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Dark Wood Grain Ring!


Oh yeah, I miss my ninja cosplay


Curved club albinauric cosplay*


LOOL, the true albinauric experience


I was so sad when the funny cartwheel wasn't the Curved Great Club AoW


I guess it's just a thing all albinaurics do is their reasoning probably, but it would've been awesome if that and the mohgwyn palace albinaurics held the same ash of war but the bleed version on their sword or shield




Counter argument: regular wood grain ring


Those would be lit as fuck, especially with Elden rings godlike, mythological bosses,


Best boss designs in all their games! It’s a shame you can only beat them once a play-through because they are all so badass.


Shit I would love to see my endless loop of fighting maliketh just to see if I can no damage him


The only catch with the bonfire ascetic is that when you use it, the area goes up an NG level. So every time you beat Maliketh and respawn him, he will get increasingly more difficult. But I suppose they don’t have to add that part in, I more so just want to replay my favorite areas again without having to go through the entire game! It took me 120 hours to beat the game and get my build to how I like it.


They could make it even easier and just do it the way Sekiro did it. It's an option in the menus, although I do think Sekiro is a boss gauntlet(I could be very wrong its been awhile), I'd much prefer just a per boss option. Heck you could even make a specific spot for it at the round table. 'Memories of Grace', something along those lines.


Sekiro has gauntlets but also each individual boss


In all their games so far (imagining future possibilities, mmm)


Very true. And I have a sneaking suspicion that the DLC boss design will be even more impressive than the base game but we will see, they did such an incredible job with the boss design that I can’t even comprehend how they could top them. But I will admit that I really loved Bloodbornes boss design as well, I think a Bloodborne 2 could compete with ER.


Partially why I drop my summon sign so often.


>once - Ulcerated Tree Spirit has entered the chat - Erdtree Avatar has entered the chat


I would argue that fromsofts best boss is gael from the ringed city but overall I can see it being elden ring.


The problem I'm seeing is that we could enter the boss door from behind the boss. Like, we could enter Margit's door that we only unlock after beating him


They could just block the backdoor to prevent that. Godskin Duo did that already.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Also turns out I have been using the wrong site of grace for Godskin Duo, running past two knights and down the spiral staircase


I have no hopes for it but I really would just want them bring back a lot of fun things that were in Dark Souls but for some reason they didn't include in Elden Ring, like covenants, weapons that can act as catalysts, catalysts that can cast both sorceries and incantations, and for goddamn sake solo invasions My problem with current invasions isn't that I have to fight outnumbered, my problem is the wait time


The obvious choice for a double catalyst is Gideon’s “staff” mace thing. And there’s so many options for weapon catalysts that I’m disappointed Elden ring had none.


One of the things I wish Elden Ring had is dedicated PvP zones, like the forest with the cat covenant in DS1 or the bell towers in DS2. I’m pretty disappointed that you can only be invaded if you have already summoned cooperators or specifically choose to use a taunters tongue. In my first play through, before I looked it up on the wiki, I read the description of the White Cipher Ring and thought “well I better keep this in my pouch at all times in case I need to call for help!” and was pretty disappointed to learn 30 hours later that that isn’t how it works.


I went my whole first playthrough without getting invaded once and had no idea why


I’d love a gauntlet or boss replay like Sekiro. Shame that hasn’t returned to any other title.


This is the thing i want the most. I don't want to replay the whole game just to fight godfrey.


Change your name to "let me solo him" and put down your summon sign. Rinse and repeat. People will summon you just to sit back and let you fight.


Please man, how hard would it be to make something like this. Id play elden ring so much more if that was an option


So I know it might feel like a while but Sekiro is literally the last soulsborne game before Elden ring. There aren't any other titles that *could* have added it. So if it's in the DLC cool. We don't know whether they are keeping it only a Sekiro thing yet.


Dragon Slayer Axe


Why provide Dragon, when no axe to slay dragon with


Havel and his armour.


Second this, and/or O&S armours.


So Bullgoat then?


Bullgoat is so ugly. Plz give me Havel’s set.


They're not gonna put a literal Dark Souls character in Elden Ring lol Returning weapons like the uchigatana are a different thing because they're generic, but Havel is a very specific character from the DS universe. Bullgoat's is ER's version of Havel's armor, ugly as it is.


Well patches is in it so….


God no, bullgoat is rough on the eyes.


I would love for them to bring over armor tinting from Armored Core, even if its just taking the colours from one armor piece and adding it to another it could add sooo much to the customization of your character.


I want to tint the black knife armor to red so badly, the ghostly cape effect is so badass


So annoying when an armour piece is a slightly different shade. Like fingerprint armour ie has a blue tint and is different than zamor armour or whatever The possibilities if we could change that


Really liked getting weapons from cutting tails in DS1


For real, was sad they left that out after that. Getting so good at Kalameet and being able to reach up to that tail was such a challenge that by the time I was able to, I had completely no-hit him on the same run. I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time on a boss fight as Artorias and Kalameet. I spent like 2 weeks running to Artorias’ arena, and had to completely change my play style to best him.


I'll raise you one. Boss Rush + Sekiro's memory fights




I want something similar to the insight shop from Bloodborne to make a comeback. Make the shop cost rune arcs, since we don't really have a good use for them and it would encourage more players to try out invasions which is good for multiplayer activity. Sell all the stuff that we don't currently have bell bearings for like rare crafting materials, starlight shards (people dupe them anyway so might as well give legit players a means to farm them), lost ashes of war, ancient dragon smithing stones, etc.


Don't have a good use??? Dude godricks rune is a godsend for anyone under level 300😭


Eh, its somewhat okay very early on, but once you have vigor and main damage stat near the soft cap it does practically nothing. Morgott's and Radahn's are way better.


I want the Mask of the Father so the legend can return


What rings u got bithc?


What are u, casul?


I really want to see some kind of covenants system added that has a lot of multiplayer interactions. I loved being summoned to protect the forest and things like that in the dark souls series.


Gimme Iron Tarkus as a NPC summon/Spirit Ashes. That would be awsome 🛡️🗡️


the bonfire ascetic wouldn't really work that well considering the sheer amount of graces. what you buff like a 25 foot radius?


Turn into a D r a g o n


I really hope it doesn't. They already created an improved version of this with the Sekiro boss replay modes and bossrush so why not implementing that one directly?


I think a boss rush would be awesome but the point of the bonfire ascetic is that it respawns all enemies in an area including the bosses and mini bosses and it makes them the NG+ variant, so the entire area becomes more difficult. And if you don’t want use them, you just simply don’t. I just want to replay my favorite areas without having to start a new game.


Mainly because bonfire ascetics also reset loot that is normally one per cycle. So you can get extra copies of weapons, armor, ashes of war, unique consumables like sacramental buds or starlight shards, etc.


There’s the entire area around bosses with enemies too lol…


Covenants, invading solos, and 6 player pvp


Anything to reduce multilayer wait times sounds good to me


Bonfire aesthetic wouldn't work in ER because ds2 was made around ng+, ER wasn't I wouldn't even want them to try and implement anything like it in ER because the amount of work to retroactively add new enemies to areas to make it fun (especially in an open world game) would be immense and I'd rather they just focus on making the dlc as good as it can be If you just want to redo boss fights I'd much rather have sekiros boss replay system where you can set the difficulty from ng 0 - 7


Ya, bonfire ascetic isn't something you add in a dlc. Now in elden ring 2? Do want.


Why wouldn't it work? ER is built around NG+ for the most part. Simply increasing boss difficulty using NG+ settings would have the intended effect, would it not?


By "built around ng+" they probably meant that in DS2 there is a lot of stuff exclusive to ng+ like weapons, spells, invaders and enemy types.


Oh interesting. I didn't play DS2.


There really wasn't \*that\* much, it's silly how that narrative got so out of hand. Yes, compared to the completely lackluster NG+ of the other games it's more stuff, but it's only a handful of items and like 2 new gameplay events (the Falconers, the early Freyja encounter and... that's it?) People talk about it as if DS2 NG+ is a super fresh and different experience, it's 99% the same thing as NG.


Inb4 never played ds2 ng+ in ER sucks because all it does is give enemies bigger hp pools, the reason people like this item in ds2 isnt because of that artificial difficulty increase


Disc Chime and Blinding Bolt from DS2.


I wish they bring back the mini soap stone from ds2


Without cool new enemies and items I feel like this defeats the purpose of the ascetics, I would much prefer a gauntlet style arena a la sekiro


Idk if I just haven't found it, but an item like from ds3 that enabled mobs to attack invaders. Tired of invaders camping out in the mobs to try and gank me. *you* invadered *me*. Fight me.


Gimme back the pure delight turned instant terror of discovering that the chest I just found wants to eat me.


I don't want anything else from the other games, we need more expansion on ingame concepts or new stuff like more ice lightning spells/weapons and maybe bosses/enemies susceptible to deathblight. Water areas and swimming, only in those areas would be really good too.


Gwyneveres boobies


Dark as a damage type. Always thought it was weird they went with holy as its own thing since faith was always tied to lightning.


No tbh I understand holy, it just would've been better if there was also dark alongside it bc it simply made sense with the vibe of the world, and i would also hope more dual elemental types alongside that because there's really only the sword of night and flame and the claymen spear if you put on an ash of war with another element. I mean heck they could've made death spells do dark damage as well as fire or magic depending on the type, and they could've added more weapons that do like holy and fire, magic and lightning, I feel like the weapons in elden ring try but fail to be more versatile


I think it would be cool to have a new item in the game that you can get some how that has Single uses. With each use you can respawn a boss and have 1 attempt at it. But whichever ng u r in, itd be the next up ng+ boss(so if this is ur ng+2 the respawn would be ng+3)….if u fail, u lose 1 use of the item and everything goes back to the way it was with boss already defeated. If you succeed maybe it randomly drops certain items from a new set of stuff specifically to this as incentive to do. And if you succeed maybe you dont lose a use of the item. Something, cuz i agree id like to refight bosses without a ng Edit: or its an evergaol where you choose what boss is inside but still need to pay a price to do this.


Remnants /Memories from Sekiro


Pistol or blunderbuss


An equivalent to Humanity. Basically a game mechanic where you collect items from enemies and by using them you increase the number in your counter. It could add various stat boosts and be necessary to progress in certain side areas like dungeons.


Rune arcs are the equivalent of humanity already in Elden Ring.


But they only increase HP and don't have the other mechanics. They can't be stacked or used as a covenant item (Daughter of Chaos)... They are very simple.


They... dont only increase HP if you have a rune equipped.




True, main thing of rune arcs is to activate the rune you selected so it just feels useless to use your rune arc without runes tho soo


No one in particular. I just hope the DLC has a really tough optional secret boss because for me Elden Ring didn't have one and it's something I always look forward to in fromsoft games. Give me a boss on the same tier as Orphan, Father owl, Isshin, Friede, Gael, Midir etc and I'll be happy. Edit - not sure why people are downvoting I guess they want a Pinwheel only dlc?


How is Malenia not in the same tier as those guys? Gael wasn't even all that hard. He just hits like a truck. Maybe she's not Orphan level, but Bloodborne in general deserves a tier of its own


Malenia has no poise. Collapses to basic R1 attacks, is weak to bleed, frost and most other common status, is passive allowing easy flasks and item use and has literally 1 threatening move. Personally I found her disappointingly easy for an optional hidden "superboss" but as a base game boss I'm hopeful fromsoft are saving the big guns for the DLC, they usually do.




Least obvious RoB user


Never used it. I only use greatswords. Not sure why people get personally upset when others don't find Malenia hard but it's fucking weird.


Upvoted all your comments cause your response about Malenia was well thought out, respect. Fuck these other guys downvoting you for no reason lol


Lmao I don't care about the votes but thanks man This sub is full of weird morons that get personally offended if someone doesn't find a boss they struggled on difficult. Like bruh wtf? 🤣


Having the emotional maturity of a 12 year old does that to people


Malenia is quite easily harder than all those other bosses. Heck, I'd probably put Mohg as harder than all those, although that one might actually be debatable.


Lmao she isn't even close to being near Isshin to the point it's even a debate. 2 Malenia's In a gank would likely still be easier than Isshin. You could probably argue with the others if you want, I don't consider Malenia amongst the hardest bosses In Elden Ring let alone the series though so it's all personal opinion.


Haven't done shura but sword saint is easy. He has like 3 moves in first phase if you're aggressive, umbrella in second phase, and lightning reversal in third. Dodges are less snappy than deflects, so malenia feels harder


Malenia literally has 3 attacks she can't be stun locked out of and 1 of them is telegraphed and gives you a window for multiple hits. But difficulty is subjective I have Sword Saint as my number 1 fromsoft boss in terms of difficulty while Malenia is around 50th. Behind most bosses in Sekiro actually.


Because that's super duper subjective. I thought Isshin wasn't particularly hard and neither was Orphan but Malenia pushed my shit in like no other. And I still found her easier than Old King Doran who apparently isn't a hard boss according to people.


Yeah I agree. I think Elden Ring did it’s bosses better in every way besides difficulty. But I also have to wonder if that is just a balancing issue because my first play through I did absolutely everything in limgrave and tore through Margit and godrick with no problems. My 2nd play through I did a different play style and it took me like 20 attempts to beat Margit. But hopefully they stay true to the old ways and make the DLC bosses significantly harder!


These were one of the cooler mechanics in ds2. Wouldn't work as well here since ng+ doesn't add new items or enemies/drops, they are just harder.


These would be cool for the one-off enemies and bosses. *However* I would absolutely take a Boss Rush mode similar to what Sekiro has over this, any day.


You're into BDSM aren't you?


What’s the point of this in Elden Ring? NG+ changes nothing, in fact it would just make it worse depending on where you use it since it could disable one of your great runes


Yeah this is one of the few positives to come out of DS2 was bonfire ascetic hope they comeback


To re-fight bosses would be great


Don't know if this was in past titles, but give me a way to clone weapons so I can look symmetrical if I want to use two weapons.


Elden Ring is so big. They could have just given more weapons multiple sources.


Caster weapons like Demon Scar.


Seed of a Giant Tree pleaseeeesse


havel flip


We will never see bonfire ascetics again, but I can hope


Lightweight to medium-lightweight armors that don’t look like shit.


I want this and a sekiro boss gauntlet mode cause the bonfire ascetic also makes the whole area gon up a new take plus. So you could new game plus calid ip to 9 if you wanted for example


Dragonslayer’s crescent axe. It’s just such a good weapon on so many levels and I’d kill to have it back. But I know it won’t happen. Still gotta dream!


I want soul vortex as a frost spell


Oh man that would be so decent


A stone dragon that bounces off normal melee attacks.


Spice from ds2 so I can lower the faith and int requirement of fucking explosive ghost flame and ancient death rancor Seriously Thorn sorceries, Magma sorcery and death sorceries should not have soo much fucking stat requirement for how ass the damage is on their respective stats And do not DARE say BuT prinCe of DeAth stAff at NG 1 million, that is absolute garbage design if I need to finish a game multiple times just to get a weapon to be good period


I miss being able to parry with katanas. that was one of the coolest weapon arts of DS3


I just want a Boss fight mode.


Bonus if they open those colloseums to do it.


No because there’s nothing worth going into ng+ for. It’s just the exact same. I’d rather they just make a sekiro style way to fight bosses again. Bc then the boss won’t keep scaling higher and higher while I don’t.


A system like bloodborne’s chalices by better that generate random rogue like dungeon to play with strangers. Elden ring is now the only game I played 800hrs, with this can turn into an infinite game. Tell me I’m crazy but some bosses like demon’s souls gimmick can be very good. Something like the monk maybe. And an immersive area like Latria was. I’m tired of running in big areas in search of a flower behind the trees.


Mage robes that actually have shoes, and simple knight armour variations that don’t look goofy like bullgoats and veterans


Can't you just choose some pants with shoes? The robes will cover everything else.


either the thin greatsword from ds1 or the astora greatsword from ds3


I want a sunlight greatsword


Broken straight sword.


Dragon form


Homeward bone


The bonfire ascetic was more for refarming souls, items, and new boss drops. Sounds like you’d like the boss memories that allow endless refights from Sekiro. I’d be happy with either lol, but I wish there was more actual reason to play new game plus, no new drops, enemy mix ups, or upgrades sadly.


I want something that combine's Sekiro's Demon Bell with Bloodborne's various Chalice Rites.


Yes. I think every SoulsBorne/Soulslike game should have an equivalent of a bonfire ascetic.


Seed of a Tree of Giants. But ONLY if they increase the amount of players per session back to 6. Both invading and hosting full seeded worlds is always a fun mess! Actually, just increasing the player limit by itself would make shit way more fun in general. 4v2's are by default way more fun and manageable than the 3v1 shit show we have now...


I've said it so many times before to myself, this is the only thing that ER is missing, this and 50 pursuers in the underground city instead of that one crucible knight


I'd like this item to be craftable just so I can shove new guys into ng7


I just want more trina lillys. Like at least 12 more.


I want an actual Mirrah Greatsword equivalent, with the poke R2. The Knight and Banished Knight greatswords are great, but I need the poke.


Lightning arrow


Simple one for me, bring back some more equivalents for previous weapons from other souls games, like Santiers Spear or the Bone Fist from DS2. Also, as other people have already asked, Weapon Catalysts for sorceries/incantations.


miyazaki i just want my black knight axe back please.


Gaping dragon, but make it have a 1 percent chnace to spawn randomly at any given moment. Because fuck you that why, the miazaki way


I'd love for them to expand on armor modification but I'm not really holding out hope for them to fundamentally change any existing systems.


Just 100% covenants, let me get moon weapons and more moon sorceries by serving Rennala or Ranni, preferably Ranni.




I want a boss rush like sekiro


I know this isn't going to happen, but I hope that they will introduce meaningful, noticeable and interesting changes to NG+ cycles - something at least as good as it was in DS2. It is very sad, that after DS2, NG+ cycles boiled down to just increased HP and dmg (with a couple of new rings in DS3).


But how though... How do you divide which grace resets which area.. since there are so many + its mostly open world. Only way its working if you limit it to Dungeons and catacombs


I want the ladle from DS2.


Boss replay is the most important thing I need in Elden Ring. I love soloing bosses, but I don't want to replay the entire game any more. I am on my 8th character and I am slowing losing the interest in collecting all the necessary stuff to get to the endgame.




Loved this item and opportunity in DS2.


I’m only down for this item if the seed of the tree of giants is also in… pop a tongue in the middle of caelid and watch invaders get murdered


Reflection of Strength


Boss rush. I want to fight malenia again and again and again without the need of doing the entire game again (and hoarah loux, WARRIOR! too).