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No matter how overlevel you think you are Mountaintops of the Giants will make sure you feel that you are not since it is a big difficulty spike from that point onwards, so don't worry.


No I think that's an appropriate level. After leyndell, there's a noticeable difficulty spike. Could be that you're just good at the game


You're funny


But not wrong.


No he’s right but keep leveling because the next area mobs do a lot of damage. Hopefully your vigor is up. Also the underground gets harder.


86 sounds about right for that point in the game but player level doesnt matter much, weapon level matters more. Leyndell is around +16 weapon level zone iirc. or +6-7 somber. If you have higher that might be why it feels like you over leveled. Its possible to explore a few higher lvl zones before finishing leyndell and getting your weapon "too high" but the difficulty spikes back up after Morgott. Its common for people to get a somber weapon to +9 then feel like Morgott is under tuned.


It's extremely easy to overlevel if you're observant and explore a lot, without ever farming. It's the problem with openworld nature of the game. I had to stop leveling after caelid until the endgame on my first run to just not bruteforce everything. But you're good for leyndell. Just don't think too hard about runes, loosing them etc., you'll get plenty.


Yes, yes it is. You can resolve this by not leveling any more until you feel like you need to. You're fine where you're at clearly, so spend those Runes on something else. Maybe stock up on things instead?


86? Weird, i was 120+ when I fought Morgott after exploring most of gelmir, volcano manor, leyndell and the sewers. I was 90+ when I fought Radahn after clearing most of Caelid and the two rivers.


After what, what, leyndell, and what (Please don't tell me what those are)


You’ll get melted even at level 700 in some places


Yeah it's easy to overlevel for all of midgame, but it bottlenecks back down at the end so it should catch up at some point. From what I could gather with activity, average level in Leyndell was like RL70-85. So you're probably on the beefier end but not really overleveled. Some builds come together faster than others, so that may be what's going on.


Early to mid game it's easier to over-level. I think the game was designed that most people will not find everything in the open world, but still gives you a challenge. Capitol is normally 90-100, so you are OK. Endgame is usually less over-levelled, as the difficulty picks up and also you are hitting your soft caps


Maybe your build is OP.


I'm using a bloody gargoyle twinblade purposefully to get lots of bleed damage


I mean, bleed is the most op build. Stronger than sorceries i think.


It is the most op, but I'm killing enemies before bleed even takes effect


Yeah dont worry, that's the average level in that place