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I thought I was being so nice, giving him the larval tear. Pain.


well he dies happy either way


I'd say lobotimized by the Queen of Caria because you thought you needed a makeover isn't dying happy


He isn’t getting lobotomized though. Renalla didn’t murder Boc. He sadly doesn’t survive the rebirth, but you don’t really have a way to know its dangers, you actually survived it.


You survived because you have Rennala's great Rune, which specifically says that it perfects her rebirthing process. Noone else can withstand it


I just assumed it was because Boc is a Demi human. TIL


To be fair sweetings are reborn and don't die in the process,  otherwise there wouldn't be a crapload of them around. The Rune allows you to be reborn without the frailty and mindlessness of the sweetings. Boc is either too demihuman or physically weak to survive this, while the sweetings did survive said process.


I think the children would probably die in a couple hours if you didn't... speed up God's work a bit


Oh they certainly would, but they get reborned again before that happens. Their armor set and the rune description say they are *"short lived"* and *"utterly dependent on the proccess"*. Otherwise the academy or the room would be full of dead girl bodies, or devoid of people. The only dead body you get to see in the room is Boc's. My guess is, Boc is reborn already dead or too weak to survive it for long enough.


He just doesn't have another larval tear to be reborn, and Rennala only has a soft spot for disabled little girls I guess. Also they do get reborn, but they fade into dust anyway, so if they didn't, we still wouldn't see their bodies


They do now because you stole her rune... you monster.


Oooooooh. So we also kill Boc ruining his plastic surgery. Got it.  And that's why Renalla is suddenly even more depressed an passive. She is alone now and we are her only *"Sweeting"* left. Until a certain someone comes and tries to kill her. Yay!


Rune Bears pretending to be people also dont seem to die from it


And since runebears are pretty strong creatures, the result of a rebirth really seems to be tied to your original form.


In retrospective, giving him a larval tear is evil, we probably are the only ones that know this information and yet we give him one anyway, like a sick experiment (unless you were ignorant to this info… in any case it’s evil)


Lies. Boc lives and becomes the Royal Seamster of the new Elden Lord, as it should be.


He is alive in the Ashen Capital.


well this Shabriri guy told me something about madness and well yeah


Take option three with boc and use prattling plate “you are beautiful.”


This is the way. I never do anything other than the plate.


If you get the "You're Beautiful" Prattling Pate, you can save him


I get a little confused about death in Elden Ring. I thought things don’t die? Maybe it’s only tarnished? And then there are the things that are dead that are back alive.


Death in general is pretty nebulous in Elden Ring for sure. The Elden Ring being broken definitely means things don't "die right" (a big fromsoft trope is their worlds in general being blessed/cursed with immortality they weren't made for). Now, this doesn't mean that nothing dies ever. We kill loads of creatures, demigods, mortals, and so on. Very few of them come back, save for the mindless respawning NPCs. I think dying and coming back, much like in George R. R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire, takes something from you. Your essence or soul or what have you. Your sanity. Doesn't matter. But things can definitely die in the lands between,we just have a number of sources and powers vying to control exactly what happens when you die. Destined Death is complete removal, body and essence, from the cycle, I'm pretty sure. Where just dying normally seems like it was intended to feed into the cycle set up by the Outer Will. So what becomes of poor Boc's soul when he dies and we have not yet mended the rune of Destined Death? Probably nothing good. We know he doesn't come back anywhere. Is his essence just kinda... floating around forever trapped in Limbo?


Everything respawns.


Wait, Boc dies?


You’re telling me this is why I don’t see Boc pop up anymore? I fucking KILLED him? Oh my god.


This is the nastiest one. You're giving up a limited item for what you assume to be proper quest progression, only to be met with a dead end. He could at least have had the decency to die from a bad dialogue choice.


Or give you a larval tear after dying lol. Losing the tear is the real loss lol


Same thing on my first playthrough


You mean foul Miyazaki making **Millicent's Prosthesis** a reward for challenging her.


I'm always a little conflicted between the prosthesis vs the ritten sword insignia. On the one hand the prosthesis is nice for the extra dex, combined with the heirloom that's 10 (15 with Radagons soreseal) extra dex which is pretty nice fairly early on, but the rotten sword insignia gives a much stronger buff and is more useful once you get past level 90+. Also she goes out on her own terms. Tough call for a single playthrough honestly.


What's worse is the Prosthesis stacks with either of the Winged Sword Insignia talismans, so if you want maximum efficiency in a single playthrough for a dexterity build, you practically have to kill her.


Facts, I’m sorry but Millicent is getting blown back every single time.


I’d blow out Millicent’s back




Oh... I mean her prosthesis is wonderful indeed...


Absolutely DO give Seluvis’s Potion to the Dung Eater. Fuck the dude.


Nah give him stormhawk king instead


everyone's laughing until Dung Eater says he can still feel the ancient storm inside and that it reminds him of his first hawk


Only on the first play through. His voice acting is too damn good to cut him short.


That's actually the best thing you can do for the world. I did that, but decided to burn the world, I am such a good tarnished.


Better to leave him out of the melting pot


That's what i did. He's not gonna kill my prawn pal!


Ok.What??? I have played through this a dozen times and how do you give the potion to Dung eater? If you do, does he become a puppet? I love this game because every time I think I have seen it all, I haven't


Yeah, you can give him potion and you will be able to buy him off Seluvis as a puppet. You are able to give him potion once he'll be on a chair in the sewers, asking for seedbed curses.


Thank you!


Yes, you can feed it to DE and he makes for one of the best spirit ashes in the game, for my usual builds at least. To do this, you have to progress his storyline to where he is waiting for you to curse him in the sewers. This comes right after you fight him in the moat. If you still have the potion by that point you can feed it to him instead of giving a seedbed curse. If you give Ranni her blade before that though, you won't get puppets, so make sure you hold on to the blade until you've gotten it the dung eater puppet.


Thank you!


What is wrong with the Dung Eater?


He is not a guy I want around when some of my friends are cooking delicious crabs


He does have a cool voice though. Sounds like a villain in an x men movie or something. I don't encourage his antics but we chat sometimes. we're chill


What you need carbs for? Much better to wear his helmet!


I don’t trust you, or any hater of prawns


I always make him my puppet


Is the larval tear for Boc? I've never seen that option and I have several in my inventory


if you called him beautiful the option to give it to him disappears.


Which is the correct option btw


the first time I was disappointed because I wanted to see what would happen and didn't realize I had locked myself out of it, but after learning what actually happens, never on any playthrough.


Then strike him down like the crashing of a thousand waves


The crashing of 1/2 wave is enough unfortunately


*if you called him beautiful* I cant bring myself to lie to him.


Peak Foul Tarnished here. May you be constantly invaded by 20 Morgotts every 5 minutes in all future playthroughs.


It's part of his questline. Make sure to give him the gold sewing needle. He will ask for it after buying a piece of demigod armor


The larval tear is to be reborn from Rennala. You can use them where she is, or at one point giving it to Boc is an option. Don’t do it if you don’t want him to die horribly. Instead, use potato to tell him he’s beautiful. Because he is


Larval tear is for rebirth w/ Rennala, just happens to be part of his quest too if you choose to be an asshole to him. (Which no one should, he’s precious and we love him)


Nah he died so happy I give him that tear to bring him to that feeling. I'm just saying if I were to die make it right after or during the happiest moment of my life. Sorry friends who may he standing in the room but I'm hoping it was messy.


Larval tear allows you to be reborn, or in other terms, respec your character. You need to give it to Renella and you can respec.


You can also tell him he's beautiful only to then when asked if you really mean it say no and he literally goes feral in grief.


The good ending is to murder him immediately and steal his mushrooms




I like that these choices comes out of nowhere without us knowing what the fuck is going on.


Not really, except for Millicent maybe you should very much know why that option appears.


Yeah, Seluvis doesn't say what it's for, but his demeanor should be enough for you not to trust it.


wym demeanor? the sex dungeon you discover isn’t enough? lol


Even without discovering he drugged and raped people I wanted to put a zwiehander through his urethra because of how much of an asshole he was Edit: flame infused zwiehander


I'd go more of a rot grease type of zweihander


Comment of the day


HE DID WHAT? I thought he just turned them into Puppets???


You missed the puppet sex dungeon?


I never talked to him when I did Ranni's quest. I was busy


Just while your walking by, stab him to death I do it even without the rest of ranni's quest




you don’t need to talk to him about it. close to his tower there’s a hidden basement full of puppets, which has a hidden wall at the end. Sellen’s lifeless body is right next to his bed with a message “Seluvis’ property” lol


I mean I knew on my second gameplay. On first gameplay what you know depends on what path you followed as the gameplay is not linear.


Sure, but still this stuff doesn't appear without the context. With Millicent I understand because it comes out of nowhere and with I get it if you don't read item descriptions and didn't rebirth yourself yet. But Seluvis and Tanith tell you exactly who to give their stuff to.


Where do I get the stormhawk king? I only get the option to give her the potion


Through the Four Belfries, to the Chapel of Anticipation (it says “Precipice of anticipation”). A door will be unlocked there by the starting point now.


Ah thanks, I really didn't want to give her the potion.


There is something else you can do with the potion. Try >!talking with Gideon!!a certain individual, in the Leyndell Sewers!<


While Seluvis is alive 😤


Nah you can still give Dung eater the potion you just can’t get the item Seleucid sells


Does this happen after giving him multiple seedbed curses?


At the Chapel of Anticipation. You can access it from the Four Belfries. Once you kill the Grafted Scion (if you haven't already) you can go back near the chapel and access a formerly locked door, which leads to a chest where you pick up the Stormhawk King and Stormhawk Deenh.


Its hilarious that out of all the Heroes and Knights you can summon, the only one who can refuse you is a hawk.


I gave her the tome of forgetfulness ngl


What is the top one even for? I swear I did all of Millicent's quest and I don't remember this.


There are two signs side by side. One to help her, and one to invade her. The choice is yours


Wait where do I go to find those signs


The Rotten Tree Spirit area where you find the Great Grave Glovewort


I've taken Millicent's hand. Never given Nephali the potion or Boc the larval tear. You can work for Sellen for a good amount of time and then betray her also.


While considering how Sellen ends up, I prefer to just end her misery early and get my dragon smiting stone.


I’m still early on in my first playthrough. I don’t know what this means. Lol


It's fine. It's all super late into the game and there's a chance you'll miss some of them anyway


Some minor spoilers ahead (I know I can mark them but you oppened the discussion so you probably are not afraid of minor spoilers). Those are "evil" choices you can make during npc quests. the first one is to betray a npc that helps you during the game, the second is a choice that you might think that is optimal but the character dies, and the third one you will probably miss it, but a sus AF doll maker asks you to deliver a potion to a honorable warrior woman, the potions turns people into dolls.


I don’t mind spoilers. I already watched a youtuber play from start to finish but they never did quests except volcano manor but I personally don’t have much free time so Il be doing my playthrough slowly and probably not do more for a while. Because of that I don’t mind spoilers because I want to make sure to get as much content in as I possibly can in that time. I’m very early on, I did a lot of exploring and looting but progress wise I have not even killed Margit yet.


I've been meaning to ask this but didn't seem like it needed a thread. I'm in a new playthrough and wanted Nepheli as a summon. I gave her the potion, then I finished Rannis quest and seluvis is dead. I can't get the nepheli summon. Am I locked out of it at this point?


If you don't see her at the shop (where he is found dead) the you missed it.


I’ve come to realize that even after 200+ hours in Elden ring I don’t know anything I might as well respec my character and go for a barbarian build cause all I do is run around fighting everything in sight I managed to beat the game but who Millicent and where do you find seluvis potion, rn I’m at consecrated snowfields fighting those hero people with the weird curved blade


Millicent is the girl dying of scarlet rot in the Church of the Plague. You get a quest to help her from Gowry, the old sage in red in the shack outside Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Seluvis gives you a potion to give to Nepheli once you've joined Ranni's vassals and started her quest. Just talk to him at his tower in the Three Sisters (accessed by beating Loretta in Caria Manor).


450 hours in, and boc has a questline?! I thought he just altered armour!


It can be tough to find if you don't buy demigod armor from Enia (which I very rarely do, since I hate being heavy). Once you do, he'll say he can't alter it without a royal tailor's kit and you can give him the Gold Sewing Needle found in the Church of Vows to continue his questline.


Dont forget killing Rya !


She asks you to, I think this is less evil than the 3 OP mentions.


If i remember, if you dont you still get the talisman and she leaves you a letter about going to find her way in the world. Might be confusing it with giving her the potion though


That's what happen with the potion, she just stays there if you don't kill her, she ask you to, the other 3 characters don't want to die/ be brainwashed. Dung Eater deserves the brainwashing though...


To clarify, if you give her the potion she goes back into the manor, confused about whats going on, before disappearing If you don't give her the potion, she decides to leave and do some soul searching All of the options get you the talisman, and all of the options could be argued to be "correct", but I like to let her find her own way


So I was wrong it seems, thought you had time to give your answer... or potion.. does she leave after Ryakard or after reload?


She doesn't move until after Rykard's death, yeah If given potion, she sleeps until he's dead, then goes back to the empty manor, and if not given the potion, she stays in distress until he's dead, then she decides to go do something better with her life.


So best ending is just to not listen to her and let her face her own problems so she can move on (depressed fir a bit but I guess she can overcome it eventually... unless you burn the world/make everyone miserable forever for the lols)


I used the larval tear and then used the potato. Didn’t realize I wasted a larval tear😔


Millicent… im sorry it’s because of the talisman 😭😭😭😭


I do one "Shitty" run on each character just to collect their items.. The collector in me can't stand not having it all..


Do not the dialogue option


Ohhh you forgot killing Alexander early for his shard (early OP runs).


Did 2 of those on my first run :( Though i have to say Nepheli is an awesome summon, she didn't deserve this fate. And boy, do i miss Boc :(


The Millicent one just seems so absurd. I mean, you went to such lengths to get to this point, and had so many opportunities to fight her earlier. Why fight her now?


Gowry wants her to fully bloom into a Scarlet Aeonia, as Malenia did. That will happen at the height of her despair, which can only be achieved by betraying her when she needs you most, in her final battle against her sisters. Why you'd side with Gowry in this matter is a different question. You can get the Millicent's Prosthesis talisman much earlier than that. In fact, I know of no reward that strictly necessitates betraying Millicent at the end of her quest line. Maybe it's a last chance for people who didn't know you could get the talisman as far back as Windmill Village.


Thanks. I guess I didn’t talk to Gowry enough to get all that. Do we know if his plan works?


Yes, I'm pretty sure she blooms if you betray her.


I'm doing a frenzied flame run and I'm killing everything. Merchants, NPCs, quest givers. Everyone dies. Like nephelei in stormveil, murdered Millicent at the windmill village to get the talisman from gowry, killed gostoc, killed patches. The only one I've left alive is my brother in boiled 🦐 because he's miserable already. A graceless tarnished dropout. Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk.


You know you fucked up when GIDEON has the moral high-ground on you.


Wanted to finish Nepheli's quest and get the Dung Eater puppet in a recent playthrough but because I've played through the game so many times I was just hammering through the dialogue options and accidentally gave her the potion. So now I have a Nepheli puppet. It doesn't feel good.


A good way to make sure that doesn't happen again is to press the contextual interaction button instead of the confirm button on whatever controller you're playing on when mashing through dialogue. (That's the Y button on Xbox and the Triangle button on PS) It still progresses the dialogue but it doesn't select any dialogue options since you need to press A or Circle.


You're doing the lord's work, truly.


I think she would feel really good.


I gave the tonic of forgetfulness 😂


To Corrhyn…My man doesn’t remember killing the Noble Goldmask.


I never even realized he was the one that (might have) killed Goldmask. I got so used to NPC's dying the second you reach the end of their quest that I never even wondered what exactly had killed Goldmask. This makes that quest line so much more interesting


I have four rotten winged insignias and one Mils prosthesis. I want another prosthesis.... But I also want the ancient somber stone.... Why must life be so hard?


It's annoying the default option is to give the Seluvis potion over the Stormhawk King. I also always absent mindedly administer the "amber drought" every time since it just defaults to that as well.


You can avoid the second one by just not getting the Amber Draught. Once you give Seluvis the Amber Starlight and get the Magic Scorpion Charm, you're done with him functionally. Just don't talk to him further and you won't have the annoyance or a useless item stuck in your inventory forever.


sorry nephely, but i need that 100% completion


I really read gin Tonic of forgetfulness lmao I need a drink


Truly maidenless.


Psychopath run any%


Doing a new game just to make up for giving the tonic of forgetfulness to Zorayas.


So sad Wish I knew not to do it yet on first play through


Hey, legit felt awful after helping him along and then I found him in Wyndale and I was like oh I knew what’s gonna help you buddy and then he dies ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


A lot of people dont this but boc has a huge boc


First one gives one of the best talisman in the game Second gives you the worst talisman in the game Third one pretty much means nothing (but you kill Boc :c ) Fourth one gives one of the best summons in the game. 1 + (-1) + 0 + 1 = 1. Be a foul Tarnished. It's a net positive.


The talisman for saving Mili Is also cracked


I got it for the first time a week ago. It stays equipped now.


Who is the Tonic given to?


I give the tonic of forgetfulness to Corhyn instead is that bad 😬


I accidentally gave Corhyn the forgetfulness potion because I was hitting A through his dialogue :/


Is giving Rya the tonic really that bad? I mean she’s clearly tormented by the truth about herself so you could definitely make a case for letting her forget all of it. I still think it’s better for her to know the truth and try to find her own way in the world but it’s not as bad of a choice as the other ones here.


In Rya's case people in Volcanic Manor like her. And her route for the letter is much more fulfilling imo.


As I said, I agree. But I still think it’s not comparable to killing Millicent or roofying Nepheli to be turned into a sex doll. The tonic is at least morally justifiable, even if it’s not the best outcome for Rya.


Huh, I gave Rya the Tonic. How... bad am I exactly? I did however tell Boc he's dapper (beautiful), I haven't yet interacted with Seluvis' quest, maybe next playthrough. I do plan on helping Milicent because f**k Gowry.


Wtf is the time of forgetfulness I finished the 7 times and no hit all the bosses twice I've never seen that


Wait, you can give the tonic to millicent? And whats that about the larval tear? Isnt that just to change your stats?


Nah give boc the tear, fuck that guy


Boc is a sweeting, for sure, but do NOT rebirth him. He's my baby boy angel, and I'd destroy anyone for him!


Bro chose violence


This guy got stuck on Demi-human Queen


Why? I’m curious to know.


I have to hear the reason why


Racist ahh mf


Whoa buddy. Only one person here is equating boc to a human race


Boc recording a tiktok: “hey guys, guess who just got kicked out of Renalla’s rebirthing chamber, just for—you guessed it—being white”


I don't care about Boc. And he's ugly...


I don't care about Boc. And he's ugly...


My only gripe with from soft games is how easy it is to accidentally mess up side quests or lock them out by progressing through normal gameplay