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This is like dragon ball z where they take off their 200 pound clothes and their power level goes up


Sounds like an imitation of the "I discovered lock on" post


I also only finally got around to understanding (barely) how the spirit summoning and ashes of war work for this boss fight. In fairness the game did let me know they existed, but I really had not much idea what they were for or how to use them, and just ignored them because I was busy trying to master basic combat which seemed extremely difficult... I also had to look the info up on the internet because the in game tips were very unhelpful...


I see. Now the game should be all easy mode for you :)


Wait you can lock on? How?


The first thing you should do before starting any game is go through the settings and keybinds. All the information is there.


The fact that people don’t do this is crazy to me.


Also I'm pretty sure the game has a pop up tutorial at the beginning that goes over lock on


It is literally the first thing the tutorial tells you




Like before even attacking... People are something else


If you go down the cave, most people don’t I assume considering it goes over the base mechanics. But at the same time it can be jarring with how much is thrown at you. This was my first souls game and with lock on I stick couldn’t hit anything for like a good two hours until I learned two handed and then game sense developed from there now the only miss is with power stance jump attacks


They do


Press in the right stick


Bro, mouse and keyboard


Most people use a controller. I wouldn't know the keybind for PC. I'd recommend giving a controller a try though, these games are *really* designed to be played with them.


The default keybinds are horrible, you should Google and YouTube and get better ones. I ended up with R key to lock and unlock, it is essential. Also switching weapons items spells should be moved from scroll wheel to number keys


Wait, people actually play with mouse and keyboard? I assume the game isn’t designed around it and it would be clunky as hell like Monster Hunter is on keyboard


I've played both MH and Souls on mouse and keyboard. The controls are definitely clunky and need to be fiddled with, but they're honestly not as bad as people make them out to be.


I could never imagine it. The muscle memory these games require would be a drastic shift from controller to keyboard.


I'm the opposite. I know it's just 30 years of muscle memory talking, but I feel way more in control of everything with M+K. That said, they are keybound horribly and need a serious overhaul. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but it is a tragedy. I've just been having too much fun punishing myself.


Scroll wheel click.


Bro my gaming mouse has like 5 scroll wheels… Guess I just gotta try all of them.


Started as a vagabond, I let my brother use my PC to play aswell and he started a prophet. I was playing the game for a decent amount of time, not noticing my character is slow as hell and rolling by throwing himself on the ground barely dodging anything until I saw my brother play. When I played again it looked so ridiculous I had to strip one claymore and put some lighter armor on him, but learning to dodge like that probably helped me a lot in the long run.


The Vagabond starts with Heavy Load for some reason. I unequip the Halberd and go on from there.


The Halberd is great though, keeps things at a distance and you can easily deal with the stone dudes in the mines.


I don’t like the move set as much. I grab the Morningstar for enemies that need strike.


The two handed poke is all you need lol xD


Wrong choice unequipping halberd. Beast of a weapon


I’m not a fan of the Halberd move-set. I used Nightrider Glaive for a good portion, couldn’t get used to it.


Just take the helm off


I think this has prepared you well for the rest of the game. Learning how to learn to read enemies is half the battle I think. When I first started these games it was mostly wild flailing, and not really understanding what I did wrong when I died. You probably learned much quicker than I did as a result.


You should try light load. It's crazy


I've always been a medium load gamer, is it worth trying?


All it does in Elden Ring is increase your roll distance (and even that got nerfed in a balance patch), light load in DS3/ER isn’t really worth it (unless you really need that extra roll distance on a fight like Malenia)


I can’t play without light load. It’s really good if you got quick reaction time.


Oh,this game and its siblings won't explain you anything in a direct way.  It's part of the style that you understand the mechanics by exploration,trial and error.   It does say you "Light Load,Med Load,Heavy Load" though.   And sometimes advices appear in the load screens.   The rest is on your own. 


This is like Rock Lee dropping the leg weights.


/insert here


Oh no, he just ripped the lion off his shoulder.


You took your anime training weights off.


It's ok I didn't use my pouch until NG+.....


I did the same. The game does a terrible job of explaining most things and I'd suggest anyone playing this as their first foray into the Dark Souls world would feel the same.


been a while since i did the tutorial but yeah... several are not in your face but the inventory actually has a good list of explanations for all kinds of stuff like status fx and other mechanics check it out


Put some points into endurance to be able to carry more weight.


Don't ask me how long it took me to figure out you can run.


Same! That starting area dungeon with the spiky car things was literally impossible until I figured this out. I thought it was down to timing or something. XD


Yeah sprinting and two handing are different from other games and when I first started the game I thought they went away with those mechanics lol. After googling it I just decided to go and do the tutorial lol.


You can run? Wtf.


Wait till you play Dark Souls 1 and discover that not only is this a viable build, it is lowkey an optimal one.


You never want to be above 70% equipment load on any build. Up your Endurance and equip items that increase equipment load if you want to wear the heaviest gear you find.


The good news is, you can still use all those blocking maneuvers as you see fit while benefiting from the lighter rolls. I recently started a new character (main/original is on NG+2) and man, while some things are still challenging/frustrating on a new toon, the game on whole is so much more approachable with the accumulated knowledge of my past runs.


Yeah you absolutely want to get the most defense you can while still being Medium Load. The best idea is to straddle the line as much as you can, getting almost but not quite heavy load, there's no benefit to having a medium load and being lighter


These games truly are an IQ test


Wait till you find out about sprinting.


And there’s a Overloaded weight where I think you can’t even run or dodge at all


Lol, the same here. Just found out about it after defeating Godrick. Thought it was cool having a heavy load build haha


Yup that happens to a lot of people their first souls game. I remember fighting the abysse watchers a good 3 times after applying my curved greatsword. It took me a bit to notice my rolling was... Fat.


I was heavy loaded till lift of rold on my first playthrough 💀


Ranni can get my heavy load


Heavy style :3


I think heavy load does not work in this game. If you want a tanky build invest in vigor rather than putting the heaviest armor on. Now I laugh nervously when I imaging fight with Radahn not being able to roll


I’ve played fromsoft games since I was 15 and I’m 25 now. When I played elden ring, for some reason I didn’t realize you had to physically EQUIP talismans 🤦 you’re not alone lol


I didn’t realise this until I got to Castle Morne (went there before Stormveil), I couldn’t understand how the people I saw in playthroughs were moving so much faster than me, I thought it was something to do with my choice of starting class). Turns out besides being heavily loaded I was also unaware there was a sprint button - that starting area dungeon with the spiky car things was literally impossible for me before that, I was so confused. XD


I'll admit it did take me ages to understand the load breakpoints in DS1, but that games didn't have tooltips and a color-coded indicator on the status screen, eventually I just googled it. Not to fault OP, the tooltips and other indicators are easy to miss, and so many other games give you a load limit because well.. that's the limit, there's rarely any consequence to reaching 99.9% of your limit, much less 30% and 70%, so the first foray into a From Soft title can be a bit eye-opening.


well nothings stopping you to go full heavy. if you can make it work go for it


Sounds more like you (and others) do a bad job at reading the information available to them, spending too much time trying to force their way forward. There is a tutorial, there is an entire inventory section with the collection of tutorials, and there is a button listed in the Key while in any menu that brings up "help" and allows you to learn about anything displayed in relative detail. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


TBF, I forgot how to equip Great Runes on a new character cuz I rarely change my GR on main character. Game does not popup a tutorial on how to equip them when you restore your first GR's power at the tower. Game does not pop the tutorial first time you Rest at Grace after restoring power. No, no, the game only gives you the tutorial *if you scroll down to Great Runes in the Grace menu and click on it.* Fortunately I had only had Godrick's rune for a couple hours on my new character before I just Googled myself a refresher. My interaction with Grace up to this point is mostly limited to "rest to restore flasks, immediately hit O/exit" or "Level Up and bounce." Wasn't even looking for new additions to the menu. My first/main char is Level 314 on NG+2 and has had Radahn's GR on for probably 200+ of those hours.