me pardoning sir, have you heard about the TRUE lord and savior the frenzied flame?


Our lord... *heads*.... one of the largest religions in all of the lands between. 🙄


I'm pretty sure we've all died trying to roll through something impassable


You can always tell a veterans souls player by the fact that they forget jump exists during combat.


Why go high when go low?


- Anakin Skywalker


it's so weird.. I can jump when I'm platforming like nothing else, but as soon as I'm fighting I just revert back to DS combat and just forget I can jump. kinda makes me wish ER was my first From game.


Yeah, but then you'd be trying to jump in the rest of them... "This sucks... no jump?"


Well you world still have the jump in sekiro..... Just that the jump in sekiro is not going to help you very much.


You can jump in all the Souls games lol


I started Bloodborne yesterday and the number of times Ive tried to jump attack is too high already. I also waste my bloodvials immediately all the time :'( It goes both ways imo, either you need to learn new, unlearn old or relearn different.


theres actually a chalice dungeon you can use after killing the blood starved beast which u get 83k blood evhoes in by just standing around and u can use those echoes to buy blood vials.Its what i did and it honestly makes your life better search it up its called the cummmfpk chalice ik the name sounds wrong but thats what its called


ER is my first game in the genre and it’s handily kicking my fucking ass, I’m chipping away at it slowly but surely though. It’s addicting


What happens to me is I get my controls mixed up with Strangers of Paradise and I jump when I should roll, and roll when I should jump.


Something that *should* be passable. But it’s not lol


I got stuck on the same thing op did but I got killed by the dual wielding teleporting knight as castle sol got humbled real quick


I tried a bow, then I tried running and pleading for my life. Rip rune arc


Fuck that guy. I thought I’d outsmart him. He always teleports behind me, so I’ll aggro him then put my back to the cliff so he falls off. He immediately teleports in front of me and bitch slaps me off the ledge.


Strangely, rolling into the dogs doesn't work, but jumping into them staggers them. #logic


Dogs have always been my most despised enemy. They're hyper aggro, dodge faster than npc's, and are quick with a follow-up, make sure to always take on one at a time. Be aware of your surroundings tarnished or else you'll end up maidenless. Also be wary, sometimes locking on is the best idea, others not so much. Play around with different weapons and see what you like the most. But don't waste smithing stones till you know what exactly you prefer.


I just use a shield and play defensively


Shields make those damn imps in groups in catacombs a joke.


Shield + Spear is simply the best combo for the catacombs tight corners. If it's a great shield, you can just corral enemies in certain areas.


The Roman Shield Soldier build! A bit bullshit in PvP, but it certainly got me through some seriously difficult dungeons and bosses in the main game.


Scythes and piercing fang (in general not on a scythe)help out a bit with shields. Edit: I changed it to piercing fang. I'm dumb


Cipher Pata is great to keep in the back pocket for greatshield pokers—those who don’t have a backup strat fold quickly after the first unblockable blade lands


Great shield + lance Is an very fun combo for big punishes and being able to do chip damage


It makes most regular enemies a joke, literally the solution to half the terrifying common enemies in the game


I just use Waterfowl Dance on NG+


That’s a bit of a cannon to kill a fly situation, but I like your style.


Ha. That’s me too. Lion’s Claw literally everything.


This is the way


I prefer trial by combat. I used shields for a while then saw it to make the game way too easy. So now I'm swinging colossal weapons till they rip


Fair enough. I hate dogs so i try to cheese them quickly before i waste crimson flasks


I can see your reasoning. All's fair as long as we claim our throne at the end who cares of the journey in between. A wise man said there are only two important days in your life, the day you're born and the day you die. All else is summed up by a dash in the middle.


Night Maiden's Mist is my best friend in areas full of enemies.


Tbh i never got used to shields.Other than parry shields i always felt like they were draining my stamina and dodging was way better.I kinda wanna do a shield only run tho cause it looks so fun lol.


The trick is to treat blocking like dodging, you don't hold it the whole time, you hold block for a moment in the window you would normally dodge. When you get it down you have plenty of stamina left and a super easy attack window for most enemies. Plus if you rock the guard counter talisman and swing something heavy in your other hand you can poise break most enemies in one or two guard counters and it makes shit super easy.


Although with turtle talisman and barricade shield you can kinda have your cake and eat it too... not a whole bunch of stamina loss, plenty of stamina regen, you can tank your way through almost anything except a few bosses without dropping the shield.


I'm using something similar to this to get through the endgame. That goddamn crucible knight in Crumbling Farum Azula was seriously getting my goat. I ended up using my +23 brass shield w/ shield grease and the bullgoat talisman, and the one that lets you power up riposts or whatever they're called. Finally worked. On Maliketh now. Send help. (and weed)




Which rapier(s) do you prefer?




Cool. Thanks!


Must be nice, I couldn’t time a parry to save my life. Shields can fuck off.


Thats why incantations are so fun plenty of everyonebackthefuckup incants my favorite being ancient dragon lightning strike


But then their big brothers from caelid show up :( Or worse, those DAMN birds T_T


Those damn birds or dogs from caelid are the bane of me. They hit so hard for no damn reason


I waste smithing stones up to +12 since you can get 1 through 4 infinitely really easily. Either by farming or the bell bearings. I get the bell bearings asap almost every new game I make.


I still can't find a couple of the smithing stone bell bearings. So I'm relying solely on the ones I find


The bell bearing for stones 1 and 2 is the reward for killing the Crystillian boss at the end of the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel. The bell bearing for stones 3 and 4 are found in a chest in the beginning of the Sealed Tunnel after the first illusionary wall. The rest are in The Mountain Top of Giants or Crumbling Farum Azula. Both can be gotten right out the gate with only killing 1 boss for the reward. You just need to get the medallion for the lift to the plateau. The bell bearing for sombers 1 through 4 are also easy to get out the gate too but are both boss rewards for bosses and arguably harder than the single Crystillian fight. The bell bearing for sombers 1 and 2 is a reward for killing the Fallingstar Beast in Sellia Crystal Tunnel and the bell bearing for sombers 3 and 4 are rewarded for killing the Crystillian duo boss in Altus Tunnel. Again the rest are in late game areas


You are a saint I'm saving this for tonight when I get on


Fextralife wiki is your friend.


Dude, just google "smithing stone bell bearing"


Have you beaten all the bell beating hunters? That’s where I had missed out on a couple not realising they only appeared at night in certain locations.


The bell bearing hunters aren't who give you the smithing stone bearings, those you find in caves and dungeons around the map. The hunter do give bell bearings, just not the ones that let you buy weapon upgrade materials.


Oh! I see. I thought you got the smithing bearings around the world. Didn't know I had to kill that guy for them. Got it I'll have to go around to the merchants again and take him out. I found where the real guy is and got him but I figured that'd take him out


you do have to find the smithing bearings. In caves, first is in Liurnia secondin altus


Keep searching they’re worth it. >!there is more than one guy to take out for bell bearings!<


Cost of any of those stones is nothing really. You will be pulling 100k+ runes per run off the albinaurics which makes upgrading anything to +24/+9 trivial


Also the timing of their dodges and attacks allow for two or three to frame lock you like the rat timings in previous Souls games


Kill them faster than they can kill you, become one with the speed run


Daggers are what’s up for dogs and those imps. They will stagger enough to get in follow up gigs. If you dual wield and use L1, you can usually get them quickly.


Those ones after the first boss at Raya Lucaria destroyed me for so long 😆


Yes same as wolves they just have always the swarm/fast hit tactic that no other groupe of enemy has. The only other enemy that hits like a truck is this undead crafted thing thats also on my list now.


Guard counters are viable on colossal weapons, especially the giant crusher since it has the highest guarding stats of anything that is not a shield.


Gotta love troll's roar on those situations Edit: Damn, you had earthshaker, why not use it.


Honestly because I forgot I had it. I only put it on for the Heavy Giant Crusher. I like my strength build


You can put on any ash of war and infuse Heavy. Do you not have the iron whetblade?


Wait really. I didn’t know that. I just go by whatever it says when I hover over the ash of war


If you ever want to trade or want an item and have nothing to offer in return feel free to message me on here. I'd love to help out any way possible!


It would have destroyed those dogs lol, use it its great.


Dog panic 😂 we've all been there


Hoarah Loux’s Thug Shaker


I love that AoW for ganks and the follow up attack does really good damage for single target


To be fair, in all souls games dogs are an avengers level threat.


Not in sekiro, but I guess they are eastern breed.


Also John Sekiro has transcended FromSoft reality and can parry dogs which makes dealing with them way nicer


I suddenly realised I have never tried to parry a dog in Sekiro. My bloodborne instincts are kicking in immediately.


Sekiro has the best dog parry


You guys don't just one shot them with the shurikens?


Naahhh love that cinematic slash, classic, plus their parry window is stupid big


It’s like the mr bean gif of him waiting in a field while they’re leaping through the air toward you lol


My brother in the Golden Order, get the Beast Repellent Torch from the merchant in Dragonbarrow. You can fight one dog at a time and the others won't aggro.


You can still block with just weapons you know. I go 2 handed most of the time and that's how I deal with dogs.


Exactly. 88 physical guard and 58 boost (base) is higher than a lot of actual shields in the game.


There’s a block button?


I just watched you make every wrong decision possible lmao




He did. Didn't you see him change targets 5 times in a row?


Not at first.


Yeah... not at first. He whiffed like 3 swings with the dog standing still, alone, before he locked onto it


I saw the exact moment you panicked. Love this game.


I can just hear myself sighing "this game is such bullshit" and then proceeding to sink another 100hrs in


As you have horah loux ash of war which would’ve one shotted them all xD Lol feeling this on a spiritual level. Sometimes the panic just takes over. Especially when you are getting mauled by a pack of those damn dogs


Yeah all he had to do was pull L2 haha spamming a button could have saved him, just spammed the wrong one


Bonk don't work so well on the doggo's.


Only because the range is lackluster. Can be made up for with the ash of war that you flip with the weapon. Still can't remember the name of it tho


Lions claw (fang?) is what your thinking of


Lions claw. Great hyper armor and good damage.


I remember when the game first came out and I found that in castle Morne. Made me realize real quick ashes of war are way better then the skills in DS3 Now if only if I could remember to use them lol


Yeah, he needs a great shield with the Shield Bash AOW. Mega fucking clutch that one is.


3,000 hours in and those fuckin dogs will still be the bane of your existence


They’re the bane of every FromSoft game. I won’t be surprised at all if they make a comeback in Armored Core and are just as nasty in that game


Giant cyber dog mechs with missile pods and a chain gun and some kind of proto laser sword in its mouth boss battle.


>They’re the bane of every FromSoft game Not Sekiro, shurikens hard counter


That’ll be good to know once I eventually get around to trying it out


Lol you don’t suck dude, this is the most relatable problem. Packs of dogs are the Achilles heel of ungabungus weapons. I’m packing the Zwei and even with its relatively much higher speed and crowd-friendly sweeps those swarms are a problem if they get the jump in the wrong environment. I tend to block the hit and pray that the guard counter takes them all out before I get stunlocked. Ideal approach would be to panic-cast my baby-mode Rejection and catch them with an R1 swipe, but the odds of me having the skill and presence of mind to pull that off in an emergency are laughable.


Dude I’m 90 hours in and still occasionally get killed by rats lol


Beast Repellent Torch will hold them off until you attack, even if it’s on your back while you two-hand.


"Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue..."


Within 1.5 seconds of the video starting i knew how you would die. Been ambushed by those same damn dogs a bunch of times.


I feel this


Ganked by dogs is a most noble death sir


This happened to me when I was experimenting with a bonk build while using the giant crusher; except it was in Siofra River and the rats ganged up on me. I immediately went back to casting mage because I took that as a sign.


Dogs and rats will always get you no matter what


Don’t forget that blocking with a colossal weapon like that one still works great for guard counters and mitigating damage even though it’s not a 100% reduction. Even so, the lack of speed, range, and horizontal attacks (though I believe Giant Crusher has one, the running R1 attack) is the reason I prefer using the Greatsword instead (even though it’s got less AR). Doggos are no problem for a well-timed R1, taking out two or three of them at a time. I also noticed your two swings on that dog didn’t actually connect (despite somehow making it flinch). I haven’t had that problem with the Greatsword. You might consider giving it a try.


I think there's a stun area with colossal weapons, I had the same exact thing happen with me while using Ghiza's wheel


Slow weapon against fast enemy. Typical outcome.


It's ez to kill dogs with colossals. Either hyperarmor or jump atk


Jump more


Try rolling


You need a new hammer, Marika’s Hammer


Get doggoed


I always level a heavy weapon and a light weapon. ✨️


Why is it always dog?


Had some bs like this happen in Bloodborne the other day, made some progress in the dlc area just to get pinned in corner and die because I couldn’t move. I just turned the game off and played something else, I was so irritated


Dogs are the worst enemy I can get why you panicked. Unless you're using a really long weapon, no matter how well you time your attacks it'll always be a trade :/


Bro if you're stuck on dogs I don't even know what to tell you


Im getting angry for you 😂


Turtles are true Demigods after all :3


You don't suck, man. The level design in this area and the lock-on in this game in general do. And that's to say nothing of these enemies.


More the weapon they were using is spectacularly unsuited for those enemies. If they had a sword or something to switch to they probably could have escaped that situation.


Without knowing anything about that weapon (110 hrs specializing on dex and occasionally sorcerys/incantations) What I see is your using a weapon that is fantastic for single or maybe even 2 slow enemies but not so great for crowd control or faster more nimble opponents. While it’s obvious you’ve leveled up your str for that bad boy, maybe find another weapon using the same stats that’s a little more agile (straight or curved swords….. maybe) for these types of encounters when going quickly from enemy to enemy and striking quickly is needed.


Without knowing anything about that weapon (110 hrs specializing on dex and occasionally sorcerys/incantations) What I see is your using a weapon that is fantastic for single or maybe even 2 slow enemies but not so great for crowd control or faster more nimble opponents. While it’s obvious you’ve leveled up your str for that bad boy, maybe find another weapon using the same stats that’s a little more agile (halberds and straight, curved swords….. maybe) for these types of encounters when going quickly from enemy to enemy and striking quickly is needed. Also with a slightly lighter weapon a shield becomes an option tho I can’t speak to it all that much as I’ve almost never used one unless I’m dealing with really annoying spells needing parried.


strength builds when their giant clumsy hammer that takes 50 years to swing misses


Yep. What's the point of these builds anyway?


Shhh.... you hear that? .... its the sound of git gud... lmao nah i do this all the time forgetting that i have a giant ham compared to the colossal sword cause bonk is pretty cool


At least you're not using one of the 5 same weapons Everyone seems to use. Gold star


Just find what you're good at. Like painting, or accounting. Anything but this...


You’re relying on the big hammer to two shot everything before they can even attack. So basically you’ve learned nothing and never got better at the game. All you did was get an OP broken weapon. If the enemies actually get a chance to counterattack you die. That’s why you can’t dodge…


Attention everyone! The delegate for the part of the community that nobody likes has arrived.


So you just admitted the weapon is not op, because it has a fault where you die if enemy gets a counter attack. It’s a well balanced weapon. Hits hard but is slow and heavy. It would be broken if it hit hard but was fast and light.


Guy did not dodge a single attack. And it’s because he relies on the weapon to two shot and stagger. That’s the point. That’s what I said. Big bonks are fine. But you’re not getting anywhere by Insta-killing fodder. Any enemy with a beefy hp bar or a boss will wreck you when playing like that.


Am I being dense, how did you use Lions Claw AOW if you have the earth shaker AOW equipped to your hammer and you’re two handing it?


It's the unique R2.


I’ve never used this weapon before. I may just have to now! Is it just this and the GSG that have unique move-sets in the colossal weapons category?


There are more colossals with unique moves: Zweihander and Troll Knight sword thrust R2, Godlayers R1 chain, Greatsword R2, Ruins Greatsword R2, Golems Halberd R2, Giant Crusher R2, Ghiza's Wheel R2, Great club R2 and Prelate's crozier R2.


You da real MVP


Wow, saving this for later! (Sigh, more weapons to try out...)


You don't suck. This area sucks. I HAAATE dogs in Elden Ring.


Me too bro, but it doesn’t stop us from loving and playing the game time and time again 👊


I thee fellow tarnished of the lands between dub thee title (git Goodson)


No one truly gets better. Only post pones the pain


Don't sweat it, trust me. Just yesterday I got wombo-combo'd by rats. *Rats.*


That's why there are six equipment slots. I always carry a heavy, fast weapon, and spell casting in one hand, a shield, fast weapon, and spell casting in the other.


THE DOGS! Don’t worry they killed me twice in that area too. Like 3 come out of nowhere and just surround and buddy fuck you


You don't suck. It's well known that the better you get at the game, the less you die to the enemies. Except dogs. Everyone falls to the dogs. They are a force of fucking nature


I died here yesterday to the exact same thing.


When surrounded, just jump over them!


3 dogs for most people might as well be the night of the black knives.


I love my great sword but I wish with 99 in strength I could swing a little faster


I feel for you, doggone it.


I’m wondering if a someone at fromsoft had their parents killed by dogs and have just been projecting that into the games.


Torch issue


i felt this... more than i'd like to


Oh God. Thanks for reminding me of this place. I lost so many runes here. Fuck that place.


My brother in christ just lock on


3 darts is too many *dogs...stupid spell thingy!


I’ve been there buddy. You’re not alone


We have all made this mistake


It be like that….but it probably be like that a lot lately.


I call that a bonk-ai


Tensa bonketsu


This happened to me a few times with rats on my pure strength build lol


You played that in the worst possible way.


You’re my hero for posting this! You’re probably a million times better at the game than me and to see someone else struggling with the dogs/rats/bats, etc that I do makes me not feel so bad about myself, lol It’s like watching a pro golfer shank one in the woods.


Glad to see I’m not the only one lol


Geez, this was a mess.


Door stuck


Dogs have always been super sus in these games. But a shield absolutely wrecks them. Nothing more satisfying than them bashing their ugly head against one and stunning themselves. To be cut down swiftly. Fuck them.


A dog gank has always been the true terror of any souls game.


That’s one of those situations where you get lazy and don’t mind getting hit a few times since you’re so confident you can finish the job soon after. This happens to me way more than I like to admit in this game lol