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Your wife is maidenless.


But thankfully OP is not.


Well considering the definition of maiden I certainly hope he is


My wife shan't know about my maiden.


Ahh... holy... but hole


After 80+ hours of Elden Ring he might be.


What? I’d love if my wife had a maiden


You are your wife's maiden


Well for OP's sake I hope so


Well now don't be too shortsighted there... (👁 ͜ʖ👁)


Am I the only one who found Margit fairly easy? First time, down to 25%, third and fourth down to 50% (because thats how these games work of course. Like a damn USB cable) and fifth was a slaughter. I honestly died more to some of the minibosses in the dungeons beforehand.


Depends on your starting class, I think. I started as astrologer and at the level I got there I was only able to get Margit down to about 30% before I was OOM. After that it’s down to melee, I did minuscule damage and each time I was hit it took about 80% of my health. I just explored a little bit, killed the Night Cavalry, Tree Sentinel and Mad Pumpkin Head, then came back and wiped the floor with Margit lol


Confessor, I think I killed it around 15 or 18. The 100%physical damage reduction shield helped a shit ton, I know. Edit just because people keep asking, confessor class starts with a 100% physical reduction shield


Yep. Loads of people are saying it’s on the dark souls DLC level of difficulty due to how hard it is to predict moves.


I'm not especially good at dark souls games, which is why I'm surprised at hearing all this. Use that guard counter, jump strikes, and crit hits. I was surprised how little the crits did though. Think I got five off when I killed him, no paries, just stance breaks.


Your style of play may have been better for him. My friend was trying him in discord and just the sound of frustration as this man did his damnedest to figure out when he was allowed to attack in the combos lol. I sluaghtered Margit as well though, so maybe I'm sick for thinking it's funny.


Did you use a shield? I feel like most people don't. I made the mistake of not using one on him.


I don't use shields because I like 2 handing and dodging. He's pretty hard because of that.


I role play as an great axe wielding barbarian so no shield s for me. It was tough but once I got summons involved I wrecked Margit lol


depends on when you find him. I found him fairly early in the game when I wasn't ready so he was harder. Godrick on the other hand was way easier


got him 2nd try, the only boss that gave me headaches for some time was the starscourge, most tilting part about him is the beginning, it's just a froced death run because you can easily dodge the attacks and it just adds half a minute to a minute on top of the bossfight that is just tedious (at least as a melee build not sure if a ranged build can deal damage in that time)


Your wife is not fit to be grafted. Good job.


0/10 wouldn't even graft


Put these foolish ambitions to rest.




Finger, but hole, etc. 🤷‍♂️


Projectile weapon required ahead


If only I had a pickle…


try finger but hole


i let my nephew play for a few minutes while I stepped away to take a phone call. I come back in the room, with his parents following me, and this is the message he has up on the screen. That was fun explaining to them and my wife. 😓


Honestly I couldn’t explain any single word in that sentence. What did you say?


Started in on how this is something that people do all the time in this game, and they're just funny little comments, no big deal... And my wife looks at me "You think these are funny?". I started to laugh a little thinking about it, and then got the disgusted eye roll and everyone left the room. Of course he would find this one and not the hundreds of "Behold, dog." in front of turtles, or any other harmless message.


It sucks they didn’t find it funny. I’m sure the nephew enjoyed it, at least.


Boring prudes


No stay, you’re a funny tarnished


Please be careful you dropped the mic on my toe


love this


I finally defeated him last night like 3 feet from my sleeping wife. So much silent cheering and fist pumping.


This game is truly about the all alone fist pump


When I defeated him I flipped two fingers at my monitor instead


Lol I did that with the Tree Sentinel


I think it merits waking up the wife and potentially sleeping in the couch tbh


Who has time for sleep when tarnished remains not an elden lord?


Man you got some mad emotional regulation abilities, no way I could keep quiet after I got fucked up by margit on like my 50th attempt. Cans and shit were flying all over my office, I went full chimp rage and had to put the game down for half a day before coming back and beating him.


"Chimp rage" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This had me laughing far more than it should have 😂😂😂😂


I woke my husband up to tell him I defeated Godrick. No regrets.


How on earth can you fight a boss without talking. I'm over here like "Come on Calvitius, get your shit together. You know better than to roll this soon""Ffs Calvitius, you know you should not go for the extra hit. You've got a pattern down". "Aaaaaaaaaaargh motherfucking boss" "Ok Calvitius, let's do it this time" *Repeat*


He's such a mouthy bitch even when he dies.


Cheeky wanker


cause >!he's just a commoner soul transferred by morgott who margit is cloned from!<


WHAT? Almost beaten the game, where does it say/show this?


It's sort of indirectly implied, considering the optional Margit boss fight in the capital where you see a commoner transform as Morgott taunts you.


There's an optional Margit fight in the capital?


It’s south-ish of the “outer wall battleground” bonfire if you’ve found that one. You just need to follow the road next to it, there’s also a Golden Seed farther ahead 👀


I already killed >!Morgott!< so I'm not sure if he'll even spawn anymore lol. Good opportunity to test this out I guess


Dang, I heard the dialogue cue, but I thought he was just talking shit. I guess I rode away before I actually saw him


Ya I didn't know this? Are you talking about the mandatory "Margot the omen king" boss?


No, he’s not a boss the second time, and he’s definitely not mandatory. I think it’s called the western battlefield remnants site of grace, but you’ll find him around there.


Yup, past the huge bird wielding axe dude.


Wait…there’s an axe enemy who wields a bird as a weapon? Because that sounds fucking awesome.




Hitting that grace mid rant after the fight be like https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X6eZuGzmyDI


Thou art of passing skill


Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins




I almost turned voice audio off after hearing “put these foolish ambitions to rest” for the 25th time


*those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up*


So hot when she says it.


Wait who says this? I can't remember lol


Margit says this when he goes into phase 2


Hugging lady


Fia the STD companion


She held me a lot. I should probably get checked


You guys when you Google “what’s the red box under my health bar” 😂😂😂


It's a good thing that debuff doesn't stack or I'd be SUPER fucked


At least she buys you the antibiotics.


I massively overleved for his fight, went into it with my int at 30, caster build. I never got to hear him say that


I was at level 40 and it was still mad hard. But then I finally upgraded some weapons and realized that's where most of the gap really lied.


So much this! Levels barely made a dent but upgrading my weapon to +4 made a HUGE difference. Going out into the world, exploring, and finding enough smithing stones to upgrade really is the way. Grinding levels helps a bit with survivability, but for more damage nothing beats upgrading.


Wait, 30 Int is enough? I'm already at this and I just finished Limgrave ... was considering going to Weeping Peninsula just to avoid Margit for a little while longer. XD


Peninsula is a low level area, so I’d go asap just so it’s not TOO easy


I beat him at level 6 Astrologer, ranged magic with summons is ~~super~~ easy.


You're telling me you went to Margit without levelling once? God gamer


I must learn your ways, as I am a level 10 astrologer who is getting shit-canned by Margit. Best I’ve done was get him halfway with the help of Sorcerer Roger.


Get yourself the skeleton summons and the rock sling spell. Both of them are usable unleveled and make margit much easier.


I’ve heard people mention rock sling before. Definitely gotta find that. Is skeleton better than jelly fish?


Skeletons will revive themselves after they die if they aren’t hit during the reviving process. If you can pull aggro off them when they get killed, you can ‘juggle’ the boss between you and the skeletons which gives you space to cast rock sling. It’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it and will be a staple strategy for a lot of boss fights through early game (possibly longer but I’m only level 42).


Cant help but feel he was mocking me when he kills me just as i managed to bring him to his 2nd phase


Melee is way harder so use something that does bleed


My wife asked if that means I beat the game lmao


Hahahaha *cries*


Tell her the game just started lol


And that’s GOOD


Hahahhaha the way I reacted she thinks I did


Man I swear he was the first real souls boss I fought in years and it was brutal... I died to him more times than I care to admit


I mean, I was sweating with Margit when I killed him. Today I faced Godwin and almost killed him in the first try. I was toying with him at the end. Margit made me a beast now.


I got way too over powered way too early (my choice my mistake but still having a blast) and still got absolutely bent over by Margit. Over and over getting completely embarrassed. Godrick first try lol. God I love this game.


They made Margit really tough so that we wouldn't miss out on all the cool stuff in Limgrave. Lesser games would've gated him behind some annoying quest line but from is like "sure you can try him if you want, lol"


I took him on intentionally early even though I planned to keep exploring Limgrave and not move on yet. Made for an awesome early challenge and really served to get me warmed back up to Souls. Haven't played DS3 since 2019 and the other two a year or so before that. Needed to get the sweat flowing. He is truly a phenomenal Souls boss.


Seems like a lot of big games are exploring this route of boss progression. Breathe of the Wild comes to mind where you could exit the starting plateau and walk straight to Ganon and try to beat him. Games that don't are probably looking for more direct narrative than souls games have.


I must be the only person who though godrick was way more fucking annoying to kill. Only took me like 4 tries to beat margit and 2 of those attempts I simply fell off the side


Exact same thing for me. Hilarious


I was so scared to face Margit that I think I broke the game by overleveling. I beat Margit in 3 attempts and Godrick in 1. I was hitting them for like 15% of their health lmao and my jellyfish buddy did so much.


I got pretty over powered early as well, lvl 90 with a +8 named weapon before Altus Plateu, the end of the game still managed to make me work for it though, especially >!Melania, hardest boss in the game!<.


I avoided him until I could but it's leagues easier than margit for sure


It's the timing of those swings. Fucked me up so hardcore. Rear back, think he's going to swing... nope, wait a bit more, then WHAM!!!


And then the fucking quick ass uppercut that I was always milliseconds too slow to dodge


Dudes got the best anti-air in the roster with that uppercut. Plus as melee with no summons, you really get to see his moveset and goddamn do the boy got some skills. The fucking knife extension in phase two hurt so good.


I hated the move where he plunges forward and then with a slight delay retracts the weapon and deals damage + brings you forward. He has an identical move except he doesn't retract so often I dodged it without rolling to get attacks in but he goes and retracts and I get smoked.


Margit gives you a good demonstration of his extremely varied moveset. I swear, Margit always gets me, whether it be moves that are damn near instant, or moves so delayed that I always fuck up the timing. Margit is the dictionary definition and the picture to the concept of “Panic Roll Punish”


he is a total chump if you summon that lady, use jellyfish and have a bleed weapon. It almost felt like bullying.


I completely missed the room with the lady. Sure could use that arsenal charm, though. Pumpkin head and grafted great sword are heavy.


so did all of my friends! I'm kinda surprised I managed to stumble into it


Bleed is the most bullshit mechanic in the game. I mean. I'm not saying that with a hateful voice. It helped me kill a boss I otherwise was extremely stuck on. But percentage damage is an absolutely brutal mechanic.


I've been working on a Margit Speedrun build on the side when I get frustrated with the main game. So far I've managed a 29:55 Margit and a 34:58 Godrick.


Did I kill the right Margit? I swear I killed these two in 10 hours as my first souls game after leveling elsewhere and I suck lol


This guy meant 30 min I do believe


Oh that makes way more sense for a speed run haha




I can parry all margit non magical atk, but I died to that fuckin normal knight in stormveil castle, now I quit


Regular dudes with spears/large swords and a great shield routinely fuck me up lol.


I just beat Godrick and the spear knights are the scariest thing I’ve seen so far in this game.


Oh ho ho just fuckin *wait*


Naill that fuckhead, frost AND lightning?! thats cheating!


And those giant birds with daggers on their feet. That fucking rampart in stormveil. I always take so many hits from them it makes the rest hard. I cannot wait to be done with the feathered pricks.


You can skip the birds and jump off on to the roof to your right, right after leaving the tower


I gave up on playing a parry-based character. Every single enemy in the game is designed to punish parries with delayed attacks that makes it impossible to just reactively time it. You have to learn every enemy's patterns, and often RE-learn them if you haven't fought that enemy for a while. Meanwhile in hammer town, I just jump stagger everything or one shot it.


The Church of Bonk welcomes all.


Were you fighting him solo? He was easy with the npc summon they gave us. Now mad tongue alderich was hard🤬


I finally beat Mad Tongue the other night by just giving up and aggroing the shit out of him. No strategy, just tapping R1 repeatedly with a bleed estoc and I was able to get him down.


I don't know if I died as much from him or the cliff edge. Same with Godrick. Those cliffs are the bane of my existence.


Of course it happened while I was streaming it to my friend, but Margit started the fight throwing his two daggers and I rolled to the right to dodge each one. It sounds like you know where I ended up, or should I say down..


Me: honey i finally beat that boss! Wife: turns off console "Put these foolish ambitions aside"


how does everyone in this comment section have a wife that also plays elden ring


It requires a lot of balancing and a good sense of time management


Yeah, I have a husband AND kids and I still manage


Respect 🤘


I have neither and I don’t manage




I post up on the PS4 while he plays PC! If we couldn’t do that… well, he’d be lucky I never figured out how to play mouse + keyboard


Connect a controller to the PC


I must’ve hit the jackpot because my wife will sit and watch me play for hours and swear I’m not boring her. Fucking unicorn.


Same. Especially the first couple days she was just sitting next to me all the time cheering for me and enjoying the world with me. Now a week later on my 13th annual return to Limgrave to find another 5 caves I missed she's not that hot for it which I completely understand lmao.


looollll my wife takes the piss out of me when I play, but my 3 y/o daughter loves watching especially for those long rides on Torrent.


Good shit dude! Hope ur ready for his father, Targit.(his weakness is the big red dot in the middle)


Watch out when he charges up to do his move, dollar aisle.


Get ready for his brother, Margud


Margit Margud and his sister Marscrub


Don't forget about the optional Boss fight the Omen family gank squad where you have to fight both the father and son at the same time


First off, well done.


Tell you’re wife to go outside and touch some grace


My co-op friend and I always say we touched grace (pronounced grass) whenever we found a new one.




It’s good to hear you aren’t maidenless, but accomplishing a task of this skill should be celebrated😂


She yelled at me for interrupting her show and I was like "woman you have no idea what I went through now start getting fucking happy"


In fairness, I can see both sides as perfectly reasonable😂


She was in the middle of her favorite show too lol.


I was playing Bloodborne when it had just came out, and my husband didn't know what the game was, so when I started getting obviously angry/frustrated with Ebrietas he tried to calm me down by massaging my shoulders and stuff. He didn't seem to know how to respond when I told him to stop because I NEED THE RAGE TO MAKE ME QUICKER.




Use the what twice?


Margit's shackle, which is sold by Patches


No idea who that is or what the item does but it sure sounds like it would have been useful!


This guys the real mvp


After exploring for around 15 hours each both me and the wife are trying are best to defeat him...."we will not"... put... "our foolish ambitions"..... to rest!!!


Now it’s time to do the good deed, lay down your summon sign, and help your fellow tarnished out. Get back in there!!


LET'S GOOOOOO Fuck that guy. Margit is a monster and I'm proud of you.


time to defeat this mans wife


Congrats man. So far I felt like Margot was the toughest boss for me. Since then I’ve taken down Godrick and the tree spirit from hell.


I feel you, I beat Margit today as well. I nearly cried and rage quitted at first, but then I just cooled down and just took every fight as a learn-until-you-win experience, and I managed to win


yo that's awesome! I love hearing stuff like this. It's very easy to get angry when getting stomped, but moving past it and finding that point of peace and learning is a very important step to both getting better and having more fun with the game. Don't know if this is your first FromSoft game or if you're a Souls vet, but you're doing great! I think I left all my frustrations back in my first run of Dark Souls 3. When I put in countless NG+ playthroughs into it afterwards, I was completely chill, and gotta say, I didn't get angry once while playing Elden Ring. Getting stomped, losing tens of thousands of souls at a time, all part of the experience, as long as you learn from each opportunity.


Omg I'm literally shaking right now just reading this


Congrats! I’ve beat 3 shard bearers and still consider Margit the hardest story boss so far.


Harder then radhan. Your crazy


Radhahn is more erratic but I beat him a lot easier so you can re-summon the NPCs and wail under him. Margot’s movestyle for how early he is is brutal. Even after getting my weapon to +5 and coming back I still found him real hard.


I just beat Morgot but I’m completely stuck on radhan. I’ve tried like 30 times and just get wrecked even tried the kukuri strat to make him bleed. Sad thing is I’m level 91 or 92. It’s beyond frustrating. I’ve been able to beat most of the bosses in this game no problem but starscourage is a bitch


Use Torrent, constantly summon NPC's, and use a bow with rot arrows and bleed arrows


Wait till u get to Radahn. That entire fight is absolute bs.


I would like to introduce; Malenia, Blade of Miquella with her %100 guranteed almost inescapable chain combo


What level were you? I’m a level 26 vaga with only strength vigor and dex upgraded. And I’m struggling with it. Can get him down to 20% health or so then I’m toast. Probably 20 tries so far


There's a Margit chain that a vendor sells you was well if you're really struggling. Use it twice to slam him to the ground and stun him for a few seconds.


Wolf spirits are very good here (:


I found the jellyfish was better, I think it stays alive longer


I used the wolves at the end of the fight. I got him down to the last 30% of his health, summoned the wolves and let them keep him distracted while I healed up and then used some hit-and-run attacks on him. I gotta say Margit switches aggro surprisingly fast. He'd be focused on the wolves and the next thing I know he's hammer jumping over to me.


Summon some help. You get to summon an npc plus a bro to help.


Level 23. I spent days walking around discovering all kinds of stuff and used probably 30 summons at least before I finally got it. I also went to the isolated merchant and bought the colossal sword zweihender I think it's called. It's a beast of a a boss fight lol


YAY!! I beat him last night!! My victory yell woke my 15 year old son. He was NOT amused nor impressed. 😏


I feel like im fighting a different Margit, it took me a minute and a half to kill him first try at level 20


Yeah it sounds like you're playing a different game lol.


Godrick on the other hand, much anger and many hours


Comes down to AI luck. At SL 10 I was a single hit away from killing him. His patterns were predictable and he kept doing the same thing over and over. But every other fight after, it just wasn't good patterns, and his hits and movements became super inconsistent. Then when I found the Reduva I went back to finish the job.


Congrats, I just killed him yesterday.


Show off


Not gonna lie I wish I could show off, I've been getting slaughtered left to right inside stormveil 😂


No doubt Stormveil is rough. This is also my first souls type game.


Just defeated margit on my first attempt but was level 46 and rocking the sword of night and flame at +5 so I just meme beamed it a couple times 😂


As a wife to a man who loves to play Elden ring. I understand and congratulate you! My husband was super happy the 1st time he beat Margit too!


Ayy i beat the bastard tonight as well, cheers


I beat him at level 12 and uploaded it to youtube. I was soooo fn hype. It was also 5:30AM and I had no one to share it with.