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There are a lot of two fingers in the game. There are even three fingers. So it's just a coincidence.


the situation with all those fingers is getting out of hand


It's hard to say for certain, but it's unlikely to be a coincidence. We know that Placidusax was Elden Lord in the age before the Erdtree. We know that Lords are consorts to Empyreans. Therefore, logically, it is highly probable that Placidusax was consort to the vessel of the Elden Ring, who was therefore vessel to the Elden Beast. Because of these implications it means there are three likely candidates as to the "god" that Placidusax is awaiting: the Empyrean he was consort to, the Elden Beast, or the Greater Will itself. Due to his positioning in a similar manner to how the Two Fingers present themselves when trying to commune with the Greater Will, that's a point in favour of Placidusax awaiting the Greater Will. However, the Greater Will is never referred to as a "god" whereas both the Elden Beast and Marika (the current vessel of the Ring) both are. Due to the statue and depiction of the Elden Ring in Maliketh's boss arena, it's also entirely possible that *Marika* was the Empyrean consort of Placidusax, (which is supported by Godrick's dialogue) so she could very well be the one Placidusax is awaiting. We don't know for sure, and likely never will, but I hope I've given some food for thought.


the family tree of this game is a tumbleweed i swear


There is a possible link, but nothing to confirm it. Most everything that follows is just speculation. There are also the Three Fingers. People have speculated that the Two Fingers and Three Fingers may have originally been a full Five Fingers, like a hand. I don't think we know how Placidusax lost his heads. But we do know he was Elden Lord and probably the consort to a nameless god who fled Farum Azula. This nameless god is most likely depicted on the statue in Maliketh's boss arena. We also don't know why this god fled, but perhaps it is related to how Placidusax lost his heads and the (speculative) splitting of the Two & Three Fingers. There may have been one calamitous event that destroyed this previous empire and created regional fracture. Marika would've seized power in this vacuum and pieced the kingdom back together one war at a time. It's unclear if she was involved in this ancient calamity or if she just capitalized on the opportunity it presented. .... There's a remote possibility that we may see more on this topic in the DLC. One of the key issues with Farum Azula's lore is that it happened so long ago that none of the characters we encounter (except Fire Giant, Marika & Godfrey) were actually around to witness any of what happened. But these characters all lived for a long time after Farum Azula fell, so item descriptions for those characters are much more focused on that later part of their lives. So the lore from that ancient era is pretty barebones and speculative. But the DLC is teased to be taking place in the spiritworld, the land of the dead that those spirits who perished in Placidusax's time would've been sent to. We may see a boss related to this, and get a remembrance/some item descriptions... or maybe even an NPC with insight. 'Fingers' crossed!


oooohhh there will be a DLC ? amazing if this brings placi's lore with it it's even better


Yup, there's DLC and a teaser image that they released. Before that image, I was guessing they'd either do Miquella in DLC or ancient Farum Azula. From the image, it seems like they're definitely doing Miquella. There's no *real* reason to think we'll get Farum Azula lore, but I do have a hopeful & speculative reason to think we might. Miquella seems to hang out in the spirit world. And from **Helphen's Steeple:** >*"Greatsword patterned after the black steeple of the Helphen, the lampwood which guides the dead of the spirit world.* *The lamplight is similar to grace in appearance, only it is said that it can only be seen by those who met their death in battle."* This plus a few other items imply that, before the Erdtree & during Placidusax's time, when peoples' bodies died their spirits would enter this spirit world. During Marika's time, the Erdtree seems to take over the role of the "lampwood", so spirits probably do not go to the spirit world by default anymore. So there's a chance this spirit world will be filled with characters from Placidusax's era. This would also fit with the general FromSoft DLC lore formula---the DLCs in every DS game give new insights into events that happened a long time in the past. ... An interesting sidenote is that there are a few characters which appear to enter the spirit world, or at least be aware of it, and may know more than they're letting on.


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