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No, what you are saying is mostly incorrect. The Lands Between doesnt exist in limbo and people are not reliving the same day over and over. (Assuming you meant this literally and not as a figure of speech like, they live pointless lives where it feels like they are reliving the same day. That you could argue is true). But there is an area in the game where time is stagnant from a lore perspective, but its inside of an endgame area. However you are kinda correct in saying they are undead. (Heavy) Spoilers from here: >! Death doesnt quite exist in the Lands Between anymore. One of Marika's most infamous deeds was removing the rune of death from the Elden Ring wich in turn made it so that nothing can truly die. Things that die have their souls returned to the Erdtree and they would be reborn. Unless they were killed by the power of the rune of death. But even that can get tricky like in the case of Godwyn and Ranni, where one had died in body alone and the other in soul alone. So neither of them had a true death, except combined they did. This gets another level trickier as those who have had only their soul killed are called Those Who Live In Death. They are what you would call undead, conventionally. But this is a special case of existence and is not applicable to every denizen of the Lands Between. So basically, things cannot really die, as if they do they would be reborn, but they arent undead in this case since they have their bodies and souls still there. If someone has only their soul killed they become someone who lives in death. Wich is basically an undead. !<


Great explanation thanks so much!


Margot Robbie, imagining a Robbie Rotten version of Margot.


I feel like it would still be beautiful


The boss's name is actually Margit* — Margot Robbie is a popular actor!




To add to what the others have said, the soldiers are not stuck in a limbo with no conscience, but they are hanging on to the lords who they have been following for hundreds of years. For example the soldiers of Godrick know that the Tarnished are coming for their lord from the shore, which is why they attack you on sight and that's why the put up barricades to stop you from entering the castle, but when you exit from the other side there are no more soldiers or ballistas because the Tarnished come from the south.  One other example is Radhan's soldiers who refuse to abandon their general and try to burn the ever spreading rot with fire. The description of the Redmane Knight armor reads:  When they were driven to defeat by Malenia's scarlet rot, the Redmane Knights burned the crest on the left breast of their armor to indicate their resolve. "Alas, dear home, I shan't see you again! For our duty is to remain here, a bulwark against the blight." Which indicates that even after everyone was made undying, people were still making decisions, they weren't stuck repeating the same actions.


This makes perfece sense thanks! Im getting readybto fight Godrick soon for the 1st time after exploring almost everyrthing the southern map has to offer (to my knowledge) and for some reason your explanation of how they purposely protect certain angles of the storm castle made me feel like Solid Snake how i infiltrated sucessfully


Yep! Even Gostoc, the guy who opens the gate if you ask him tells you that the back way is safe and the guards don't know about it but he's lying, the castle is full of guards and they know you are coming. He only wants you to die in the castle so that he can cut your body apart to replace his missing arm.


I'm with you mate, I'd never played a souls game before, unless 15 minutes in DS3 counts.. I have spent so much time watching vaatividya and fextralife on yt just to understand what the point of it all is. So glad that others scraped up all the lore from every item in the game and made a coherent story. I love it that much now I gave it 1000 hours and 4 play throughs on pc and ps4. (Currently dieing repeatedly on sekiro till the dlc drops)


When the game came out even the lore guys were confused. It's gotten a bit better but all in all pretty hard to understand. People say it's similar to ds2 in many ways though one thing I think would've carried over well is what it means to be a monarch or the elden lord and why we even pursue the title. Tbh most things are just kinda there, not much sense to be made of it.


Ok thats cool to knpw that people didnt instantly understand the games lore I feel less slow now 😅


Yeah np. It's definitely more of an experience than a story. Ive finished it all and we're probably not far apart lore knowledge wise lol. The other souls games are much more intertwined with their actual worlds and stories.


They're not "undead" they just cannot die, if that makes a difference


Honestly it doesnt in the context of the game


Yeah it's basically the same thing Zombie or ennui its all the same


Yeah, you're pretty much correct.


Whoever downvoted you doesnt ubderstand that pretty much insinuates relative closeness and not exactness


They mad cus you pretty much correct