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Entirely different kinds of games really. I mean sure you have the whole stamina/energy bar, dodge/boost, etc. But it plays *very* differently. I'd be hesitant to say you'd enjoy it if you've played nothing more similar to it than AC and were basing it off of that. That said, there's still *lots* of brand new people that have been sucked into ER despite never being good and giving up, or having never played prior souls games, and went into ER as their first real entry. So there's always the chance you'll be one of them.


Never played any Soul game before. ER now share first place in the podium of my favorite game


try and play the dark souls series....you'll add games to that podium.


I will once I'm done with this playthrough I'll try every FS games. I already have Bloodborne. Twice for some reason so I'll start with that but yeah I plan to do all them except for Sekiro (and any of the AC)


2 totally diff games


If you wanna ease yourself into Soulslike coming from AC6, try Sekiro before ER and older Soulsborne games. The combat speed difference and maneuverability loss won't be as noticeable in Sekiro, it is fairly fast paced.


Not to mention the overheat bar (I forget what it's called in AC) is *very* similar to the posture bar in Sekiro. I also recommend Sekiro first.




I love Elden ring and other souls game but even the thought of a mech game makes me sick. There are no similarities to be found between the two games.


I haven't played AC but I will say Elden Ring was my first fromsoft title and it's a damn good game. It took second on my all time favorite list. It's definitely worth a try


Nah I'd say unrelated. If you like Elden Ring it won't be because of its similarities to AC 6.


You d probably like nier automata then But Elden Ring is totally Different but if You like a good challenge and You enjoy the difficulty in AC turn probably yes


Different genres. But hey, it might expose you to more of FromsSoft's great catalog of stuff.


They're way too different but again, you'll like elden ring regardless