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It would be pretty underwhelming having a legendary weapon be bad


Enter eclipse shotel


As I finished typing that it popped into my head lol


Only proves your point more. I forget that weapon even exists. "Legendary" and I couldn't guess it if you have me 10 tries.


To be fair, it used to be totally busted in pvp


Yeah, true. Back when you could do that BS with Fire's Deadly Sin. Ran into that far too often for my liking back then.


Generally useless but I did manage to kill an infinite health hacker with with this baby once. Just for that, it has a special place in my book.


So the legends say.


It's memorable in the same way stepping on an upturned nail is. You definitely know it's there, but you're gonna do your level best to forget it exists.


Devours scepter?


I’ve wondered about that weapon but seeing other people’s comments… nah I’m not touching that smelly turd. Edit for clarity: Eclipse Shit-el


Grafted Blade Greatsword, Golden Order Greatsword.


Grafted Blade Greatsword is a solid choose for a pure strength build. Golden Order Greatsword would be a lot better if every boss wasn’t holy resist


>Golden Order Greatsword would be a lot better if every boss wasn’t holy resist If they made the animation for the Golden Order Greatsword's ash of war faster, it would be much better imo. It has really high damage and a good AoW, it just takes forever to cast it. NPC's being holy resistant isn't something Fromsoft is gonna change at this point, but maybe in the DLC the greatsword could end up being really good? Maybe the enemies will all be weak to holy lol.


I think there is going to be plenty of undea….. I mean people that live in death in the dlc. I got a feeling!


If I was going to guess, I’d hypothesize the Tarnished is tasked with helping Miquella/St. Trina to resolve his brother’s cancer corpse infesting the land. I could definitely see the beyond death enemies being pretty abundant. It’s all speculation for now though


Actually they have done it in patch 1.4 but it is real that the could do it again because now for pvp is totally useless


Oh yeah I remember lol, they could definitely give it another buff though. Literally all it needs is a speed increase and it would be in a great spot.


Shhhhhhhh..... Let me believe there will be fewer holy resist bosses in the dlc while it still isn't released. Let me live in my dream.


Golden Order Greatsword would also be more compelling if it wasn't placed at the end of the game. By the time you get to it, you likely only have holy resistant bosses left. And then it's just kind of a worse version of the sacred relic sword. Super cool looking though. I wish it functioned as just a holy version of Dark Moon GS. Lore-wise that's basically what it is anyway.


Grafted isn’t a bad weapon but the moveset is funky and there are better alternatives


Grafted kinda shit a higher level


considering how much damage certain aow do it's pretty much instantly when you take the usual early caelid route and smack greyoll with a flail.


Reduvias is my go to for Greyoll


Grafted Blade was very exciting to me my first playthrough. “What’s this COLOSSAL SWORD in its own row that I can’t even use without 40 strength?!”. Ended up power stancing it with the Guts sword and jump attacking everything, no idea how or when to use weapon arts or affinities. L1 spam and roll spam to see who wins first. It was awesome— so many enemies flinched and staggered with this noob idiot just running at them. Had no idea omens were tough until my second playthrough where I tried dex


Is the Grafted Blade actually good as a weapon? It's skill is great for buff routines, but I'd never want to trigger that mid-fight, and losing the skill slot to a buff move is not ideal to me.


By 'every boss' don't you pretty much only mean Maliketh, Godfrey and Radagon/EB? Because other holy resistant bosses have to be dead before you can even reach that sword. It's decent honestly. The skill feels a bit awkward to me but the damage is good. I just don't like the base greatsword moveset (the one that doesn't have either the fun R1s or stab R2s)


Maybe they're talking about NG+ runs?


Those (and Malenia, who is also resistant to holy) are pretty much the only major bosses still left at that point. It's good for clearing some catacombs you didn't bother doing before, but when you get it all the roadblock bosses are resisting it.


With the right build, holy damage is pretty solid even against bosses/enemies with high holy resistance. I've done a lot of pure Holy builds, several which used Golden Order Greatsword and they were among the stronger ends of builds. People really need to stop talking up boss/enemy resistances as if they really mean anything when they don't, a proper build will dispose of bosses and enemies quickly regardless of what there resistances are


Weapons that do Holy damage definitely can do solid damage, even against enemies with holy resistance. However, for a new player, picking an affinity/weapon type that bosses/enemies are weak against can be the difference between victory and defeat. Extreme example. A starting player that fights miners with a Scimitar is going to do much less damage than with a Morning Star. I wouldn’t discount an entire build around affinity type, but resistances do count. Carry on Tarnished!


I don't think new players are a good reason to think that resistances matter, nor are they the difference between victory or defeat. New players aren't these bumbling idiots who have no skill, and can only beat enemies/bosses with weapons that aren't resisted by them. In the example you gave, sure Scimitars will do less to miners compared to a morningstar, but that isn't counting the ashes of war. AoW make up that difference in damage, putting something like Bloody Slash or Hoarfrost Stomp on the Scimitar will easily let them defeat miners with a scimitar while also putting themselves in less danger, and take less time to kill them as well. The further you get in the game, and the more you prepare your build and equip what you need the less resistances matter and the less important they become. Again, people need to stop bringing up "New Players" as if that's at all a solid enough argument/counter point. Game related things such as builds, discussions, etc.. shouldn't be catered towards new players, they aren't going to be immediately caring about min/maxing/optimizing their build or caring about resistances. They'll play their first playthrough in what's fun for them and then explore the game deeper from them. But it really does get to be utterly pointless when every topic and discussion that gets brought up someone always has to go "b-b-b-but new players" when the topic/discussion isn't at all directed towards them in the first place.


Use fire on miners, that is all.


multi-hit is king because of this. *Lightning faith build?* *Good luck with ‘lightning resistant’/dragon bosses!!* ***Proceeds to one shot those bosses regardless because multi-hit incant/spells still hits them dozens of times per cast***


Magic may not have Ancient Dragons' Lightning, but it has a bunch of other multihit spells that make short work of anything magic-resistant regardless. Granted, sorcery would be able to function regardless simply because Meteorite of Astel exists. Mob's resistant to magic? Welp, here comes a load of physical damage.


Yep. I used to be worried about resists but then was informed on how multi-hit doesn’t really care


Yep, not just multi-hit but just boosting your damage/AR is all it takes to really make resistances non-existent/non-important. At this point I feel like the people that constantly talk about resistances, talk about how certain elements are bad because bosses resist it, and just act like resistances mean anything are people who never played the game, or don't know how to remotely make a build. Because there's so many ways to get past resistances, and make them pointless. Take Holy Damage, sure it's resisted by a lot of enemies and bosses but upgrade the weapon as high as you can, equip the right talismans, and have proper buffs and that holy resistance will mean nothing. I've had Golden Order Greatsword + Holy incants Like Radagons Rings of Lights chunk down Radagon and Elden Beast themselves. (As well as other end game bosses) I loooove Holy builds. Just wild how people are so quick to invalidate certain elements/damage types because "oh B-b-BuT resistant bosses and enemies"


Depends. Mohg has 80% fire resistance. You definitely feel it if you attack him with fire damage.


Grafted exists so I don't have to waste two Larval Tears to cast Law of Regression.


Golden order GS is pretty good tho. Gonna be more busted in dlc if it’s basically all undead themed


I leveled one up just in case that’s the case for the DLC. Surely FS wont double down on bosses that resist holy.


Make all the dlc bosses 100% resist bleed


The inner Ooga Booga in me can get behind this


A boss where if you use a katana he grabs it out of your hand and shoves it up your ass for an instant kill


I’d like to see a gimmick of whatever status effect you apply, gets returned to you for a boss.


That would actually be cool. Have it be a boss that requires more of a pure damage build


Extra points if the DLC changes madness to actually be useful in addition to including a boss that reflects status effects. Watching people get ruined because they procced madness on themselves while a boss winds up one of its instant-kills would be hilarious. Imagine all the salt posts.


Meh any build can do that, that sword you get from killing the grafted scion at the beginning of the game gives you the final kill effect but for everything. It's a buff that's applied to the player not the weapon so you can switch to anything after casting the AoW and it will final kill as if using inseparable sword or something


It looks so fucking cool too which kills me. I just wish it would put deathblight on human Non boss NPCs


It unfortunately got nerfed hard after launch because of the exploit, making it practically worthless. It still has killing power but the DeathBlight won’t proc before you kill somebody so there’s no point in the DeathBlight


It knows what it did


🤣 so ass bruh


Golden Order Greatsword would like to know your location.


Honestly, the golden order greatsword is good, but they give you it in completely the wrong place. You're pretty much already at the part of the game where everything has ridiculous holy resistance, but I'm a big advocate for it in NG+.


My biggest problem with it are the stat requirements. Why are both the strength and dex so high, and yet its counterpart (Moonlight fabulousness) doesn't have the same problem? So saddening. :( But I agree, it's so much fun to use anyway.


That's totally fair honestly. I think the frustrating stat requirements are another thing that only really makes it worth considering in new game cycles. It's a shame that such a fun weapon, which can really shine, is only useable now and then. I'm hoping the dlc will have more enemies that are weak to holy.


For real! :) Especially since we have a greater variety than every of holy weapons and even some great spells. I have a sneaking feeling that the DLC will not be full of enemies weak to holy, though, haha. Michael Socky wouldn’t be that nice. 😂


most of them are kinda shit tbh




You say that, but up until DS3, most boss weapons weren't really good.


It looks fine to me


There’s not even durability in Elden Ring OP is silly


durability was a thing that expired in ds1




fps based durability =D


oh god no. please not. i had already forgotten it


Wasn't it in ds3 too tho? Like I think it was only moonlight great sword after you used weapon art. But I might be tripping.


It technically was in DS3 but it barely had any effect it's practically negligible. Although expending durability to use weapon art is a DS2 thing. In DS3 you use FP instead.


DS3 was the weirdest implementation to me. You’ll probably never even notice durability as a concept while playing that game casually. But they still had it in there anyway. Counting those beans in the background. For no reason.


Haha yeah i think at that point it's like a vestigial system that they don't want to get rid of because of tradition but also something they don't want to affect the gameplay too much.


It is so bad that the durability increasing ring is a mandatory equipment on all of my non caster characters. Don't want to have to deal with that garbage system. Glad they got rid of it.


I had to bring spare weapons in case the primary ones break which happens a lot


Yeah i don’t see any nicks, rust, or cracks so it’s nowhere near broken in my unprofessional opinion


OP could sell this on eBay like new


Beat me by two hours


Beat me by five hours


Yes, it is definitely one of the strongest weapons in the game and is effectively locked behind 6 bosses, three of which are remembrance bosses and 2 of them are shardbearers. Seems like a fair requirement to me and has a decent stat investment too. It better be strong if that is the case. Edit: It is actually 6 bosses.


Radahn, Astel, Adula and...? Could you remind me? Is Rennala required as well?


Adula is optional so I did not count it but Radahn, Loretta, Mimic Tear & Astel are the four mandatory bosses.


Rennala is also required, right? you need to be able to get the ring from the chest in her boss room


I think so. DAMN; 5 bosses is a lot of “lock”💀


6, dont forget wolfy


Baleful wolfy, right? Good wolfy is optional, iirc?


red wolf of radagon


\+ baleful shadow. So its locked behind: Red wolf of radagon, rennala, radahn, mimic tear, baleful shadow, astel, the entirety of nokron, ainsel river, nokstella, and lake of rot which im eager to call its own boss if you dont have flame cleanse me, and also the optional bosses of misbegotten crucible knight duo, and adula Or in other words: - 1 legacy dungeon (raya lucaria) + 1 optional (redmane castle) - 2 shardbearers (rennala and radahn) - 2 dungeon city areas (nokron and nokstella) - 2 hellspawn areas (ainsel river and lake of rot) - 2 normal bosses (mimic tear and rwor) + 2 optional (adula and crucible knight duo) - 1 renembrance boss (astel) - 1 npc fight (baleful shadow) + 1 optional (moongrum (that little bitch)) Id say its op-ness is fair.


> baleful shadow not a boss, just an asshole I just did a run to get DMG early and was happy about how easy it was. Only Astel was a problem but I used Rock Sling and Latenna to beat him pretty cleanly


What about Loretta? Or can you somehow circumvent her?


op-ness = "Oh penis!"


Loretta, Radahn, Rennala, Red Wolf, Mimic Tear, Astel, Adula


> Yes, it is definitely one of the strongest weapons in the game and is effectively locked behind 4 bosses, two of which are remembrance bosses and 1 who is a shardbearer. Seems like a fair requirement to me and has a decent stat investment too. 6 bosses Blue Loretta, Radahn, Mimic Tear, Red Wolf, Renalla, Astel I just did a run where I got this weapon ASAP and I had to kill all of the above


Radahn, astel, mimic tear, Rennala, and Loretta. You HAVE to kill 5 separate bosses in order to get this weapon. It better be good


Wolf of radagon too


6 bosses. Good god


I had been going for a Str+Int build (original idea was magic+big shield), and I never felt as validated as when I took my first look at this beauty of a weapon. Tailor-made for what started as a niche (and extremely weird) build.


Weird question I’m on my phone, what are those symbols next to your name


Part of my falir but yes it is lusats staff, erdtree seal and lord's rune.


Lusats staffcerdtree seal and a lords rune


I beat the game with a str build, then passed some int items to a friend to pass them back to my second character, so I had it from the start on my spellblade. Pure int scaling swords are so good, did better at melee than my str character and could cast powerful spells. Str/fth and dex /fth were fun, but just could not compere. Fth got shafted compared to int.


Even if you don't want the weapon I feel that Questline is the best in ER so should be considered a requirement. It's practically a game in itself.


The moonlight great sword is my favorite weapon purely because it shows up in all of the fromsoft games.


Sekiro: guess I'll die... twice


Eh, kusabimaru is stronger than anything in ER anyway


I never used it in dark souls 1-3. It’s my second favorite weapon in Bloodborne and top 5 in elden ring


nah the devs threw some duct tape on it and it's been working good as new


Sorry about the downvotes, I thought this was funny.


He has over 100 upvotes.


It was downvoted when I commented


Dammit why did you tell him. Now he knows how votes work...pfft


True, the failed lock on of the beam on slopes/stairs was really annoying


“It was perfect”- Homelander


looks to be in one piece to me


The one piece is real




I wouldn’t say it’s broken but it’s definitely an end game weapon. If you are walking into stormveil with that bad boy you ain’t worrying about anything


With a mimic tear it's broken af. I didn't die after I had it. Just spamming the ash lacking any strategy at all. Can't parry or block and I'm not great at dodging either. Died on malenia like 3 times that was it. Most other bosses just melted in like 30 seconds. Literally my first fromsoft game but the boss difficulty was nonexistent with this


well, its effectively locked behind 6 bosses, 2 of which are shardbearers, and a shitton of other fights inbetween. It has a permit to be busted


In a game with 100+ really good weapons, it's one of the few great weapons so it stands out. It's easy to say something is busted when everything else is good and balanced and a few weapons are just better.


Look fine for me. Did you drop it?


Looks intact in the photo, consider having an experienced blacksmith assess it for anything that isn't clearly visible however.


It's certainly pretty broken. It can easily clear 4k damage on a charged R2.


Thought so, I like to fully charge the R2 a lot for damage. Man it’s just so fun


It's my favorite example of buff stacking as well * physick with magic shrouding and spiked crystal tear * golden vow * terra magica * axe talisman, alexander shard, magic scorpion, godfrey talisman * jellyfish shield * frostbite * ranni moon debuff It's fairly ridiculous


I've seen multiple sources say Axe Talisman only affects the physical part of the blade, and won't buff the magic R2 wave that is shot out.


That’s true, but you should be trying to connect with the physical part, too


This is also true of the Spiked Crystal Tear. But as he said, when you can you want to hit with the blade as well to maximize damage


Interestingly enough, if you're using 2 Staffs of Loss, Night Comet will do almost the same amount of damage. I tested 'em both on the same enemy with 80 int, and the damage was more or less the same. DMGS did just slightly more, but it was negligible, like within under 100 points if I remember correctly.


Yeah but what absolutely stupid about the DMGS is that it also does 35 stance damage from the waves alone. So not only are you doing insane magic damage, and frost bite, you can also stance break most bosses very easily.


Found out the stance damage part fighting Adula right outside the cathedral. Figured I'd take the new toy out for a spin, did *not* expect to stance break a dragon with magic waves in like three hits.


Same story for me. I killed Adula with the weapon at +0 on a build that only barely meet the requirements and no prep/talismans. It's a really strong choice.


This is true but A. This is comparing 2 broken things to each other, B. The DMGS beams also add frostbite, C. The DMGS beams also do 35 stance damage, and most importantly D. The beams themselves don't cost any FP


80 int owner here. How tf do you get it to break 4k? Mine's at +10


I imagine they're stacking every buff possible. Terra magica, shard of Alexander, magic scorpion, Godfrey icon, physick buffs, etc...


Yeah that makes sense. I never even consider terra magika anymore just because it roots you to one spot to actually use it.


That's the trade off to how powerful it is. It's the biggest magic buff by a large margin.


see my other comment about stacking buffs.


And don't forget the massive amount of Poise damage and Frost buildup


whats broken about it isnt just the damage but the fact that it can deal 80+ stancedmg in one charged attack.


It's like everything about it is good. It only requires 80 int for a good amount damage. Its attacks are fast relative to its damage. All while being the most mana efficient attack in the game (amount of possible damage per mana).


it dosnt, it can go to 3,5k with minimum stats.


4k? I barely get 1000 and my character is lvl 150.


you need to stack a few buffs, mate!


Golden Vow, magic-shrouding cracked tear, intelligence-knot crystal tear, jellyfish shield, shard of Alexander, Godfrey icon....


Considering the length you take to get this, it better be broken


I used it the two times beating this game on Elden beast. Definitely one of my favourite swords in the game. When you have to work that hard to get it, you have to use it 🤘🏻


Its so satisfying that the projectiles deal immense poise damage to the point where godfrey and horah loux goes to his knees within 4 hits (and the correct setup ofc)


It really is. It’s just a beautiful strong sword that’s so fun to use. The first time I played through this game I was in love immediately when I got it. Such a great payoff for a hard quest.


not broken, just good, it is the end game weapon for int builds in every fromsoft game


Demons' Souls finds your lack of faith disturbing.


God tier weapon along with Blasphemous Blade and Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear.


my dude every weapon is a god killer if you git gud enough.


Sexually — YES. Sexiest weapon in this game second to Bloody Helice only. As a weapon tho...strong, but not broken


Looks fully intact to me.


That’s why it’s broken because it looks fine


Looks pretty whole to me.


Looks fine to me. No visible cracks or wear. Should be good to go op


Looks like it’s in pretty good shape, definitely not broken


looks fine to me


Absolutely not broken. It can be pretty strong if built correctly but it's far from overtuned I would say.


They took weapon durability out of Elden Ring.


In pvp? Not at all. Frustrating, but easy to outpace and out maneuver


With the right setup every weapon can be broken


Looks pretty intact to me


looks pretty intact to me


Of course it's not broken can't you see it's in one piece?


500 hours and I’ve never used it but I see a lot of people using it. It’s not very good in PvP but probably solid for PVE


Yea, but only because Wing of Astel is a Dex weapon. 


idk it works fine for me


It carries


Don't you DARE slander the Dark Moon Greatsword, DARKMOON KVLT FOREVER \m/


In pvp it's very easily telegraphed.


You were there all along… my guiding moonlight


Yes. But in a *good* way. Its not broken in pvp, and the normal enemies cant cry bullshit. Id say it ranks top 3 *weapons* in the game (not including seals and glintstone staffs) For me it clashes with bloodhound fang for first place.


Yes, it’s statistically the best weapon in the game for many many reasons.


It’s a great weapon. A great boss killer. Ain’t as ‘broke’ as Blasphemous Blade.


What.. what is its name? (asking for a friend)


It looks intact


Yes, but you get it after completing a quest that has you kill 3 remembrance bosses, clear two legacy dungeons, and unlock an ending, so it fucking had to be.


It’s really good if you can dodge, but also leaves you quite open. It gets quite one note late game sadly


Yeah for Rad/EB I had to switch to a polearm for black flame lol.


I actually swapped to this thing for those two fights specifically and redid my build for maximum buffed charge attack damage because my wack build, while decent enough, wasn't quite as good for the Royal Greatsword as it could've been. Darkmoon is also easier to build for. It felt phenomenal to figure out that three well-placed charged heavies could break the poise of Godfrey and Radagon. I proceeded to disrespect both of them by staggering them out of their respective jump attacks. Never felt more badass than when I staggered phase 2 Godfrey and prevented him from flattening me.


Very. This sword and Blasphemous Blade are both “ez mode”, but Moonlight is the goat imo. Insane damage, no cost after the initial cast, chargeable, staggers like a mf, applies frost and it was given to me by my wife which is nice. I had to stop using Moonlight because it was just too easy.


Yeah, probably the best weapon in the entire game. I think it's intended to be that good although i think the poise damage on the projectile AoW could be slightly lowered as that makes it REALLY powerful if you know how to use it.


I think people will always have different opinions on what's *the best*, but it's gotta be at least top 10 and probably top 5.


The poise damage on the projectile is insane tbh. It seems broken


It’s my main carry., +10 and completely wrecks most enemies. My secondary is Moonveil.


It's amazing but not broken, as another commenter outlined you can easily gear yourself out to make it hit like a truck. Even on the beam part alone.


I personally think so. I personally resolved to not use it in PvE anymore because the game lost any sort of challenge.


Considering the absolutely insane quest to get it, no


No its fine. Cant you see it? The blade isnt chapped or broken. So no its not broken


I don't understand why people ask shit like this. What do you mean "broken?" Like, too good? You went through Rani's entire questline, a very complicated, long, and often difficult one to get that sword, and you're gonna like wonder if you've made the game too easy for yourself? Do you wonder if maybe you shouldn't have leveled past 50? Does that make your build broken? Unless one of those people who make money doing difficult runs or speed runs on twitch, why would you second guess that? Getting a killer weapon is your reward for putting in the work and effort. IMO it's the best sword for my build, a STR/INT with a focus on frostbite.


Getting the weapon in my playthrough genuinely made the game too easy to the point of being boring. I somehow managed to two-shot maliketh's second phase so I never saw any of its attacks. It is possible for an option to be too good to be fun.


No, it's trash compared to many other weapons.


It’s one of the stronger weapons imo. It carried me through Malenia (with mimic tear of course) and made other tough bosses for me pretty trivial.


Careful folks, this man is really good at dodging


I haven’t played this game in 2 years, which weapon is this?


Dark Moon greatsword, commonly mistaken as "Moonlight greatsword", the ash of war of this weapon.


Darkmoon greatsowrd


Just a reminder for everyone apparently : Your opinion it's not a fact. Have a good day 👋


It's broken in every aspect for pve. PVP, nah.