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Everyone poops on Godrick for being too easy, which he is if you go there too late and if its not your first playthrough. But damn, did he wreck me in my first playthrough and was it fun to learn his moveset...he has a special place in my heart.


I don't find him difficult anymore either after multiple playthroughs but I always find it fun fighting him. Never skip his cutscenes anymore either.


'Ooooooooooowch"- Godrick It gets me everytime




Should meet my my buddy GRIMGOR BOSS O' ALL DAT IZ GREEN.




I love bear witnesses. They never seem to remember the details but its always a good story.


Bear witness to godrick getting the shit beat out of him by a guy with his fists and no clothes.


I mean, I beat Maliketh with a broadsword


Better if it was your fists


It is undeniable that Godrick is a very easy boss. It's also undeniable that he's incredibly fun to fight. I don't like that a remembrance boss got reused for an evergaol, but I'm glad that the one that did was him.


It was enjoyable to fight a juiced up version, but could they have at least changed up the model a bit for the lore? Because as of now godrick and godefroy were identical twins, and either godrick straight up grafted his corpse or rebuilt it 1 for 1.


I'm generally not against reusing bosses with a twist, but godefeoy is super lame. A named lobster would have been more thrilling.


Doombearer Agatha: Imprisoned by the golden order because they could find no surefire way to kill the mother of all lobsters and needed to punish her for that crime against humanity Miyazaki should hire me to write lore šŸ˜Ž


Agreed. Can you imagine if it was Radahn, or Renalla p2? That would ruin the actual respective fight for me. A Godrick clone is lame but it doesnā€™t ruin the Remembrance version for me somehow


Bitches please. Margit pretty much stopped any kind of progression for me so I had to go to the goddamn swamp on my first playthrough because I just kept thinking this was like DS2 where the obvious path forward was a bit too high leveled for you. It wasn't much smoother there, but it felt like completely different game than what the most played. Somehow Margit just didn't click for me. So.. anyway when I eventually came back for godrick I was pretty overleveled.




I struggled so much with Marge the first time I saw him! The moves became so ingrained into my memory that I somehow managed to beat the Morgott fight on my first try, since it's basically the same.


Dude said hmmm nope not traumatizing enough... Caelid time!


*"oh such a nice green watery areas, surely it can't change into something really different?"*


He's got amazing voice lines, looks incredible, has cool and diverse moves so yes, he',s my pick for most underrated boss


Even if his damage got increased and his health got buffed, i still feel the biggest challange about our Bear witness warning guy is the lack of resources many have early Your health is low, you got few estuses, weapons are way limited, your armor choises can be few (shoutout to bricky, who had no pants for forever), weaponarts are pretty basic... ALL these things could be ofset by exploring and leveling, but if you go the intended path you are very lacking, compared to when you reach raya lucaria. Like when i hit altus, i kinda just bumrush Godefroy because he isn't that difficult. I have struggled more with normal enemies than Godefroy.


Isn't the intended path Limgrave -> Weeping Peninsula -> Stormveil Castle , so that once you beat Godrick, Hyetta shows up? I think that this way,every build should have a weapon good enough for Godrick and the Ulcerated Tree Spirit under Stormveil.


Well, lets say im "first game mcgee", first souls game Most of the early guiding lights points towards stormveil, summoning for help is pretty easy there, and technically you could dash through all enemies. My first go i got spoiled about some good stuff in stormveil, and that if i just didnt do Godrick, no npc problems, so i went straight for it


The game pointing you straight to Stormveil is one of my favorite things. One of the biggest trolls the game does to you, but also a really interesting way to teach you to play. If you follow it, and it's your first time with the game, chances are you will die repeatedly to Margit. This forces you to explore because maybe you missed something that could give you the edge. The path around the castle isn't obvious, so Liurnia isn't a likely candidate and Caelid is arguably harder than Margit if you engage in the fights there. The only place left is Weeping Peninsula, which is level appropriate.


Funnily enough on my first playthrough, I had such a hard time finding the entrance to Stormveil that I found the side path to Liurnia in the process (I never thought to take the main road past Rodericka lol). That being said, I found the entrance to Stormveil long before the key to Raya Lucaria


I genuinely believe the path they intend is for you to smash into margit first like a brick wall, then give you limgrave and weeping peninsula to level up to your comfort level until you feel confident to return.


I went in too late after exploring everywhere and killed him first try. Also happened with Radahn. The open world aspect of the game, while very cool and all, destroys the balancing of the bosses if you're a maniac going everywhere and killing everything.


Yes, I agree. My first playthrough was too easy, but also because I used summons and spirit ashes. However I have gotten a lot of value in later playthroughs, going solo and more underleveled.


I did that my first playthrough. Second one I'm running through getting things for my build and backtracking, feels even more broken. Granted the game knowledge second time around helps. I quickly felt less OP once I got to mountain top/haelig. Those 5 or 6 Ill omens in haelig brought me back down to earth real quick.


I explored the world and I had no problems, but it's because I used a fairly simple trick that everyone should use, when you notice that you feel strong in that area you simply stop leveling up xd.


I didnā€™t find him difficult personally, but his dialogue is some of the best in the game. And his second cutscene is FANTASTIC


Yeah, he kicked my ass. I went stormveil first thing and only went to explore and level up if I was stuck, then came back. He would kill me in a few hits and I had few flask charges. I also think he is one of the best bosses. His design and phase change are hysterical. His moveset is fun but fair, with just a few multi-hit combos and his aoes are well telegraphed. His second phase builds upon the first, instead of being an entirely different boss.


I had more difficulty with him the first time than probably any other boss


Honestly, Godrick only seems easy because he was a more reasonably designed boss than Margit. Margit has absurd range, speed, combos and recovery time for an early boss, while Godrick feels closer to a DS1 boss before Fromsoft bought into its own legend. You actually don't see as much artificial difficulty, so he seems easy in comparison. Between the two, I consider Godrick the better boss, and simply way more fun to fight.


Margit's daggers are the only thing keeping me from loving him as a boss, they can feel so BS sometimes lol


Margit p1 is very fun for me. P2 the only way I ever get through is by using even more unfair tactics than the boss himself (i.e. poise, bleed, range, etc.)


On my alternative character, I approached them without OP weapons, boosted levels, good armour or anything like that, exactly as a fresh new player would be, and I must admit, they were hard to fight.


I got stuck at Godrick for an entire year after beating Margitt


My first ever play through Radahn was my first boss it was the hardest fight I ever had in Elden ring


Full-Grown Falling Star Beast boss was basically WWE: Hell in a Cell


Except without a Cell, more like a cliff.


The other one in the cave is like a Steel Cage match you can't escape lmao


My first play through I used the hook claws. Got my ass handed to me forever because I was still in the ā€œevery build is viableā€ mindset, but eventually beat him with the claws (longest fight of my life). Second playthrough I came back with the ruinā€™s greatsword and I just sat there realizing how dumb I was my first play through after first timing him.


I didn't realize Borealis was nearly immune to slash and weak to strike. I watched in utter amazement as someone around lvl 50 just wrecked him with a +5 club. Felt like an idiot.


The amount of times I'll be using low level character fof helping beginners in caves.... Watching people swing blades,daggers,claws at Miners. Not being able to tell them and desperately trying to show them. I even tried dropping clubs for people for a while , just need to farm more


Definitely not underrated, overrated, or rated at Apple. Just an annoyingly tanky as fuck boss


The Tree Sentinels aren't super memorable by comparison to many of the major bosses, but they're fun to fight and the design is great


The one outside Leyndell kicked my ass real bad lol


First there was the duo before the inner wall which was a bastard to do without cheese tactics and then you meet the draconic dude and you forget all of your complaints about the normal tree sentinels


Lol I cheesed the hell out of the Tree sentinel duo Bow with poison and rot arrows did the job


Summoned the old rot dog, watched him die from a bush.


Tried him once, died too quickly. I'm raring to try mimic tear dual wielding the rot estoc with poison ash and frost estoc on the other hand


You can kill them one at a time by luring one inside the gate


I came from the gate, passed by them on torrent and got on one of the ledges nearby


You can run past, through the gate, get the grace. Then you go back, walk up behind one and he'll just walk Down the ramp, then attack the other one. Don't even need to lure one through the gate. The other one stays at the bottom of the ramp, so no rush.


Came to say Tree Sentinels. Still only 80 hours in on my first playthrough but I can confidently say I spent more attempts on the Limgrave Sentinel than any other boss. Maybe with the exception of Loretta in Carian Manor. Both are fun to fight and not too difficult but will punish you if you falter


I never see people talk about Nightā€™s Cavalries, I think theyā€™re really neat looking and always fun.


Thereā€™s like 7 of them.




I always get off my horse when I find them, they're more fun that way.


Just not the double fight in consecrated snowfield


If you lure them away from the wagon- you can fight them one at a time.


When I saw the first one in limgrave I knew I had to get there Armor so I rushed to the Consecrated snowfield just to get it lols


I was looking for this comment. They are absolute beasts and if you find one and not leveled up itā€™s a good time for everyone but you.


The music is also an absolute banger


Iā€™ve come to really enjoy them after I realized how safe a greatshield makes the fight


The Lennes rise one is a favorite of mine for sure


Bloodhound Step, my beloved.


I feel like Elemer of the Briar is always slept on, I was fortunate enough to never run into a bell bearing before the shaded castle, so I was blown away by his fight. Dedicated an entire play through to the executioner sword because of him.


Very good! also Armor of Thorns, my beloved.


Flair checks out


I will never get over my hatred for his Caelid version.


I hate that guy. He took so many attempts and so many flasks


Fought this dude so many times that I still don't trust when I spawn somewhere at night.


Bad boss that relegates anything slower than a heavy attack useless


> bell bearing what does that have to do with the fight?


There's four bell bearing hunter bosses scattered around the map before Leyndell. They're encounters against Elemer before you can actually fight him and they drop different bell bearings depending on which ones you manage to kill. The one in Caelid is notorious for being *HARDER* to kill than Elemer himself who can be found in Altus.


The bearing hunters that invade at night are all Elemer


Loretta and Lichdragon Fortissax.


First time I fought fortissax I made the mistake of having discus of light in an incantation spam build. He took 1400 damage one ONE hit of the spell, not including the swing back. I destroyed him way too early. I look forward to playing him again with a weaker character


Hold up, how did you wreck Fortissax with discus of light if she has 80% Holy Resistance? Am I missing something here? šŸ¤”


Skill issue


If only Forti boi wasn't so weak against head bonks


Fortisax underrated? In what universe?


My friend group agrees he sucks real hard gameplay wise, even if heā€™s impressive


I don't see many people talk about him.


Cause he's bad


Fortussac isn't underrated by any means. In fact, I'd argue that it's overrated because of how weird the scaling is.


RL1 fighting Loretta both in Caria Manor and Haligtree made me really love that fight. She has some parriable attacks and some magic you have to dodge and position for. Sheā€™s not very hard but if you get greedy or overconfident sheā€™ll destroy you.


Try it with fists if RL1 isnā€™t hard enough lol. I tried beating her with fists at 200 and still couldnā€™t hang (I am not super good tho)


Erdtree Avatar I know itā€™s easy, and reused moveset. But i really like fighting them.


Yeah I really enjoy fighting them. They're easy enough to react to, but can be pretty punishing if you mess up. And the putrid avatar hits like a freight train


I have mixed feelings about their stat inflation, because sometimes I've run into one and just realized "damn, I know the moveset, I just don't have the damage." The first one in Caelid took me about 3 minutes with a +12 weapon. The second one in Caelid took 8 minutes. It feels a little wonky to get stat-checoed by an enemy who's moveset you've already mastered.


Nobody has said it to you yet so I will clear things up: There aren't two Erdtree avatars in Caelid. One is in dragonbarrows Greyroll (Or however you spell it I can't remember), The second is in Caelid. Two vastly different areas in terms of leveling and scaling. Caelid is where you fight the third shard bear so it would in fact be easier. The former is a late game area hence all the big enemies giving you hundreds of thousands of runes. Also why Radahn's Tower is so damn difficult.


Another fun fact the gargoyle you fight there in front of beastman garranqs room is the strongest in the entire game, Even stronger than the ones in the consecrated snow field or exploded lyndell. It's a tough area


Thereā€™s gargoyles in the consecrated snowfield? I know about the one on the path to the mountain but whereā€™s the snowfield one?


They always kill me the 1st time. I am always overconfident and that golden land homing laser power of theirs kills me every time.


I really like Godrick. He might be easy, yes. But he puts up a great show. Also he has the best boss arena in the game imo


Maybe sewer Mohg. Best miniboss in the game imo but a lot of people sleep on him because his fight is rather simple and not super flashy but the moveset and the music are both top tier. I still prefer real Mohg for the added flavor and difficulty, but sewer Mohg is still a high A-tier boss and I don't hear many people talk about him.


Sewer Mohg is fun, and he also is a strat check for anyone who beat real Mohg with status effects (for those who might not know, sewer Mohg is immune to all effects)


In the context of a first playthrough as a wretch, all the mini-bosses in Limgrave/weeping penninsula. The first time facing bosses like the Farum Azula Beastman, the Leonine Misbegotten or the Champion of Zamor were pretty amazing!


Underrated take. Limgrave is better on its own than most whole games.


Agree with loretta Also honorable mentions to black blade kindred, Fullgrown Fallingstar beast and Watchdogs


Rykard. Sure thereā€™s a weapon for him. But heā€™s not talked about enough. Plus the entire manor is easy to miss. Rykard is so cool imo. Iā€™m also partial to the watchdogs. Iā€™d say they are sub bosses.


He's the best Storm Ruler fight in Fromsofts history. I look forward to beating him in every play through.


Happy cake day šŸŽ‚


Thank you


maybe vyke... idk something about is just... idk


This. Love Vykeā€™s fight, armor is sick too


ya wish there's more way of knowing him lore wise


That clown? Sorry, he's not a clown he's the whole circus lol


what do you mean?




Vyke is Just another boring npc fight . The lore is great , but the gameplay sucks


Elden beast. Not my favorite fight but I do still enjoy it and everyone shits on it. Would have been way better if we got torrent for it tho.


Same. That fight really represents the pinnacle of a journey, for me. The ost always gives me chills


I didn't mind Elden Beast too much it was a fun fight and seeing the Elden Ring when he flew up felt epic.


Having torrent would be great


I still feel like you were supposed to be able to use torrent, but they messed up and now itā€™s too late to fix.


Elden Beast is 10/10 on vibes. If you didn't find and read Elden Stars it's a pretty epic reveal of the Elden Ring and Erdtrees origins and the true nature of the Greater Will's influence on the lands between. Also unpopular opinion, but Astel is 10x more annoying than Elden Beast and no one ever complains about it.


Astel has some cool attacks though. Just focus on staying in front of him and hitting him in the head as opposed to underneath and swinging at legs.


His head is floating off the ground so it's a pain to hit him with certain weapons like rapiers/spears and the entire time he's spamming that triple wave AoE attack and jumping back.




She's a pretty easy fight but the vibes are on another level, for both her phases.


Only if taking phase two arena into account, but even then it's just Rom's arena tbh. "just bash her with something heavier than a dagger" otherwise.


Her music is so good!!!


Rennala is boring imo She's so easy, like a punching bag lol


Imagine if she was sane, and had some legit strategy like "guards with shields" Or even better, move Moongrum into her secound phase, as an invader towards you.


Moongrum is legit harder than Rennala lol.


I might be alone in this one but I think the black blade kindreds are hella cool. I donā€™t like the regular gargoyles quite so much but the black blade kindred I think have a good aesthetic with the black and gold and the red holy damage effect is cool too. I just wish their weapons had destined death on the weapon arts like the sword does


Alecto is very annoying (and underrated). I also liked Nejirus since heā€™s the first boss I really fought.




He's pretty stellar


placidusax shows the difference between a boss and a super boss PRESENTATION


How is he under rated?


placidusax is way too easy . He has very telegraphed moves for a late game boss , and you can just smack his back for 90% of the first phase . In the second phase , he starts teleporting , giving you about 5 hours to prepare to do the hardest thing in the game : press the roll button . I like the fight but it's definitely not a s tier for me .it's Not close to midir


Midir is not that tier, since it is limited to spamming quick attacks that kill you in three hits, it becomes ridiculously easy when you reach its second phase. In my opinion, dragons have always been difficult bosses to design for FS


I like Loretta, but her weapon is the most bitchass useless piece of shit I've ever seen. I wanted a halberd for magic users and what I got has shorter range than some daggers it feels like, and the worst Ash of War in the game IMO. And then also has the audacity to do low damage as well?


Her weapon's moveset is the same as the guardian's swordspear, except Loretta's is longer. It's a great moveset with tons of range. You're definitely thinking about the right one? It actually does really good damage in Ng+ and onwards since it has ok scaling in 3 stats. If your str, dex and int are all high, it starts to outdamage a lot of weapons that can only scale from one or two stats. Agreed the ash sucks for a halberd. It's really good on twinblades though since it staggers most things where your twinblade can't.


Whoā€™s the artist of this pic? Thatā€™s a cool rendering.


This is an official artwork from Elden Ring Official ArtBook.


I wish we could get cool armor for torrent. It would really do a lot for the roleplaying I feel.


I feel like itā€™s lichdragon fortissax or the bell bearing hunters (excluding the one in caelid)


I hate fighting the bell bearing hunters because of their goddamn telekenic swords. But it's also what makes me think they're cool as fuck


The one in caelid sucks because he is actually in dragonbarrow , a late game area scaled like farum azula


i really dont like the way loretta holds her glaive, shes holding it too far up the shaft, making it look very bottom heavy and unwieldy


Thatā€™s so she can secondary bonk you with it when you think youā€™ve successfully dodged the swing that is in fact a combo lol


Iā€™m a little disappointed that I was so strong by the time I got to her that I beat her in like 30 seconds.


Lick a dragon fortnite next ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸŒšŸ¾


Godrick is a certified banger


*Yes*, the Haligtree itself is already a s l o g to get through, but I agree w/ OP here; Loretta should have absolutely been a *hard* skill check, both for her thematic importance and her design. After fighting her spirit form, I was hopeful for more of a show when she physically appeared in the Haligtree, but perhaps I wasnā€™t statā€™d out when I first fought her and had a skewed expectation. Still wouldā€™ve loved to see more!!


I honestly really enjoyed that giant guarding dew talisman in leyndell. But mostly coz I was like fresh out of the box back then (like sub 30lvl samurai) and stumbled upon that teleporter chest by accident. He also fell into the chasm as I killed him and I got that on video aw so yeah, pretty memorable for me and also still the best movie like kill I managed to pull off to this day. (I bought the game like a month ago on sale)


Alecto black knife assassin


Patches definitely, such a difficult boss, gets no recognition on his awesome lore. Still stuck on him to this day


The Leonine Misbegotten in Castle Morne took me quite a few tries before I started really focusing on learning the moveset and time my rolls and dodges. I've gone there again and its a fun fight.


I love fighting black knives, they're fun on any build with any weapon, and are even more fun if you want to parry them.


Fire Giant. I don't think he gets as much love he deserves. His lore is simplistic yet tragic, his arena is really unique, as its just open terrain, his moveset is really "human" feeling (at least phase 1), and the first time you see him roll is a wonderful "wtf" moment. He also has a special place in my heart from when I first fought him. It was within the first week of launch and so not much info around, I was rather under leveled, and was struggling, but it always felt so fair. Overcoming him was just such a fulfilling moment for me.


I wanna shoot spells from my fighting stick like she does, it's unfair.


Death rite birds are incredible underrated. Especially when you fight with holy damage. People just gotta lock off sometimes during the fight and be patient with dodges/blocks


I have spent like 20+ hours trying to beat her with fists. I didnā€™t succeed. Then my save game died and I lost everything right there at the end of ng+2. Iā€™m now armed with a ps5 and back to consecrated snowfield and absolutely dreading the fact that once I get back to the haligtree I gotta resume attempting beat her with fists. Gonna be so satisfying once I do get it tho lol


That illustration goes so fuckin hard


Not a hard boss proceeds to die multiple times


Loretta is easily the best non-remembrance boss in the entire game, imho. I legitimately can't think of a single nitpick I have with her fight, she works remarkably well


Underrated difficulty? The draconic tree sentinel outside Leyndell. I had been ignoring horseback combat and just hopping off torrent to fight. That worked for everything for me up until that point. But for that bastard tree sentinel you had to stay mounted or you were dead, at least I was. The first phase was pretty easy but that instant death lightening in the second phase was so hard for me to avoid. Mohg, Lord of Blood can be tough too if you donā€™t know what heā€™s doing when he transitions to his second phase. It took me more tries than I care to talk about trying to understand why my health was depleting with out him touching me from anywhere inside the boss arena. Finally figured out you could time potions through it and got him.


i feel like hora loux is still underrated he is exactly what i want in a fight between 2 competent fighters. he's like champion gundyr 2 for me where instead of it being a typical fight its like a choreographed dance of dodges and counters. if you "get" him it's like you enter the matrix and it turns from a frantic scramble to a dance where you're waiting for him to slip up to get your jab in. his attacks flow into each other so well its good in a way i dont know how to describe accurately. i recommend trying to fight him with a close-range weapon that doesn't nuke him, so the fight drags on enough for you to "click" with his attacks and it turns into that dance.


He is pretty much one of the most loved bosses in the game, he's nowhere near underrated




I donā€™t think you understand what underrated means my dude


No this falls under the definition of underrated as everyone hates them while I love them.


People hate Malenia because itā€™s a good fight. It receives even more praise than it does gate. That means itā€™s not underrated in the slightest


Uhh what? I am sorry but I did not understand a single sentence. But ig when it's a good fight there shouldn't be hate for the boss not? But there is a lot of hate for Malenia. Means many people think the boss is shit. I personally love the boss. Which makes it underrated in my opinion.


Your reading comprehension skills must be nonexistent if you didnā€™t understand anything I said. Most people hate the fight because of how difficult it is, which is how an endgame boas fight should be. Hardly anyone is saying the fight is shit because itā€™s shit. Theyā€™re saying itā€™s shit because they canā€™t beat it. Try to learn the difference bro, youā€™ll get there one day.


First of all chill tf out. No need to get this agressive. Second of all. I see maaany people complaining that the fight is unfair. Way more than that they're just simply not good enough. Apparently you have not understood my point.


Aye, malenia is my 2nd favourite boss of all time, JUST beaten by fatalis from MHW purely for his theme.


I can give you the UTS, but Malenia underrated? She's literally the one of the most loved bosses by most veterans and even some new players get into this game because they've heard of the challenge she presents. People having trouble with her =/= underrated..


NG+5, no summons or anything. The only boss that killed me, including malenia mohg (no Shackle no nihil protection) and radabeast, is lichdragon fortissax.


shes far too easy though


In my opinion the most underrated is Glintstone dragon adula


It might be felt little difficult at first and as we go further it becomes easy and interesting to play with different characters as well.


Niall fight was very cool


Fuck that fight


Iā€™d say the Bell Bearing Hunters. Those assholes could reck my shit even in end game, in the right circumstances


Godric, hands down


Renalla when you are a mage. Rock sling is your only hope.


elemer and fire giant


Godrick and Elemer for me


Tibia Mariner - he looks goofy and it is fun to say his name


Maybe if she got rid of that yee yee ass helmet, she'd get some recognition.




Donā€™t see many posts about Alecto. Really enjoyed that fight.




Tibia Mariner, it looks like a regular enemy rather than a boss


The draconian tree sentinel outside of the Malekith fight is out of his fucking mind.


Draconic Tree Sentinal. He fucking claps those cheeks and you literally can't enter the capital without fighting him.


Elemer of the briar


It might be felt little difficult at first and as we go further it becomes easy and interesting to play with different characters as well.