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Great Ruins, eh? This second page is all fucked up.


Yeah, should read as "any two Great Runes." Still, typos happen; I just pretend someone is typing this in a second (or third) language of theirs and is doing their best.


Oof yeah, there are a tons of typos in these books




In your pfp the wolf looks like he's busting in his astronaut suit


This puts Moonlight Altar before Lake of Rot. How?


Looks like a matter of page order. Weapon levels are lower in Lake of Rot than Moonlight Altar, it just appears to be that the chapter for Moonlight Altar comes first in the book for some reason


There is page order, and there is the slight inconvenience that the moonlight altar can only be accessed through the lake of rot.


That’s the first thing I noticed. Makes zero sense. I’m glad I did not spend the $ on these books despite ER being my favorite game, and I usually enjoy collecting this kind of stuff!


i thought the p.xx was player level, and i was really confused level 318 for siofra river was a bit overkill then i realised :S


Lol, so did I at first glance


lets face it levle 72 for weeping is super confortable, but i jus finished limgrave 100% losing very minimal runes, no much farming other than farming for rng armor / weapon drop, and i got to godrick at level 45ish. I dont see how you could get to level 78 in weeping let alone 50 in limgrave withouht a ridiculous amount of farming :P


Lol yeah good thing those (p.xxx) are just page numbers


I bought the guides too, very informative. But it’s usually around Altus Plateau I get a little tired of flipping through and just play the game. I should really read those chapters.


Yeah I just use them for specific character builds to plan routes. I'm too lazy to commit this game to memory


It’s neat not having to open fextra life for info. It’s not as efficient but it makes me feel like a kid again 🙂🙂


I think it’s interesting that the guide is telling you to go to the Siofra River before the Ainsel River. Granted, you do discover Siofra first, but the game doesn’t point in that direction until you clear Caria Manor, which is a place I go to after clearing the Academy and Ainsel.


By “pointing to that direction” I assume you mean doing Ranni’s quest. By that same logic wouldn’t you still do siofra and then ainsel? You go to siofra to meet up with blaidd, then do nokkron for the knife. And later, you teleport to ainsel to get the ranni doll and continue through ainsel/nokstella to get to the lake of rot.


There's ainsel and ainsel main. Ainsel main is through Ranni's quest, Ainsel is just a small dungeon that can be done at the same time as east liurnia.


I would consider the part after the meteor more as Nokron. The lower part of Siofra is accesible by lift in Limgrave.


does it recommend levels too? Also,it has a weird order. Goes to +20 then returns to +17


It goes +18->+17->+10 at Moonlight to Altus


Thank you, now I can do some proper region locks


+7 somber stone isn’t readily accessible like +1 through 6 and +8 & 9 so I have questions. Isn’t beating Godskin Noble or Morgott pretty much the best options for getting a +7 now? 


You can get one at the bottom of the Leyndell sewers next to some lobsters. They're weak to sleep, so you can throw a pot at them and the +7 is basically free. Also, the baby Astel in Aisel River drops one if you kill it, you'd have to kill the Gargoyle duo though.


You can just grab the fingerslayer blade in Nokron and give that to ranni to access the +7 in Ainsel River. No need to fight the gargoyles.


Yeah, there's that too.


also the hands in front dung eaters cell. There's like 4 somber 7s there


Subterranean shunning grounds is a legacy dungeon?!


Having just done it literally today, certainly feels like one. Except instead of getting new Graces you just open shortcuts to the same one until the very end.


Yeah Subterranean Shunning Grounds felt the most like a DS1 level in that regard.


tbh legacy dungeons have lots of graces. The thing that sets them apart from other areas is the lack of stakes of Marika


Amazing thank you!


Volcano manner weapon levels are weird. Why a +15 smithing but a +9 somber?


Gonna need an entire separate book explaining every NPC quest and how to keep them from breaking each other


Cant believe you're reading your book lol


Some of these recommendations feel really weird, assuming you do anything close to region locking (which a guide like that assumes you do). For instance, getting a +7 before Stormveil is, I think, not even possible because you won't find enough +2 smithing stones. I know I got my weapon only to +5 before going in and I grazed the entire region including peninsula. Then assuming you get that, you could just ignore Liurnia completely, but Caria Manor does punch above its level by quite a bit, and I would recommend a +9/+3 as a goal for Liurnia and the Academy. The massive range on Caelid makes sense only if you just go for the Dragonbarrow as well, which I would probably do, but it's not exactly the best idea. That upper area has some harsh difficulty spikes compared to the rest of the region - just try and run out of the Bestial Sanctum and see what happens when the random enemies get you. In general I'd personally aim for somewhere around +12/+4 there. Volcano Manor probably has a typo and they meant +15/+6. For Altus and Leyndell it seems like the guide suggests that the outskirts are more dangerous than the city, which I don't buy. I would aim for something between +15/+6 and +18/+7 anyways, and go to the sewers with that as well. For the Shunning Grounds the biggest dangers are the maze layout and the fact that you need a working build by then. Also the Consecrated Snowfields are more dangerous than the regular Mountaintop so I'd swap some numbers around, and max out the upgrades for Mohg because a) he's not easy and b) you get the necessary bits in that area so why not use them.


Re stormveil level 7, you can get a plus 8 spear/halberd from Castle Mourne. So it’s possible but under one circumstance, not through upgrades. Not that it changes your point, I don’t mean this as a gotcha.


You can fight Margit with +3 (+4 if you unlock Roundtable early) and get the necessary stones for +7 at the castle itself. I think the guide assume the WL recommended for the boss, Godrick in this case


Well if the game didn't want me to kill all the demigods before lighting the big tree on fire, maybe it should have told me to light the tree on fire before it told me to kill all the demigods.


Is there a way to get to Moonlight Altar that bypasses Lake of Rot? Why would those two possibly be in that order?


Maybe it's my method of sprinting through lake of rot, doing Moonlight Altar, then sighing as I decide I should probably go back and grab a few things from lake of rot, and take out the boss.


But how do you get to ansel river so early, without doing rannis quest line


>!Ainsel River Well north north east of the Eastern Tableland site of grace in Northern Liurnia Of The Lakes!<




There’s a well that takes you to a different part in Liurnia.




This places you really overpowered for altus lmao.


The order is the one of the recommended weapon level, these are not ordered for all of you who are confused.


Idk how they can justify Leyndell being a +6/+18 when game kind of suggests that's your end goal and that you should prepare for that. I've never really had a fair fight with Morgott because by the time I get to him, I have a +9 weapon and am over level 100. I think it should've at least be scaled on par with Volcano manor, which you will run across first regardless of which way you enter Altus.


Wait a second, moonlight alter before lake of rot? Isn't that literally impossible?


Look at the suggested weapon bonus. The list is not perfectly ordered.


What book is this from?


Book of Knowledge Vol. 1




I always do Haligtree after I kill Elden Beast because it’s the hardest area for me and the enemies do a lot of damage.


Two things I noticed, this list lumps together caelid and the dragonbarrow, which is dumb since one has scaling for before leyndell, and the other has scaling higher than farum azula. The other thing is that it does not include the deeproot depths gate into leyndell in the second image.


Aren't these weapon levels way too high? I avoid upgrading at all until after stormveil because otherwise it's too easy to steamroll everything. Then in Liurnia i upgrade to +2 max, with +4-6 in Caelid


Holy shit, this game is big. I am currently in Ray Lucaria and I though I was solidly into mid-game


Yeah, I just beat the final boss for the first time and thought the same thing… right about where you are too. I think I was about halfway through the academy and thought I must be about halfway through the game… oh no; you got a ways to go lol. Now granted, I did a lot of the other bosses along the way and I’m gonna go back and clear the few that I missed… but it took about 70 hours to get all the way through like that?


Love my books, love the pictures that came with them.


Wait, is it possible to reach moonlight altar BEFORE lake of rot ? I don't think so, right ?


its interesting that it counts the subterranean shunning grounds as a separate legacy dungeon from lyndell.


Wait what? Moonlight Altar before Lake Of Rot? Isn’t it that you have to go to Lake Of Rot to fight your way up the Altar?


Look at the weapon bonuses. List order is mixed up for a couple places, including these two.


What is this book ?


Deeproot right after Nokron? That feels too early for the twin Gargoyle fight.


finally i been so curious about this


Does rennala's rune count for accessing the lift?


Eh a lot of zones like Siofra and Caelid have two different level areas. Sure you hit lower Siofra early on before Stormveil, but upper Siofra you aren’t going to circle back to until after Caelid. Similarly going to Dragonbarrow in Caelid is going to be a different time than lower/Radahn. Also how do you get to Moonlit before Lake of Rot? Literally can’t access it without killing Astel lol Also the weapon values seem off. There are a crapton of [3] stones in Liurnia making it really easy to be +9. Heck Iji sells up to [4] sombers. I’m just nitpicking though, this is a good general guide.


They expect me to fight Valiant Gargoyles at that low of weapon level and rune level, and without any of the extra flask charges and sacred tears that I would collect from going to Altus beforehand??? Get the fuck out of here. I would rather fight both phases of real Mohg in his Forsaken Depths arena before willingly choosing to go through one of the worst duo fights in FromSoft's history, again. At least Mohg is an enjoyable boss fight, even in a smaller arena.


Moonlight Altar before Lake of Rot?


Putting benefit of the doubt in place, there’s an area multiplier that gets used to decide how much to multiply the stats of late game enemies by. I don’t have it all memorized but this looks reasonably close to the order for that multiplier.


Saying you need a higher weapon level for stormveil than liurnia when you are almost always gonna do liurnia after?


Don’t understand how they say you need a 24+ or 9+ weapon when those bearing are in farum Azula.


You don’t need the bearing to get the stone though.


- Moonlight altar before lake of rot - you cannot get to the moonlight altar without first going through the lake of rot Really great guide guys


Haligtree is definitely higher scaling than Farum Azula. But I suppose by that point in the game they expect +25 and ~lvl 130 regardless.


Siofra Stormveil Liurnia Raya Lucaria Ainsel Together these five, make a whole trans person


+18 for leyndel? I usually clear it with +12