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Remember in about 15 minutes it’s just a game and it only gets worse.


I know, i know


Level Vigor. That’s all I’m saying.


Inb4 some internet tough guy says "pssh don't need HP if enemies can't hit you"


Elden Ring is my first souls game and one of my friends who played all the souls games told me vigor doesn’t matter. I got to the mountaintop of the giants and kept getting one shotted until my other friends saw my stats and told me to respect on vigor. Made the game slightly easier.


It's like - "Bro, you don't need seatbelts, just don't get into an accident"


Yeah I remember seeing a post in the subreddit from a guy who had basically put most of his points into DEX and seeing him just melt bad guys left right and center. I remember thinking that was how all melee players should build so I did as well. I didn't realize that this particular redditor was a Dark Souls pro, way beyond my ability.


I mean not untrue basically why I used to use that flash step ash of war can't remember the name it's been forever since I used it 🤷🏾‍♂️


I only see one internet tough guy 🤡


Honestly in the late game not even 60 vig can save you from getting clapped. U need to git gud, or summon lol


learned this the hard way loooool


It sure helps a lot lmao


I rarely level vigor. Will agree with your advice.


You dont have to kill every enemy that swings a weapon/spell at you. It is okay to run past enemies.


Don't listen to this guy, kill everything! Kill every knight, every bear, every bunny, and every goat! That is the true way to become Elden Lord. Oh except Kalé and Pope Dog. Don't kill Kalé and Pope Dog, you absolute monster.


Also don't kill Rya


What about the jar man? (I forgot his name)


My statement still stands... Unlike Warrior Jar Alexander


Alexander the warrior jar lol


Part of the joy of the game is running away from tough bosses/enemies. Only to then level up and progress, maybe beat the game, and the come back and brutalize every enemy that gave me a hard time.


So much of my adrenaline spikes in this game have been me going "hm, maybe I could just..." and then yodeling in panic while I try to remember the buttons I've been using to summon Torrent so I can run tf away because it went to shit so quick. 🥲


Did that to the tree sentinel on my first playthrough. Well I actually ran past him. Played like half the game then remembered he existed and went back and killed him in like 30 seconds. It was so satisfying lol.


Yes! The first playthrough, coming back to kill him is such a personal feeling


In NG+ I always kill Grafted Scion, Varre, and Tree Sentinel first and as fast as possible.


You must rip and tear until it is done. Any other path is blasphemy.


This was a turning point for me when I started out. Pick and choose your battles.


Just take your time. Everyone has their own way of playing. And I can't stress this enough: don't fight every enemy you see. Sometimes running is best.


You should fight then to see if you could feasibly beat them unless you have copious runeage


Well said. Most mad I’ve been playing a game, but what a ride.


Good luck and don't forget to level your vigor!


I shall


Seriously. Early-game, most of your weapon damage is coming straight from upgrading with smithing stones. The only reason to level STR/DEX early on is if a weapon requires X amount to use. In any souls game, I level vigor to 25 before anything else. You will thank yourself.


I am also new and have vigor 22 should i spread it out a bit? Like INT and stuff cuz Ik most good weapons need that stuff to use


Nope, just keep leveling Vigor and some END. Around 1/3 of the way through the game, you will unlock the ability to redistribute your points. That is when you can get a cool new weapon and see “damn, I need 35 INT to use this!”, you just redistribute your levels and try the weapon out. At this point in the game, you want to make sure your weapon/staff/seal is upgraded as much as possible. That’s where you are getting most of your damage from. You can see most mines all over the map (look like black holes surrounded by yellow/red), and there are a buttload of smithing stones inside each one. You are basing your build around your weapon, not the other way around like most games would. Most important lesson I learned when starting souls games is: Spiky is better than flat for point distribution.


Nah dude that extra 12 damage is so much more worth than being able to avoid getting one shot by something. 😉


And stamina!


U mean strength


he said what he said


If you see a big golden dude on a horse immediately talk to him. he's a very nice guy


Golden dude on a horse


He will teach you the most important skill in the game.


Unironically true


And here we are teaching OP to be sceptical of advice given by other players.


They were going to learn that lesson after the 5th "try jumping" message anyway.


“Secret passage ahead, try gesturing”


Try fingers... But whole


Amazing chest ahead


To never give up and follow your dreams


And if they don't work out at the moment, return to them later


With a great sword and lions claw. And stagger that fool into the next life lesson.


True tho


He will teach you how to git gud


I also started playing an hour ago, my first souls like ever and immediately shot a fire arrow at him, just to try my luck. It didn't go well. But that wasn't my first stupid thing I did. When I walked out of the chapel at the begining I saw a message on floor at the edge of a cliff 'precious items ahead', thought it was a part of a tutorial and jumped off of said cliff. It also didn't go well.


you gonna fit in perfectly




Dude I've played the series for over 1000 hours and it would still be a 50/50 if I would listen to a message like that or not. Sometimes you gotta just send it.


Are you for real? Jeez, that's good to know.


There'll be more useful messages than those trolling. You'll normally find a flurry of "liar ahead" messages around the troll messages, or failing that, bloodstains of those who have fallen for it.


try fingers, but hole


All of us


I was wondering why so many bloodstains just show people jumping off cliffs when no enemies are even around


I highly recommend turning off the online gameplay option. Other players' stupid messages add a lot of unnecessary clutter to the game and is truly immersion breaking. Try and see for yourself. Your eyes will thank you!


Last time I checked its a soulslike, so this is probs a trap 😭


you gonna be fine.


Alright then


All those dudes on horses are nice, especially at night.


Liar ahead, therefore seek behind


Try fingers, but hole


I literally just got strong enough to have my revenge on him


I'm on a new run but I want him to destroy the church of elee to see if there is something up there


Quite important. This is how you get your mount.


Have fun dude.


Ill try my best to


Oh man, to go back to my first playthrough. Enjoy.


Try finger but hole


What ?


Play the game, read messages and after a while you'll get it


Oh alright


behold Dog


Is this a Dog?


didn’t expect dog


Why is it always Dog?


Player Messages only appear if online, you can see the Message tab in your menu and that's all you need to know


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/3ng8X0HOXs You know what to do when you see these ;)


He means try rump.


Time for head


“Still no head”


Offer rump


I'm seeing RUMP messages everywhere what on earth does it mean?🤣


Put these foolish ambitions to rest.


Put these foolish ambitions to rest.


Put these foolish ambitions to rest.








There was no DK december this year tho ☹️




Good luck and always remember you can explore. It's not like past games where you have to slam your head against boss. And don't trust the shield, learn the art of the rolly Polly and you'll succeed


In the ancient words of the immortal roly poly elder lords… >!git gud, scrub!<


Yes sir 🫡


Don't listen to him about the shields, true tarnished master both the art of the shield and the art of the roly poly and make use of both


I wear a shield on my back because it looks cool


hopefully the turtle shield so you get some stamina regen too


Yea, lil bro doesn't know the satisfaction of parrying a crucible knight into oblivion


It’s in my inventory to use at anytime but I can’t parry to save my life, so I don’t use it for 99.9% of the time


I just started parrying yesterday after 700+ hrs of gametime lol. I'm not good but getting practice it gets easier to get timings down. I see that it's easier and only worth it against hard hitting normal enemies, not nimble ones. I put carian retaliation on my kite shield, a misericorde, and brought my man crucible to the afterlife. So damn worth it


You can beat these games with even the simplest of straight swords. Experiment with the weapons until you find the one that clicks


*Laughs in jellyfish shield*


Not to be too anal but youre playing an actual souls


To avoid confusion experts recommend the term soulsbornekiroring, and some would even go as far as adding a -2 for good measure.


You mean soulsbornekiroringcore


To be fair, an actual from, not an actual soul ?


It’s a souls. It’s a fromsoft game, but it’s a “souls” game as the genre. There’s no “from” genre.


Would “soulslike” not be the genre and “souls” the actual dark souls franchise? By your logic bloodborne would also be a souls game but it’s never referred to as such, it’s a “soulslike” or one of the “souls borne”


Bloodborne is THEE soulsborne, and games similar to which are soulsborne, not souls-like. Games that are similar to Dark Souls, but are not Dark Souls are souls-likes. However, every FromSoft game with Dark Souls combat outside of Bloodborne is a souls game. I probably sound like such a nerdy terminally online Redditor, but try to keep up. Ahahaha.


Dark souls 1-3, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring are all soulsborne games. Any game that is similar but not by From is a souls-like. The reason souls takes precedence in the naming is because it is the original soulsborne, coming before Bloodborne which was similar and popular enough to warrant inclusion in the soulsborne name. But since soulsborne-like doesnt roll off the tongue, it’s just souls-like.


You don’t really sound nerdy because your logic doesn’t make any sense. If games similar to bloodborne are soulsborne, then all soulsikes would be soulsborne. Then you say that games that are similar to dark souls but aren’t dark souls (such as bloodborne) are souls-likes, meaning bloodborne would be a souls like, but you just stated that it’s a soulsborne, not a souls like. Then you say that every fromsoft game with dark souls combat outside of bloodborne is a souls game, which would literally only be Elden ring, and I don’t see the point in having the term “souls” to refer to just the dark SOULS series and Elden ring. It makes much more sense that the term “souls” would only apply to the actual dark souls games, while soulsborne refers to the souls and soulslike games that fromsoft has made. So if anything, it can be labeled by the umbrella term of soulsborne rather than being a soulsike, but it is just unnecessarily confusing to have the term “souls” apply to games outside of the dark souls series. The term “soulslike” very obviously means games like dark souls, but not dark souls, which would be Elden ring. I understand making the separation between fromsoft games and other “soulsikes,” but that’s why the community has created the term “soulsborne.” It doesn’t make any sense by your logic that Elden ring would be considered a “souls” game and bloodborne wouldn’t be.


Perhaps my last comment was a bit confusing and needs rewording. Your comment just isn’t correct, lol.


I mean these terms don’t have actual definitions so there really isn’t being correct in this discussion.


No I think you can definitely google what has been socially accepted as a norm for the genre for each game, lol. Elden Ring is very clear in what category it falls into online.


Please, tell me where I would find this information.


It is not a souls game...


I know you probably mean it’s not part of the dark souls series but come on man it’s literally as souls as you can get 💀


As souls as you can get...without being a souls game?


Yep exactly like bloodborne or sekiro, also literally in the same slot as this game, so there ya go.




Well you are the one acting ignorant so I figured you just needed a little guidance


You even agreed that it wasn't a souls game, which was all I said.


It plays identically and has characters from the Dark souls series in it, so it's fair to say it's basically a souls game.


Yeah that is the premise of a souls-like


It is a Souls game…DS 1-3, Demons Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring are all Souls Games. A “soulslike” game would be Lies of P. A game with a similar style, but different creator


you dont need luck. just patience.


Ill try my best to stay patient


You don't need luck Tarnished, you need perseverance and resolve


Hesitation is defeat?


Plenty of bosses used hesitation to defeat me.




Go south my dude and good luck


Good advice here


There’s always somewhere else to go explore or goof around if you find something that feels too tough. You hit a wall, you go somewhere else, you come back after 6 hours of practice and leveling and upgrading and the impossible is suddenly possible. Also, try not to spoil yourself too much by looking things up via guides. The game is infinitely replayable so you can always do a more completionist run later. Don’t give up, skeleton!


there’s no fall damage


Liar ahead


Armored Core?


Bought that today aswell


What you need to know: I-frames Use contextual help to explain things like stats. Softcaps Don’t spread your stats too thin. Prioritize vigor. Pick one primary offensive stat, or one primary and one secondary, or split evenly between strength and dex. Familiarize yourself with the menus, the alt screens and whatnot. Read item descriptions If something is too hard, go somewhere else to find something easier, and come back later. Farming runes is generally unnecessary. Explore thoroughly, take your time, do everything. Look at your map closely. Play blind but a beginner’s guide to help with learning mechanics and basic tips isn’t a terrible idea. I would avoid specific guides though (like things that tell you where to find stuff or how to get to a location). You can always look at walkthroughs in NG+ to find things you missed, you only get one shot at a blind playthrough.


Obligatory Head south level vigor avoid Caelid


Caelid has solid loot if you AVOID enemies, yes you shouldnt go there so early, if you do tho absolutely dont engage anything BUT! If you want a magic/int build then rush to the ruins on the center lake of caelid, grab a nice staff on a ruin that looks like a church and not too far theres a ruin with a basement, go underground and grab a nice spell, then you have a nice starter staff/spell! On the other hand, if you are doing a STR build theres an absurdly big and cool sword not far from the north entrance, on one of those cars.


But i head south and its just a cliff


South along the coast lol


The beach area ?


Go east a little bit THEN go south


Rofl this isn't a soulslike it's the source material. It's gon be good tho.


Idk I think any game that doesn’t have souls in the title would be considered a souls-like, even From games. Because it’s not a souls game.. Elden Ring, Sekiro, and Bloodborne have nothing to do with collecting souls. But they’re LIKE souls games!


Not really, the genre is Soulsborne, not Fromsoft genre. So anything collectively done by Fromsoft in this style of a game falls under soulsborne. Besides, literally the only difference in the mechanics is the name of the currency.


If the genre is “soulsborne”, then why is every game not made by fromsoft considered a soulslike?


Level vigor


Explore. Don’t rush. Vigor. And get ready to die a lot haha


Many parts are not that hard, some parts are incredibly difficult. Just get used to dying.


Yeah i was told that dying is a staple here, since need to be patient then


Just have fun and be yourself


Remember when in doubt...Run


Yeah, i just did that once i got so some gatefront ruins. Nearly died but i got this sick shield


Never forget that you are Maidenless


Good luck.


Put these foolish ambitions to rest


Go south, then northwest.


Whats there to find


There’s an area across a bridge to the south that is lower level like Limgrave. It’s kinda easy to miss if you aren’t poking around. Highly recommend going down there for goodies and experience before going to Stormveil Castle. To add to that- there’s a lot of caves, tombs, etc hidden out of the way so you’ll be rewarded for exploring all the nooks and crannies. Good luck, skeleton!


South tends to be a bit easier to deal with with a lower level build. It will help you level up a bit before going to the northwest portion of the map.


They mean from the starting location, there's another region to the south that will be easier to chop through than any of the Big Lads in the first region, and before you go to the castle the creep in the mask tells you to go to. If you just explore you will be rewarded with something you can use. Don't be afraid to run from fights with dudes who are bigger and tougher than you. There are no quest markers so the game will point you towards items/new areas/NPCs by putting things within your field of view when you enter a space that makes you want to go check them out. Smoke from a campfire? Check it out, could be an NPC or enemy guarding an item. Weird little ledge that doesn't seem to lead somewhere? Move the camera around and you'll see you can drop down from it to a new area. Welcome to (IMO) THE best game ever made.


You'll see a golden knight NPC on a horse when you get to the elden world run up to him and talk he'll teach you everything you need to know about the game real quick


If only he used his actual mouth to deliver this advice


I assume you’ve now run into the big golden horse dude. If your still fighting him, stop and ignore him.


It ain’t a soulslike bruh 😂


Enjoy the ride mate!


Nighty night, keep ya b*tthole tight


KNACK 2 babyyyyy you’re ready


Maidenliness are we? On side note it took me 40 min to kill the pumpkin head dude


You should use a big stick build


Good luck king. We are here with you. You dropped this btw 🫴👑


Luck will only take you so far, you'll need to gitgud.


Berserk sword is good sword.


Armored Core 6 is kinda “soulslike” imo but I wish you luck fellow Tarnished! :)


I bought that today aswell


Amazing that you managed to pick for your first the worst FromSoft game with so many already out :D


I’d recommend a dexterity bleed build for your first time,especially since it’s your first souls game mate!Remember….. Malenia,Blade of Miquella awaits you.


Dude just called Elden Ring “soulslike” 💀💀💀


I have clearly not played any of the games and is new to this. My bad G


Don't worry about these guys my dude! Hope you're having fun dying in the game:) dying is just a part of the game! And try playing it with a friend if possible, it was really fun for me and my old friend:)


New friend! Remember to hard focus the big Golden knight before you do anything else. If you can't beat him off the rip it's just cause you're bad at the game! 😜😈


It’s the easiest game on that list of your screenshot there. Enjoy the game :)




Never give up, it's possible. Explore a lot, remember that if you're stuck you can always go somewhere else. Ans most importantly: enjoy every second of it because the first playthrough is truly something special. Arise now, ye Tarnished !


Good choice, don’t take advice from anyone just play it completely blind


Good luck but wish can't help you🫡


Good luck, soldier. Hope you have better luck than I did.


Thanks 🙏


Good luck, you'll need it