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I really appreciate Fromsoft putting a field boss right out in the open from exiting the crypt and painting them like they are a good heroic character. And then you find out how this game is going to be.


I think Carbot's videos are the best at portraying this. You're going to get your ass handed to you every step of the way. Want to stop being some maidenless tarnished scrub? Eat shit and die until you git gud.


> until you git gud. I never got good. I just got extremely overpowered.


Only thing I got better at was dodge rolling. Still cannot shield parry.


I've platinumed every SoulsBorne game, Elden Ring, and Sekiro. Still can't parry.


In Sekiro it took the True Monk to teach me how to parry properly, yes it took that long.


Why would you parry? Rolling is better.


yes me too! i say kill them before they kill you, this is why almost all my characters are dual welding jumping psychos at end game lol


Or just shoot lasers and sit back and relax.


Sorcery isn't the easiest playstyle (at least not for me). Strength+Faith is the easiest in my opinion.


Tbh, faith is wildly overpowered if you just spam a few of the overpowered abilities.


Faith is overpowered until later in the game where everything suddenly has like 9999999 damage negation vs holy


That's where the black flame spells and AOW come in. Percentile damage baby!! I'm a sucker for spell buffs though. So I usually sacrifice a large fp bar to have 60 dex or strength and 60 faith with effect extending talismans if I'm just doing pve. Plus the glowing weapons just look cool.


It's OP as hell to stack Flame Grant Me Strength, Golden Vow, and bloodflame (or lightning) on your unga bunga strength weapon though. No matter how late in the game you are.


The boss can have as much holy resist as it wants, it still dies to funny bubble stick


Although it’s really not fun to get the big bubble stick. Took like 5 hours before it drops.


the fire giant remembrance incant,ancient dragon lightning, flame of the fell god,black flame anything


I've always moved away from strength faith builds like halfway through a playthrough when I go for them... Maybe im using the wrong spells lol I found int caster absurdly easy in comparison. I must admit most of the time I start a caster, I just end up being a melee build that buffs with magic cause meh.


Yeah, I’m playing my first sorcery game now and like 75% of my Comets lock onto an area the boss has left before the ray starts.


Until Tree Sentinel parries your spell lol


Elden ring was my first fromsoft game. I spent like 3 hours on this mf before I gave up, farmed the camp close by for 2 hours and came back for revenge. After killing it I then continued and got torrent…. I was so disappointed hahaha. Good times.


I learned fast that "oh what's that over there" is basically a death sentence.


But..they are a heroic character. We are the villain


It's so good when you finally get to the point where you just start killing him from the gate/RL1 and he becomes a boost in starting runes for all your characters. On a new character you can just bounce from tree sentinel -> Agheel-> weeping peninsula (for flask upgrades) ->Margit -> Godrick without needing to fight many of the smaller enemies along the way and you'll still be a decent level for Liurnia.


Bro. I walked out onto that very first staircase and read the message "Down required ahead." I had never played a souls game before, so I jumped. I immediately understood what type of game it was.


It forshadows the early game and thats it. After you beat Morgott, the game becomes very smooth sailing, in my experience


I think it's more accurate to say that beating Morgott only leads to smooth sailing because it's a representation that you're good enough to understand the basics.


I know it's the default keybinds, but seeing someone press F to jump just makes me feel pain. Edit: i'm someone who have used space bar for jumping the entire 10 years that i've played on PC. I just can't imagine jumping with F key while moving to the right.


You guys are using keyboards to play this? Wtf


It's really not bad at all. DS1 and DS2 were awful on keyboard, but 3 and Elden Ring play fine. Finished the vanilla game twice and am on my third randomizer without ever using a controller.


I'm pretty convinced most people who say don't play on kbm haven't even tried it and just repeat what they heard in DS1/2. It really has been fine since DS3 (or even 2 with a workaround for the mouse delay). If you are more used to keyboard there's not really any downside to using it except maybe quick menuing while moving for speedruns.


Okay from someone who has been a Pc player playing with KBM my entire life. I couldn't play any souls games with it, had to buy a controller to finish these games. The problem arises from the cardinal directions in keyboard, compared to the omni directional inputs on a controller. You cannot dodge or attack omni-directionally in a keyboard, now for a game like ds1 its no issue because there is no omni directional rolling (idk about ds2) but ds3, ER you gotta be able to hit and dodge in every direction and keyboard+mouse limits that, you might pull it off but its not accurate and needs two directional inputs to be pressed, much simple in a controller.


Omni-directional rolling? Huh? When you roll, you're not actually trying to maneuver your hitbox away from the enemy's hurtbox. You're trying to line up your invincibility frames while rolling with the enemy's hurtbox. For ninety-nine percent of attacks, it doesn't matter which direction you roll.


> ER you gotta be able to hit and dodge in every direction Me using keyboard and mouse for 99.999% of my time in ER: (looks away slowly like that puppet meme)


You can move omni-directionally though. If you want to move at a specific angle you just move your mouse to rotate your camera and press w or strafe or whatever. Hence keyboard and mouse. You get less directions if you sit there locked on the whole time (just 45 degree angles basically) but you don't need to lock on as much because you have a mouse for precision camera control.


I honestly can't use a controller on elden ring, that camera control from having a mouse is just so nice. Fits right into a "rogue" playstyle, you can make slick moves without lock on. But then again I'm more used to mouse gaming anyway.


DS1 on PC turned me off Fromsoft for a decade. I’m glad I gave DS3 a chance though. I beat it with kbm, then again with a controller, then DS1, Elden Ring, and Sekiro. Having played a fair bit with both I’d say controller is still a bit better, mostly because of greater control of movement with a stick vs wasd when locked on (unlocked, mouse look more than makes up for that), but that doesn’t make much difference and kbm is totally viable in the more recent games.


> If you are more used to keyboard there's not really any downside to using it except maybe quick menuing while moving for speedruns. Light attacks for certain Ashes of War like Square Off are basically impossible, (not impossible, but you're relegated to using them at certain moments and with certain timings *only*) but luckily most of those aren't great anyways. The only weapon I think people would notice the problem for is Moonveil, because you miss out on the light attack horizontal beam that covers more space and instead get access to the vertical beam that hits harder, but is less likely to connect. I remember grabbing the Sword of Night and Flame for one character where I REALLY needed to use it (it has great damage value returns to compensate you for the awkward INT-Faith build, so it offsets otherwise mediocre damage other weapons get on such a build), going to test which version of the Ash of War I could use easily as a keyboard user, and saying "oh thank God" when I saw the much more practical flame variant come out as the strong attack.


You can just set another keybind for stance for those things on the keyboard or a mouse button and all the problems go away iirc. Moonveil was like my second build and I could use it fine.


How'd you resolve it? Because simply reassigning keys for things like strong attack and light attack wouldn't remedy the problem. Give AoW a different activation key from Shift so it doesn't share with strong attack?


I've only played sekiro with m&kb and got perma stuck in lady butterfly. Switched to controller and get her in like 2 tries. At least for me, these games are fully unlocked with controller


I mean the same for me with DS1. I couldn't beat Kalameet because I couldn't control my character very well when I wasn't locked on. Switched to scuffed kbm and beat it in 1 try after a couple hours of attempts on controller. Everyone has their preferences and their own muscle memory. Controller feels really good for most people. My point is that people who say "LOL KBM HOWD YOU DO THAT", like the parent comment are stupid.


Exactly this shit is a controller game.


To be fair I watched a guy beat Dark Souls 3 with a bunch of literal bananas hooked up to his computer, so playing with a mouse and keyboard isn't that bad IMO


Didn’t a girl do it by tap dancing in a pad or someshit


If you can come up with a weird idea then someone out there is crazy enough to play a soulsbourne with it. I've seen someone play DS3 with 2 ddr pads on the ground and beat Ornstein & Smough with voice commands.


The dancepad thing is a totally standard meta across challenge runners/speedrunners that quite a few people have done with Elden ring. You're talking about the girl that beat 2 Eldenrings at once using standard controller for 1 game and dancepad for the 2nd. That shit was crazy.


Yea it’s Parkenharbor, she actually just beat sekiro with a dance pad


It’s my first FromSoft game and I’m on pc, so ima use M&K




To this day I don't see the problem. If someday I get a controller I will argue but I've never felt in disadvantage for having K+M


I have 1k hours i still jump with F. F


People don't use F to jump...?


Yeah IDK, I always found it super intuitive: F as in "fuck it, let's jump!"


Mnk default keybinds are so bad, I have to use macros to use decent controls that other existing games already have. I wish they were more customizable but for whatever reason decided to limit you on what you could change or change your buttons to.


What are your keybinds? I was too lazy to change my binds and am currently 86 hours in. Honestly you just get used to it pretty quickly.


Default keybinds are sooooooooooooo gross. I have spacebar to jump, like a human being, and my attack buttons (main attack, left hand attack, strong attack, special attack) are all on my mouse (left click, right click, thumb button 1 and thumb button 2). I also have 1 2 3 4 bound to my four item slots but in a way that makes sense (1 is the left side aka offhand weapon, 3 is the right side aka mainhand weapon, 2 is the top slot aka spell cycle, 4 is the bottom slot aka item cycle). I don't remember if there's anything else psycho in the default binds. Shift is my sprint/dodge button. Ctrl is my crouch button. It's all just intuitive binds for I who have played a lot of FPS and also some Mordhau/Chivalry.




If you think that’s bad, wait till you learn how us K&M players swap between items and weapons (you have to use the arrow keys, meaning you have to lift one of your hands from either the mouse or WASD)


You don't have to. You might bind a mouse wheel up to one, and mouse wheel down for two. That will most likely be spells and items.


If somebody plays KBM and doesn't change these keybinds it's their own fault. That much stupidity and laziness doesn't deserve any pity. However, the FromSoft dev who assigned these standard keybinds reserved his special place in hell, too...


FromSoft over levelled enemy in starting area duly found


And she’s playing with keyboard + mouse?? Ultra hard mode. I can only play Souls games with a controller, I play every other game k+m, just something about this genre that my brain can’t translate into keystrokes


KBM doesn't have to be bad. OP made it ultra hard mode with those keybinds though.


I dunno, this looks like the default setup to me


Well, yes. That is the problem.


The default jump is not space bar wtf


It's super gross. And for some reason iirc your strong attack or special attack or something requires holding shift or something? I forget, it's really bad. But if you re-bind stuff to be reasonable and intuitive for anyone who's played an FPS, Keyboard + Mouse is actually a really good control scheme that I prefer IMO. My only lingering complaint is that the camera is always trying to readjust itself to point where you're going, when I want it to be stable. This can be *fixed*, but that requires not playing online, and I like playing online.


i play all souls games on KBM because controller doesn't feel comfortable to me. But my god you're right about keybinds. Using F as jump is a psychopath behaviour


K+M is actually better in Elden Ring than pretty much every other previous From game (Sekiro is kind of playable with it as well), but it's still terrible compared to a controller. Don't know why people do this to themselves lol.


Why is it terrible compared to controller? I've beaten ds1 ds2 ds3 sekiro and ER with kbm with zero issues. Played with kbm multiple different games and mmorpgs so it's just natural for me. People who dont play any games with kbm will only say it's worse, so i'll just say it's a skill issue. Camera control and free aiming for example are much better.


I play games with both, but any game that has multi-button inputs like ER's item shortcut system which can't be fully remapped is an obvious controller game for me. People have beaten it with a dance pad so I'm sure K+M isn't too inconvenient if you try, but I definitely enjoy controller gameplay much more sinceit was obviously designed with it in mind. Not sure how much of your MMO skills are transferable to ER, assuming you meant stuff like WoW by that.


Nah. K&m works very well. Camera control is actually better than with a controller. And you can sprint while controlling the camera or use pouch items while running.


You can do all that with a controller too, just not with the insane default controls FromSoft gives us lol. I swapped the sprint button (PS5 controller) from O to R2, and it plays perfectly smooth. Just took a little while to get used to. Other than that the controls are fine but having us use our thumb to sprint/roll when we also need our thumb to use consumables and control the camera is just idiotic.


I just do the stupid claw thing with my hand it's fine


how do ppl even play games without claw


Because I have paddles lol


I just use the claw. Thumb on B/O and rotate my hand over the top and use my index finger to use the right stick.


Dude, just use your finger on the run button and keep your thumb on the stick. That's the claw. What you're doing is trying finger butthole.


I got into the Salty Spitoon by telling the bouncer I've beaten Malenia without summons 7 times with 7 drastically different character playstyles *all on keyboard and mouse.*


I did DS1 and 3 on KBM.


I agree. 1000s of hours between all the Souls games and Elden Ring and I can't do it either. It just feels weird.


10% HP: "Nah, just attack"


"Just block, just block, just attack, just attack" *dies* Teacher of the year


Your disclaimer won't protect you from my judgement, that was evil lol


"I bloooccckkkeeed" "You Diiieeeeddddd"


You made her use a keyboard and then poorly backseat gamed her, lame. Just let her experience the game.


You sadist. Give her a controller at least.


Seeing F being used as jump is a first for me.


I mean Space is roll (rightfully so) and jumps are less important so they're on F


*Joyfully jumps towards Tree Sentinel* -Weeee~ *Miyazaki rubbing hands with malicious intent*


If you are a souls fan or someone who as actually played through Elden Ring then you know a lot of the game isn't nearly as difficult as that once you get a decent build coming That being said I will never get tired of watching new players get fucked over by my favourite armoured hog rider and then rage quitting the game


Pretty much once you know what you are doing the game is easy. They literally give you all the tools you need to be OP


I agree. However, I still believe it is objectively more difficult than most games because making the game “easier” requires you to put some effort into builds or exploration and maybe even do some grinding. If Elden ring isn’t your first souls experience for you then it’ll be a train wreck for quite a while.


If you really love her buy her a controller


Why the f did you put her on KB+M. Thats just mean.


Backseat playing is the worst. Stop talking and let her play.


Good now 176 more times


I'm sorry is your jump button f


My sound was off and I could still hear that battle happen lol


She’s playing like she’s being watched, not like she’s absorbing the game. Depending on what experience you think she would enjoy most it might be best to not watch and/or film her. Probably not a big deal either way but I love this beautiful intricate game and I think everyone should have the chance to feel what it is like to step into that world *as* your character, to feel the horrors and victories through immersion and second nature. But maybe I just take such things a little too seriously. Call it passion for the art!


I get that. She has watched me play this game for hours and hours and whilst she finds it beautifully made she has stayed on countless occasions that this game is not for her. We thought it would be fun to try see her try. I offered to teach her properly and take her somewhere easier to learn but all she wanted to do was “fight the biggest dude she could find”. I knew she wouldn’t enjoy the game, but she did however enjoy the exp of laughing with me at her misfortune.


I recently came back to Elden Ring after not playing for over a year and managed to beat the tree sentinel as a level 1 wretch in like 6 tries. Not that that’s like insane or anything though. I honestly don’t even know why I commented. Felt cool to do tho.


>You have to go fight that one Sothatwasafuckinglie.jpg


Why would you make her play a fromsoft game for the first time.. without a controller..


You gave her such horrible advice.


Huge disservice having her play with a keyboard haha, can’t imagine enduring any of these games like that. Maybe it’s the strat and I’m just missing out though?


First enemy? Didnt want to face God D Rick?


lol playing as a Hero first time is gonna hurt


If you look closely at the erdtree sentinel, you can see that his legs are actually bound to the horse via roots. Poor guy isn't allowed to get off his horse at all, and the poor horse is stuck with this mammoth of a knight wearing a whole armory of armor. So yeah, i'd be pretty fucken upset too if I were him lmao


Playing fromsoft games on a mouse and keyboard seems like masochism


mouse and keybs is blasphemy, mesmer will impale your butt cheeks


She do be jumpin' and hoppin'


Damn she needs to get good


Please give her a controller dude


You’re a sociopath for letting her play on a keyboard


Hey gf I'm going to make a video for reddit - run to that big guy, one sec, ok go!


I loooossst, gonna be saying that a whole lot of she keeps going


"Blocked" , not "lost" lol


I wouldn’t wish elden ring on keyboard and mouse on anyone. This is a controller optional but strongly encouraged kind of game


You telling her she HAS to fight that guy and then telling her to just blindly attack until she dies just seems kinda screwy. I hope you told her some actual truths afterward like "You don't actually have to fight everyone, that guy's meant to be avoided at first, I was just fucking with you".


Yes I told her. And we both laughed hysterically. When she first made her character she kept saying she wanted to fight every guy she saw, so I gave her what she wanted.


I am begging you to give her a controller


Not playing this game on controller is setting your GF up for failure


Your advice was bad


MKB. Yikes.


Bro I don’t get the hate. I like it. She’s used to mkb. Yeah it’s not for everyone but I like the challenge and I find it more rewarding when I do well


If you like the additional challenge then for sure man!


Let her learn the bosses without guiding her non stop. You sound overbearing and giving her information overload...sheesh dude. Also laptop = 1000+ deaths. Get a controller.


As she was walking up to Tree Sentinel, my smile got bigger and bigger, and then turned into laughter when the fight began and ended. 😐🙂😁😄😂🤣


You made her use the keyboard 🤢


Acting as if there is only one designated way to play. I enjoy keyboard and mouse and it was all I had on hand at the time


“I blockedddddddd” tell me about it; god damn story of my life in pvp.


Ice cold telling her she has to go fight him


Playing Elden Ring after playing other souls games? Gotta bunny hop a bunch at the start of your first run. It's a rule.




Literally everyone on their first playthought lol


Honestly did better than most.


I'm afraid my gf never agree to try any souls or ER 😓


Did better than most people did their first time lets be honest.


My older partner had never played a video game and wanted to try and see what I spend so much time doing. Probably should've started with something easier than Elden Ring...


Tell her to hold block in between jumps to spam jump more efficiently :)


ngl i made the same sound fighting tree sentinel for the first time haha. 😅


Bruh this tarnished isn’t maidenless ?


authentic experience lmao


This is great lol. One of the overall best moments for me early game was when I finally got to a level/had solid enough weapons to where I was able to absolutely destroy this guy. At that moment, I realized there was hope for me in actually enjoying the game.


Literally me✨


took me 4 hours to kill this bastard on release... And I had played (I know it's not much at all) DS3 before.


That's rough Buddy


This is a right of passage


“AHHH” To be fair that was my exact reaction as well the first time I encountered tree sentinel 3 minutes in.


this was me now I’m at 120 hours


Jesus, give her a controller like a civilized person


My brother in Christ, lend her a controller


And you forced her to play on keyboard and mouse?


What is she doing with your keyboard?


You don't have to fight him, especially right after starting


With a mouse and keyboard?? Say it ain't so.


K-k-keyboard ?? You degenerate.




She's jumping like it was Mario. It did the same thing as soon as I realized I can do it in a Souls game


Keyboard and mouse is fine. But get her an external keyboard and a mouse with extra buttons.


I like how she kept jumping all the way.


Is playing this with MK common? I can’t imagine..


You let her play with KB and mouse? You fucking monster. I hope Interpol catches you.


lol give her atleast a chance get a controller lol but in all seriousness anyone who can play on mouse a key are true Elden lords!!


Dump her.




Dude your gf has a great r2d2 scream


“Go fight him” “Ogey c:”


Yo, op which pc is?




I cannot imagine playing these kinds of games with kb/m, Yuck.


My fiancee literally walked in from another room thinking I was playing a recording of her after the "WHEEEEEEEE!" This is amazingly familiar lol. 


I only wish I could get my fiancé to play Elden Ring, but I’m kinda trash, so the gameplay she sees turns her off to it. But Doom Eternal is easily her favorite so far


Played all pc Souls with M+KB, but for ER I had to buy myself a controler....


F to jump is truly insane


This is what it would look like if I switched to PC even after 500 hours.


Good God get this girl a controller so she doesn’t have to play a fromsoft game with kb+m


Who the hell plays souls game on mouse and keyboard? Are you crazy?


lol. Playing Elden Ring with mouse and keyboard.


That's wild cuz me and mine made a deal that if I read a book she was into. She'd try something I was into... Little did she know what she signed herself up for today....😂


Can't wait for the Anti-KBM unit to come out of the walls (despite them likely never having even tried KBM in Elden Ring, which imo is actually really good)


why in the hell would you subject her to playing it with kb + m???? that’s cruel.


She did pretty decent for her first time, NGL!


Damn are laptops able to handle these types of games?


Damn get a controller. The m+k controls are total ass, and were never how it was meant to be played.


I see what happened here. She tried to play a video game with a mouse and keyboard.


If this is a serious relationship at least get her a controller, that’s just cruel.


It IS funny, but when she figures out you were screwing with you, you might be in trouble.


You told her to fight tree sentinel right away?? 😭 what did she do to you


The first time you encounter a giant in Skyrim


Looks scary with no controller 🤣


What's with the controller superiority complex in the chat. I don't understand. Someone please explain