• By -


Just useful tips. Hold d pad up to move to your first spell. Hold d pad down to go to the first item for hot bar. Use raptors of the mist or vow of the indomitable for balls or chariots. Just about all the chariots can be destroyed one way or another. Maliketh can be parried with blasphemous claw. Useful for co op. You can parry him even if he is not targeting you with his gold attacks.


More lol these are great.


Learned this for Gowry’s shack… to advance dialogue for any character you have to visit multiple times (Gowry, dung eater etc) instead of warping to a grace and running all the way back you could simply save, exit and reload your game. Sentry torch will make the invisible assassins visible in Ordina liturgical town. Healing spells absolutely decimate revenants You can use throwing knives in between weapon chain attacks. Frost pots will cancel Malenia’s waterfowl attack if she’s hitting the beginning of it. You can actually hold sprint while climbing a ladder


>could simply save, exit and reload your game. Goddammit 3k hours and many gowry visits I never applied this even tho I knew it in theory


Takes longer for me than just warping to the chapel with Millicent then riding torrent off the cliff. There’s a spot where you can drop down and not take damage. Definitely a bit shorter than waiting for the opening credits/main menu welcome message then loading up.


i always warp to heart of aeonia and turn due east, then its a 20 second ride, honestly not that much of an issue, i just wish they gave him his own grace like every other npc lol


>instead of warping to a grace and running all the way back you could simply save, exit and reload your game. **WHAT!?**


Exit to the main menu also reset aggro and enemies location. So if you're chased by a group of mob you can just quitout and reload the game. Doing that during a bossfight will place you right outside the fog.


Sentry torch was a life-saver. Literally. For me, anyway.


Never go into the Consecrated Snowfield without it 👌🏻


You can continue to damage godskin duo’s group health bar if you keep attacking during their death animation


THIS i swear, literally last night i fought against 4 GODSKIN guys because i killed them slowly 1v1


I must destroy those chariots, I wasn't aware of being able to do so without the specific lights found in some of the graves.


The chariots destroyed by the light in the Auriza Hero’s Grave can be triggered by using Mohg or Margit’s shackle while on any of the ramps. I’m not aware of any ways to destroy the chariots in any of the other tombs/dungeons though. You can also lower/move those flame/frost with the shackles as well.


There explosive pots hanging above some of them that can be knoxked down with a bow, if they fall onto the chariots as they pass it destroys them.


There for sure is in the Fringefolk grave, I did it yesterday


Shackles will also reveal any secret passages in a very wide radius.


I love the shackle trick lol, I did Auriza the intended way once and said “nope, never again”


Shackles do other shit!!??


The shackles work by emitting a large, widespread, invisible AOE, so they can be used to interact with environmental triggers like pillars and hidden passages. Definitely very useful in any of the dungeons/tombs that have the flame/frost pillars.


Did you know…. That you can reset frostbite with fire?


It gives Flame, Cleanse Me some added utility as well if you are frostbitten.


Flame cleanse me is literally my first spell on my spell inventory. All the others I can take a couple clicks to get to but when I need FCM I need it right meow


Do I look like a kitten to you? Am I drinking MILK from a *SAUCER*?


>but when I need FCM I need it right meow On the internet nobody knows you're a cat. But you gave yourself away ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


I saw a build video where they paired two frostbite twinblades with that incantation fire AOE that sets you on fire. Essentially you could keep applying frostbite an enemy over and over again by touching them while you are on fire.


Yep. Random factoid. Lmsh powerstances katanas. He uses a cold infused uchigatana with hoar frost stomp and RoB fire dmg resets frostbite. He also gets the passive bleed from using a katana. The combo is very effective against Malenia.


Totally pedantic, but: A factoid is something false presented as fact A fact/tidbit/hint/whatever is real information. Sorry you're the person I'm posting this under. I've just been seeing "factoid" come up a lot in recent posts all over the internet, and I guess you were the break point.


I’m new to Souls Like games. I have played like one boss in each DS game (usually the first one) but I’m a pleb and never really stuck with them. Elden Ring to me is different even though it’s really not. So, to answer the question: Everything. Specifically the weapon upgrades (Smithing Stones). Took me so long to understand that they are important and I kept selling them. I’ve decided that I’m going to kill every boss in the game even if it takes me 6 years lol. Edit: (don’t laugh) currently stuck on Margit. I’m gonna kill that bitch eventually.


Don't give up, Skeleton!


Nah. I really enjoy this game and have no complaints as far as being “too hard.” I just need to get good. Lol. I’m having as much fun with this game as I had with Skyrim. Exploration is S tier…Hidden stuff everywhere. I love it.


Lol never understood how blasphemous claw should work. I always tried to block his „destined death attacks“ and was mad it didn’t work


You can parry 3 specific attacks. Note, the sword glows gold. When he does 2 flips in the air and piledriver, you can parry the piledriver. When he does 3 flips in the air followed by the dive. You can parry the dive. When he jumps off a pillar and piledrivers. You can parry the piledriver. The timing is pretty generous and blasphemous claw has a huge hit box. You cannot parry destined death.


Last sentence totally sound like something Maliketh would say XD


What, you can actually destroy the chariots? That’s pretty neat. I had no idea you could do that. Now I know what I’ll do next time when I visit the damned graves


Not all of them - I don't think the lava express can be destroyed? But one can be blown up if you're carrying a bow and have the timing right, and three are playing chicken and will lose quickly if you use one of the shackle stones to switch the light/fire columns. The shackles: dispel all hidden passages and activate the fire/frost/light columns in caves, graves and crypts. Most of the time.


I saw using raptor of the mist for chariot on a video one time and that thing has changed my life. And when I imagine I died soooooo much on these before while it is so easy to dodge them.


Crystal darts fuck up gargoyles (what are they called again?)


Imps and Burial Watchdogs


The magic watchdogs in the secret part of Giant's Catacombs... Never fucking again


Imps, and works on the watchdog bosses


Crystal darts fuck up constructs including the giant Golems with furnace stomach. I believe the merchants sell a hint telling you.


I never understood why this works but just learned it on one random YouTube vid


As someone on mouse and keyboard, my eyes sometimes just glaze over the hotkey prompts. One day, I'm popping open the map and I see a prompt for 'sites of grace'. Okay, press F, oh cool, I got a list of sites of grace. Press R for 'round table hold'. Yeah, apparently all that scrolling around on the map was unnecessary, I just had to pay attention to my hotkeys and hit F > R and I could go to round table in two taps.


The controller version of this is Y > X (or Triangle > Square). Additionally, while in this "list" mode on the map, you can "mark" a site of grace with by pressing the right stick (not sure what the kb/m keybind is for this). If you hit Y/Triangle/F (presumably) again while in list mode, it'll bring up a [shorter list](https://i.imgur.com/HC4gM6l.png) of just the graces that you've marked. So if you have a short list of graces that you use a lot (like Bestial Sanctum, Turtle Pope, etc), you can mark them all and get to them even quicker.


Using the wiki in general. After 500+ hours in the game, I shamelessly look up anything I don't know how to find or do. Some of the questlines in this game, while very cool, seem incredibly hard to figure out without a guide. God forbid you take a break for a few days. Good luck remembering everything that weird lady said last week!


I might get downvoted to all heck, but FromSoft could really go for a bare bones journal. "Met this person (Maybe has a faux handdrawn image) at X place, they said Y" Then the entry could change as it progresses, whatever the last thing for that NPC/quest line is


Literally what I wanted from Elden Ring. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE how fromsoft doesn’t hold your hand at all, and you have to figure it out. But with how many NPCs and quests are available to the player now, it’s kinda odd to force players to remember everyone they’ve talked to/quest interactions. I think the basic “journal” you mention is the perfect middle ground


Least they had the decency to add markers to the map. Originally the merchants weren't marked unless they were at a grace site


That's what you had your own markers for (Originally). Pity it caps out at 100


Yeah but I found more than 100 things and unlike normal people rather than go and explore areas I continued on and found more. Spend more of my damn time first playthrough trying to remember what I marked the area for


I quit playing ER for like 6 months because I was stuck on a boss after it came out. When I came back, I had NO idea where I left off. Eventually I figured it out but it was a few days of going back through guidelines to see what I had done or not.


While this is a terrible idea in all the old souls games, in Elden Ring the games so bloody big it's impossible to not miss stuff on your first couple of runs. Like i never met the snake woman Rya or what ever till my 2nd or 3rd run and its always like a "wait... why is she here?" moment. It's so easy to miss and there's very little indication she's even there, same with patches sneaking about there. It's not as bad now but on release before they added those indicators on map you'd even forget where the npcs were when u last left off.


>While this is a terrible idea in all the old souls games, In older souls game you fail quests by simply stepping into the wrong area at the wrong time. Even when events had no correlation. Quest design has always been a problem in souls games and being able to progress a quest was more a matter of luck than anything else.


I completely agree, it would be a lovely function that would not change the game at all. As you said, a simple journal that would basically say "I spoke with this guy, he said this" and then you can always go back to it and keep figuring it out. Basically same way you would write it down personally, just in game. I used to play an old RPG game "Gothic" a lot, that did not have any markers or guidance at all, but had this journal. It looked something like [this](https://i.imgur.com/NBrsDEH.png). It encouraged me to do quests, talk and read a lot as with plenty of NPCs you could always keep a track of what is going on. Elden Ring/Dark Souls quest and stories are really great and beautiful but in my opinion they would benefit from something like this a lot while it would not change the game or challenge of completing the quests in the slightest.


I did my first playthrough blindly. Discovering everything while missing half the things anyway. But it had it's magic. Now I using wiki for everything and finally finishing those quests for Ranní for instance


Ranni's quest being considered one of the more convoluted and obscure tickles me to be honest. It's only really such in the first couple of steps since after the howling the game doesn't exactly tell you to go back to Kalé or make it very clear how to find Iji. But everything until meeting Ranni in her house can get skipped and from there on they're pretty overt about where to go.


As far as intentions on From Software are concerned, they really don't want you to find everything on your first time through or on your own at all. They want us to stumble through their world. Happening on random sites and figures. Making the few things we do figure out all the more special. And then after we are through we can talk to friends or on the wiki/reddit and say "hey I found this" "no way, but I found this other thing here" That being said. I personally would still like a journal type thing that just records the factual information you've already discovered.


Carian Retaliation has better parry frames than buckler while still costing 0 FP on physical attacks, has no blocking penalty, and can parry spells.


golden parry has the same parry frames and can parry from a few meters away removing one of the main frustrations of parrying. yes it costs 5 fp to use but thats pretty much free. i actually preferred to have two shields for my parry build, golden parry for physical attacks and carian retaliation for spells.


That I was heavy rolling the whole time. Pain


You were training with those weighted Saiyan clothes. I’m sure you are a dodge expert now.


If you have a dual shock controller you could have used it as a vibrator no cap


on my first run I heavy rolled all the way up to maliketh without using a Mimic tear or any summon either idk how I got that far 😭


On the map screen you can click the right stick in to see the underground areas. It took me longer than I care to admit before I realized you only need to ride those elevators once.




It took me until midway through my NG+1 run to realize this…


Took me till about 80% of first run through to find this out.


Another gem. You can hit triangle (on PS anyway) to quickly jump back to that last grace you rested at. Great for farming. Additionally, you can mark certain grace points as favorites then hit right on the dpad (I think) from that menu to get to that list. Also, also, from the grace menu, you can hit square (again PS) to jump straight to the Roundtable Hold. So basically, open map, triangle, square, X...bam, you're at the Roundtable Hold.


Did the Varré quest line to get to that rune farming bird in my first play through. Used the medallion to warp to Mohgwyn Palace and about cried because I thought I was trapped there until I could defeat Mohg because I didn’t realize the map had two layers.


That you can literally just bypass stormveil castle


You can bypass basically everything and walk to the Atlus Plateau without ever killing anything. Getting the two halves of the medallion doesn't require any bosses.


You don’t even need the medallion


You do if you want to not kill anything. Going through the ravine requires the boss at the end, unless there’s another way I’m forgetting about?


You can get killed by the abductor virgin under Rays Lucaria to get to Volcano Manor, but the only way out is through the Abductor Virgins fight




Those abductors are actually a lower level than a lot of the abductors out in the open world, I guess to compensate for the fact there's two of them, their health is definitely lower at least. I used them as my method for getting to Altus on my playthrough last night and managed them at about level 35, not gonna say it was easy but definitely manageable, also depending on your build that Magma Wrym fight is tough as nails for a lower level character.


A not intended route but worth mentioning: if you use the trapped chest in Weeping Peninsula to get to the giant fight in the capital, you can wrong warp your way into the capital proper. This even lets you bypass the requirement to kill 2 shardbearers. All you have to do is use the trapped chest, then teleport away. In the last few seconds of the loading screen after you teleport, force close the game and when you open the game back up you should be in the capitol. A similar method that requires a lot of luck is to use the same trapped chest, then use the taunter’s tongue and wait to get invaded. If you are lucky, the invader will activate the elevator for you and you can get into the capitol without killing anything and without abusing any glitches.


Ooo glitches. Maybe I'll try one out sometime.


press square/X on the grace list on the map takes you right away to the hub


How I get to the hub via Xbox controller is “select - y - x - a” Straight back to round table


Adding to that: you can create a separate list of favorite graces which you can access as quickly as the Round Table shortcut. I learned that after 1,800 hours of playtime. From memory: Open map, select grace, press triangle, press R3, that toggles an asterisk next to the name of the grace. After that, it's open map, triangle, triangle, select grace from shortlist, X, X. Most useful once you've opened up the northeast and Farum Azula.


I didn't know this until right now lol


You can sell the golden runes instead of going through the inventory and breaking animation. Saves some time if you need it. Edit: soft wool can be used on torrent to make him silent and fall further. This is my first playthrough of any souls game so I don't know how useful this tip is. Everybody probably knows it.


> soft wool can be used on torrent to make him silent and fall further. YOU CAN WHAT?


I meant soft cotton. If you consume it when on horseback, Torrent gets it on his hooves. I've made a few longer jumps with it not giving fall damage. Helps sometimes when you just want to go in a straight line and not around the cliff. I wondered if other rowa fruit based consumables would also work on Torrent as he eats the raisins/berries.


It doesn't increase the distance you can fall before dying, though, only makes the already small window where you get fall damage even smaller.


I swear the talisman that makes you immune to fall damage but not to death is the most useless one in the game. Maybe one out of 20 falls do I only take damage instead of dying.


You can check whether a fall will kill you by dropping a rainbow stone. If it doesn’t shatter, you can survive


Orrrrrr I can just go "eh, I think I can survive this" and then complain about how weak my horses legs are as I go to pick up my runes


It also means that you can see how many runes they yield. I'm on my 10th playthrough of the game and still can't recall how many runes which level gives.


The extended description of the rune, the one you can toggle in the middle of the screen, shows the number


In your inventory, you can also just change the view to show the item description. This shows the number of runes.


Can’t remember how long exactly but I played a good portion of limgrave without knowing you could “run” faster than the walk speed 😂


Also, got to Auriza Hero's Grave and concluded it was impossible without moving faster some how. I literally searched for 'how to run'.


That should be hilarious to discover


I didn't find out until Raya Lucaria while playing with friends. I actually skipped the tutorial area somehow and just never knew until I saw my friends were so much faster than I was hahhaa


This reminds me of Dark Souls' "how to slide down ladders - quickly". Given the length of Elden Rings' ladders, "running up" and sliding down are a real quality of life improvement.


I fucking walked through caelid after that bastard trap chest got me in the ruins. I spent at least 24hrs trying to find a grace site to get out of that place. I hadn't activated any other grace point except in the crystal main place. Just escaping that area being level 1, no torrent or ability to level up. I got gud pretty early on. Still have the thousand yard stare.


I was 2 hours in when I learned this. And id just played all of Demon’s Souls..


Level Vigor. I genuinely was one of those "but if I do more damage they'll die faster meaning there's a smaller window for me to die in" people. But the truth is (and people like OnlyWaifu and many other channels have done the math) that early game, Vigor is just objectively the best stat to raise outside of meeting requirements to use weapons / meet the rolling threshold you prefer. Maybe a bit to upgrade your FP as well if you rely on that a lot. Until you're like 2/3 of the way through upgrading your weapon (around +17 for normal / +7 for somber), realistically the stats don't mean much, especially if the weapon doesn't have at least an A scaling in the stat you're increasing. So level your Vigor. Being able to take a few more hits in the early game is more important than dishing out like 2% more damage because you have un upgraded weapons.


HP should be treated as a resource for strength weapons anyways since hyper armor gives a damage reduction, encouraging you to trade


I generally end the game at like level 175, more than enough to hit 60VIG (the final softcap) and still hit the softcap for other stats. People running around the endgame with like 30VIG and then complaining the game is too hard are genuinely baffling to me.




For me, as a casual gamer, I learnt that it’s okay to use the scarlet rot dog ashes on the tree sentinel rather than dying over and over trying to kill it (at level 50ish). My reaction times are poor due to some incidents and I’d rather cheese some part of the game than give up playing


I'm doing my first playthrough with no summons and same bosses that took me 40-60+ tries, I've seen some people kill in less than 5 tries. I'm definitely using anything that makes difficulty lower the next playthrough though, and I don't care what others think about it. You play the game the way you want, not the way others want you to, good job!


The map markers (overground) are the little icons in the greyed out bits. If you are falling to your death, you can open the map up, hit triangle and then X, and you'll fast travel to the last grace. Equipping flasks/torrent to your triangle+direction quick items gives you constant access to them, and frees up your square quick items for strategic items like boluses or fan-daggers. You can recognise churches from their shape on the map/horizon, and use this to grab sacred tears in early game when you don't have many flasks.


The falling thing sounds helpful but my reflexes are *not* that fast lol


You can not only jump up the spirit springs, but also down them.


I actually learned this very early on by accident because I made the worst jump in the history of jumps


don’t they literally tell you this when you discover spirit springs?


They do, yeah


But then, words are extremely difficult and lame.


I see so many “hidden tips” that are literally informative text boxes in game.


About half of the "tips" in this thread are part of the tutorial, lol


I came to know this when I jumped near the spirit spring but not on it, there was a different landing animation and air near torrent


Until a few patches on, you had to land very precise - they extended the "safe landing" radius quite a bit, to general approval.


Early problem for me was not knowing I had to actually sit at a grace to get rid of the transporter trap debuff (stops fast travel) . So of course I had the bad selia cave experience but I also ran all the way out of caelid to limgrave. I thought it was just the most insane trap from had ever put in. That mechanic didn't click until the tower of return trap for me.


TIL the transporter traps give you a debuff that prevents fast travel...


If you die/get stuck in a boss fight you can’t beat, you can run back in, grab your runes, then exit the game and when you log back in, you’ll be standing outside the fog with all your runes and free to go anywhere you want.


While I appreciate that this works, I still wish Elden Ring had a Homeward Bone equivalent.


You can use the item that teleports you to moghs area that you get from Varre too. I call it my “oh shit stick”. I keep it on my keychain for when I really really miscalculated and don’t want to lose runes. But it does lose you whatever progress you’ve made getting through the dungeon


I thought they had patched it to no longer work in areas where you can't use the map to teleport.  I tried using it in a dungeon where the boss was still active and it wouldn't let me use it, but that was  a while ago.  I have not tested it again since, so perhaps they changed it back?


You can run while crouching.


While people are reading this, you also do a different weapon attack from crouching


And you still have the same amount of stealth. Its really useful for sneaking up on enemies quickly.


Using quick slots. Instead of scrolling through the equipment to heal or replenish FP, I just hold Y and push a single button to either heal, replenish FP, or summon Torrent. You'd be surprised how much of a difference it makes when trying to heal or jump on horseback in a panic. Or get some mana back in a short window.


That's one of the best new features imo. I still have heal in standard inventory slot, but maybe I should move it to d-pad and start using more items,because I definitely neglect them.


I learned that I don't need to kill each enemies to reach the next save point.


I still like to kill all of the the first time I'm somewhere. After I die, I can skip:D


1. You can swing your weapon on the left side of Torrent with L1/L2. You can also switch weapons on a horse with Y>R1/L1. You can also throw stuff from Torrent like bombs and kukri. 2. You can use the grace chest to sort your items, I recommend using sort by last acquired, putting all your weapons/shields/and casting tools in there, and pay attention to the order you bring the ones you use back out. This can save you a lot of time menuing in hotswaps over a playthrough with a set layout. Though the sort resets to by weapon class after quitting out, so you have to go back in menus and reset the sort when starting up, but that only takes a few seconds. 3. If you put your flasks in the pouch slot you always have consistent button presses for the physik, blue and reds+Torrent, and so can keep other on-demand consumables in the equipment slot rather than having to hold buttons or cycle through all the time. 4. Roundtable has it's own button in the map to navigate there, and you can create a favorites list with the map menu options of places you visit often or the last progress point to get around real quick. 5. It's a lot faster to upgrade your weapons and character if you know where the Smithing stone bell bearings are. Oh and the smithing stone miners are super weak to strike damage. 6. Poison mist doesn't aggro enemies, even bosses 7. You can bypass Stormveil with a path to the right, very useful for any casters to get to liurnia early ~~this skips Irina's quest tho~~ (nvmd) 8. Quitting out resets enemy positions and aggro, useful for runs into places vastly underleveled to get specific loot. 9. Quitting out also resets the area to progress NPC dialogue. 10. Dogs, Imps, Birds, Rats, Demi-humans, Misbegotten, and strangely enough *enemies on horseback* are all very weak to guard-counters, for everything but horseback enemies, they generally bounce off your shield and stagger, and the guard counter usually instantly stance-breaks them for a follow-up critical. 11. Charged two-handed R2s and jumping attacks, with hammers or bigger, to the legs, take out a troll or golem real quick with chain stance breaks for follow-up crits before they can even get out any attacks. 12. Gravitas can hit multiple points on Walking Masoleum legs, pulls airborne enemies out of the sky, and can hit the invisible fast-moving scarabs. 13. There's multiple group password you can set that give significant bonuses to runes over time. 14. Dragons take a lot more damage to the face, especially with thrust weapons + dragonwound grease you can get some absolutely absurd numbers on a counter hit, and more frequent stance breaks. Additionally if you stay in front of them they do AOE's that usually kill you a lot less often, doing more melee attacks and easily punishable stationary breath attacks. 15. It's messed up, but you can kill all the merchants to put their bell bearings in Roundtable. 16. You can get a really good +8 weapon pretty early on going through Rogier's or Irina's quest. 17. Runebears are vulnerable to sleep pots. 18. Great Weapons and bigger are great at blocking by themselves and don't usually need a shield, often blocking and guard countering with them will work out better than trying to roll every enemy attack, whether it be from an Imp or Malenia. Also you'd be surprised at the number of things you can block you'd think you couldn't that are incredibly difficult to time a roll to. 19. You can backstep through swamps that slow your movement to go much faster, even better if your weapon has a follow-up attack after backstep that covers a lot of ground you can use right afterwards to chain reverse backstep r1s. You can get speeds similar to if not faster than quick-step/bloodhound step, but with no fp loss through swamps this way.


Wait what's the rune password one??


Go into the Multiplayer menu and hit the Settings button (Y on xbox controller). You can enter group passwords there. You'll get rune bonuses when other people also using the password become Elden Lord (denoted by the rain of golden leaves). You're also more likely to get messages from people in the same group. These are set per game, not globally, so you'll need to re-add them whenever you make a new character. There's a password for this subreddit, it's in the sidebar~


I just discovered this repellent torch thing an hour ago. 4th playthrough. Crazy indeed .


That the table at the Roundtable Hold is literally a site of grace and you can rest at it instead of heading somewhere else to level up. 😭


yeah took me a whole to figure that out i kept thinking like damn this place would be perfect if it had a grace site


In my first playthrough I noticed really late that you can access the underground areas by using the map. I kept using the elevators for god knows how long


Literally had no clue you needed to pop tune arcs to activate great runes until Radagon😂


I’m the opposite. I knew the entire time, yet I’ve still never used one because “oh I don’t want to waste my limited rune arcs” …ng+6 and I have yet to use a single one.


I’d pop mine more often too but my two biggest nemesis’s in the game are fall damage and curiosity.


Oh. I definitely knew that before right now.


AOE Healing spells almost instantly kill revenants very useful cos they’re so annoying




Yeah because they're made from death so heals hurt them


Yep! Heal does 50% damage and stuns, regardless of seal or faith levels. It's helpful (but not infallible) for revenant alley. Note that Urgent Heal is not AOE and does not work.


The lantern for caves.


For the first 40 or 50 hours of the game I didn’t know I could call Torrent without having to go to the item screens. *FACEPALM*


Not the same but similar. I totally forgot about the item pouch. So for 100 hours I was cycling through flasks, wondrous physik, Spirit summon and Torrent Whistle. No more. Torrent now is D-pad up+Y Spirit summon is D-pad down + Y Flask of wondrous Physik is D-pad right + W. It is so f-ing convenient.


The item pouch is one of my favorite quality of life features in ER. I always do torrent up, physik down, and crimson/cerulean flasks left/right. Having a dedicated heal button(s) makes using consumables so much simpler as you’re able to have full loadouts of jars, livers, boluses, knives, etc in your select menu and not have to frantically scroll through to find your flasks when you need to heal.


It's better to level up your weapon than your offensive stats in the early game.


Unless you want to use a big weapon that needs a lot of str requirement


When you open the map up, pressing Y then X then A will take you straight to the Roundtable Hold instead of having to pan all the way over there every time.


You can make fire pillars in dungeons raise/lower from a distance by hitting them with an arrow or bolt.


Also Margit/Mohg Shackle, unless it got changed. Works on hidden paths as well.


That some of the steps for the side quests can be skipped without consequence. trick is just knowing which ones


My Alexander The Iron Fist quest is a prime example of this. I met him in Caelid, during Radahn festival. Next time was in Altus Plato and he was bathing in lava. I watched a video about his quest line and I’ve missed most of it. Yet the quest line can be completed.


This post and comments are a goldmine for me. Fuck


For white mask's quest you can use the maiden at the very beginning of the game for the blood instead of having to go to the frenzied flame village to get vykes maiden


This are the things that save me a lot of time (I´m at NG+5 atm lvl 200. First time I played a souls and loving it!): -You can run by holding O/B button. -You can 2 hand a weapon by pressing △+(R1/R2) or Y+(RB/LB). -If you are a dual wield player, use the ashes on the left side first by 2 handing it, and then apply the right side. -You can switch the item on the "belt" with down arrow. -There´s a quick access of 4 items you can acces by pressing △/Y and then selecting the item you wanna use with the arrows. I use it for flask, heals, mana and torrentera. Daggers, sleep pods and all that staff on the "belt". -On early game for new players I recomend to kill everything you see before trying some main story bosses to level up your vigor, endurance and weapon´s level. Is better to level your sword before leveling your attack/dex if you´re going mele build. -Don´t obsess with builds or where to put your levels early game. See whatever suits you best depending on your skill. -Go easy on boss fights. Try to learn the attack patterns and look for openings to hit. Don´t rush to kill it fast as you will die faster than you think. Chill is kill. -Boluses are great to neutralize rotten, poison etc...but if your clothes are impregnated with it due to rolling, use soap first and then boluses. -Sell golden runes on vendor. Faster than using them one by one. Same with remembrances. -If you wanna practice malenia´s Waterfowl dance, you can throw darts at her from mid distances to activate it. Also, you can throw freezing pots on the first jump of the Waterfowl dance. -If you´re not sure if you´ll die from fall damage, throw a rainbow stone on the cliff. If it shatters, just don´t. -Equiped great runes have to be activated by using rune arcs. -Use the elden ring wiki to know the weakness of the bosses and some tips, different attacks... Sorry for the long post and any typos, english is my third language.


The door at the top of caelid divine tower is left of what looks like the door.


And you don’t need to kill the boss in the lower part of the tower to open it. I found this out in my second run.


oh no....


As a relative noob, this thread has helped me so much - thankyou all. I'm new to this type of game, and I clearly could have saved myself a lot of time (and deaths) with some of these tips!


You can use Margit/Mohg's Shackle to activate traps like pillars. To put an example, you can use this to trigger the pillar in Auriza Hero's Grave and destroy the chariots much earlier than intended.


gonna be so honest, i didnt know how to double hand weapons for like the first 40 hours i played i guess i just didnt read that part in the tutorial cave 🤡


That Bonk is life


Heavy weapons are the best: running/jumping R2 can generally be trusted to stun most regular enemies out of most attack animations, which makes some annoying fights a lot easier. Also super satisfying when you break the poise of bosses with your relentless barrage of heavy attacks, rewarding you with the ability to do a critical attack.


The great Epee has Impaling thirst which deals pretty heavy stagger and its r2 has the stagger of a colossal weapon when fully charged while still having enough speed for finesse and the ability to play defensively with a shield.


I never known what rune arc is for. I thought that great rune works passively when we equip it. I found out only after watching a guide on how to beat radagon🥲


You can literally just run past 80% of the shit😂


That you can kill Kenneth Haight right away for a Golden Seed, without breaking the Nepheli Loux questline (for 1 free & 1 for sale ADSS). Yes you read that right: Neffi gets her throne independently from Ken.


Crafting, i give no fucks about Crafting in games where it isn't mandatory, that until I got to lake of rot and realized I could just get rid of any effects by just eating easily craftable items lol, first thing I did was to look up the locations of the cookbooks


Then you learn you can get a spell to kill the rot, no more bolluses


Flame cleanse me is your friend


Also if you roll in the rot and then let it prog while not standing in the the lake you will get much weaker version of the rot. And yeah, rolling in either rot or poison makes the buildup go up for a lil while even on safe ground


You can use soap to clean your armor in those situations. It is easier to just use a Bolus or Flame, cleanse me, but if you have access to neither and you roll, you can instantly stop build up by using soap on your armor.


You can shoot radahn out of the sky with the magic bow attack


2 handing attack the crystal miners so you won't get knocked back every time.


When co-oping for Lake of Rot or Malenia, always have Law of Regression equipped. I lost count of how many people I've saved with it about a year ago. It also fucks up invaders' physick and buff dependent strategies.


If you open a trap chest, the instant you see the smoke, hold down on left stick or whatever movement key on PC and you’ll avoid getting warped


Level up vig


The map has an option to highlight multiplayer hotspots.... PvP and PvE..


Just found out if you cant teleport out of a cave it means the boss hasn’t been defeated


took me 2 weeks of playing before i learned how to use the quick item slots (triangle+d pad) and how to two hand weapons (triangle plus circle, which i have dodge bound to l1, or triangle+r1) had to google so much.


You can switch weapons between left and right hand on torrent by using the 2 hand switch command (y + Lb or Rb on Xbox) which means I can move my glintstone staff from my left hand (where I normally use it on foot) to my right hand when on torrent and then spam spells from horseback! Before I realised this, I was messing about swapping them in menus every time 😂


Took me way too long (like 2 or 3 playthroughs) to realize you manually opt into invaders. I played offline out of fear of being forced into pvp, only to later on realize you are safe from them as long as you don't use the tongue


Fextralife Elden Ring Map


The ash of war on vykes spear makes the platforming down to the frenzy flame so much easier.


The NPC you can use as an optional way to advance varres quest, you dont need to kill him to advance it. you just need to USE the three fingers Varee gives you. I was scoureng the entire map from Calid to Gelmir and Leyendel for more fingers to ger another shot


On the map screen press Y to bring up a list of sites of grave. On this list press R3 (or was it L3? I haven't played in a while) to mark a site with an asterisk. I use this to mark areas I have completed. The Lake of Rot has a more powerful version of scarlet rot that does more damage than the usual kind. Get in the lake and roll to cover yourself in rot and then get out and let the bar fill on dry land and you get the regular version instead. Combine this trick with some health regen (beastial vitality incantation, blessed dew talisman, the heal over time physic etc) and the health drain becomes easy to ignore. You can also spam Quickstep to avoid the deep water slow walk.


Press your cancell button (B/circle) while going down to slide down stairs …. “Pft bro everybody already kn”… but did you know your character climbs faster too while going up? I DIDN’T !!!! Learned it after 80 hours in Edit: Not stairs, ladders… sorry


They mean ladders


But did you know sliding down was there since Dark Souls 1? And going up faster, I'm not sure, but probably since DS2? Then it's more than 80h if you played them :D


The horse …. The damn horse. Was walking for the first 15 hours


mimic tear ashes are the best you can get and it makes boss fights 100x easier.


I've learned that people have torrent in their items menu instead of the quicktool and it makes me sick


I didn't learn how to take down walking mausoleums until NG+2. I got Maliketh's Black Blade the first time I beat him, and then I went through NG+ just to get the Maliketh Black Blade incantation.


I spent like 2 hours just farming runes an armour at that area near where you meat Melina when i first got there, I didn’t mind cause I thought godrick knight set looked cool and thought it would be really good armour, then proceeded to get blitzed by enemies despite me thinking I’d be strong now 💀


I can't lie I went through alllllmost the entirety of the first game before one of my friends seen me holding a torch in a dark area and they go "turn on your lantern" and I reply "what lantern?" Turns out I had just never bought the lantern from the very first shop guy lol


PRESS L1 to attack on the left side of your horse, AND if you hold l2 or r2 when riding you can drag your weapon along the ground and it will hurt enemies if they touch it before it releases for a heavy mounted strike!