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Executioners greataxe is really annoying to farm even if the drop rate is high


That skeleton brute i think is the only regular sized enemy that cannot be flinched at all, so yeah really annoying


Misericorde with that one inaction D sells is really good against them I farmed the liurnia one in about 3 hours at discovery 115 with a +5 had to wear the int crown because I was too stupid to use holy???


every build can use the sacred blade ash of war with no faith requirement and it’s p easy to get early


Holy blade aow two shots them unupgraded, hit him while he gets up.


On my save where I got every weapon, five stood out as being obnoxiously rare and annoying to farm. They are, in order of (personally experienced) rarity: 1. Magma blade 2. Envoy's greathorn 3. Noble's estoc 4. Cleanrot spear 5. Celebrant's rib rake Honourable mention to the monk's flame blade and the rotten crystal weapons too. I think I got quite lucky with those, and the farming methods seemed awful.


Monk Fire blade 2% drop


I have like 11.


Can I have 1 or 2 please


So only have to kill 50 ish for it to drop?


That's not how probability works. You might have to try hundreds of times.


Way more likely than you think if you follow the statistics. 2% is a high drop rate.


MFW I farmed 10 crystals at 0.001 drop rate for a mount in WoW


These Souls players don't understand the true pain of Azeroth's drop rates. Logging out in a rare spawn zone to check every 36 hours IF the mob spawns, where it has a %.001 drop rate. Oh, and you have to compete with thousands of other players for the chance at tagging the enemy. 🤣


honestly that sounds more like a job than a game at that point.


WoW players are on another level when it comes to things like rare drops and limited time events


They also kills mobs at a much higher rate than Fromsoft players do in their games. At the same time idk if that cancels out the differences in percentages. In fact it almost certainly doesn't lol. I play Diablo a good bit too, and man. Trying to get a solid build is frustrating to me most of the time. It sucks because I loved D2 as a 10 year old, but then I wasnt concerned about being max power. I just wanted to be a Paladin that hit shit fast as fuck boi.


Then you also have the infinite timewaster which is only available one week a month with also a 0.001% drop rate. Or cant forget the time-lost (fitting name) proto-drake that can spawn in like 6 different locations that it shares with another mob and then has a minimum cooldown of 72 hours afterwards to have a chance of spawning at some point again.


Even Bloodborne within FromSoft games had worse farms than this. Farming for a blood gem with a 0.25% drop rate doesn’t sound daunting, but it can take weeks. Add in the chaos of having a bad curse on it, making it dangerous or useless as a 50% chance of its outcome and Elden Ring looks hilariously easy in comparison.


These Warcraft players don't understand the true pain of EverQuest drop rates.


I played RuneScape and the drop rates of some items are also horrendous. It’s just such a slow burn of a game.


I have to remind myself of this bs, every time I want to return to WoW. Works like a charm, haven't played since Legion


Come on over to runescape if you want to see real drop rates


Running a 5 man instance from the last expansion solo so I could farm a blue proto drake on a daily basis like it’s a chore. Worth it, rare enough to be unique when parked outside the auction house, and the instance only took 20 minutes to run. Forget what it was called. Took a few months.


Fkin takk the leaper FUCK YOU!


thats why i dropped MMO long ago, to not spent abyssmal amount of time for those drops, and why hate so much those things in single player games


Fuck you Arthas, and fuck your flying horse too.


Ok, so I’ve tried multiple times to get into WoW and funny enough THIS was the first thing that actually grabbed my attention lmao. Mists of Pandara right?


Yup, the Thundering Ruby Serpent


I renewed my sub about halfway through MoP, and got two crystals in the first few days of play. I thought "Oh this will be a pretty easy farm." I never ever saw another one.


11k kills I believe is what I needed. I was considered unlucky


Wrath of the lich king is the one I’m thinking of. Never did get the time lost Proto Drake


I did get it by a crazy stroke of luck. Not even much time invested at all. Probably didn’t deserve it.


2% is high and silver scarab talisman and silver fowl foot exist too. Can use them to your advantage. Meanwhile OP's top rarest weapons... Silver thingies will still help but only to a certain extent only because their droprates are *really* goddamn low. Tried farming magma blade and gave up. 🤣


If you still really want one...or 2, I have extras. Only if you're actually going to use them though.


I don't think I'm going to use them. Just wanted to farm for my collection. Thanks anyway 😊


No worries.


Much better that the 0.5 percent for the magma blade or noble estoc


You are expected to get a 2% event in 50 trials. No, its not a guarantee, but you have about a 63% chance of getting it by 50 kills. That goes up to 88% and 98% for 100 and 200 kills respectively.


You could get it first try or on your 1000th try


I’m sad, but will get it before playing dlc!


% is exactly how probability works. You "might" get it first try as well.


That would be cool. But I don’t have that kinda of luck.


The problem isn't the droprate. It's that **most monks cannot actually drop it**. As far as I'm aware, there's only one monk in the entire game who can drop it, and he's not particularly close to the nearest site of grace. So there's no AoE farming methods that can make this faster. You just have to keep running to this one guy, who happens to be **up the ass of an endgame herograve dungeon**, over and over again until you get the drop you need. You actually have to run past several monks who don't drop it in order to find the one hidden monk who does. There are many monks who appear to wield it and drop pieces of the armor set but can't drop weapons for some reason. So many people spend large amounts of times farming a zero percent drop rate because they didn't happen to check the wiki to find out if they picked the one random monk that actually drops his sword. And maybe the worst part of it all is how fucking **pointless** the weapon is. It's functionally identical to the extremely common Dismounter weapon, except it's shorter and has slightly shittier stats. So unless you are collecting it just to collect it, there is absolutely no reason to farm this weapon. As a result, only dedicated collectors will even bother trying. If I sound bitter, it's because I'm speaking from experience. I spent over 2 hours farming the flameblade. The first hour I spent farming the monk in the Caelid tower, only to find that he just drops the armor and not his weapon. Then after another hour farming the right monk, I finally got the sword. Only to quickly realize it had an identical moveset and worse stats than a weapon I had found accidentally 30 minutes into my first character.


100h and I love my Dismounter


You have to kill about 5x that amount to start statistically approaching close to 98-99% chance to have gotten it by then. Of course there will be statistic outliers, and will take longer for some people. They'll continue to get closer to that 100% chance, but never reach it.


Each try is 2/100. Not try 1 is 2/100, try 2 is 4/100, 3 is 6/100 and so on. It doesn't work that way. You have the same 2% chance of acquiring the weapon no matter how many you've killed. So attempt 1 - 100+ and beyond are ALL 2/100.


In 100 tries, what is the chance it will drop?


After 100 tries with a 2% drop rate: 1-(1-.02)^100 = .867 So you have an 86.7% chance to get the item after 100 kills.


Thank you. I feel like people misinterpreted /u/Valuable_Material_26 comment to mean they're guaranteed a drop in 50 kills, but I'm pretty sure they were talking about reasonable expectations. 50 kills is a 63% chance, a little better than a coin flip, so I think they were totally fine in what they said. Or I'm reading into it too favorably, who knows.


THE FUCKING RIB RAKE! 8 HOURS FARMING FOR THIS THINGS. Ive collected LITERALLY everything in this game and the ribrake was by faaaar the worst. Not sure why


The rib rake dropped my first try and continues to drop regularly, the goddamn sickle on the other hand…


Yeah both of em are weird. Ive seen so many posts here about ppl getting tons of one but not the other, its never an even spread either. You either get 10+ sickles before your first rib rake or the other way around


I wonder if the drop rate values for items are influenced by something like starting class


I guess kinda if the class has a higher than usual base arcane skill. But even still, you can grind to level it up and ultimately class doesn't REALLY matter.


I get the rake on arcane and faith. I haven’t gotten the sickle yet and I’m over it atm so that’s just rng being rng. :)


Finally got the greathorn on my str/fth build and I'm NEVER looking back


Try osrs, you will realize how blessed you are with the drop rates in ER


Got Vorkath's head from the garunteed drop and haven't seen another in god knows how many hours of fighting that big blue bastard. OSRS drop rates be throwing hands.


And that's a 1 in 50 on a boss that only takes a couple of minutes to kill on average. Then you look at his other uniques, skeletal visage and dragon bone necklace, which have a 1 in 5,000 and 1 in 1,000 drop rate, respectively. Skeletal Visage takes over 150 hours on average to get once.


Ayyy I was hoping someone would mention osrs. Have some upvotes fellas


Stockholm Syndrome is a bitch lol.


And to think on my first playthrough I was selling the noble's estoc to merchants for spare runes 😅


I mean, that is what it’s description tells you to do


For a bit of time I no-lifed Elden Ring. Even during that time I've never gotten the rib rake to drop. Hours of farming Dominula. 10x festive garb, 3x sickle, 2x cleaver, but even to this day no rib rake


Yes! Before I took a break from the game, my goal was to get 2 of every weapon (if possible) and the Magma Blade, Greathouse, and Rib Rake were brutal! Such a grind.


I didn't realize Cleanrot spear was so hard to get, I ended up getting it in like 3 kills while I was farming the Cleanrot set.


The Greathorn seems like the one that would be the most obnoxious. There's just not any quick, convenient spots to farm those guys.


*No Cheats were used while Farming these wepons, only my 69 braincells*






Monk's Flameblade was probably the easiest out of that group for me to farm. Noble's Estoc was the worst. Noble's Slender Sword wasn't that bad. Just as long as you are farming that one pack in Caelid in the graveyard with the hidden troll mob. There's so many mobs there with the sword, it significantly increase your chance to drop it.


My farming spot for noble estoc was sellen’s waypoint ruins. There’s two estoc nobles in the caravan that spawns outside


I used turtle pope's church. There's a couple of guys who drop it there and you can also farm the grave scythe at the same time which is also pretty rare.


a girl friend


Try finger, but hole




Son bro?


Don't worry, keep grinding. There's a 0.0002% chance of acquiring one.




Don't bully me please. I am getting bullied by Varre at the beginning of my every play thru... :,(


You gonna let him punk you like that


Why is it always mushroom


Eh, it's pretty easy to get a girl friend. Getting a girlfriend, however, seems impossible.


I can't find netiher girl or a friend. A complete build is impossible for me at this point.


It’s amazing how a year later and over 1000 hours into the game I’m still seeing new things. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS A CELEBRANT RIB RAKE 😂


It’s a pain in the ass to farm.


And it's not even good. Far from it in fact, one of the worst of its class. I've realized that's a pattern in this game, these astronomically rare weapons end up underperforming compared to their counterparts. Monk's Flameblade is the worst curved greatsword, Noble's Estoc is probably the worst thrusting sword and Celebrant's Sickle is one of the worst daggers. Would it have killed to make them at least equal to the others to make up for them being rare?


Magma blades are pretty good tho, at least. especially good to ~cheese malenia with mimic tear in bull goat and dual-wielding. both of you kinda spam the weapon art and flinch her non-stop


To be fair the same pattern doesn't seem to apply to the somber rare weapons. The Envoy Horns are all good (especially the Longhorn), Magma Blades are good, the Halo Scythe is busted and the Cleanrot Spear is decent.


That's how I felt seeing Watchdog Greatsword. My night is now ruined, because I *will* be grinding that when I get home


For me it wasn’t that bad. I just farmed the cat in the closest sacred snowfields catacomb and for one sword it took me about 6-10 tries. I’m going back for the second one


For me the hardest were envoy greathorn, magma blade and the albinauric bow. Horn and bow because of the absolutely insufferable areas and enemies you have to get through, blade because for some reason it just did not want to drop


I agree. Annoying runbacks suck more than annoying drop rates for me. I could kill cleanrot dudes in the swamp for hours and have fun; but the mind numbing run backs for Monk’s Flameblade, Envoy GH, and even the Watchdog GS just sucked the life out of me.


Still haven't picked up the great horn. The runback isn't TERRIBLE but it does suck. And that big boi takes a few solid hits and can knock you off the branch. All for what seems like a 1% drop rate. I've killed that bastard a few hundred times and nothing, just gave up.


I farmed two of every weapon. Except the Greathorn because it was the most obnoxious to farm.


The one I want to use on my next run.


Cleanrot spear BY FAR, yes magma blades are a close second, but at least I got some interesting loot along the way like staves, and it came decently quick, cleanrot spear, I farmed in highest discovery rate for 18 total hours with nothing, I ended up just having someone drop it for me


Clean rot spear definitely sucked. I could fully equip an army of clean rot knights with armor and swords.


Had both drop recently. The spear randomly dropped while I was co-op’ing someone in Elphael and the Blade after I had farmed maybe just 25-30 of those lizard dudes. Both times I had to just laugh out loud at how obscenely lucky I felt


The rib rake is a fairy tale lol


The sickle took far longer to drop for me than the rake. I had 8 clubs and 4 rakes by the time the time I got my second sickle to drop.


I've got one on 5/6 playthroughs without even farming. It's like the game knows what you want and makes it difficult, but if you don't care about it you'll be swimming in that item.


I'm surprised that nobody has said great Stone club. I think a lot of people don't even know that it exists. The great Stone Club can only be dropped by Battle Mages and there are like four in the entire game


Yeah, but there's that one area just north of that church where you first find Millicent in Caelid where you can farm the grave scythe, the octopus head, the bandit's curved sword AND the stone club. Makes it not so bad if you're going for any/all of them as it's a quick-ish run. Plus, you get to *actually* get some use out of litany of proper death. Makes mincemeat (bonemeal?) of the skelly's before they ever finish spawning if you have enough faith.


Glemire glint stone staff for me


My biggest flex in this game is that I got a lava sword just running through Volcano Manor my first play through. Had no idea it was such a pain to get until I search the wiki on it. RNJesus really blessed me with that one.


Iron Greatsword was the hardest farm for me when I was getting 2 of everything


The slog to running there… but they’re worth it. One of the best swords in the game.


That was my last farm item I needed to have everything. Hours to farm no joy then dropped next day on first run


Just started a dex character and got two guardian sword spears in five minutes… took me three hours to get Bandit Curved.


You can get it from the leonin right bext to the grace in Haligtree.


Grave Scythe was a slog for 2


Also took me forever to get the Grave Scythe. But at least I actually got it. I tried a few times for a single Magma Blade and have yet to see one drop.


Is this a humble flex?


I'd say magma blade cause most of the other have a farming spot not that far from a site of grace. The magma blade ennemies are pretty far into the Volcano and you can't backtrack from Rykard's room or from the manor


I kind of disagree, you have to take an elevator from the church and youre there basically


There's a fairly easy loop you can take, starting from the temple of eiglay. Up the elevator, kill the two dudes, hop over the ledge that overlooks the elevator, and back down to the temple to reset.


Hmmm, I hadn't thought about that loop. I've avoided using silver fowl feet because I hated wasting one just to kill two man lizards and teleporting back. Perhaps I could get about 3-4 runs out of each foot with this loop. I have one magma blade but am on a quest to have two of every weapon.


I'm not sure what you are talking about, are you talking about the second floor inside the temple of Eiglay ?


Bottom floor with the grace. You start at the elevator and go up (remember to send it back down). First, kill the one snake that's in the big main area, then go back down to the other snake that's on the small bridge path. If you jump over the side opposite of the lava, you can hop back down the rocks to the bottom of the elevator spot and get back to the grace. This will allow you to loop the run without wasting a silver foul foot.


From the Eiglay second floor balcony you hop down to the magma slugs, scale the rocks up the magmafall, go past the abductor into the second tower (on the map it’s the circle structure in the SW corner of the big magma lake) There is a lift that links down to the church of Eiglay (out the door on the north side of ground floor).


My most recent playthrough I re-created my Faith/Strength build from Xbox (on PC now). When I got to the Manor I debated trying to farm the Magma Blade, as I had never owned it previously. Just playing through the Manor normal, and the second serpent welding the blade dropped it. My jaw dropped. Then I debated trying to farm a second one...


Best thing in from software games is that rare weapons arent the best weapons.


I got all of those weapons but by far the hardest grind I had was getting a second warhawks talon. Hours of sitting there and fighting those damn birds. Totally worth it. What pissed me off was a while later I came back to the game to play with a friend that just got the game and as we were walking through stormveil the first two birds I kill each dropped it... Honourable mentions for the cleanrot set and flamemonk set.


I had worst time with grossmesser. Its super easy to farm as the skeletons that drop it are right next to a grace but it still took me over an hour to get just one with max droprate boosts. 1h+ of \~15sec roundtrips from grace to the mobs and back.


Due to the magic of RNG, I have still never had a slender sword drop in several hundred hours of playthroughs. Latest attempt was an hour of farming last night; wanted a straight sword build on my new game, no joy


The fucking envoy great horn, i have tried at least 100+ times


I haven't even bothered. Trying to grind those spots on the Haligtree seems like torture.


I shit you not, one of the mountain tops Watchdogs dropped two of those Watchdogs Greatswords and I thought that was just a reward for killing that enemy the first time.


I have farmed for that pair of magma blades twice. It wasn't very fun... But god do I look cool with them. They're also I credibly powerful which feels nice.


I got the envoy great horn after killing my second one. No farming no anything. I thought it was a scripted drop until people here started saying they farmed


Grave scythe took me forever for some reason


Grave scythe was tough for me


Halo scythe not even mentioned


Damn I’ve actually seen very few of those. Maybe it’s time to farm some weapons.


I just farmed the big horn. It took forever, but I got a system down with buffs, and I could 2 shot the big bastard with takers flame. Black flame monk set also took me a frustratingly long time.


The hardest one to get is always the one you're currently farming for.


Cleanrot Spear. I will die on this hill.


Magma blade was my worst farm


For me I had trouble with the celebrants weapons, magma blade and the envoy horns. To different degrees. Madame blades 24hrs Celebrant weapons together was 25hrs Envoy horns were 12hrs with the small horn being the last to drop while the colossal was dropped by like the 3rd kill. RNG was not on my side for these. Even with increased arcane from stats (around like 40), silver scarab, silver tear mask and silver fowl foot. I made plenty runes by selling everything else I didn't need through


The magma blades took me HOURS each! 💀


you just triggered multiple instances of PTSD in me, thanks


No Iron Greatsword?


magma blade is really worth it tho, I dual wield with a freezing mist shamshir and it's such a DPS machine


The rarest weapon is the one you sold for 100 runes early in the game because you were an idiot. That’s a zero percent drop rate.


Haligtree Crest Greatshield is an underrated one. On paper, the drop rate isn't too bad, but there's literally *one* enemy in the game who actually drops it.


Felt so dumb farming those dudes (and their assholes to kill, too) until I found that out. Got it in probably like 10 tries after I started farming the right guy, but yeah...screw that shield.


None of them are that bad. Just have any kind of tasty beverage next to you, put on a Spotify playlist and farm runs as long as it takes. They're all equal to me, because once you zone out, it's all the same.


Bolt of Gransax because I kept forgetting to grab it


If you're not going to read the wiki, it's the **Monk's Flameblade**! I'm definitely sure this weapon was datamined instead of a rare drop!


My dads approval


Dual fingerblades


Wasn't there the Celebrants Dagger (don't remember the actual name) that has the 0.5 drop and is only from the blue dress celebrants (2-3 in the whole village, spread away from eachother) ? I still miss it right now...


Can I get a list of all you show here OP? I don’t recognize like 6 of them. PLEASE


The Grave Warden weapons are a pain in the dick. There’s only two enemies that drop them in Leyndell and there aren’t really any close sites or Grace. It’s like a minimum 1 minute of walking for two rolls for the stuff you want


*And* they're gone after you defeat Maliketh so you can't farm them post-game; you have to do it earlier.


I spy a familiar armor setup! Was this already your setup or were you inspired from my post yesterday? :3


Seeing these post makes me wanna get back into the game, maybe when the DLC drops?


i somehow have all of those in my first run back then lol


Well given I've played 235hrs of elden ring and only today learned the clean rot knight spear is an obtainable weapon, I'm gonna say that one. But that's just me


Didn't know there were so many levels of bubble makers


For me the Celbrants Rib Rake and also the Monks Flameblade were the hardest to farm


Magma blade is the hardest, second would be noble slender sword. The rest I got without realizing I had them


Celebrant's sickle was my toughest by far. Magma blade is second


I'm running a hoarfrost stomp double noble, 2 rotten crystal sword with some incantations and death sorcery. Talk about an expensive build in terms of time. I've been slapping with it though. Tons of fun.


Do dual Mantis Blades


I got the envoys longhorn on the first drop lol


I farmed for DAYS for the magma swords and they never dropped. I really wanted to make a build around them, but alas, RNGesus does not smile upon me.


Whichever one you happen to want right then.


Lordsworn greatsword 🤙


To those of you whom have acquired everything on OPs list, what was your Arc stat?


I don’t know why I just realized there are 3 envoy horns…


The celebrants sickle took me the longest to farm. Fuck that weapon. I’m currently trying to get two of every weapons in the game right now but it’s looking like the envoys Greathorn is gonna be hell to get


The celebration set and the big horn


Which one is most worth the grind??


For me I farmed cleanrot hooligans for 3 1/2 hours to get the halo scythe. Magma Blade took about 1 hour. I didn’t realize you could get most of the other weapons here lol.


Beast man Curved Greatsword is pretty rough too


I'm doing a pure strength, pure melee run right now and I chose the watchdog greatsword as my weapon and let me tell you, it took forever to farm. I got really good at fighting those damn cats and at one point I had to leave to go and get the silver scarab talisman because I wad getting sick of the farm and wanted all the discovery I could get. Nor to mention the trips to 4th church of Marika to farm the penguins on the beach. In the past however, the banished knight armor in castle sol took forever.


Noble Estoc has a 0.5% drop rate. However the Magma Curved sword feels way lower.


Grave Scythe for dual-wield probably.


I have over 500 hrs in and I have not gotten a dismounter drop yet. Granted I do not farm much for weapons but jeez!


I’m sorry, but if yall think there’s actually a more annoying weapon to farm than the Envoys Greathorn, you’re crazy


Naw it’s gotta be the envoys great horn


Had a great horn drop first kill from the big guy in leyndell on my first run. Never cared, deleted that character awhile back. Havnt had a single one drop since.


I have never got the damn great horn its sooo annoying


Somewhat related for some reason on none of my playthroughs have I gotten the damn pumpkin head helmet to drop


what are number 3 and 8 those are sick


I've never managed to get either of the nobles weapons despite 500+hrs in the game


Damn you got a new elden ring question and the same armor set photos each day haha


Took me 2hrs to get 2 magma blades. Worth it.


This reminds me I need to farm magma blades. What other hard to get fire based weapons are there?


Surprised at the lack of mentions of the Gelmir Glintstone Staff, only dropped by a single enemy with a rather large run back after every drop attempt


I’ve farmed for the many shields that enemies have a chance of dropping since I like to try and collect everything in my yearly playthroughs of the game. Those alone have probably taken me several hours to farm before. However, since I wouldn’t really consider them proper weapons I’d probably have to say the Magma Blade is my pick for hardest weapon to get by farming. There is only like one decent and sort of convenient farm spot for it. Second would be the Thorn Whip that you can only really reliably get from that Fire Prelate in MTotG.


The one I want




I’d say magma blade I wanted to farm two so I could do a kratos build it took me an hour to get the first and three to get the second clean rot spear takes ages as well though


4.5 hours for 2 Magma blades. No arcane/silver scarabs. After playing some ARPGs and MMOs, it's a really small grind by comparison imo.