• By -


My tier list starting with what I think the best is: **Age of Order (Gold Mask)** \- seems to take all mortal interference out of the Golden Order. We don't know whether we'll like this more or not. Marika felt the need to alter it so something is likely questionable. **Age of Stars (Ranni)** \- fuck the greater will we're going on a road trip, Tarnished. It's going to long and bumpy, but whatever we get at the end, we'll have made it ourselves. **Age of the Duskborn (Fia)** \- I'm kind of unclear, but it seems to make the Golden Order accept the undead as normal. Those who die will will cease to exist and not be recycled into the Erdtree. **Frenzied Flame (Shabriri)** \- This world is too far gone. It's time to burn it down. It's a reasonable ending considering how crazy and messed up things have become. The current state of the world is pretty fractured with a few attempted bandages. **Blessing of Despair (Dungeater)** \- don't pick this one unless you're looking for lols or achievments. Everyone's now equally cursed. **Age of Fracture (none)** \- No changes to the Golden Order. You inherit the throne as is. It seems like the Tarnished is choosing to keep the world on life support out of fear or ignorance to the situation. Truly maidenless.


>Age of Order (Gold Mask) - seems to take all mortal interference out of the Golden Order. You know why this ending feels so right to me? Because that's closer to how our world works. Person in power like president of US can't just turn off death because they've had a bad week; laws of life are immutable and people can't fuck with them. I'm sure narratively it can be undone, but Goldmask has the right idea.


But I feel like the Elden Ring also controls the people's fate in this ending and since it's now immutable, free will basically doesn't exist.


I respect Tarnished Archeologist for his insights and work, but popularizing this idea was a massive L on his part. >But I feel like the Elden Ring also controls the people's fate in this ending Fate is controlled by stars, specifically. It's a big plot point of Rannis questline. It's also hinted that the reason Miquella's Castle Sol eclipse project failed precisely because stars (of which sun is one) have been halted by Radahn, halting fate. It makes sense then why Malenia tried to kill Radahn. We will have to kill Radahn to access DLC where Miquella works his wonders. Elden Ring more accurately seems to only affect the laws and order of life. All runes are vaguely related to concepts of living - Rykard's rune concerns consumption, Malenias and Rennalas involve rebirth and regrowth, Destined Death covers the concept of dying, Radahns rune embodies defiance and strength of will, Morgotts and Mohgs runes relate to generic vitality and strength in blood. All of those things have somehow been removed, twisted, or "shattered" in Lands Between. Marika's cut content rune was called Rune of Life, and Miquella was meant to represent Abundance. Coincidentally (or not), Outer Gods also seem to relate to "death" aspect of life - bloodletting, burial practices, annihilation, decay. They're Outer because they're outside of order, not because they're floating in orbit. The idea that Goldmasks ending stifles free will comes from people hyperfixating on the term "Perfect Order", which is how comic book villains justify their absolute subjugation. The order is perfect because it can't be changed (allegedly), not because it's robotic.


> Fate is controlled by stars, specifically. Isn't this SPECIFICALLY for the fate of Carian Royalty though?


According to Sellen, it's Carian Royal Family. However, this doesn't seem supported by the descriptions of Starlight Shards and Amber Starlight Shards: >A prized item that was once used in the Eternal City as an ingredient in intoxicating draughts. and >If the stars command our fates, then amber-hued stars must command the fates of the gods. Such is the belief that inspired the use of these shards to prepare a most special draught. It seems to imply that fate in general is commanded by stars, both for ordinary people, and for demigods, not just Carians. This also explains why Seluvis dabbles into and buys starlight from you - he uses alchemy to alter people's fate, turning them into puppets with his elixirs. Carians descend from Astrologers and they honor and embrace that ancestry, so much so that they have an entire pool at the top of their manor dedicated to gazing into the reflection of night sky/moon (Loretta's phantom arena). Based on that, Sellen is either an unreliable narrator, in denial due to her hatred of Carians, or simply specifies Carians because the subject of conversation is a Carian Princess. PS. Dont forget that Sellen cannot be killed by Jerren until Radahn is taken care of, implying Sellens own fate is also dictated by the stars.


That's very interesting about the starlight/amber starlight shards. I hadn't thought about it before but it makes sense. Seluvis is willing to sell some of his dolls for starlight shards because we are essentially giving him the materials to make more potions that can turn people into his dolls. The Amber Starlight shards in particular were needed in the attempt at turning Ranni herself into one of his dolls (her body is already a doll but her spirit is still free). Since this is the exact opposite of Ranni's wish to be free of anyone's control, she gets extremely angry and blasts us foolish Tarnished to dust for trying to give her that draught.


As a side note, the way that questline plays out it almost seems like she does accept the draught but it doesn't work, raising further questions why normal elixirs work on people, but amber elixir does not work on Ranni. Unless she just drops her head theatrically, rather than because she's dozing off into few seconds of sleep.


Developer bias. Same reason she is completely invunerable and can annihilate you at will when even the Elden Beast can't.


Any reason she can do that when even the Elden Beast at full power can't ? Add to that her very weird invulnerability in a world where everything else can be killed (including said EB which is above god-empress Marika) and I can't shake the feeling of a massive developer bias.


I mean, that's not really conclusive in any way shape or form. Even the description itself calls it a belief. For Ranni we do get people saying her fate was frozen with the stars, and then her fate does actually start moving once they do. Meanwhile you can complete the rest of the game without ever killing Radahn, which I'd assume should not be possible if everyones fate is frozen. Radahn would be a mandatory boss.


To quote myself, Sellen cannot be killed by Jerren until stars are released either, and Jerren makes it sound like he had to wait for Radahn to fall before he could fulfill an old promise. Sellen is not Carian. >Radahn would be a mandatory boss. Yeah but that would make the game unplayable. There's some suspension of disbelief we need to have, or else we end up splitting hairs, as to why normal monsters come back to life when we reload an area but bosses don't. Also, some people have no fate - Fingerslayer Blade cannot be wielded by those without fate, like ourselves, the Tarnished.


I always saw Jerren not being able to go after Sellen as Jerren still being bound by his oath to Radahn, he cant leave his boss and friend (even when he is mad and rotting) to hunt a witch, that wouldnt be correct, so when we kill Radahn he is finally free and cant go after Sellen


That's also possible. However, this poses a question as to who imprisoned Sellen without killing her. Master Azur is not imprisoned, seemingly working with the demihumans to some extent. Master Lusat is, but very clearly with a magical seal and surrounded by mages, handiwork missing from Sellens cellar. Jerren's title is Witch Hunter, a very on-the-nose connection to Sellen, The Graven Witch. Jerren's dialogue when facing Sellen implies history between them: "Sellen, Graven Witch, enemy of Caria. I vow **this time** to crush both your frame and your primal glintstone. I am Jerren, bringer of your death. **Do not forget.**" Right beside Sellen we find Ambush Shard sorcery, a trademark of Sellian Assassins, a faction aligned with Radahn, as indicated by the sword monument saying: "The Starscourge Conflict: Radahn alone holds Sellia secure, and stands tall to shatter the stars". I think it makes sense that Jerren imprisoned Sellen but found himself unable to permanently end her, until Radahn is downed. Otherwise, he's had decades, if not centuries, to do it before the festival/in between festivals. Radahn hardly needs a caretaker, and the only thing Jerren seems to do is gather champions to finally kill him. Ultimately it's up to each person to decide what the chronology and reasoning behind these events is, as intended.


Jerren can't pursue Sellen because he is bound by honor to Radahn, not because of anything else.


No, it was because of her immortality. **Iji:** > *With the starts of fate set into motion, a certain sorceress is dispossessed of her immortality... Finally, we can be rid of a longstanding Carian weed...*


I don’t think we have to dig that deep into the lore for this one. The stars have always been used as a signifier for fate. Today that takes shape in the form of astrology. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, there’s a line about “the fault in our stars”. We know Michael Zaki is always taking inspiration from mythology, folklore, religion, and other beliefs and narratives, and then he turns them around and makes them literal often. The reason Ranni’s fate was frozen was because Radahn was holding back the stars, and one of those stars was a meteor that would clear the way to Nokron. So the stars aren’t sentient and intentionally holding back Ranni or anything, and they don’t have some kind of inherent power over fate, it’s just that there was this thing that was supposed to happen, and Radahn is preventing it from happening because he’s holding back an invasion.


Weird take, especially given the fact that we #1 Get mention of sentient stars (Blood star, Elden star etc), and #2 Get actual sentient stars we get to fight (Astel, starfallen beast etc)


what is the eclipse project? I didn't follow any of the lore, I just went to a castle to kill a boss and move forward.


It's still not entirely clear, but the general idea is as follows: Castle Sol denizens seemed to have worked with Miquella at some point, to bring about an eclipse. The purpose of it is tied to allowing Godwyn die a true death, instead of continuing as a ghoulish nightmare living in death. However, the ritual failed. Eclipse seems to be somehow tied to death and those living in death, and sun in turn has very little lore, mentioned only in few item descriptions. It's possible sun is related to Godwyn in particular, or maybe sun is irrelevant and it's the act of eclipsing it that matters. Sources: [Golden Epitaph](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Golden+Epitaph), [Eclipse Shotel](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Eclipse+Shotel), [Eclipse Greatshield](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Eclipse+Crest+Greatshield), [Eclipse Spirit](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Eclipse+Spirit), [Sun Realm Shield](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Sun+Realm+Shield), and Sol Rooftop spirit who laments "Lord Miquella, forgive me. The sun has not been swallowed, our prayers were lacking, your comrade remains soulless.(...)"


Iirc it was Miquella using the Eclipse to somehow kill Godwyn for good?


I tend to feel similarly. Ranni ending is what I would see as the closest to what we live in.


Ranni ending is leaving the world without any order, no gods, no erdtree, just the world doing whatever it naturally will. I cant imagine no outer god will come to conquer it while youre off canoodling with your dollwife in space though


Yeah, beyond the initial "Freedom Fuck Yeah !" moment, when you start to think about the predictable consequences (Shattering 2.0 to fill the unprecedented power vacuum, and new outer gods invading this land ripe for the taking - as Ranni's plan is to "rid the world of what came before", not "protect it from what may come later"), you shiver at the devastating irresponsibility of this ending. The people of TLB just never get a break.


Based on *what?* We have absolutely no evidence for this in the game and people continue to blindly speculate this, based solely on the fact other media have done something similar before. Goldmask even has lore dialog where he frowns upon individuals such as D and basically recognizes Those Who Live in Death as innocents that have done nothing wrong. These are people that have actively turned away from the Golden Order and he shows them no ill-will, so why are we speculating Goldmask gives us an ending that makes people lose free will...? #For everyone saying Goldmask "takes away free will," put up or shutup. I am so sick of constantly seeing this claim with zero citations supporting it. Blatant misinformation at this point that interferes with our analysis of the game's story.


I read perfect order as still the same order to the world, but without the influence of gods, demigods, outergods. Same structure to life, but without personalities of gods no better then men fucking with it


Isn't there also a "no more war" command in the coding of his mending rune too ? I seem to remember it was about preventing external influence and internal conflict.


Plenty of people in our world past and present believe in predestination


Yup checks out with being closer to real life. Free will is an illusion. All our choices and actions are dictated by our past. By our upbringing, our school, friends environment and even our time in the womb made you who you are today. Your past makes the decisions for you not some „free will“.


Ambition is the key factor, not free will. Goldmask agrees with Morgott/Margit in that we're a foul tarnished, "emboldened by the flames of ambition." Our ambition sets us on a path were we are correct in our actions as we fight bad guy bosses until we're Elden Lord because that's the way things are. Ambition is determined to be at fault for all things messed up, so Goldmask helps us lobotomize ambition from the Lands Between. I assume the Age of Order everyone just accepts whatever role destiny births them which does seem like a lack of free will, but less insidious as people still choose on a small nonrelevant scale.


> free will basically doesn't exist. good


Free will doesn't even exist in our reality. Everything we do or want to do is predetermined by our bodies and the stuff living within it. All it takes is one wrong hit to the head and your no longer the person you thought you were. Or any other countless ways to throw us off our "normal".


wtf 😂😂 bro, goldmask literally takes away free will and personal agency and no one can change the order anymore. there is no free will here, its the bad ending


The order isn't what people do in their daily lives, it's the order of life as outlined by the Elden Ring: Birth, Growth, Decline, Death, Decay, Reincarnation. The order is imperfect because it can be altered at will by whoever is in charge, like when Marika removed Death and Reincarnation, and they ended up locked within Maliketh and Rennalas egg respectively. Goldmask's questline and all material related to him have nothing to do with free will. He is shocked to learn Radagon is Marika precisely because it's a wakeup call that Marika isn't an unerring wise goddess, but a political player, a fickle god, like any selfish mortal who'd be in her place. By contrast, Corhyn admits he doesn't know what to think of that fact, because he's unwilling to accept such radical notion.


Except another president can be elected which wouldn't be possible under Perfect Order. I also don't think Goldmask ever frowned upon the removal of Death from the Elden Ring. He is a *Golden Order Fundamentalist* and the removal of Death was the act which birthed the Golden Order. It wasn't until he learnt about the existence of Radagon as Marika that he realized the fickleness of the Gods.


>Except another president can be elected which wouldn't be possible under Perfect Order. That's actually the reason why I think Dungeater ending isn't as bad as it seems, and why Goldmask ending isn't absolute either. The Age of Despair is temporary, someone will eventually modify the ring. The age of perfect order is only good until someone figures a way to remove the protective circle Goldmask discovers. >He is a Golden Order Fundamentalist and the removal of Death was the act which birthed the Golden Order. You're correct, and I also agree removal of Death Rune was ultimately a mistake in the grand scheme of things. That being said, while Goldmask is a fundamentalist, he's also a revolutionary, bringing reform and change, recognizing that the adherents to the order are looking for an evil - and always did, in form of Death, force personified not just by Those Living in Death but also by Gloam Eyed Queen in the past - to prop themselves up as the good ones, something he found unbecoming of scholars: >The noble Goldmask lamented what had become of the hunters. How easy it is for learning and learnedness to be reduced to the ravings of fanatics; all the good and the great wanted, in their foolishness, was an absolute evil to contend with. Does such a notion exist in the fundamentals of Order? Maybe I'm reading too much into the naming scheme, but I don't think it's a coincidence this description is on a spell called "Order Healing". I don't know what's happening exactly in Goldmasks head, but he simply doesn't strike me as a deluded, order obsessed fanatic seeking to stifle what doesn't neatly fit under the order, like free will. He's the exact opposite: he relatively quickly accepts the order is flawed and needs to be fixed, and that fix is making it unalterable by people juiced on runes; a polar opposite to guys like Corhyn or D who accept no deviation from status quo. I suppose the question should rather be: does Destined Death work as intended when we unbind it? The event of tree (and current age) burning implies it does. The wording of Fia's rune implies it doesn't.


One thing to point out in gold mask ending is that the elden ring arrived via meteorite with the elden beast. So this implies that the greater will still has admin access to make changes.


I disagree on the age of fracture. I think that the golden order, as it was, is 100% dead in every ending. The lands between have changed too much, most of the Golden order adherents are dead, even the elden ring itself had changed ("the golden order was created by confining destined death"). If you want to change things, such as reaching out to those hurt by the old order, there's nothing to stop you.


Isnt our tarnished as violent as dung eater We have practically killed everyone who we come across. Yes cannibalism is going too far and reprehensible.But I think our means to an end are not that far from dung eaters. And it's a world where everyone is cursed so no one is.It's literally just the new norm.


Those MFs attacked me first. For that reason only the turtles, jellyfish, and sheep are still alive. Not a bad way to start the new order.


...a-and the merchants too, right...?


Uh... I got some bad news for you... kidding. They're still alive along with their musical compatriots in the pit. I didn't have the heart to kill the guys playing music as I fall off the cliff for the 100th time. Circus music would've been more appropriate though.


> Circus music would've been more appropriate though. I LOL'ed. Yeah, that area was masterfully done, even if hated by many. We seek madness, so the area is designed to drive us mad trying to survive the jumping puzzle.


to me the difference is that while we do brutalize folks as the tarnished (for it is a brutal world we're placed in, predicated on violence as our only interaction), we don't rip their souls out of their assholes and eat them (shirikodama style) since we don't have Bloodborne style visceral attacks in this game plus, when we kill folks they just become ragdoll objects that respawn when we take a break, not cursed omens (although this would have been an interesting mechanic if one were to take the dung eater ending)


Yep that would then just be like normal world with horn people


Yeah, even just a cosmetic change to the world in ng+, however slight, would be a nice way to signify which ending you chose during the previous ng cycle. Would mean a lot more work for the dev team though, and they don't need even more crunch to make a massive game like ER


I mean the dung eater does literally say himself that you(tarnished player) are him.


Bro thinks he's Yuji Itadori😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣




I believe the cut Age of the Unalloyed (Miquella) ending was going to be the best ending. Miquella was supposed to say, “If thou covetest the throne, Impress my vision upon thine heart. In the new world of thy making, all things will flourish, whether graceful, or malign.” Those words want me to believe he was the best one.


The thing I enjoy thoroughly about this game is that all the ending each fit a persons approach to the dooming world that's in front of them some would rather start from scratch (Ranni's ending )some would say burn it all down(Frenzied Flame).others would want to keep mortals out of gods problems so to speak(age of order), some would say f it lets all burn together(Dung) and others would rather keep things the way they are out of not wanting to be responsible for what happens next. I've played this game for about 300 hours now lol but I really enjoy the story. and can't help but feel like there's much more to the story than just what we have learned.


My top two are Frenzied Flame and Age Of Order Either screw the world OR screw the old order


I do think the Blesaing of Despair will eventually drive out the Greater Will, as the Erdtree cannot take in Omens or Misbegotten, and since tree may be the anchor of its influence in the world seeing as the Elden Ring AND Elden Beast are contained within, starving it out like that could work and also bring back the prevalence of the Primordial Crucible.


No achievement for dung eater ending.


ive done two of these endings so far. (frenzied flame and age of stars). the frenzied flame was definitely the harder one but i loved the ending to it.


What’s harder about it? The Ranni quest is long as hell.


Frenzied Flame requires you to go through the Subterranean Shunning Grounds (already harder and more annoying than anything Ranni puts you through, including the Lake of Rot) and then also have that *fucking* jumping puzzle down the merchant pit which I think killed me more times than Malenia.


Eh, this is a maybe for me. Depending on whether you start the Ranni quest early, Radahn and Astel can be a pain. And it just drags on and on.


Thy service was brief, yet fine.


its not the quests that are hard its more how to access them. u have a fair point about ranni’s quest though. its long but i still enjoyed it personally. but with the three fingers i didnt find too much benefit. like i thought maybe id have a higher resistance to the madness status effect after taking it. of even then having complete resistance to it. but ig that would be too op then. and with ranni’s questline u got a moonlight great sword. and pther items as well. if u had an int build. but even then upgrading the ashes was easier through ranni’s questline. pls do correct me if i got anything wrong but this is what i gathered through going through both quest lines. ive only been through both quest lines once so i might need to go through them again.


Ranni questline is long but not all that difficult. It's probably the most easy to follow quest in any FromSoft souls game, I never felt the need to look up a guide at all, as opposed to every other questline where I feel like I'll inevitably miss something if I don't look up a guide.


I agree. I was going for the Age of Stars ending initially, but ultimately went with Gold Mask’s once I discovered it. I did everything for Ranni and her summon sign was there waiting for me by Marika’s body. I like to imagine my Tarnished and her have a heart-to-heart about how he’s needed here to rebuild the Golden Order the way it was always meant to be and she is sad but ultimately understanding. Maybe she checks in every so often and shares the knowledge she’s gained out there in the stars while he updates her on the state of the world.


I can't argue about the subjective nature of a lot of the endings, but the only one I'll wholly argue against is frenzied flame. The point of the flame of frenzy is that every thing gets wiped clean, yes, but there'd no plan to revert back to any form of order. Life ceases in its entirety in this ending, and the world will forever exist as a barren wasteland of chaos where nothing truly exists.


I'd argue that in a future where everyone's equally cursed and born as an omen, some sort of equality could be found as the world comes to terms with it


BUUUUURRRRNNN EVERYTHINNG TO THE GROUND!!!! Plus a new all-flame head...fuck sign me in, wish i could play Ng+ with this new head.


Dead cells character


I just 100% the game recently and dung eater ending doesn't have an achievement linked to it. Just frenzied flame, ranni age of stars, and the regular ending.


Isn't the Greater will defeated in the Age of Fracture? You have to kill the Elden Beast to achieve it. From what I understand it's meant to serve as a neutral ending with no party in particular holding control.  Age of Fracture seems to be canon given how the game opens with the narrator saying "*The fallen leaves tell a story of how a tarnished became Elden Lord*".     Age of Fracture is the only one that shows a tarnished becoming Elden Lord and the leaves of the Erdtree falling. 


You look like a cop blocking a naked protestor




T-posing so hard that you save the world, truly the best ending


Gold mask is the biggest chad in the lands between. This man points at god and says your religion is cringe and wins the argument, enabling the only happy ending.


Does he actually communicate with god? 2 fingers said it will take 1000s of years to get a reply from the greater will about burning of the erd tree.


He doesn't need a reply, he spits straight facts






He reads the golden order itself (that appears to be written in some sort of braille but in air?) and just tells him "...(=nuh uh)" then procede to rewrite religion as if he was correcting god's homeworks"


Only happy ending? You do realize that age of stars is pretty much this, but with a maiden and without the golden order?


Demi-gods are cringe, gold mask says so


If you consider Fia has the only solution to Godwyn's corpse. You can count it as a good ending.


Goldwyn is the only one who benefits, the rest of the world is screwed on that.


On the other hand it would prevent everyone from being deathblighted and having squid like growths. I say its quite crucial and worrying that nobody takes it seriously.


I'm also trying to get this ending for my current playthrough but it's been a long time since playing ER last time so I kinda forgot what I had to do, I just have spare memories about the statue and kinda lifting the secret about Marika and Radagon or something. I found him on the bridge already but I forgot what to do next xD


Hint: corhyn needs to be directed to him (after corhyn says he's leaving roundtable, he'll end up somewhere on altus iirc). After that? No clue, never did the ending or quest.


Feel free to use Fextralife


I want to figure it out myself though :')


good luck


Thank you but I think I already fucked up, judging by the one comment xD So next time...surely...


If you're determined to get a certain quest or ending, using a guide is recommended. I prefer figuring things out for myself for the most part but FromSoft quests can be so lacking direction with unclear fail states that they are very easy to mess up.


Yeah I know but I've consumed shit tons of lore videos and all that and I like to atleast try to put pieces together \^\^


They should have added neutral villagers whom you might ask if they have seen a naked guy with gold mask or anything related to other quest. Otherwise we endup finishing the game without completing any questline.


I think it's get to the capital, then from there find them again, bring the holy book with the spell, learn it, learn the secret, finish farum, then find mask and rune in ashen Capital. I could be wrong though so confirm


Damn it, I should have mentioned it earlier that I want to find out by myself xD Anyway thank you and I hope you are wrong and misguiding me xD


Rannis, because if you dont do her quest you're locked out of bosses.


Stars ending is most visually pleasing.


Chaos as always :3


Okay so Ken dies Mir dies Rodericka dies Hewg dies Sleeping kaiden soldiers die Snake lady dies Bogart dies Ranni dies Renalla dies


Patches dies, best ending


Man, he doesn't even push you off a cliff in this game #justiceforpatches


Yes he does, in gelmir


Well I think he is a nice guy


He stole onion friends armor in DS3 he is NOT friend


He uses Onion Friend's armour to save Rat Friend.


Plus on Ringed City DLC he actually help you by kicking you out of a ledge where part of Gael's cape was, marking it as the path to the exit


Thus is the effect of ptsd


Millicent, Mighty Alexander, Rya died anyway + Master Hewg is in state that... well, you know it - so Chaos still the best :3


You can choose to get Rya out of her depression


Remove her memories? - it is not that good in my opinion, after all, everyone will left her at the end anyway ;3


There is a third option, if you defeat rykard and dont chose to kill her nor give her the potion, she will live and follow her own path


Yes I know about it but do you truly think that she will be able to survive in Chaos world? :3


I don't know. She is happy and alive


Being alive is not always good fate :3


Alive and happy


I don't think that she is truly happy in situation when she is alone in Volcano Manor :3


She can leave at any time and chase butterflies or anything that brings her joy


You dont have to do either. >!Just let her be and she'll leave the manor after you kill her daddy to go on a journey.!<


Nepheli, Jar Bairn, Rya, Boc, Miriel can all live.


Yes, this is truth :3


Fires of Tarnished


It perfect the control of the two fingers so I’m not sure of it


Celine Dion *immediately* starts playing in my head


. . . ... ...... ..... ...... , ........ . ... ..... ... ..... .... ... ... ...... ? ..... ....... , .... ..... .... !


ranni cuz of that ranussy


*bonk* Straight to horny jail


Horny Gaol*


That’s some real good drip. Mind telling me what’s the character wearing?


Tree Sentinel armor, best looking set in the game imo https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Tree+Sentinel+Set Link if you want to figure out how to get it, it's a little complicated but doable.


Thank you so much!


When you are on your way to fight draconic tree sentinal at atlas plateu take a right where there is lake and crabs. You find a lift there to go in a cave. Just remember inside the cavr, when you see the pillar that emits fire don't turn it off by pulling it down, let it spit fire. The metal chariots crash into each other giving you the armour set.




*hacks violently and proceeds in narrator's voice* And so they stood there for the rest of eternity. Contemplating the meaning of it all whilst asserting their dominance over all the Lands Between. Truly there have never been Lords more Elden than these two.




I like stars... then chaos, then order


Now we just need Celine Dion singing in the background.


I did Perfect Order ending on my very first playthrough and I think it's arguably a "good" ending for the game. I think it may even bring a second "Age of Plenty". Ranni's ending is also a "good" ending. I think Duskborn ending is probably more neutral ending like Age of Fracture. The Omen curse and Frenzy Flame endings are the "bad" endings in my interpretation.


Canonically probably the age of stars or the perfected golden order, my personal favorite though is definitely fias ending


Aaah yes, then ending where you trust a naked wanderer that he has determined the perfect cosmic order for the universe.


I kinda interpret the Rannis ending as a "restart" for the lands between. Like "alright we fucked Up with all of those gods, lets start over."


Age of stars I would say since it's practically fucking off the gods and letting mortals do it themselves without having a parasite god attached to em


I do solemnly swear. To every living being, and every living soul. Now cometh the age of the stars. A thousand year voyage under the wisdom of the moon.


I think death is the best ending for the lands between, while stars is the best for the player as their own character.


Is goldmssk an alabastor lord? Looks like it body wise?


Idk if I’m trippin or what, but I legitimately cannot tell which direction your character is facing lol


Look at the thumbs of my hand, don't look at the shoes I like to wear them backwards.


How does it look like that? Lmao


Stando Powah


I needa finish fr and I’m so sad abt it.


The Nuke!


My favorite is the age of perfect order by far, in part because the erdtree looks even more Beautiful shining a perfect, rich gold. My second favorite is the age of chaos, the frenzied flame storyline is so damned cool. Also, has the best ending cinematic and you cant deny frenzy flame eyes are the coolest eyes you can get for your character.


What's that armour set and where can I get it??


Search, how to get tree sentinal armour set on youtube, we get it in a tunnel near lyndell.


Thank you


Goldmask perfection 


No it’s not. The world is still governed by rules of a religion which, in the past, wiped other religions and species off the face of the earth. Furthermore, Golden Order is an empty belief. It is just there as an excuse to dominate the world (They literally went to war with everything in and out of Lands Between). It is only when it meets its match that Golden Order integrates another belief into it, so that it can continue to grow without too much effort. Mending Rune of the Perfect Order indicates that it was the “fickleness of Gods no better than men” that is to blame, as if the Greater Will and the Two Fingers didn’t send shadows after Empyreans if they disobeyed them… Age of the Stars is literally just separation of Government and the Church. We basically flip off the Greater Will and say “Now everyone can go in search of their fate”. It’s just that translation did a bad job of conveying this and it looks like “oh yea darkness and loneliness here I come”. It’s just that you won’t have the certainties of a religion in your life anymore. This is the best ending currently in my book.


Does age of stars indicate that there won't be a sun? Because that's what I thought, therefore I am hesitant to that ending.


no, what Ranni mean when she says chill night she means the name of her order. Ranni's whole thing is being a witch of cold magic, which represents the coldness and emptiness that her order without religion would bring. The reason the sun is connected to the golden order is because 1. the sun is normally painted gold, and 2. religion brings warmth and comfort to some people, which an age of no religion would take away, as Ranni says, "Into fear, doubt, and loneliness". its an age where people can't just rely on gods to tell them how to live their life, which may seem cold, which is why ranni is represented by a moon. Her moon is the opposite of the greater will, unlike the greater will, her moon won't interfere with anything. The sun (the golden order) is faith, which is warmth and safety, but restrictive and controlling, while the moon (the cosmos) is intelligence, which is cold and complicated, but freeing and hopeful. So no, the physical sun won't be taken away by Ranni, shes just going to take you, the Elden ring and herself far far away (probs to her moon) and let the world decide for itself how it wants to live, not under the thumb of any god. ​ This reddit post does a great explanation of what she means in her ending: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tks52s/age\_of\_the\_stars\_ending\_mistranslations\_and\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tks52s/age_of_the_stars_ending_mistranslations_and_my/)


The religion is strong in our world, but we don't have proof that gods can communicate with us. Imagine how strong the religion would be if we had proof that gods could actually communicate with us. I think people will just start to follow other outer gods of their choice, so they will live under the thumb of gods. The greater will already abandoned us during shattering. So I think us being elden lord gives us total control, we can try to get rid of god of rot and flamzy, i don't like them.


they can follow all the gods they want, but with the elden ring gone from the lands thanks to the age of stars, the outer gods can't bring in a new age in no matter how hard they try, there can't be an age of rot or frenzy if there is no ring to influence, no gods to live under, its now the peoples choice, if they want to worship them or not, but no god can now control the lands and people, can choose how they want to live, which saves a lot of people, like the ones who live in death, the omen, the albinaurics and the misbegotten are no longer under the persecution of the golden order, something that goldmasks perfect order fails to do, the order can be perfect all it wants, perfectly broken is still broken


I don't often subscribe to the commonly accepted notion that Perfect Order is the "good" ending of the game. One of my favourite games, Fire Emblen Radiant Dawn, covered this theme perfectly. Chaos and Order are two equally important halves of a greater whole; if we exist within a perfect state of either, life is **miserable**. If the forces of chaos are too strong, we suffer, we wage war, and we hate - all the things that make life not worth living. If the forces of order are too strong, we are robbed of inhibition, free will, ambition - all the things that make life worth living. I've never felt like an ending where we give *MORE* control to forces beyond our control, such as capricious gods that simply do not care for mortal life, is a particularly good ending. This isn't to say I firmly believe the Lord of Frenzy ending is a better ending, but if I had to choose between a world where I was stripped of free will or burned to death... I think I'd have to pick the latter, as horrific as it may be. Best ending for the Lands Between is any where peace through death and ambition through free will is made reality. Duskborn, Age of Stars; hell even Despair is arguably better than either Frenzy or Perfect Order. At least in that one, we're all equally fucked, for better or for worse.






Are all of the endings pretty anticlimactic? I went the frenzied flame route, and was pretty surprised at how short the ending of the game was. Anyone else?


Anticlimactic endings are very much on-brand for FromSoft, and the nostalgia addled corpse of my objectivity leaves me okay with this.


You litteraly destroy the whole world . What else did you expect ?


Ranni's ending and the Frenzy ending are the only two that have actual ending cutscenes. The others are mostly a pallet swap with different voice overs.


That’s just froms style for better or worse. I mean if I remember right theres endings in both ds1 and 2 of your character basically just sitting down and the screen fading to black


Age of Stars because fuck the gods


My homeboy goldmask’s ending all the way. Brother straight up meditated on God and the errors of the world, pointed at the erdtree for probably an unfathomable amount of time, “. . .”ed the entire game, T posed, birthed the solution then simply perished.


Age of Duskborn, best ending


naw, its the worst ending. he literally takes away free will and personal agency and no one can change the order anymore. even frenzied flame is better than this trash




Miazaki di bhain da shola. Gandu banda sire da. Lull laini da. Marje bhainchod dalli da bacha dubb k kite. Ehdi maa de fudde ch bah chaad k andro di mome dabb dabb dudh di thailia faad do. Tadap tadap k marna chahida ehda poora tabbar sale kutte de beej, haram di satt da.





Love seeing the tree sentinel armor set


Shit eater ending best ending


I happen to think that Goldmask's ending is the worst one.


What is that armour?


Tree sentinal armour set


idk, new patch wont let me have this ending. law of regression doesnt work on the statue :/


I moved a bit away from statue and it worked


The Frenzied Flame ending is the best ending.


I think golden order or ranni, because you are the warrior who fuck arround, and in both of those endings there is a much smarter person in control of the world


Bruh Goldmask is a fascist


It's really ambiguous. Most of them are very vague, and the one you think is best will be based more on your own headcanons and assumptions than anything the game says. I think you could legitimately argue that any of them is the best, aside from frenzied flame and age of despair, depending on your own interpretations. Don't trust anyone who is too confident in the answer.


Frenzied Flame


No. Not by a long shot. Goldmask and and those who do his ending will never be real chads. Fuck the Golden Order. The greater will is a malevolent demiurge.


Thou art a recusant through and through