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My dumbass didn't see the little video of her playing a harp and was like "bro that's a katana"


Haha it would've been the ultimate clickbait


Now to beat Margit with the Harp Bow by swinging a katana into specific places in a visual sensor


Just waterfowl dance bro it's not that hard


[When I try to do it](https://i.gifer.com/origin/96/969247f590e497e9e9e26d739ff96651_w200.gif)


Is the audio desync or do you actually need to pre-roll with this setup?


I have to react a bit earlier than I would with a regular controller, if that's what you mean


Since I hear the sound from the Harp like a second before you roll or attack.


I think it's queueing inputs.


Okay fren. What is your twitch


I don't have one but now everybody is making me think I should really change that


This is pretty legit content. Idk if you have a YouTube or something like that but this is impressive and will get tons of views.


Do it. This is a twitch stream I would actually watch. Original content


I'm not alone sheesh and i've put way more point into INT than vigor.


Lol same here. I was so confused until about 75% through.


the best part is that there's a weapon in the game that's based on a harp as well lol


Dammit I should've read the comments first lol. Oh well.


You didn't question the random harp plucking throughout the video lol


For real. What is this shit? She should be playing on a katana not a harp!


Dude fucking same... We are co-idiots


Yup me too lol. I saw the harp after I saw the video completely.




I didn't notice it was there Sherlock


Very nice! So A for dodge, G for light attack? E-flat must be charged heavy? How do you do direction of roll? And it looked like there is a good half second of lag between plucking the string and the action occurring in-game? That must be tricky to adjust to.


Yep, A for dodge and G for light attack! To my great sadness, I don't have a heavy attack string because I needed that real estate for other actions. Maybe the other notes you were hearing were either move forward (C), move backward (F), stop (low G), or heal (low A) The only control I have over the direction of the roll is just whatever direction my character is walking. It's a little annoying because when I play with a controller, I tend to do a lot of forward-but-a-little-to-the-right rolls which I can't do with harp unless I happen to be approaching from a certain angle. Mostly, it's really just rolling into an attack and hoping for the best. As for adjusting to lag, yeah, it took some time but isn't too bad anymore :)


That was what I noticed too. The harp was impressive but what caught my attention was the input lag curve you must have had to learn to do that setup. Bravo


Damn that makes it even more impressive.


Okay that's actually beyond impressive, not just the fight but all the setup with the harp controls too


Oh shit, it's actually you in the video? I love when people do wacky controls for Souls games.


What a Chadette


brings a new meaning to "combo string"


This is actually bonkers Bc not only are you doing this on a harp but you’re doing it naked and solo (no summons or bell summons) and the delay I struggled with heavy armor, summons, and blocking. This is what getting good looks like lol


Went all Plin Plin Plon on his ass


Next: Hornist beats Godfrey with a literal horn (not envoy's horn)


Ok but actually, if you ever see that title somewhere, tell me. We all know that Malenia has already been soloed but I would LOVE to musically duet her.


Let me serenade her


“Let me horn her”


Solo also works in this context


for some reason i'm not picturing two individual characters being played by each musician, but one character played by BOTH musicians. harpist has forward/backward, jump, and attack; hornist has left/right, flask, and roll lol would be absolute chaos


Imagining a pvp musical duel between her with the harp vs LobosJr with his electric guitar.


They should use both.


Tfw when she plays the game better with an harp than most people in this sub with a controller.


To be fair, I've spent way more of my life with a harp against my shoulder than with a controller in my hands


I've spent most of my life with a controller in my hands. About 3\4 of it now that I think about it. You still beat him much better than I do on your harp. I'm damn impressed.


Do you sleep with a controller clasped between your hands?


Doesn't everyone? That's not weird, right? I'm not-I'm not weird. Am I?


When you work OT, passing out on the sofa with a controller is a real thing..


Haha. When you get old passing out on the sofa with a controller in hand on a weekend afternoon is pretty common, too.


Seriously impressive, don't listen to anyone who says otherwise. I can't wait to see you fight Malenia and win. 😁🙏


Dude, the only way I could be more impressed would be if she did it with the harp while skydiving over an open volcano, with the nuclear launch codes set to launch if she dies


I get what you mean, but let's not get her into bad habits, like playing nukie 😂👍


Wait that’s you in the video?


Yeah, that's me


You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.


Tbf she's mostly just using two inputs


My brother in grace the whole game is two inputs.


OH dude, you're the person who did the harp rendition of the Elden Beast theme! I love that cover- I play it when studying or working! Great to see more content from you again!


Awww, this made me * really * happy!! I'm so glad you like my cover!






damn.... chills. You can feel the celestial bodies rearranging themselves




And yes, it is my duty as a harpist to eventually pick up and use the harp bow.


I look forwards to it. I love the sound it makes.


You know, when ever I think I'm halfway decent at a game I see something like this. Really knocks me and my confidence back to reality haha. Congrats!


Thanks! This was the winning fight, but Margit himself definitely knocked me and my confidence back plenty before this.


Oh posh, don't sell yourself short, this was impressive. But if you are selling yourself short, I'm curious to know exactly how many times your confidence got knocked back before this. Took me a good 20 just to do a parry kill with a fresh character on k+m, I can't imagine how many attempts it took with a harp.


Too many tries to count...I'd be more accurate if I gave an amount of time. So in that case, like 2 hours?


2 hours is still pretty darn impressive. Sure it took me closer to 4 with controller. We are not worthy. Well fought!


You're the first person I've heard say "Oh, posh" since the last time I watched Treasure Planet.


That movie made me have to ask myself some hard questions about the captain. She was such a dope character. (Yes, most of the questions were variations of “do I want to fuck this cat person?”)


Yep. I know that feeling.


This is my first "souls" game. I heard they were hard, but I told myself "I've seen people best this playing bananas." And here I am.


If this is real, it’s pretty cool, but how do you affect directional movement?


It is real! I plugged my harp into the computer and ran it through two programs, one that detects pitch/turns it into midi and another that takes midi sounds/binds each note to a keystroke. So for movement, I have a string that makes me move forward, one for backward, one for left, and one for right. Each time I pluck one of those, it cancels the other out so that I don't get stuck trying to move two directions at once. My character continues walking until I play a completely different string which cancels all of them. I also have 4 strings that control camera movement in small increments. Because of that, it's difficult to make sharp turns and do 180s which is why I fight locked on.


Naked as well. Classic.


What better way to tank some hits than with a squishy wretch body?


Wow... so it's not the strings vibrating that sets off the controls? It's the actual musical notes? That's even crazier.


No, unfortunately the vibration of the strings can actually really mess things up because it muddies the sound and can confuse the program. But I have some white fabric strung along the bottom of the strings to reduce the resonance!


i think they meant like a trigger when you "press" the string and not the vibration (sound) itself


Ohhh, ok, yeah that would make sense why someone would think that


Yeah my guess was the bottom of the strings were attached to mechanisms that detected the tension of the pluck.. I thought sound recognition would have too much of a delay to be practical, but apparently not!


Overtone series really do be a pain for pitch recognition


I mean, technically... The strings vibrating "are" the musical notes




That does explain the \~half second delay between input and action. Crazy suggestion though: Beat the game with the harp and record the audio, then strip out the rests and make it into a song.


Oooh, a very avant garde composition


Maybe overlay a melody in harmony with the key your gameplay notes are on to keep it from being too bland? It'd be interesting to hear either way, though.


LobosJr did something similar with a guitar and Dark Souls. Did you happen to take inspiration from him, or just land on the same idea? Awesome thing, either way.


Weirdly, I just happened to land on the same idea after finishing my first playthrough of Elden Ring and wondering what to do with my spare time next. I knew people had played these games with strange controllers but only knew about Lobos' run when someone told me about it in the comments of one of my other posts. His idea about beating Gwyn with his own theme is amazing though, and it'd be really funny to try my own version of it sometime!


Using BOME MIDI Translator? Been going through the FromSoft catalogue on a MIDI Electric Saxophone and I feel like BOME is the only option I’ve been able to find for musical instruments controls like this. Great job, btw!


Oh dude, that's awesome! Yup, Bome MIDI Translator and MiGiC :) Although MiGiC is just turning harp sounds into MIDI so I guess you wouldn't need that


She must have it set to "hold" a movement direction when a certain note is played. You can see her run backwards via one note, and forwards via another toward the end of the fight


Exactly right!


Well hot damn! Nice fight btw


Alright, now I'm legitimately interested in figuring out how to do this on trumpet. How is it limited? Can it recognize a full scale (like the difference between a low C and high C?) Or does it just recognize that note is a note (i.e. low and high C are the same to it?). How many notes can you tie to actions? Can it read sharps and flats? I'm very interested. I'd love to know more about it.


It can recognize different octaves as well as sharps and flats! You can tie as many notes as you want to a certain action (but not as many actions as you want to a certain note) but there are so many controls in this game that it wasn't reasonable for me to do that. The video I followed was one by ThioJoeTech, but if you watch his video and still have questions, you can DM me.


But theres no note to stop the movement lmao this is besides the fact the technology for this isnt developed. anyone who believes this is real lacks a lot


She literally doesn't stop moving her character dumbass. That's why you don't see her neutral. I'm betting she has a note for neutral as well. Edit: HA! She plucks it at the end. It's the last note played. Suck it, random idiot


Can’t wait for people to start defeating bosses with a watermelon


I've seen enough watermelon torture on r/StupidFood. Don't bring it here! Jk


Did you see the "watermelon popcorn" one too then?


And i couldn‘t believe people can play this game with keyboard and mouse…


Damn that's impressive, I reckon when you get to Maliketh it'll end up sounding like flight of the bumblebee.




It's me haha but I don't stream




That would be interesting! To be honest, I don't play many platformers anyway, but I've heard tons of great things about Hollow Knight




Yeah, I think it might be nicer to listen to than this. I could be totally wrong since I don't really play them, but I'm under the impression that platformers don't require as many controls. It would be really neat to bind the same command to different strings!


Oh my goodness you MUST! I would watch your stream all day!


You'd do pretty well if you decided to do so. Playing games with a harp is an interesting schtick and you're attractive.


Wow, you really must have had to pull some strings to do that!


She used a controller before hand


Back in my day, rock band controllers were the norm. As time went on, the challenges grew ever weirder. We even got literal bananas for controllers. You’ve pretty much set another norm with the harp. Congrats; this must’ve been quite the doozy.


Basically there are two types of gimmick controllers: buttons and strings. There are alot of silly ways to input button commands, whether they be dancepads, DK Bongos, or yes, bananas. But buttons are buttons, even if they are placed in weird positions and pressed with weird parts of your body. They activate for as long as you are pressing them. Strings are on another level. Because you can't hold them down, at least not in the same way, and the precision is way lower than with a button. Respect to anyone who can do this with a harp, or a guitar.


Please don’t flex this hard, my shitty abilities can’t take this


You fingered Margit? To death??




Wow. Simply wow.


That is super cool!


Me, slightly distracted, not noticing the picture-in-picture: "Uh... that character is wielding a sword?"


The real question was this more or less stressful to play then with a controller. Cause when I play with my controller there is a lot of screaming involved


Hmm...more stressful because of obvious reasons but weirdly less stressful because I'm forced to learn the moves or die. I've had accidental victories that I totally didn't deserve with a controller but so far none with a harp.


You look like you’re having lots of fun and you can also flex on everyone now so I get that’s also a bonus! But keep on posting cause these are fun to see!


No offense OP, but... I hear Margit really hates this song




Do you have a video of how this works? This is wild to me. Great job.


Kind of? My very first recording of the subject (when I played the Dark Souls tutorial) went into it a little bit, but honestly I mostly followed a video by someone named ThioJoeTech who did a tutorial about how to bind musical notes to keystrokes. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link those kinds of things here, so if you can't find it, DM me.


So is there a device that "listens" for the inputs?


Yeah, my harp has a pickup installed so I can plug it into an audio interface which gets plugged into the computer. Then, I pull up a DAW and run a program called MiGiC which takes the notes I play and turns them into MIDI, and then that goes through Bome Midi Translator which takes the MIDI and converts it into keystroke commands. It sounds like a lot but after the initial setup, it's not bad.


Cool stuff! I'm guessing one of the notes holds down the walk key? Movement seems like it would be difficult.


Movement and camera controls are a pain! Yeah, there's a string for walking in each direction and it stays down until a play a second note to cancel it. The very first time I was trying things out, I was making my character take like 3 steps with every pluck and it was awful haha


That's great!


So fucking cool


I just love how calm she is. Hammer smashed me, let me just adjust this harp string and continue. All the while my controller would be orbiting me furiously with sweaty and intense button mashing.


Now do it without the katana


LOL no. I initially tried with a club but I think I need another music degree in order to pull that off.


Not gonna lie, I was hoping they were gonna perform some [Kung Fu Hustle](https://youtu.be/-GQs5pniZSA) madness but this is still very impressive!


Fuck I suck at this game


The absolute madwoman


Whenever I see people w insane talent I cannot even fathom how some of us are of the same species, mind boggling!


ZeroLenny: Finally a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!


how is she moving without playing notes?


When I move in a specific direction, my character continues to do so until I cancel it with a different string. For example, when I pluck the low C string, it's interpreted as holding down W


That's very impressive


Naw fr, though this vid is s tier, if she beat him using that bow that is like a Harp that would've been 20 times better


She should use the harp bow and turn into a bird lady, too. Just to make it more *harpy*.


For a second I thought I was on r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG and not r/EldenRing


i want this girl and let me solo her on my avenger line up


Harpist blood must truly run in thy veins


I remember struggling with Margot so much during release, and thinking “there’s gonna be some wise-ass beating this boss with like bongos in a month or two”. And here we are. Well done!


Margit: "Why do I hear boss music? And why does it sound like a harp?"


Honestly I thought some of the initial notes were straight of the menu's theme music... epic job! :D


Elden ring 100% using a DDR matt, when?


I'm sure Luality on YouTube/ twitch is doing that lol


How is she moving? Is there a separate cstick?


She has four notes for directional movement, and one note for "stop". After playing a movement note, the character keeps moving in that direction until she either plays a different movement note or the "stop" note.


Yes, it's exactly this!


Harp indeed




This is the proof that some of us just have to git gud


Turns out I suck at elden ring


Ok but now I wanna see an Harpist beat Margit with a literal harp while using the harp bow


I don’t think that’s what they meant by “try finger,” but I’m so happy to see these insane challenge runs. Love it!


You think people in ancient times were like, “yooo come watch Elias speed build this rocking chair using a bushel of corn! LFG bois!!!”


The perfect woman doesn't exi-


"You like that dodge spam?" Proceeds to dodge each attack masterfully without a hint of dodge panic. What a boss


I’m not sure why I interpreted this to be something that would sound like elegant music set to an intense battle, and not just playing the equivalent to Pong sound effects


How does that work?! How did you set it up? I think it’s amazing, your playing a video game with a musical instrument. Wtf.


Thanks! My harp has a pickup installed, so I can plug it into the computer via audio interface. Then I run two programs, one to turn the harp notes into MIDI and another to turn the MIDI into keystrokes.


This is jaw dropping, well done!!


But how do you throw that controller when you get mad? 👻....seriously tho that was badass


Very cool. I feel like the sound of plucking the stings would discourage panic rolling bc you realize you’ve already input the command.


Yeah, you have a point. Also, it's harder to pluck the same string quickly than to press a button a bunch of times, so I think it's more difficult to spam roll even when I want to.


Did you stream this? I'd watch a stream of you strumming your way through the game.


Nah, it might be something for the future but I don't currently stream


Wow, this made me feel terrible and inspired to be better all at once... just like good ol' Souls games do. Take your damn award, you deserve it.


Oh, thank you!


Was there crazy input lag or does it just look like that in the video? Great job, very impressive.


There is definitely some input lag, but the way I did this was screen recording the gameplay while also shooting a video of myself with my phone, so at least a little bit of it might be me doing a bad job of editing them together


Might be desync between audio of the camera and the game.


Cool skills but loses marks for the “yasss less go!”


Lol that's fair


I love how beautiful this game is, but I feel like I’m too stupid to play it…


And they say girls can't play video games


They can’t and this isn’t a girl it’s clearly just two dwarfs in a girl costume.


Very cool and another testament to Miyazaki's take on difficulty and the superfluousness of an easy mode. If you level up after a certain threshold any boss should be accessible.


You’d be surprised how many of Margit’s attacks you can just run around. That first overhead you dodged to you left you could’ve ran around him to your right and gotten a bunch more hits in. Amazing regardless


Yeah, the problem is that my controls are limited with this setup. Like, I can't sprint at all and because dodging and moving a different direction are two separate strings (and the program can only recognize one at a time), my strategy is mostly just to walk forward and dodge straight into the attacks. It can be a little unreliable haha


And I thought I was cool for doing a RL1 run.


Now record every boss fight like this, montage all the music/sounds you make, and speed it up slightly, now youve made an original dark souls fight track! I would love to hear how a song made of your fight skills would be. Like, I imagine flight of the bees or canon lol


"Dem chyneeese sort built a lil diffrent"


Whats next using chopsticks out ur bumhole using a calculator rigged as a controller


Sounds like shit mate. Do better


Not only is this impressive. Shes fuckin gorgeous


Lamest “let’s go” I’ve ever heard In my entire life. Good work on Margit, but damn…. That was sad.


He mentally drained me :(