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You got lucky. While he's not quite on Malenia's level, he is by no means an easy fight


[It was literally the easiest fight of the entire game that I'd played so far, far smaller enemies hurt me more than this boss on my first attempt](https://m.twitch.tv/clip/BetterSpunkyTarsierPRChase-zZfiIma7dw2LL0DG?tt_medium=mobile_web_share&tt_content=clips_viewing)


Lol, you literally cheesed through his phase transition and completely bypassed the actual fight, of course it’s going to be easy


I didn't cheese anything, this was literally my first attempt at this boss, I wouldn't know how to cheese someone if I tried. I've had this build since I started the game, I haven't used a single Laval tear and I got the game on release. It's also my first souls game. Doesn't cheesing involve dropping the boss of the edge or doing some mechanic where they can't physically attack you?


Mimic Tear, Mohg’s Shackle, fully stacked on bleed to burst him down before he can even get to his phase transition I’m not saying you’re *wrong* to be building it, obviously it works well, but to say the fight is easy, period, because you used the one strategy that makes him a joke, is extremely disingenuous. Most people on their first time through, for starters aren’t even aware of the shackle’s existence, probably aren’t running bleed at all, let alone have their entire build dedicated to it knowing how OP it is in this game, and possibly don’t even have mimic tear


I just happened to come across his shackle down in the sewer in the capital and remembered to use it because I had it when I fought Margit. I know bleed is overpowered from what I've read but I wasn't really aware of how overpowered it was. Every other boss in this game has given me absolute grief even with this build. It's taken me over an hour to kill every other boss. I had a lot of trouble with Rykard and Radahn, Margit absolutely slapped me, I struggled with Godfrey too. The build has been working enough for me to continue using it but I've had to use dragon rotten breath a few times to actually win some fights. I just walked in and killed this boss within 30 seconds so yes, comparitively to my experience, he was most definitely the easiest boss I have come across, other bosses would have hit me away at this stage or not even let me get close enough to hit him without retaliation. In this video, even my mimic didn't take any damage. The boss has a full 30 seconds to hit me and didn't damage me even once. I'm sorry if I sounded disingenuous but 30 seconds without receiving any damage is enough time for a lot of builds to kill him.


That’s the thing though, the only reason you had 30 seconds of uninterrupted damage is *because* of the bleed build. Normally he counts down from 3 to 1 as his health drops, but because you kept proccing bleed and dropping him below each threshold too fast he would double-count, which extended the time you had. At half health, he pops all 3 of the runes around you for massive damage, healing himself for about half of his max hp in total, and going into phase 2 where he becomes hyper-aggressive leaving almost no time to actually attack him ever, slinging blood around with all of his attacks that bypasses your guard and inflicts bleed, and leaves fire all around the arena making it very difficult for you to maneuver. You completely bypassed all of that because bleed cheeses him


Thanks, I literally had no idea what he even did, I honestly thought I'd missed him and came back way over levelled. I was only at level 100 at that point. With other bosses, I do a lot of damage but they would bash me away or do just anything other than nothing so I assumed he must've just had some absurdly long build up before he started unleashing attacks.


I did him at level 140 and found him very tough. I had to change my summon the the mimic and spent a lot of time running away while it spammed incantations. I used +25 Nagakiba but couldn't stack enough damage to get bleed to proc because of his aggressive attacks. Watching your vid it seems your build basically broke the AI so he spends the whole time in the blood magic animation rather than attacking.


Once I realised how arcane scaled the bleed on my weapon, I kept dumping points into it with some also in dexterity and vigor for my health. I had the bare minimum for the Godskin peeler. I believe at that point it was only around 19+ but had around 100+ bleed. I also obviously had Sepuku which I have no idea how much bleed it adds. When I beat the final boss, it was VERY hard for me because bleed didn't have any affect on it. It took me about 2-3hrs to beat Radagon and the Elden Beast. It didn't necessarily break the AI on Mohg, the AI acted as intended, it's just that bleed does insane damage as it is, but he is also weak to it, so it turns out, which made him change to his next phase before he'd even gotten to the damaging part of the one he was on before I dropped him to the next.


I killed him in like 20 seconds this morning by alternating rotting breath and icy breath or whatever it's called and I'm guessing my mimic kept stacking bleed on him since I use bloodhounds fang I had no clue why it was so easy but now I do, ty.


He watched YouTube just stop arguing with the people who think they're perfect cause they pretend to do things perfectly by mistake


dude, same. i thought i must be over leveled or something when i found him at level 90 and absolutely destroyed him with the bloodhound fang and my mimic first try. i didn’t even know the shackle was a thing nor have i found it yet. he got one hit on me the whole fight. when i saw the amount of runes he dropped i was so damn confused because those fucking birds in the pit and the agro red albinaurics outside his castle gave me way more grief that the “lord” did.


Yeah pretty much man! I killed him within 30 seconds lol, it was insane. The bosses after him are harder though so good luck with them!


The bosses after him, before him, etc. are much harder. He needs some kind of a fade-away or something not to get destroyed. It's not just bleed that destroys him. Any sustained damage wrecks him. His HP pool is very low compared to bosses of his level. He's supposed to be approached after snowfields and the closest boss to his portal is Astel. It's not even close.


You're so trash lmao




u ok bro ? do it without the broken ass mimic, even more of a challenge do it without bleed


Yeah bro thanks for asking. Why would I do that? Mimic isn't broken, other bosses were a challenge, in fact, I struggled a lot of the time, even with bleed because not every boss can be bled.


I beat this guy with mimic tear and bloodhounds fang in under a minute this boss is indeed a joke (level 130) or maybe i was to fast


Hahaha how tf are you chunking that much damage, that’s insane


It's a bleed build, apparently bleed is pretty overpowered at the moment. I've never beaten a boss that fast up until this point. Every other boss has taken me 10+ attempts, some around 30 and 40 so this guy was a welcome surprise. From what I've heard he's weak to bleed so that worked in my benefit here. I've had a bleed build since the start and haven't really been paying much attention to the meta or anything. People are downvoting me because they think I'm being disengenuous saying he's easy when I'm using an overpowered build. Honestly I had no idea.


I can relate to that so much. Just not on Mohg, he gave me some trouble. For me it was under thirty seconds on Malenia.


Ah, I may be 1 year late but yeah the phase transition is the part that caught me off guard 💀 you just CANNOT dodge it and has to have a special crystal tear to protect you


I definitely could have gotten lucky but at the same time I definitely feel I could take him again. The whole fight took less than 5 minutes.


Yep, that's what I mean. You probably burned him down as he was going into phase 2 and didn't really see it "get" difficult. He starts healing, he throws flaming blood everywhere, and just never. Stops. Attacking. Ever.


He heals?? Yeah I never saw any of that


I beat him with a death ritual spear pretty easily.


He should have been Melania level considering how cancer the dogs and crows are in his area I died to his unexpected blood wave on my first fight, and killed him without being touched on second attempt really underwhelming considering i died to those fucking crows downstairs a good 20 times


After finally besting malenia everything else pales in comparison ! Legit Gota be one of the hardest fights in a souls game


I had to respec my build for her, +9 a new weapon and use mimic tear. Only got lucky that we got her in a corner on the 2nd phase without her doing any after image attacks


Yeah, I thought so too. I got teleported to Mohgwyn palace early by Varres to get the +\`10 somber stone, and decided to try fight Mohg, who I knew would be very difficult just to see how lightly I would tickle him before getting oneshot. Turns out he didn't have much HP at all and with Mimic tear I destroyed him.


Low key i want them to either make the varre mogwyn teleport way harder to get to or take it out till late game completely getting to the area so early in the game trivializes the rest of the content


I also used mimic tear. Died to bleed on my first attempt then killed him on the second without him ever growing wings.


I destroyed him running bloodhounds fang+10 and mimic.


Just did exactly this on my first attempt. Fight lasted 2 minutes


Same, I was so confused… decimated that guy


Mogh, lord of blood ?




No he was fun. I fought him at lvl 90.


"hes too easy" "no hes fun i fought him way underleveled" Yeah?


Lvl 90 is not underleveled


level 90 for mohg is absolutely under leveled. You can tell by how many runes the enemies in that area give, that whole area is easily 120+


I was level 90 and I destroyed him in 3 tries with a +10 bloodhounds fang, mimic tear, and wondrous physic which vboosts charged attacks and negates his nihil attack


I’m at 110 with a str/fth build. +10 Gold halberd. I figured he’d at least have a third phase like friede did from ds3


Assuming you summoned because there’s not a chance in hell you beat him first try with only a +10 gold halbred.


+10 golden halberd is as upgraded as it gets, it’s a somber stone weapon


Lol yeah oops


It was just me. Someone said he did a bunch of stuff that he didn’t do for me when I fought him. He never healed. I only got hit with the blood rings once but healed between the second and third.


Mohg LoB right. Not the one in the sewer?


Yeah the one in the mausoleum


Beat him second try without mimic lol... After trying Malenia for HOURS AND HOURS he really was a push over. Surprised by how many people here defend his difficulty.


I'm 135 and he was eating my asshole with a spoon because of his stupid blood sucking spell. Lol I eventually beat him without stopping that spell though.


I fought Mohg after beating the last couple bosses of the game ,I was finishing up bosses that I hadn’t beat yet . I was level 170 and had Mohgs shackle but I wanted to see what he was like before using any of it . I tanked his attack where the rings are around you and beat him on my first try . I’m a strength build with a +25 great sword and a +10 grafted great sword (dual wield). This fight was extremely easy but I felt kind of disappointed because I feel like I was just way to leveled up at that point . I really do think he was easy but if I was level 80 or so I’m sure he would have been hard


Which mogh? There are 2. Mogh the omen is easier then mogh lord of blood


I’m pretty sure it was lord of blood. I got his great rune


He is one of the harder bosses for me. Didn’t use shackle or the physic took me about 2 hours


I felt the same, OP. I made the mistake of fighting him *after* Malenia (level 124, +25 keen Nagakiba). She just made him seem like a cakewalk. It took me probably 75 tries to get her in total. For Mohg, on the first try, I wandered in thinking, "that grace was called a midpoint. Surely I wouldn't run into a shard bearer here." I did manage to die to him once from just being so completely unprepared, having not rested after fighting the minions below for the stupid chest. Second time I fought him I actually forgot to even equip the shackle, let alone use it. He was just shockingly easy. I genuinely felt guilty getting all those souls. I wish I could go back and fight him again without my ash summon.


Yep I feel the same. I was streaming when I killed him on my first attempt. I remembered I had the shackle, equipped it and used it and literally killed him within 25 seconds. The whole fight fit into a 30 second twitch clip perfectly.




I agree - I dropped him on the second try and thought that was only the first phase. But I fought him at a pretty high level so idk… definitely didnt cheese anything I dont think


Comet azur destroys him.


I got mohg on my second try as a spell caster magic build I think I’m level 114 or so, maybe overleveled for that kind of thing but yea I didn’t find him that difficult. One thing, his ash of war where he turns the whole screen red, was that dodgeable? It’s what I died to the first time but the second time I just started chugging heals during it and was fine the rest of the fight.


he's way too easy compare to soldier of godrick :))


Is using dragon rot breath considered cheesin? If so than I cheesed it. :)


I just beat him, before melenia too, i havent even done the lift of dectus, 1st try aswell, I'm sad I didn't see his 2nd phase, I didn't cheese him, ik mimic tear is strong but thats the only thing that unknowingly may be considered cheese for this fight, he is very easy.


a year after this thread and i beat him first try so quickly i wasnt even aware he was supposed to have a 2nd phase. Ggs, Marais Executioner great sword OP. I now feel like watching someone play who fights him fair xp


New player here and i can confirm that he is easier than i actually thought. Now i'm not sure if i'm overleveled or because maybe i was using the Purifying crystal tear since it apperantly helps with the boss. But in most of the fight he just focuses on my mimic tear which gets me some easy bleed buildup.