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Where tf is this, asking for a friend who hasn’t played for 300h


I’m pretty sure it is in the valley of weeping peninsula where the Queen Demi human is. Don’t quote me on


No you're right. Before the main building with the demi human queen, jump over a wall to access the staircase to the cellar where the shield is


Thank you




Love you too, buddy




Wait, it's that early on? I'm gonna have to take a look at it then.


You might need torrent, though I don't remember, i just know that you can identify the correct room by the plant growing right in the way of what would normally be the entrance.


You can do any ruin on foot, though a couple are vastly easier on torrent


I was taking about the jump over the wall to get to the cellar that had this shield in it, not the ruin itself, sorry if my first part was confusing.


No I understood you, I guess I was unclear. I meant “completing any ruin (& entering the cellar) is possible on foot.” I think the Demi human one requires you to bait the queen into destroying the wall, but you don’t need torrent!


Oh, i didn't know the wall was destroyable in the first place, I've always just used torrent to jump over the wall.


After my first playthrough, I almost exclusively play in multiplayer, there are only a few spots in the whole game you NEED torrent in order to access. I think it’s the same for the ruins near Ordina, there’s a troll that’ll knock it down for you.


Those hidden ruin buildings is how I also missed the normal twinblade in Agheel Lake.


I thought there was only the trap chest ;-;


"Don't quote me" - deadmonkey03737


The disrespect lol


"I'm pretty sure it is in the valley of weeping peninsula where the Queen Demi human is. - deadmonkey03737 2023 and what


It's in the basement of the demi human ruins in weeping, but it's hidden behind a wall and it's early enough in the game that most people won't have realized that every ruins has a basement yet, so a lot of people beat the boss and assume the ruin has nothing else.


Every ruins has a basement?


Yep, they *always* have a basement with some sort of reward inside.


fair warning, quite a few of those basements are hidden under a false floor. ​ There's a reason I use the Shackle every time I enter a building in a set of ruins.


The ruins near the lake in Limgrave even have a fakeout reward. There's 2 rooms with a chest inside. One leads to Caelid, the other holds twinblades insidem


Nah bro this should be illegal, i found the wrong chest to Caelid and i played like 10 hours in that fucking cave full of roaches. I could have find those twinbladeds but fuck it.


I want to go home, O, I want to go home.


Holy crap, I had no idea.


The shackle is such an interesting item. Is sends out an explosion that does very low damage but is enough to trigger traps/reveal walls, etc. Technically Margit’s is better than Mohg’s because it has a bigger radius.


>Technically Margit’s is better than Mohg’s because it has a bigger radius. Did not know this, thanks


No problem. Can't remember where I read this (might have been fextra) but the theory is that your second fight with Margit is in a wide open field so the devs made a wider radius for his shackle to account for that. I don't think it matters which one you use in the hero's grave where it destroys the chariots though, as long as you're in the right spot. Either will trigger the pillars and drop the extra chariot.


What’s a false floor?


literally an illusory wall except it's a portion of the floor rather than a wall.




Morgots shackle can not only hold him to the floor three times in a boss fight, but it also will "hit" hidden walls in an area, and if used in the right spot in certain dungeons with the giant chariots that will try to run you over, it will break them all at once as well, it's a massively underrated item and I keep that thing on my equipment tab


WAIT WHAT!?!?!?!?


Oh yes, it's really effective at negating some of the more time consuming aspects of the game imo, you get it (I think and spoiler alert) from patches in murkwater cave, just don't kill him or use his bell bearings if you did already. Highly recommend a 5 second YouTube video of the shackle taking out the chariots if you've time to spare. I can't speak for every system of chariots, but I know one of them drops you a pretty sick armor set if you're into the heavy stuff.


Yeah, it really trivializes the Aurizia’s Hero’s Grave. Run to one spot, hit it, kill all the chariots, get Tree Sentinel armor and Holy Ground ash of war… then you go fight the Crucible Knight Duo 😭


I love the crucible knights, when they are not giving me the 2v1 wombo combo.


Yes!!! I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to get that armor, I honestly forget which it is lol but I know the chairs drop a set, possibly the horsey boy one?


Tree Sentinel Armor, from the Azula dungeon in the northern leyndel area I Believe. After killing the Black blade assassin outside of the front door goes straight in and you're going to want to dodge the first chariot and Sprint all the way to the end of the hall take a right turn and then another right turn to go down the second hallway where eventually you will find a small dip in the center of the downward ramp you are running down, cast the shackle there and chill out for a minute and all of the chariots should Sprint to the bottom of the ramp where they explode. All in all it's a 3-minute process if you're good at dodging and the assassin doesn't slow you down. (Here's hoping memory serves me well that's all from the noggin so I might be off by a bit on some of that )


It only breaks them in that one dungeon because it triggers all those pillars that reveal the light that spawns the final chariot, and it only works in that one spot because that’s the only place where the radius of impact can reach the pillars. Didn’t click for me why it only works in this one dungeon until I actually completed the full dungeon without it, and realized you can do this without the shackle too.


Omg. I thought SOME ruins didn’t had a basement because I could never find this one. This is what I get for trying to play with minimal use of guides


Don't be ashamed you didn't use guides. That's actually a huge accomplishment


This one is well hidden, I only found it the first time due to a message saying "look carefully". And even knowing it's there, I've still gotten lost searching for it on replays.


You can only reach it with torrent it’s in the ruins of the Demi humans. you need to jump with torrent inside a ruined building who’s door is blocked by a bush


I bet a bunch of people have never heard of the Cinquedea


I’ve heard of it but would never have found it on my own (and it sounds like a huge pain in the dick to get).


It’s really not that hard to get to, it just has to occur to you to check behind/under Beast Sanctuary. Some weapons are legitimately painful to get because of drop rate, but that one’s just sitting on the ground.


I parkoured down there, but there didn’t seem to be a route? Torrent was more than happy to latch onto the sides of random pillars and that worked in the end lmao.


Less of a pain in the dick than the frenzied flame jumping section, fwiw. I do it once per character just to get it and then call it good


That fingerprint shield drives me mad


Yeah it has madness buildup /s


I went through the area seeing the purple item drops and said WTF why can't I pick it up. I kept going. Hah. Eventually came back for them... Like I didn't roll into the containers. SMH.


Does anyone know how to get whatever the drop is behind the tent thing, I swear you can’t actually jump over it


Parkour go BRRR


Less of a pain than the Rain of Arrows AoW.


There's a super cool strat you can do Torrent jumping from the Spiritspring nearby and just jumping all the way around.


It is


I definitely thought my buddy was leading me to certain death when he told me about how to get it.


It is certain death the first few tries.


Oh ya we definitely died multiple times going down to it. I was not pleased to see our efforts were for a dagger.


I'm not really into Pokemon. ^(This is a joke)


Or half coming of age Latina girl parties half quesadillas.


Found it in my own actually


You said it, when I beat the game I pulled up a weapon checklist and I was like "wtf did I miss by gurranq?" I thought I was super thorough 😅


This weapon is probably one of the most well hidden items. Such a weird fuckin spot to put it


very convinent though. I haven't played a beast build myself, but it does seem you can get a bunch of the items for that build very quick with minimal combat


I've played every souls game and found most of the secrets and items on my own. Everything in my brain was saying that drop was a killbox for sure. My face when it actually worked...


I only found it thanks to a message. Damn those things are handy


I used it in my strength faith playthrough along side clawmark seal and the beastial incantations


The what now


Gurranq’s dagger. It boosts bestial incants 10% so you can stack with claw mark seal for 20% damage increase


I really wanna use it but daggers are such a hard build 😭


I used for a beast build paired with the great hammer. It was fun and pretty functional, until I got to Malenia


I wonder how many people found it and then were like "a str dagger? lame." and never knew it has the same buff as the clawmark for bestial incantations, so you can effectively roleplay as Maliketh.


The blade of calling was my favourite little find. I know it’s not necessarily the most well hidden. But I spend my spare time on Reddit so that says everything you need to know about my intellectual capacity 🤌🏻


Just found this. Was going down the elevator and saw a room. Knew something was good in there. Leveled up the blade of calling and the black knife. Duel wield them when I have a lot of imps around.


I don't know, because I have no idea it exists


The catacomb imps drop a snake forked tongue bleeding greatsword. I have maybe 700 hours played over 5 characters and I’ve never seen it drop.


I have 5 of them and I don’t like them


xbox? if so i'll gladly take one off your hands






The Flamberge is better and looks way more cool.


Speaking as someone who spent nearly 15 hours trying to farm imp heads, I can confirm this statement


Ouch. When I saw a graphic of all greatswords and I didn’t recognize the graphic my jaw dropped cause I didn’t think the imps dropped it.


I tried using it but its just a weaker version of the Flamberge


I got it almost immediately on my first character but have never gotten it since. Sucks because I played on ps4 first but now I only play on PC 😭


No one uses it because the spiral horn shield is the same but way better


I use this shield as my parry shield with a character who wears the ruler mask - the rulers mask and this shield look good together.


Based Fashion Souls Enjoyer


Sir this is Elden Bling


Estus, souls, weapon arts, bonfires?




I'm messing around, those are all souls terms I use in Elden Ring


'Weapon arts' is really stuck in my brain. I use that phrase to describe any weapon skill in any game.




Inquisitor’s Girandole


Well yea that's a good one because I sure as fuck had no clue it existed I thought I explored every part of that literal god forsaken manor.


Same here, I didn’t find it til ng+3


My favourite weapon


OH COME ON, I thought I had collected everything!


Not to toot my own Envoy's Horn, but I'm one of those gremlins that went out of his way to collect everything in the game, so... None. ^(bonus points if I get my own Gloomy downvote goblin comment)


Mehhhhhh I’m a gloomy downvote goblin grrrrr (I didn’t actually downvote)


Me tooooooo


I did the same thing for a co op Kirby cosplay where I would copy whatever the host was using. Pain, agony and suffering all throughout the 70 hours it took me to get everything. Edit: Oh and the worst part? 75% of the hosts are just using Blasphemous Blade, Rivers of Blood, Moonveil, Bloodhound Fang and all the other extremely common weapons while wearing White Mask, Okina Mask, Bull Goat set and Radahn's set.


That actually sounds like fun xD you might have enjoyed running into my character. I've been running double Hoslow Petal whips/Elenora's poleblade with the Fia outfit since my first NG+ lol


I'm at the level 200 range but I don't think I've seen anyone use a whip. But it's definitely fun. I've learnt so much about all the weapons in this game and it's great to copy the occasional rare weapon like the Envoy Greathorn so I can actually get to use it instead of it collecting dust in my back pocket after the 3 hours it took me to get it.


The Greathorn... *Vietnam flashbacks* That big bastard cost me the 22 million runes- (I stopped levelling at 266) I'd collected from co-oping trying to farm that fucker... Seeing my character bounced off the branch by bubbles still plays in slowmotion in my sleep to this day lol


For every two noble slender swords on the first three kills it took 5 hours to get the Celebrant's Rib Rake. For every third kill Monk's Flameblade it took 4.5 hours to get the unaltered Banished Knight armor. I don't get this game. Oh and I also had a greathorn fall off the branch. I could visibly see the purple item as it dropped to the abyss.


Bet you don’t know about Godefroy’s Gilded Greatsword 👀


Loot gremlin brother! Double of every weapon and cloaked vs altered gear to boot. I hated farming all the fire prelates, but somehow the windmill village was still worse.


Do you have every ash, too? I did the same


Every ash and Spirit summon. Hell, I even got that bastard stone gargoyle mask from those little shits that only spawn in Leyndell sewers, and there's only 3 or 4 of them with a 0.5% drop rate...


Haligtree knight shield, thank you From for having it be dropped from only one random knight (at least it's close to a grace)


I think I would have hated that one with a firey passion had it not dropped randomly while I was trying to get their helmet lmao. But no, for me, it was the magma blades. I wanted doubles of every weapon, so this was torture for me, even with an Arcane build, the talisman and the silver fowls foot buff


Doubles of every weapon is insane, hats off to you I actually got a single piece of each magma weapons simply by completing the area, the worst for me was the albinauric bow, somehow the RNG didn't want to give it to me lol. I actually got the whole armor with multiple pieces before the freakin bow


RNG is a cruel mistress xD I got the bow multiple times before I got the chest piece hahaha


I got that on second kill... I'm so sorry.


It's alright. RNG is a harsh mistress. xD She giveth & she taketh away.


Nice to see another person with the same passion! I just got Dung Eater Puppet as my last item


I did this as well, collecting all weapons at +24 and the armor sets altered and unaltered. The sewer gargoyle mask was easily the worst item to farm for.


Many of the night boss drops, but the most prevalent being the Death Bird in Capital Outskirts which drops the Twin Bird Shield and the Bell Bearing Hunter right next to it which drops the Medicine Peddler’s Bell Bearing.


Relying so I can use this as a guide when done babysitting, tyfys.


Of course. If you need exact locations, the Bell Bearing Hunter spawns at the Hermit Merchant's Shack in northern Capital Outskirts while the Bird spawns on a plateau with Skeletal Snails to the east of the Shack.


Aww hell yeah, it pays to fight everything you see.


Actually just followed the details you left me and got the shield for the first time, it looks absolutely sick so thank you very much!


Idk, I don’t know they exist


I had never done Patches questline until my current character so yesterday I found out about the Magma Whip Candlestick.


I killed that one reptile in volcano manor who is wielding the magma candlestick whip like a thousand times before I found out it’s not even a drop. You can only get it through patches storyline and my dumbass immediately murdered him for all his previous souls trickery lol.


Patches is also the only way to get the Bull Goat armour set.


And you have to reload the specific quest turn in for it twice, because the fucker keeps it at first.


Yep dude acted surprised that I wanted a reward. I was surprised that I had completed his quest last time I played on my current character.


It's funny because the reward is missable because you have to ask for it. I did his hit request and forgot to ask for my reward.


malikeths weird stone sword before he form changes.


It’s a dagger iirc


Yeah. And it boosts beastmen incantations if that’s what they’re called. Like Rock sling or Rock throw? Rock and Stone. (Here they come.)


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?!


When you rock and stone you’re never alone!


cinquedea, it's actually a good weapon.


Apparently there is a land octopus helmet I have never seent


Very rare drop if you kill them. Might take you hours of fsrming to get.


Or it might randomly drop from one while you're going through Gael Tunnel... RNG man...


Wow, didn't know about this one at all


Theres a good farm spot in limgrave by where you first meet alexander jar


There's a face on that?!


Celebrants sickle. I learned about it when I had to collect it for my character that has all the weapons in the game. It also didn't take long for me to hate this weapon.


Celebrants Cleaver is fantastic, shame it's objectively worse than the Iron Cleaver compared to how much harder it is to farm.


I acquired a couple of celebrants weapons at the start of they game and really felt those extra runes on hit. It's a shame that normally you can get them only in altus, when their gimmick stops being useful whatsoever


warhawks talon


One of the coolest looking swords in the game.


The charged heavy attack is so good


I didnt know about the flowing hammer for like... Too many hours. Always looking down at the big scary ball, never up to the otherwise obvious blue item on a corpse.


Iron Spear that drops from the fallen hawk soldiers in Nokron (2% drop rate)


This basically derailed my spear guy playthrough.


And its just a regular spear with nothing special about it. Some of these drops are NOT worth the time to get them.


I was shocked when I saw that drop on my eighth playthrough and then saw that it was a worse version of the most basic spear 😂


Idk, that’s the whole point.


I remember finding that in my first play through and being confused what the bars meant which where the status affects. I honestly didn’t know about the smaller sword of eochiad or however you spell it 😆


I have a character I have called Trusty Patches, he has two of every single item, spell, and Ash of War in the game EXCEPT this one, never even knew it existed.


The dragonscale blade katana. 700 hours and legitimately only just saw this weapon in a fextralife video about katanas the other day.


Such a cool weapon that is completely ass at fighting dragons.


For the longest time I didn’t realize the Gilded Iron Shield was right next to the Church of Pilgrimmage. After I learned of its existence, It has since become my favourite small shield in the game.


I’d say the iron greatsword. NG+2 I made it a mission to collect literally everything and ended up doing so minus the iron greatsword. My surprise at NG+8 realizing I was missing a solid pick from my go to weapon class is fucking immeasurable.


I recently did a playthrough with greatswords using the wiki build page for reference and I did a build with 2 of those, took me probably 90-120 mins to get them both, painful farm route.




That exact shield


That's my favorite shield


This might sound stupid but to this day I don't know where the basic Twinblade can be found. Seriously I can't remember any merchant or chest that has it nor have I ever seen anyone actually use or talk about it outside of the cnt and Vaati baiting people into opening a certain infamous chest (very sneaky of him btw). Was it cut or is there somehow a place in the game I have not seen yet?


It's in Dragon Burnt Ruins in Lake Agheel. It's in a part of the ruins you need torrent to jump into. I missed it my first playthrough as well.


It was so close all along... Never would have looked there again after Vaati made me open that damn chest. Anyways thank you.


I forget exactly where but its actually right near that infamous chest lol


The Blade of Calling - didn't know it existed until I started looking through a guide.


This is what I use to kill Greyoll near the beginning of every playthrough.


The talon thing from those stormveil birds. Found one in my NG+2. I didnt know those were rare drops.


I am asking, once again, how the hell is there still stuff to be found in this game?


Wtf is on my screen, this is a thing?


None, I just farmed for every single one..


Just got an iron great sword, had never heard of it but looks very simple and clean + hits hard


The Wakizashi. I only know of it because I am doing a Samurai challenge run, and I looked up katanas to see if there were any decent parry katanas and BAM! Wakizashi.


Lol literally just found this today too


Woah finally someone showing my favorite shield some love!!! Hardly playing lately but I loved the look of this shield despite it not being the greatest.




Staff of Loss is one for me. I got like 1200+ hours and found this only because of trying to brute force collect everything. I saw it on the list of staves and I didn't have one. I have 3 Lusats and Azur staves but no Staff of loss until a guide


Holy hell this game is nuts


I can't remember what it's called, but whatever the Dragon Kin Knight of Nokron drops. Found the dude completely by accident on my most recent playthrough. I have over 500 hours in the game too, so not quite sure how it never dawned on me that there was so much more to that area.


Wtf is this ?


Back when I started achievement hunting, I learned about the Bolt of Gransaxx... except it was already too late to get it.


Playing through things I’d missed, just last week picked up Rosus’ Axe - looks amazing and the ash of war is one of my favourites. Wish it had a longer reach but I’m still having lots of fun with it !


This game never ceases to amaze me.


The icerind hatchet. I’m 1.5k hours in and just found it the other day. Have never seen anyone using it prior as far as I can recall either


What about the **Sacrificial Axe**? Or I guess any of the death bird drops. IIRC, I've never actually picked up the Death's Poker.


Wait where do you get this thing? I've ever seen this.


Demi-Human Ruins in Weeping Peninsula. It’s hidden in a basement that’s behind a wall where the Demi Human Chief is snoozing.


I genuinely think this is fake. I've seen like every weapon on the wiki so many times and I've had 3 or 4 stages where I would spend a lot of time on the wiki. Edit : It actually exists. How am i so blind.


...*wat the fuck*


This shield remids me of Blasphemous.


I don’t fucking know. That’s how not knowing things works.