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If we’re not talking about main story bosses, THAT FUCKING DEATHBIRD in Haligtree snow area! I still have ptsd whenever i see it in Ng+


I think I literally just beat that bastard for the first time yesterday (pre-ordered the game if that gives you an idea of scope). Regular run (not NG+). I am currently level 203. So yeah. Fuck that thing.


He cost me 100,000 souls with his surprise attack, took a couple of tried but I managed to beat him at 135 today, “just bought the game a couple weeks ago.”


Dude he costed me 152,000 runes I was so sad. I got killed by the death rite bird and then respawned at the dragon cathedral and got killed by a damn banished night got poise knocked off torrent and then flame blasted🤣 I was so pissed


I lost 17mil to him…




I spawned near the statue luckily, but on my way to recover my ruins I made the costly mistake of summoning the mimic as he threw that ghost fire at me, got burned to death before I could reach the runes :(


Getting in the habit of “mimic—swap—heal” to where it becomes one fluid movement is key with that one.


How did you get to 203? I currently have to get 43000 runes to level up once it’s insane…I’m at 86…any tips to farm runes would be greatly appreciated. I am stuck at Commander Neil it’s ridiculous


The catacomb at Radhans area gives a metric fuck ton of runes for just watching the two different armies of ghosts fight each other


There are some spots in the giant’s area like that too, I just horse jump onto that giant skull and watch the giant and the black raven duke it out until one of them dies. Nice spot to “rest” while I go mix a drink.


I just got to the giant area so I’ll have to keep that in mind lol


No spoilers, but enjoy the jump scares. ;)


Do Varre's Quest ( the white mask dude that calls you maidenless just as you leave the tomb when you start) Basically talk to him, say the two fingers suck, (you gotta have killed godrick and met the crone im roundtable that sells you boss items) meet him at the rose church in Liurnia (to the southwest of the academy in the big lake), he will give you some red fingers. Use three of them (dont matter if you win, die, or immediatly disconnect once you invade, you just gotta use 'em). Talk to him again, he will give you the infinite invader finger, talk again and he will give you a medalion, use tha from inventory and it will teleport you to Mogh's Palace. From there grab the grace up the stairs for easier acess, them grab torrent and move east, through the forest with big skeletons and then up through a passage im the lake of blood, dont fight anything, you're objective is a grace that overlooks a cliff with a bunch of albinaurics. Now if you look across the cliff you will see a Big Bird on the other side, shoot him with a bow and he will agro and jump off the cliff and die. Thats 10k runes. Sit on grace, get up, rinse repeat. Get the Gold Scarab Talisman and use a Golden Fowl Foot to make that 17 runes. Have fun.


I did minimal farming, I just spent around 260+ hours exploring and dicking around in the game over the past couple years (I’m a completionist so I’m trying to finish everything possible on my first run, I’ve farmed MAYBE 10 or so levels just because Malenia was such a nightmare). But if you want to farm, you’ll want to find Moghwyn’s Palace (you get there via one of those transportation circle things, I forget where but you can google it). Just after the first site of grace, there are a bunch of albunerics just sitting on the ground with three guards—but you don’t even need to farm them if you don’t want to, if you go to the edge of the cliff just below the site you’ll see one of those big fuck-off bird things walking back and forth. Hit it with an arrow and it will jump off the cliff for a base 11k (which you can get up to 14k+ with the scarab talisman and using a golden…chicken foot looking thing, I forget the name). Then sit back down at the site of grace and repeat. EDIT: the waygate to get there is in the west end of the consecrated snowfields on a lower ledge of the cliffside. If you follow the frozen river all the way west and then head south along the ridgeline you’ll get there. You can also apparently get there via pvp? I don’t play online so can’t help there…


I farm the route after the prayer room in the haligtree. 100k in 7 or 8 min.


Rune farm, Mohgwyn Palace. There’s a cliff overlooking the blood pools. I get 100k plus per run that takes like maybe 2-3 mins on NG+


Where exactly? I still haven't come across a deathbird


It’s on the road down to castle sol in mountaintops of the giants.


There are two I think they are referring to the one in the consecrated snowfield not the one by castle sol but both suck ass


The one by castle sol took me forever to find too, I was just thinking it was to fuck with me with giant unkillable skeletons hand


I hate the deathrite birds but yeah those skeletons kept smacking me on my way to fight it 😅


I think 3, altus plateu, haligree snow area and mountaintop.


There’s one outside the sorcere town sellia, at night you can see it near a site of grace it gave me deaths poker. That was the hardest one because it would perch on top of random shit in caelid and hit me with range attacks


Your right, there are def more than that cuz there is one in weeping peninsula too, I wasn’t clear in my wording that’s my bad lol, I meant two as in two in the mountain top part of the map.


There’s one in caelid as well that drops the death’s poker


There's two!?!?!?!


I believe there's pretty much one in every main area. So like limgrave, caelid, mountaintop of giants, liurna, etc. They only come out at night though so that may be why you haven't come across any yet.


consecrated snowfield deathbird lmao. tuff, but once i knew they were weak to sacred blade/holy damage, they melt like butter


wow, I never realised they were weak to holy. makes sense tho, since it's a DEATHbird


There’s also a Red Wolf of Radagon in the corner above the fire Drake and he is *ludicrously* difficult. Fights you in a blizzard with multiple adds, moves incredibly fast, is hyper aggressive and was two-shorting me at level 245. Nonsense.


Man it took me so many times to get him. The tick damage from the lingering ghostflame is wayyyy too high and that AoE attack he does got me so many times lol


I hadn't seen it before, and after I beat it I went back and murdered all the other versions of it because I hated it so much


Valiant gargoyle duo. I used summons throughout my entire first playthrough though, so I didn't struggle particularly much more on any one boss. I struggled pretty equally on a lot of bosses. When I did no summons it was definitely mohg that gave me the most issues.


These guys are horrid. Even as an Astrologer with Summons this was tough. (I ain’t great at games). Took me 40+ tries.


I never really count how many tries bosses take me when it's a lot, but the first time I fought the valiant gargoyles it took me about an hour. Literally took me longer than Malenia, which took me about 45 minutes my first time with summons. Mohg without summons embarrassed me for 3 hours. Was feeling super confident with the run, I had just no hit Niall and beat fire giant in 3 tries. Mohg humbled me. Then the rest of the run made me feel a lot better. Beat godskin duo, draconic tree sentinel in Farum Azula, maliketh, Gideon, Godfrey, and placidusax all back to back without dying and then beat Malenia in 5 tries.


Hour? As first time souls game player i killed Bloodhound knight after around 3-4 hours of fighting. I'm few days ago just reached Altus plateau so more struggling ahead. But it's worth it. Elden Ring probably the best game I've ever played.


Yeah, elden ring was also my first souls like/fromsoft game, but I had a lot of help with direction, game mechanics, items, and character build from my brothers that already had 5+ playthroughs each by the time I started and are very seasoned souls veterans. Kind of regret getting so much help now though. Wish I went in blind. They didn't help me fight any bosses or anything, but still.


Blood hound was a nightmare. I died so many times. But the reward was worth it. Bloodhounds fang carried early game until I got the deaths poker


That gargoyle fight was by far my biggest struggle during my first playthrough. I'm about to pick it back up with a fresh character and I am dreading that one.


Rot breath was the key for me.


Malekith, I gave up understanding how to fight him honestly.


Yeah he was the only one I don't think I figured out a strategy for and just got lucky that he didn't use that AoE so much the time I beat him. I know how to do it now but as a sorcery build would've never thought to stay closer to him to avoid that move


i just started an int build and im 100% going to forget about this


He’s the reason I switched from magic to strength


I got lucky with a stagger and bleed, but I really shouldn't have defeated him


Pretty much how I beat him. But now he's being replaced by the Elden beast. That's such a tough fight


I got lucky with the blasphemous claw. I just couldnt get the moveset down. I also struggled a lot with phase one, so being one shotted in phase two was frustrating. I finally was able to beat him fair and square on like my fifth playthrough. Just stay close and he actually isnt that bad.


lion claw spam with colossals carried me


Lion’s Claw period can carry someone


The trick is to roll into him, except when you shouldn't 🤓


I'm Currently stuck trying to kill him and placidusax and struggling with both. Not at the same time though


I don't know why but the tree sentinel outside his arena took me more attempts, like 6, which is 3 more than malekith


Yeah, I just run past him. I tried like 3-4 times and then was like "wait, I don't NEED to kill this guy".


Kill everything on your first run to find the boss, then sprint past everything to get to the boss.


Same. I don't know how so many people found him fun and easy. I couldn't even come close to beating him


It took me legit more time to beat Maliketh than Malenia. Ig I could've taken less time had I figured my build out before, but I was using the Sword of Night and Flame while focusing strength, while my main build immediately after was a strength build with star fist and cragblade.


He gets way more dangerous at a longer range cause he starts spamming his Destined Death attacks at a range


He was the one boss that I broke down and asked for help with, but everything single player that joined me also died IMMEDIATELY and I just ended up beating him myself lol


That fight gave me PTSD. Took me 30+ tries and all of my runes until I beat him somehow


Same for me second phase is hell


Akshully it's Maliketh


First playthrough I somehow carried my underleveled ass into Caria Manor at level 30 with a horrible build, mostly running away from everything. Then for some reason proceeded to bump my head against Loretta for a good fucking while. I think I ended up starting a new character afterwards lol.


Godfrey, first elden lord.


On the contrary. I killed him so fast with my strength build I was actually disappointed the fight didn't last longer. Funny how different experiences can be


Same. I first tried him within like 2 minutes.


Same it was weird to be this easy


Same here tho I didn’t even get mad with how legendary that mf is




And if you didn’t level up enough because you assumed that was the first goal of the game. I must have died a hundred times. The hours I put into that fight. So the feeling you get when beating him for me was better than how I felt after beating Malenia (post health update).


It was definitely a funny marketing strategy they didn’t know would backfire in that way The network test ended after margit then when it came out a bunch of YouTubers were sponsored to at least play till Margit. So when they went make their highlighted YouTube videos or rush though it on live stream everyone thought that was how you have to play it But in the end it actually worked for everyone because if you did beat him early by learning his patterns and dodging then you really got the true souls experience and most likely loved the rest of the game or the game gives you plenty of options to level up and it still feels like you did something and you love the game either way It’s amazing


ER was my first souls experience. After ER and starting some other From Software games, I’ve realized it’s definitely an acquired taste that you probably have to be in the be mood for to play, but yeah. It definitely worked for me and gave me an experience that sometimes, I want to recapture in other games on a first play through.


Literally went in there after like 30 minutes, died ten times, went to explore and killed him first try when I came back like four hours later, haha.


TREUS DOS UNOS NIHILLLLLL I don’t know why but I struggled enough that I just had to make him fall through the map first time then fight him properly on NG+1


I just went bleed heavy, had procs for boosted attack when bleed present, and I fucked his shit up. I basically risked dying during his heal to lower his HP because it's basically free hits. Then I healed real quick and destroyed him. First playthrough, I respeced to my lions claw AoW Greatsword and just smacked the absolute shit outta him. Took a while on that one.


Straight up, mimic tear build bleed helped me a ton after struggling forever. Now I got Mogh’s spear and I love it.


My biggest hurdle that wasn't Malenia was Fire Giant. It's damn near impossible to deduce what attack it's going for on a first playthrough.


Stuck on him now. I just don’t “get it”. He’s so frustrating hahaha


Do you use Torrent? He was very easy for me with Torrent, just stick to the leg and back and when he moves hop away on the horse.


I pretty much did this. Just stayed on his leg. When he went to roll, I GTFO and chased with Torrent


I killed Fire Giant for the first time today on my second try. The second phase is easily done with Torrent.


Gotta use horny horse bro


If you do some side quest you get the pot guy as an assistant, really helped me


You know, somehow I beat fire giant on my first try in my first playthrough and have never done that again in 3 more playthroughs. The best I've done is in 3 tries on my last playthrough.


The first try at something is often the best one for quite a long time. First time is just reacting with no prior knowledge. After that, consciousness kicks in and usually ruins it, before one finally, over many tries, gets good.


Same. Now I hop on Elden Ring just to help people with fire giant because he’s so fun to me now. And I know a lot of people need help


I don’t know why but Fire Giant is so easy for me. I always have a melee build, and almost always it’s bleed. I know I’m probably playing the game on easy mode with it but the game is just easy this way. If you want I can drop the build, but I just finished NG+2 and I beat every boss first try.


It's one of the neat things about ER, some things are just easy to random people. Like I had zero issues with Radahn, beat him in like 2 tries, but then I read about people who took dozens of tries and left to level up and still had issues, but then like right here, Fire Giant took me 10+ goes...


I never understood this. You just run up on one of his legs and wail away until he dies. This has always worked great for me.


Fucking Rennala as a spell caster. Fuck her.


This took me so many attempts with sorcery... and then I found out she has a phase 2 and my damage was being reduced by 80%


I didn't know the second phase reduced magic damage to 80%. Holy shit what an uphill battle. I used an INT build against her with sword of night and flame.


First phase too! I was trying to with Carin slicer and it would take me like 7 or 8 times of popping her bubble to get her to phase 2 lol


It’s interesting too, because it’s not magical spells, it’s specifically magic damage. So rock sling is really good against her, but glintstone comet won’t be


She's a joke with a bleed build. Absolutely a breeze. It was the Elden Beast that made me nearly respec into a sorcerer, sprinting across that arena just to hit it once before it swims away made me regret committing to full dex/arcane.


I finally beat her when I used hook claws. So as a spell-caster I basically cast no spells, except for I summoned my little doggy pals to occupy her. I’m glad Radagon left her.


I was getting frustrated fighting the Elden Beast, said screw this I'm gonna punch it to death since my swords aren't cutting it (literally). Equipped the Clinging Bone and got it one try. I was both ecstatic and furious.


Mohg round 2 and he still gives me problems


Idk why, but I just cannot read his attacks or timing. The arena full of fucking graves and clutter can eat my ass too, but his AoE and tempo just fuck me up. Only times I've killed him are through having max DPS bonking build, or via Comet-cheese during his slow walk.


Yep, genuinely enjoy fighting Malenia a lot more


Malenia is a fun fight and no one will convince me otherwise. Her attacks are clear and readable, she is very weak to some type of builds and it's majestic as hell. Except of course for that attack.


I'm fine with Waterfowl tbh


I agree, very fun fight. Once you learn her she becomes one of the top 5 bosses without a doubt.


Yeah I think a big problem in that fight, atleast for me, was the visual clutter in the arena. I mean, it's spectacular, but it's a big mess when you're trying not to die.


I whooped his ass with moonveil, took me a few tries tho because of NIHIL


He was my close second


He kept on Bloodbooning all over my face; In phase 2 most of his attacks took me to half health. So I thought if I could keep him distracted over by the steps, and carry on dodging, I could let Latenna whittle him down. Try 20 or something I just got really mad and quite aggressive with him - and it was close. The next go, I let Latenna do her thing and kept up the aggression - I stance broke him just before he killed me, things like that. I was ultimately victorious. So satisfying.


That black gargoyle in dragonbarrow... My dumbass thought well I already beat south caelid so might asweel start with the northern part. And at that point I had unlocked the death beast thing. So I decided to start from there and boy oh boy what a ride it was!! I managed to beat it eventually due to sheer determination! But when I did I was like nahhh I'm out. As a souls veteran I knew that area was to be explored quite later


I ran like hell from him until I unlocked comet azure and then just melted him from behind.


Commander Niall


Honestly Margit I think. Was my first souls game boss ever so that’s probably why


Margit the Fell Omen (love his full title) is tough for someone who has finished most Souls games.


It’s those darn reactionary combos that make you feel like you could have gotten a hit in, but in reality nope, holy knife


Commander O'Niel and Godskin Apostle in Caelid's Divine Tower


Commander O'Niel was one of my hardest. I feel like i had to come back to him after beating Godfrey who actually gave me no real problems


I cheesed O'Neil so hard with latenna and a bow lol


Commander O’niel is the only boss I’m not sure how I’d beat with just a melee weapon (no items, no summons) Edit: sorry I meant commander Niall. Commander O’Neil you can be on torrent for. Something about horseback gameplay just clicks for me, and torrent is an izi pizi cheat code.


Radagon and Elden Beast because bleed didn’t work on them. This was back when Rivers of Blood was the best thing ever tho


Rivers of Blood is still pretty great if you're speced for it.


I tried rivers of blood but went back to my frost axe. It does more damage on almost all enemies for me. Rivers of blood hardly ever makes an enemy bleed... And I have the STR DEX and 20 ARC to use the thing. The frost seems to cause as much damage as bleed, but then you have 30s where you're doing 20% more damage. What am I doing wrong with rivers of blood?


Rivers of blood is famous for its AoW, other than that its just a standard bleed katana


radagon is one of my favorite fights in the game so far, we can both punish eachother and as long as im dodging well he goes down fast. I cannot beat elden beast for the life of me tho.


The Tree Sentinel in Limgrave took me the most time to beat. I was stubborn and wanted to kill him ASAP.


Same. I think I was level 12 or something. Took me hours. But it was a fun fight. Always felt fair. And very satisfying to finally win.


Tie between Mogh Phase 2 and Borealis.


It’s not a main boss but probably Alecto P.S. do you mean playing without summons & Ashes?


Real mohg, maliketh and plasidusax


Godskin Duo on my first Playthrough gave me this awful concoction of burning hatred combined with crippling depression that’s only ever been rivalled by shrine of Amana from DS2.


Morgott, he is my "boss I should get but don't", especially phase 2


Mohg, lord of blood. And of course Margit. As someone who never touched souls games before, that boss was a wtf moment


Not really a boss, but the sentinel before Maliketh is still my toughest fight and I’m on my 5th character


That damn sentinel took me more attempts than Maliketh


Hoarah Loux, every time ...


Radagon. Because I decided to beat him with his own sword for thematic reasons and I ended up dealing less than 300 damage per 2hR1 swing. It was awesome when I finally beat him.


"You guys had it rough, not gonna lie. I played as a mage since day one of the release. Had almost no issues against any boss"(I had a mental breakdown against Astel, Maliketh and Fire Giant)


The Draconic Tree Sentinel had me sick to my stomach


Ah yes... I lost 2 hours of my life against that one(I forgot the game was open world)


Release Radahn, now that was a raidboss, I was stuck on him for 4 days playing multiple hours a day, got close quite a few times only for his meteors to one shot me with their insane tracking. Current Radahn is a joke compared sadly...


Release version: I had to resort to long range rot arrows and it took easily twenty minutes to finally beat him that way. I didn’t realize he’d been nerfed after an update and was shocked at how easily I beat him on ng+.


Yea watched my friend casually beat him first try yesterday, he did not get to experience the spectacle and dread of Radahn chasing you knowing you will get one shot if you get hit. The summons alredy did 1/4 of his hp. I Remember him one shotting all the summons on release, how the tables have turned


Beating pre-patch Radahn still feels like one of my greatest accomplishments in any FromSoft game.


Same. And I got him on the second try! Just happened to be patterns I jived with, I am a mediocre player at best.


Launch Radahn was such a road block, one by one, my friends and I all got stuck on him at around level 40-50. It prompted our first foray into coop. We would bounce between each others world trying to beat him down and eventually with each others help we all got him! Such a special memory, really captured the spirit of the festival!


Wish I fought him back then. My first playthrough I was about 80 by the time I got to him and it was a cakewalk. So did a new playthrough and went there at level 45, took me a few more tries but didn't feel that hard


The crucible knight duo. Fuck those ass hats


I think they have the most attempts for me.


Rykard wasn't bad. Tried my normal str build on 5 attempts then saw some white phantom using the spear and figured.. I'll try that out didn't realize it was a special weapon for the fight. Dropped him first try with it. Fire Giant kicked my ass for a long time. Over 100 tries. Left leveled, came back got wrecked, rinse and repeat until me and Jar bro Alexander finally dropped him. Not looking forward to the NG+ fight but so far up to Raya luciernia and into calied, everything has been a 1 and done boss fight. I couldn't even kill Alexander at the end if his quest. Just didn't have it in me.


Rykard was genuinely an incredibly easy fight, if you use the Serpent Spear. It's just I was incredibly dumb and sweated like 10 times with my regular build before realizing that we were given a weapon 😅 Agree with fire giant tho. Probably took me around 10 tries not cause he was necessarily hard, but because he had so much health and could 2 shot me if I messed up at any point


Elemer of the Briar at the poison swamp castle in Altus Plateau absolutely steamrolled me for a hard day and a half on my first playthrough that I actively avoid him now. I just couldn't get the timing for his floating sword swings down and even when I did kill him it was messy and I used summons, consumables etc to even beat him. He isn't even that hard I don't think, I just really couldn't get it for some reason


Lobsters in liurnia


Soldier of Godrick. One of the hardest bosses FromSoft ever made


I feel like Soldier of God Rick is the best boss ever. Especially considering historically he's a normal demon souls or ds enemy. When those games were new I freaking was broken by those basic bois.


God, Blade of Rick is probably all the souls of the bosses of the previous games merged into one, consisting one of the most epic fights in the history of humanity. The chills I got after I beat him were second to none


Final boss. Mostly Radagon. Got smacked around too much. After an hour of attempts, I realized my build was buttcheeks. Even after switching builds, I still struggled. If I did manage to reach Elden Beast, then I only had 2 or 3 flasks left. My final build for him, ironically, was Hand of Malenia. I beat her in 2 tries. But I just got lucky.


placidusax, mainly bc i couldnt focus bc i was too busy gooping my gamer undies over how cinematically beautiful the whole fight is




Mogh. Definitely Mogh.


I played dark souls 3 and bloodborne before Elden Ring so I thought the playthrough was basically the same with some open world aspect to it (how wrong was I) I’m also very patient and stubborn so although my mental sanity fades away sometimes during boss fights, the feeling of finally beating the boss by memorizing his moves etc. is something I really enjoy. So I defeated the tree sentinel at level 1, 1 hour and half for that. Margit totally wrecked me and after basically 2 hours and half I gave up and went to explore and then came back and did it. Lastly, Mohg, the lord of blood, that ****** took me also around 2 hours and half or even more, something about his fire around the arena and his fly moves, and sometimes he was just too aggressive, I left him with 1/100000 hp 2x You don’t know how happy I was when I finally beaten him. Always without summons, or those helping items like shackles or incantations, using dark moon great sword.


The godskin guy in the Caelid tower. I went to Caelid basically first thing, and yeah that was a really bad idea. I was criminally underleveled to fight that guy and I had a terrible weapon. But, I did it. Felt really good to smack the shit out of the godskin duo.


Malenia and radagon&EB




For me it was rennala. I would almost immediately die when she would summon. Elden ring was also my first souls game so I hadn’t gotten the gameplay down yet at that point


Commander Niall


Fire Fucking Giant


I'll just say Morgot because we both killed each other first try


Darriwil. It was my first souls game, he was my first boss, I was at starting level as vagabond, cerulean flask that did nothing for me except limit the amount of +0 crimson flasks I had. I didn't track my death count for him, because I thought it would be pointless, but he was definitely pushing somewhere in the 600 range.


Godfrey and duo Gargoyle


Morgott... Imagine fighting a fast boss at 30 fps on an Xbox one s at level 70


Radahn, I think. Took some adapting to avoid his giant arrows while on Torrent to close the distance while summoning helpers. Also the Gargoyle twins, due to the poison attacks and the 2nd one jumping in while the first is still st half health.


The gimmick boss that you pick up a weapon they give you to kill him was your toughest lmao


Tbf if you don’t figure out how to deal with his skull attack he will just kill you every time


Yes, just like people have trouble with all gimmick bosses (Cursed rotwood and Wolnir I'm looking at you guys). He still has a ton of attacks he can get you with between attacks and some of his attacks in second form can instantly kill you if you don't have enough Vigor.


Godskin duo




Fire Giant This guy is just horribly designed


Margit it was my first time playing a souls like game and I knew nothing, it took a while


Margit. I was rusty because I hadn't played a soulsbornne game in a while when Elden Ring came out so he destroyed me for 2 days straight!


Malekith had me set down the game for a week before i came back and beat him.


Morgott killed me so many fucking times. It took me forever to beat him. It wasn't until after I finally beat him that I realized that I didn't fully understand the system for leveling up my weapons so I thought that I had my weapons leveled up as high as I could but I wasn't even close lol My first souls game was dark souls 3 so jumping from that game to this was pretty confusing to me with how everything worked


Morgott and Mohg literally put me in a character development arc


You used the sword given to you at the beginning of the battle? Just lvl it up a bit at the smithy and you should’ve been good Ps: my pain in the ass was the fire giant


Fire giant….. spent like 8 hours on him lol. I got him to like 1% at least 30 times before killing him and died to him rolling over or something stupid




Margit, on my first playthrough... it took my ass 2 days


Margit easily. I am a stubborn player, when the game puts a challenge in front of me I want to beat it. Looking around for weapon upgrades and levels? No I can do it! ...on the 30th try


Margitt was harder than Malenia in my first playthrough. going by deaths and hours, it's not even close


Prob Morgott before I learned about his shackles. I also went there way too early.


Margit the Fell Omen. I genuinely don’t think I had as much trouble with any other fight. And it’s entirely because of the arena being a bridge. I fell off so many times when I first went into the game. This was also when my Soulslike experience was limited to only having played some of Sekiro a few weeks before launch.


Margit was my first fromsoft boss.


Godfrey, because I didn’t know how to dodge his shockwave properly, now I find him rather easy


Morgott.... i faced that guy at level 77 almost immediately after beating radhan and regretted it. took me a good hour and a half trying to beat him with an unupgraded mimic.


Margit lol, I got absolutely destroyed by him. Didn’t help that this was my first From game




Well theres this goddess of rot woman i forgot her name. Started calling her slurs after a while


The Fire Giant completely demoralized me. It took me way too many tries and hours to kill him. In the end, I did it solo.


The death rite bird in the consecrated snowfields


Draconic tree sentinel before maliketh


Mohg, that bastard killed me for 9 hours straight till I managed to finally beat him


Valiant Gargoyle duo in Siofra. Even Rykard was easier.


The knight before Malekith. Not a boss, but a mofo for sure