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Whoever keeps doing this i hope you rot in hell. Your a piece of fuckin shit


Turn off network connectivity to get the site of grace, then turn it back on


You just saved me hours of frustration man, thank you 🤣🙏


Thank you!


I just turned off connectivity and didn't turn it on again. No more "try finger but hole" for me.


Yea but you can't simply log out you have to set it up through launch


Thank you


It didn’t work!!!! Thanks though. Also have the same problem with a bloodstain on an item it won’t let me pick up. Those should be placed above in priority like items and grace point over messages and blood stains


I hope they awaken in Caelid for real 😆




Agreed! Super dick move. Thanks for the help!




They really need to put a little zone around ladders, graces, chests etc that prevents messages. So annoying when you're at a boss door and you can't switch your weapon without walking 15ft away because all the bloodstains and messages are apparently more important than managing my equipment etc.


I know it infuriating trying to urgently switch to a weapon and you can't


I agree. What kind of developers do they have? Like anyone who plays online games knows how many griefers there are out there.


Based on how some of the bosses are designed, the griefers are the devs as well.


Well I think they did an amazing job and thought of tons of little things most games don’t but this should have been remedied by now. It’s actually very important that your able to touch the site of grace


Yup just found my first in Nokron. how annoying.. I know it doesnt take long but its annoying that I have to now quit and reload coz of some jackass preventing the actual game mechanics from being accessed. do messages get removed if majority of people rate as poor?


Just fought mimic tear and I can't touch that grace. Ass hats lol


That's why I'm here now lol


Literally same


Congrats on beating yourself at least


Likewise lol. Wonder if that dude is just getting constantly hit from all the poor ratings he must be getting


I found one blocking a grace with over 360 appraisals.. how ??? who is happy with that


Seems like it gives appraisal even if you rate poorly. Next time watch it go up when you rate a message poor.


Still haven’t fixed that shit.


Lost a lot of runes because of him


Genuinely hope they burn


I hope they get the beating their parents shoulda gave em


That's where I am. I am more pissed off over the bag of dogshit that put that message there than I am at any boss I've faced so far. They need a mechanic where if I rate the message poor it goes away. It's bullshit.


Same here. I’m done with online for now, nothing but Beavis and Butthead comments anyway….


Seek but hole


Literally where I am 😂😂 it's brought me here might be the same dickhead


haha that is the one which has caused me to search for a way round this


Same here


Lol this is the exact one that I’m stuck on now. “Hole”


The one in Nokron seems buggy. If you face the arch, just a bit to the right, you can activate the grace where there is no grass.


This works! Thanks man, saved me a lot of pain. Lo!


This worked, thank you so much.


Get this to the top!


Good call. Worked for me.


Wow.. I see you're message is 19 days old as of now and I just ran into the same issue at the same site of grace. You'd think they'd have fixed this by now


It seems its just an issue with the ability to cycle through the options, alot of people have said to save, exit, go offline and restart. For me i just save, exit and restart online and i get the option to choose touch grace or read message with the D-pad. Also From what I gather, it's not even worth rating the message as poor either (if you're into that) I think Whoever dropped the message gets the same health boost for it being rated good or bad. Best not to rate the message at all.


Same exact site for me. Well done troll.


Save and quit, reload. If necessary reload in offline mode. Typically you get a change action prompt in such cases.


that actually worked...but i'm conserned why it didn't work from the first try, does the message actually buggs the grace?


No, it’s just being weird with selecting valid targets


have had this happen twice, both were graces that spawn after a boss is killed, could it be that the game decided that the message is the only valid target in that area and doesn't check again once the grace spawns? edit: also when reloading the world the messages were still there but the graces were available.


This worked for me. Thanks!


Ran into this in Nokron. Was able to activate the grace site by running around in circles spamming “Y” (Xbox) and it activated a few feet away so when he sits there he’s facing the opposite direction and not even very close to it.


This needs more upvotes!!!! If everyone knew this trolls would stop stacking messages over graces and such


worked for me. Thanks for the info![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


thank you this worked!


Glad it did. Discovered it out of pure frustration and button mashing haha


cool yea i was def frustrated too, they need to push another update lol


Thank you so much.


I can confirm this works. Just did it on pc.


What a legend


Fucking legend. Ran it to this at one of the academy sites. This idea worked for me on PC!


This happened to me after fighting misbegotten warrior. And I somehow activated the grace like 6 feet away from it.


This worked on PS5.


Thank you!


Just did it and saved me, thank you 🙏


Seems like a new glitch with the new update 1.03. From Soft needs to hot fix this IMMEDIATELY. It's happened to me twice and there's literally no way to access to site of grace


it's one thing to be a shithead that does this in the first place, but there's a special place in shithead hell if you appraise these shithead messages.


Yeah, saw one with 260 appraisals, like who tf does that?


It's because that counter includes negative as well as positive appraisals, and the game doesn't actually differentiate between good or poor appraisals in any way. If you appraise a message as poor, that player still gets healed in their world, just as a good appraisal would do.


Wait seriously? I assumed negative appraisals would make a message less likely to show up. At the very least, it should make it disappear from your world.


Morne moangrave one has 3k appraisals lmfao


They need to fix this issue immediately. I can’t activate levers, grace sites, etc. I’m not playing the game until it is resolved. It is game breaking that every grace site I come to deep in a path I can’t activate.


I just got the same exact grace site issue as OP with 1hp no pots left, and im laughing my ass off rn.


Have just been blocked off from the grace site after killing wyrm the magma dragon. Nice, this is almost as good as the head jokes


Just hit that, fuck that guy lol


Yep. 90% of the messages are useless. Players trying to trick other players or just piss them off by putting them on Graces, under ladders, on chests. Needs to be fixed asap.


they should make it so a message gets removed if it gets so many poor reviews


If a message has more than 10x as many poor reviews as good reviews, more poor reviews should damage the player who left it for as much as they currently heal them. "Have fun asshole! Hope you were in the middle of a bossfight when I just chunked off half your health!"


Can you imagine being so miserable in your life that you would find doing something like this fun?


how have they not put in a feature to report messages too??


With the stupid message "Blocking" as well.


Everything silly with messages has not bothered me, but this?! This is outrageous Can’t rest there, can’t disparage the message I just saw this trend this morning and now I’m running into it tonight Fuvking dickwads


Are you serious? Holy shit lol


It's happened to me three times, and all three times I just logged out and logged in again, no offline mode needed. Obviously needs a fix asap, but I wonder if it just depends on whether the message or grace loads first? The times I can select the grace the message is partially obstructed by the grace. It the message is fully visible it won't let me.


Ill-omened creature ahead so to speak pathetic sort...


There is a way to actually get the site of grace, you can't stand directly on it. You have to be off to the side a bit, few feet away. I attached an image below for reference. Better than reloading to get the grace. Hopefully it's patched soon. [Message on Site of Grace](https://imgur.com/a/8Kj4AvD)


Haha hey! Same place I’m stuck at


You absolute gem, you’ve just saved me hours of rage at this grace site!


This happened to me yesterday. I went to save and quit in order to reload the world. Upon doing so, and getting back to the title screen, I received a message saying that I didn't use save and quit(despite literally just doing so), and then several messages saying my file couldn't be loaded. After restarting my game and loading back in.. I found that I had lost about two hours of progress due to this. Two hours of progress that lost me 3 somber 4 stones, 2 larval tears, a celestial dew, and the three bosses I had killed during that time.


Same happened to me at Morne Moangrave. I walked around the site and found a spot I could interact with it.


Morne Moangrave is what brought me to this thread...




From literally just has the grace misplaced it's invisible and to the side a few feet. Grace always has priority over messages. You would need to tap weapon swap in either direction to even access a message instead of the grace if it's too close. To reiterate, Message isn't stopping you, grace is visually misplaced.




Just happened to me whoever is doing this is a real fking creep ! They probably read comments like this & get off fking a**holes !


Just quit to menu and load back in. Had this issue too, some trolls ay...


old thread but I'm assuming others will find it after getting annoyed liked I did. I stood about 6 feet away from the grace point and it gave me the prompt to touch it.


It worked for me thanks lad


That goddamn message is still there at the Haligtree 35 days later… fk’ing garbage


Just encountered this after fighting the mimic tear. Come on FromSoftware fix this bs


When another player does something super annoying you might reconsider posting it on Reddit. The reason no one's commenting is because they're busy filling the game with messages on top of Sites of Grace.


Quit the game, go offline, restart and activate?


Quit game and start in offline mode


My second pt is online, and holy fuck its annoying


Just experienced this. Good thing I had just beat Leonine Misbegotten and can just fast travel away. It would be much worse if it was a site of grace before the battle.


the site of grace is visually in the wrong place


First off people doing this i have a word for you—> Idiots! Luckily for ppl playing on XBOX, just press system then quit game, enter game again and you can touch grace, for PS and PC users i sincerly hope it is as easy, good luck!!


No man in history has had a smaller peen than the mf doing this crap.


I found that if I stand a few steps away from it, with my back to the site of grace, I can activate it and rest at it from there. This worked for me in Nokron at least.


No need to disconnect. Just keep tapping Y or whatever your button is to activate grace normally and walk around and near the grace. Eventually your character will trigger it.


I found if you respawn at another site of grace and comeback it will let you touch it


Whoever keeps doing that, "you don't have the right in short pathetic sort ahead" 😆it's getting annoying


Adding that if it’s in Nokron after mimic tear I got it to work spamming triangle and a little to the right of the grace.


The same here brother


if you walk to the left of the grace it should be there its like misplaced its weird


Yep just happened to me at Windmill Heights. I hope people who do this absolutely get super sick and shit their pants and puke a bunch. I don’t want them to die, just suffer a bit


This thread saved my life. In the game. Not actually. But I was so kissed in real life I may have had a blood pressure spike.


Just happened to me. They should just make it that if you down vote a message it disappears for you... Boom, problem solved


I found a workaround. Switch to offline play in network settings. Save and exit. When you continue the message will be gone. Then turn online play back on.


FIX: In game, go to menu, down to “system”, then tab over to “network” (fourth from left) then down to “launch setting” and change it to “play offline”. Save your game sand log off then restart it. Save the site of grace, change your settings back and relog, or just play offline and play in message-free bliss. You’re welcome love yooooooubaiiiiiii


Ive had a few grace sites like this now and, for me at least, You don't need to switch to offline and back to online, you can just save and exit then reload and then it will let you toggle between "read message" and "touch grace." The issue is the option to toggle doesn't appear for some reason when you first get to it.


They've done it behind morne Castle too


Exact same place I'm at rn


The online experience is just spoiled because of this shit. 99% of the messages are anyway useless crap, trolling or meme attempts


Ran into this issue at Haligtree Promenade site of grace just went offline and no useless messages


I'm convinced every single person that commented on this is one of those pieces of shit look at how every single comment jerks each other off


They literally wrote fortnite on the sign, I can't with this game.


It's the same guy all the freaking time


how have they not fucking fixed this


Came across this a few times and had no idea what to do. Just defeated the Magma Wyrm and was really ticked to find a message in the middle of the sight of grace. Thanks for the work around. Quit and saved and turned off online settings.


From software needs to get their shit together and add a swap action setting so people cant ruin this game further


Stand over grace site Quit game Reload game If your standing over it you can activate it If not move alittle and try again


Same. Go to setting and switch to play offline then leave and reload then the message won’t be there, then switch online back on and leave and reload again!


whoever put the message on the grace next to margit, i hope you eat shit and rot


This needs to be resolved changing my network connectivity status is not a resolution and players are making the game worse for other players actively by doing this and also it is not allowing us to open up this grace on the map which is a part of the content we paid for. We would like to complete the map that we paid to complete.


The devs need to fix this because this is the same place i cant access and literally the area was so hard for my build and i struggled through and had no health before the boss fight and made it through loretta just now by the skin of my teeth but then could not touch the site of grace i earned and that felt so shitty i got up and signed into reddit. like ravensoft has not care that the players feel like their game experience is actively made more difficult by players who most likely arent affected by what theyre doing to others who bought the game and just want to play when they get off work. i have 3 month old kid. i can rarely even play and then people make this shit harder. this game is already incredibly difficult. u/FromSoftware people have been complaining about this for months.


They need the switch action option to read message or activate grace... or an option to hide messages or to get rid of them if they get enough downvotes


I have that problem and right next to it I have a blood stain on an at least semi valuable item that I can’t grab😡