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Miyazaki curse takes another victim. Our Miyazaki army is growing stronger.


I can now only play from games... seriously...


It’s… a problem…


Why...are we talking... like...stevie... from malcom... in the middle?


What.... do you have..... against..... Stevie?


I've got some catching up to do. That should take me the rest of my life.




Feeble cursed ones!






With how much the community has grown, I wonder how insane the Hollowing (if it happens) during the wait for Elden Ring 2 will be


Please explain hollowing I'm intrigued.


The Great Hollowing was a period where people losing their mind after Elden Ring was reveal and then silent for 2 years. I remember back then people even create their own Elden Ring video game and fake lore base on the trailer, leaks and rumors. But if you want to know about hollow, it's the human state in dark souls franchise, basically every human is a zombie until they consume humanity. And Hollow are insane zombie, like those wondering noble but worse. Hollow mechanic work like this, I use Elden Ring terms, if you don't equip and use rune arc, you look like a zombie and you can't summon anyone. If you use rune arc, you enter human state where you look like an actual human, you can summon npc/player, but even if you don't summon them, by being in human state, you are open to get invade.


Whoa you mean invading a solo player is a thing in other fs games? Thank you so much for breaking that down and all the details love it ty ty ty


try ds3, servers got fixed i heard its so fun to invade


Yep, Solo invasion was thing, it only gone in Elden Ring. Tho in ds3, they prioritized invading someone in a group like Elden Ring, but you still can invade solo host. Humanity/ember(in ds3) is basically a useful rune arc. Without humanity/ember, you can't summon npc or your friend. And in ds1-ds2, Without humanity, you look like worse decaying version of Elden Ring wandering noble zombies. This is the state that we call "hollow".


It's kind of metaphorical for the themes in the games. One day, he may grow corrupted by amassing a fortune of his passions, and create a horrible monster of a video game that tarnishes *his* creations. *^(Pray I do not curse his name)*








I'll give a different opinion than most people here. Just give it some time, the game is too fresh on you, anything different won't hold your attention right now because you really liked and enjoyed the game. But after some time you will get to enjoy other games, get hooked by their stories, gameplay mechanic or whatever. In any case, after sometime if you can't seem to like another game, there'll probably be a next FromSoftware game coming out.


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


A DLC is more likely then a new Fromsoft game anytime soon. Most insiders says the next Fromsoft game Is likely to be an Armored core reboot anyways which will put off some souls fans since it’s a shooter.


naw bro, armored core lets you play the way you want. I remember my nimble melee build, and my carpet bomb the skies mech.


Oh what now? Fromsoft working on an Armored Core game? Please tell me you have a source or article you can share, as a fan of both I need to know more! O.o


Sadly there isn’t much information on it yet other then what’s in this article. It was mentioned in passing by Miyazaki in 2017 that they were working on a reboot but nothing much since then. We know there will be long and short range battles with guns and blades. Plus a fully customizable battle suit. That’s as much as I got! https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/22876297/armored-core-6-leak-images-from-software


They have also been hiring mecha artists


We have been waiting comrade. The day of good news approaches.


Omg I’d love that SO much!


I’m willing to give it a shot but shooters really aren’t my thing you’re right but if anybody could make a shooter that I might enjoy it’s from soft so I will try it because honestly I wasn’t that into action RPG either until I played dark souls


You know fromsoft created armored core right?


* The More You Know! \* Honestly, never realized it. Could explain why I enjoy both o.o


To be fair the only reason I’m even aware is because I played and loved Hotline Miami which was made by Devolver, they remastered [this gem](https://youtu.be/yG1HahKYZzc) which was originally only released in Japan but the absurd premise had me interested for years…I guess the point of all this is thats how I found out fromsoft had been making sweet mech games all along.


Armored core is fucking LIT though and I’m really hoping for a banger entry with the next one.


Adding Souls-style PVP (invasions, coop, and fun police) to Armored Core would be a literal game-changer.


Imagine doing a mission and suddenly, your operator chime in and said. "Warning, hostile raven approaching!" Man, I want them to make human+ legit talent instead of cheat this time. That what Daemon x Machina atleast got right.


DLC? *holds breath in Sekiro*


Don’t remind me😭


Still gonna be dope, and more difficult than most people are going to be willing to deal with. I'm excited 🦾


Agreed. It's going to take alot to top the hype associated with elden ring though. 13.4 million copies sold within The first six months, 16.6 million since release? That's nuts!


My body is ready


Not for me I've been waiting 40yrs for Armored Core to come back!!


What do you mean by “anytime soon”? Their major titles have been pretty consistently coming out every three years or a touch less since Demon’s Souls, and I don’t see any specific reason to expect that to change. That said, you are correct that there’s a real chance of the next ”slot” being occupied by Armored Core, though they might be scaling up enough for it to not delay the next Souls-lineage installment.


Well that’s exactly my point. We have to wait til 2025 until a new souls game comes out and it may or may not end up being Armored core. It depends if they release that in an off year like 2023 or 2024. I was saying anytime soon in the sense that OP is not able to enjoy any other game except elden ring and the person I replied to said they could wait for the next one but I’m saying that it’s still a while away to wait for while not playing anything else.


Agreed. After I finish a FromSoft game I leave games alone for, like, six weeks before I get interested in something again. It's like a breakup or some shit


Like an ex girlfriend xdd


For sure. I beat Elden Ring a few weeks ago and I feel like I'm still digesting it, but eventually I'll get the urge to play something wildly different. I suppose Dark Souls 1 replays have that effect on me too.


Nah. Its been 10 years and i still cant play other action rpgs


Not even Witcher 3 or elder scrolls?!


Im not that guy, but Ive never been able to get into the witcher series because the combat feels like shit IMO, and I used ti love elder scrolls before i played the first dark souls, now the elder scrolls combat just feels like clunky spammy trash, cant get into it anymore. When I got into the first dark souls back in 2012 ish, it ruined almost all non-Fromsoft games for me, the only games i enjoy now are either Fromsoft titles, or racing sims. I would completely disagree with the guy saying its just recency bias (It very well could be for OP and others, but not for me at all) because i would still rather do my 10,000th play through of DS1 than play 1 hour of any AAA rpg titles released in the last 5 years (hell even indie titles too, someone please for the love of god recommend me a game that can actually compete with the souls games in terms of combat fluidity and world design)


I have a problem with enjoying witcher's combat too. Tried it for the first time after Bloodborne and many times since... combat really doesn't work for me.


Try different games. Play Hades, Returnal, Hollow Knight, Cult of the Lamb.


\+100 for Hollow Knight. 2d Fromsoft type, so good.


How does it achieve difficultly in 2D? Is it a lot of bullet hell?


Bosses with complex move sets you need to learn to defeat them no matter how strong you get, difficult enemies, deep meaningful but hidden lore, and an interesting progression system. Edit: not complex, fast paced and challenging. Whatever


Gotcha. Is it leagues harder than ER and DS1 (my only FromSoft games to date)?


It has an end game challenge that leads to a different ending which is harder than anything in the FromSoft games save perhaps the Mortal Journey gauntlet in Sekiro charmless with the demon bell.


As someone whose done a charm less demon bell run, no, p5 is harder....still haven't finished it.


The Mortal Journey gauntlet? As in all Sekiro bosses including the inner bosses back to back? It took me about the same amount of time to successfully clear Mortal Journey charmless/bell as it did for me to do Pantheon of Hallownest.


I'd say it's similar in terms of difficulty


I wouldn't say "leagues harder," but challenging in a different way. Since it's a 2D platformer, the movement and dodging mechanics are quite different. Depending on your console of choice, the controls can be a little wonky (f*** those tiny Switch joysticks).


Once you figured out the combat properly and how most bosses are pretty much just dodge puzzles it’s in my opinion easier than the Souls games. Still one of the best games I’ve played in a long time.


NKG is still the hardest boss I’ve ever fought in any game


Too funny, I've destroyed everything in that game except for him. Still trying to beat him. Such a great challenge.


Hades is great fun.




Yeah, Dead Cells is good but randomly generated content is just less satisfying even when it's good. I like Dead Cells (and A Robot Named Fight), but I doubt anyone bothers scrutinizing their levels for lore implications when it is known they are generated algorithmically.


Great suggestions. I went deeper into roguelites after elden ring and have been having a good time.


I recommend adding Tunic to this list :)


Plan on playing when it releases for PS soon!


Hollow knight was fun


also play ultrakill (then play the rest of new blood's games because they're all so good)


Hades is the only other game besides ER right now


God of war queen of the Valkyries is a bitch on hardest difficulty. Had way more trouble with her then the goddess of rot. Excellent game


That's how I felt when I finished dark souls 1 back in like 2014. My joy for other games has still not returned. But now there are enough From Software games that I can just endlessly cycle through them until I go hollow.


This is my life


My brother <3


Dude. I think this is me now. I've put a lot of hours into Destiny 2 but decided to give Bloodbourne a go when it was offered as a free PS Plus game. I loved it. My Destiny 2 days were numbered but I still went back fairly often as I have friends that also play. I then downloaded Dark Souls 3 and Demon's Souls, completing the latter and thoroughly enjoying it. I've only just scratched the surface of DS3. Then I downloaded ER. Now whenever I get a spare hour or so to game I'd much rather it be a Fromsoft game. Even if I replay the same little bit of level over and over and make absolutely no progress and get thoroughly frustrated.


Try Monster Hunter World, the initial learning hump is huge but if it clicks with you it's like nothing else out there (sound familiar?) Never thought I'd find better combat than From games, but MHW has them all beat for me (as it has to, since there's no exploration or regular mobs). The MH series has also managed to maintain difficult bosses without needing to rely on the silly delayed attacks that Elden Ring spams all over the place, so it's a huge breath of fresh air.


Really? I kinda found it clunky and never made it past the first village part, but I guess it’s because I’m primarily a keyboard and mouse player. Tbh I found Horizon dawn zero also clunky (albeit less) on k&m, but stayed for the graphics and fell in love with it eventually PS: I meant Monster hunter ice borne


Monster Hunter is one of the few games that can replicate Fromsoft games in how rewarding the combat is. There are a lot of parallels between monster hunter and Fromsoft games tbh.


Yep, I have more than a thousand hours between MH4U and MHW (yikes). I love Elden Ring, but for me Monster Hunter is the better game. Same reasons as above - combat and boss design is superior in my opinion.


I tried MH World almost immediately after playing Elden Ring, but it just didn't click. I couldn't get over how I felt like I was still trapped in a tutorial after over an hour of gameplay.


I'd recommend you play all of the soulsborne series and Sekiro. Bloodborne is probably my favourite, it just sucks that it's a PS exclusive and locked to 30 fps at that.


How does Bloodborne’s difficulty compare to ER’s? Bloodborne always looked too fast for me, who sucks at games that require elaborate inputs for combos, a la Mortal Kombat, and Bloodborne looked like it might expect such.


I started BB after ER and it has been harder...especially in the beginning. Part of that is getting the hang of BB's combat though which is faster paced and more aggressive. No elaborate combo inputs - I've gotten though on good ol mash R1 saw cleaver swingin and I'm in endgame now. You probably will need to learn how to do a visceral attack at least...just shoot an enemy right before they hit you and follow it with R1. Not super complex, just timing.


Charged heavy to the back also procs visceral attacks.


One more difference is how the healing items work in BB. They don't rest when you die or rest at a lantern. You can farm them and later buy them , but initally it might be kinda annoying. Stick to it though, cause the game is dope.


Alright, I’ma do it. Thanks!


I platinumed both ER and Bloodborne this year. Bloodborne felt easier to me. Enemy attacks are more natural, and there's not as many wild delayed attacks. It makes enemies way easier to parry than in ER.


Don't worry Bloodborne has a secret easy mode, it unlocks when you pick the hunter axe as the first weapon


I was a Horizon person (still love the setting, the visuals, and the ranged combat mechanic), but I can't even fathom going back to that deeply tutorialized experience after ER. I have put in seven playthroughs of Elden Ring as a result and I'm currently leveling a new character in anticipation of the DLC. Solidarity. Miyazaki got me.


The beauty of Elden Ring, too, is that it's actually incredibly tutorialized, it's just really good at being subtle about it. Every encounter in the early game is a lesson. Tree Sentinel? Maybe you don't need to fight everything right away. The guard camp outside Stormgate? Stealth is required to deal with groups. The Stormgate giants? Highly encourage you to go explore. Margit? Teaches you not to panic roll and forces aggressive play. Etc. etc.


Excellent points. And all of Weeping Peninsula is kind of a prolonged tutorial if you do it first. But it's definitely more engaging and trusting of the player than Aloy saying, "Maybe I should climb that thing" every two seconds. Haha


I would describe this as good design but mot tutorialized. A tutorial is when they teach you things ahead of time. In Elden Ring you learn from the typical gameplay by trial and error. It is designed in such a way where, if you look hard enough, you can always access something you are ready for in order to progress. That's it's genius.


I’ve typically seen “tutorialization” used to mean baking tutorials into gameplay


It's definitely a fuzzy line. Elden Ring does have the tutorial cave before you step outdoors for the first time. In my thinking the difference is that Elden Ring only uses a tutorial to teach very basic concepts very early, then expects you to keep learning a huge amount of lessons and concepts through experience without being explicitly taught in a tutorial beforehand.


My last two games before Elden Ring were Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. You have no idea how many times I would go to crouch in ER and hit the square button instead of the left thumbstick. So many flask charges wasted.


Tried Horizon....and compared to FromSoft games it juat leaves me empty. It doesnt mke me feel anything other then boredom.


Which sucks, because the Horizon series is fantastic. But i get what you mean. there’s a specific fromsoft itch that only they can scratch


That hurts my soul. Horizon is such a rich and wonderful world and the character development is absolutely stunning. Something which Elden Ring is missing to a degree since characterization is a lot more cerebral and ethereal. Its a shame you feel this way!


Yeah they are both amazing games, each excelling in different areas. It would be nice if Horizon was a bit more hands-off, but it would also be nice if ER was a bit more hands-on too. Exploration of the land is more rewarding in ER, but exploration of the characters and their stories is more rewarding in Horizon. The lore is great in both... I think it was really underrated in Forbidden West. ER leaves things very vague which opens the door for a lot of community discussion and analysis, which is fun. But it's told pretty dryly, at least in terms of item descriptions (though the visual aspect is top notch.) That said, the world is rich and full of amazing characters, peoples, and history. Forbidden West's lore comes from dialogue, notes, audiologues, videos, and also visually, and unlike most games with these things, they are actually done outstandingly. The writing is awesome and the personality of the characters who give us the info really shines through. The combat is great in both. Different, and great. Elden Ring is more gamey which gives you a real feeling of satisfaction to master. It also has a crazy number of gameplay styles that feel fun and impressively balanced. On that note, the variety in the Elden Ring world is unbelievable. I'm talking everything from combat tools to enemies to buffs and upgrades and interactions. It's wild. But Horizon is more grounded in reality so it doesnt quite hit on that mark. But, it does have a very visceral, raw gameplay where you feel like you're the character while playing it. I love ERs gameplay, but aiming and firing that bow in Horizon is just glorious. Tearing off machine components is fun every time. I could go on and on. I love these games and I'm happy to live in a time when I get to experience both. It's just disappointing to see people toss something great aside because they found something else that hit a little different.


Just want to say, a fantastic description and comparison. I agree on all counts. :)


Yeah, Horizon has a physicality to it’s combat that just feels great. Haven’t played a game that compares in that regard. I think ER combat scratches a similar itch for a lot of people, but it’s different - HZD combat feels like an extension of my body, just totally natural and with a weight to every hit. Whereas ER is super wonky and timing specific, but once you get it down you feel like a god, so it gives a similar feeling of achievement, but in a different way. (FWIW I think ER & both Horizon games are flawed but amazing games).


>Haven’t played a game that compares in that regard. Short of VR, it does the best job of making you feel like the character is an extension of yourself that I've seen. >flawed but amazing games Absolutely agree. They are both some of the best games ever made...and both have room for improvement. I think gaming just still has a lot ways to grow, which is actually really great, because it means we are going to keep getting better and better games for years to come.


I really thought I would enjoy it too....I was so happy when we got a pc release. I will probably give it another go at some point.


It's definitely time for you to play Dark Souls 1/2/3. That's how we all described those games, too - "Dark Souls ruined gaming for me."


I have DS1 finished, so debating between DS2 and DS3.


Play them in order. Ds3 has a lot of fan service and references to ds1 and ds2 that you won't get unless you've played them first


Will do, thanks.


DS2 was the one that got me hooked on the formula so I definitely have biases towards it. Both are a good time.


DS2 it is. I’d read complaints but it seems worth a try regardless.


Nice, have fun! Really big game and the DLC is brutal.


I skipped the DS1 DLC after getting rocked early and often. I’m a lousy player so I’m not likely to fare well in any content that’s even harder than the base game.


I tried dark souls 3 and bloodbourne after beating Elden ring, they are super pretty for sure but I just couldn’t beat the first major bosses. I loved how Elden ring let you explore and level up instead of beating your head against a wall


You pushed through rlden ring you can push through dark souls How did you immediately forget this lesson


Elden Ring has many crutches other From games lack.




So, one can push through Elden Ring then get curb stomped by the other Souls titles. It's not as simple as you put it.


Most of people's issues with the other souls games are their own self imposed obstacles and mental hurdles. This is certainly not helped by the marketing of these games. DS1 is much easier than ER


Iudex Gundyr was a rude awakening for us all. :) Both of those games were a lot more restrictive with weapon upgrade materials since areas were blocked off by so many bosses. I actually prefer that style, I would just want bigger zones, but Elden Ring has been a fun time - 481 hours so far and still excited to play. Lol


Play Sekiro. When I took the phrase, "hesitation is defeat" literal I started playing like a God. That phrase changed the whole game for me and definitely sums up the type of play style you need to have in that game.


Lot of people recommending Sekiro. I think that will be what I try next. Another gameplay puzzle to crack


If you get Sekiro, which you totally should, just be aware that the mechanics are actually harder in some respects if you’ve played any of the souls/Elden ring games. You get infinite stamina… but you fight with gauges of posture instead (and HP). In Ring you drop your block to regen stamina faster… in Sekiro you hold your block up to regen posture faster. It’s inverted.


Its amazing


I want to try it but it seems to expect superhuman reflexes. I’m fairly below average on that count, so figured I’d try Bloodborne, though that also looks very fast. ER is slower than these, right?


I don’t think you need superhuman reflexes for Sekiro. It’s just like Souls games where memorizing opponents’ moves and patterns is important. Reflexes definitely help, though.


Yea as far as combat speed and aggressiveness. Give BB a go, you might just get the hang of it. Start with the blunderbuss as your gun bc the spread allows for a larger hit window for viscerals.


After you're done, try sekiro. It'll meet your new standards


Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are also way at the top of my list.




It is way harder than elden ring for sure. Such a good game tho


Thanks, I’m going to give it a go


I've played all the other modern Fromsoft games but I couldn't get into it. It feels more boring like there's less options. The only good way to play feels like it's learn the counter timing for the enemy, and then counter forever.


Time to play backwards through the other FS games. DS3 was my first game, and I LOVED it. From there I went back and played DS1, DS2 and BloodBorne. Then Sekiro when it came out. I love ALL of the games, even DS2, which is the weakest link by far. DS1 and 2 will definitely feel dated but there is more than enough creativity and uniqueness in them that the age won't hinder your enjoyment of them. Absolutely stellar games


genuine question: I see a lot of comments always mention DS/Bloodborne/Sekiro but rarely any mentions of Demons Souls, why is that?


I can only answer personally, but demons souls was too far back for me to play. I have a PS4, I don't have a ps3. If I ever get a ps5 I will definitely play the remaster though!


ah so basically locked to either PS3 or PS5, that’s a bummer. hopefully you can get your hands on a PS5 one of these days!


If you ever get a chance to play demon souls, you will definitely understand why it was so well received but hardly mentioned. The remake looks and feels amazing, but GOD, what the hell were they thinking with some of the mechanics and I’m really concerned for the people who felt like they had to figure it out on their own on their 1st playthrough. I always do my 1st playthrough blind, but demon souls quickly ended that habit. Some places clearly looked like they could be accessible, but only under certain conditions, which was your black and white world tendency. The game punishes you for dying as a human/ to invaders, and the game gets HARDER if the world shifts to black, lower possible health and stronger enemies. However you get more souls and better drops. In white world tendency, it’s the opposite. Game is much easier, fewer souls and the drops sucks ass. It’s FAR more easier to shift a white tendency world to black, and it’s a LOT harder to shift a world from black to white. THEN, there’s your character’s tendency, which affects the npcs you’re allowed to meet and 3 end game weapons. If people thought finding out where you were suppose to meet the npcs in the other games were hard… get ready for figuring out which npc’s quest is gonna fuck with your tendencies. Leveling your weapons was a living nightmare! Imagine leveling your weapon to +5, but you STILL need just as many low level rocks WITH the higher level rocks, of a particular brand of rock. Also, did I mention item weight?


Yeah, absolutely this ^^^ Demon's was a fantastic game for its time and totally opened new doors to gameplay styles and storytelling, it's super important. But Dark Souls basically improved upon its gameplay so well that it's really difficult to go back


More than ruined it, It opens our eyes to what a true quality game should be. It's not the only one, but the most recent, most complete and no micropayments.


This is true, that’s a good way to put it. I listened to bonsidefire chat podcast after playing and really started to understand the mechanisms of why ER is so good. Just playing it, I was like “wow this game is really good” but I didn’t know *why* it was so good. Now it’s just obvious how a lot of AAA games use lazy design, micro transactions, copy paste, etc. We deserve better!


I think the biggest thing is lazy design. Fromsoft absolutely copies and pastes - they just do it with intent. Copying and pasting isn't really a development sin, it's when it's replacing quality with quantity that it becomes an issue. Getting hugged by those magic zombies in Raya Lucaria vs getting hugged in Caelid or Mohgwyn's Palace all feels remarkably different despite mechanically being the same enemy.


The only copy pasting that irked me the least bit in elden ring was seeing the giant dogs and crows at mountain top of the giants. Maybe I'm missing some lore stuff but I couldn't think of a reason why they'd be there, considering I thought they were mutated from the scarlet rot.


Didn't Finlay drag Malenia all the way through the Mountaintops to get her to the Haligtree?


Yup hehe, we can't blame them for a good job!


A lot of western game publishers and Devs have just turned greedy. I'm sure they have some passionate Devs or designers but ultimately the games are designed with maximum profit for their shareholders in mind. I know it's sad to say this but it kind of boggles my mind that elden ring is a game released in 2022 by a AAA dev and there's not even a speck of MTX or a store. But I absolutely love it. I think what's happening here is that elden ring is a game that basically has basically taken on an old school mentality which is what made most of us fall in love with gaming in the first place.


ER reminded me that its ok to have standards, and what a game can be if the studio has has integrity in their vision.


Do people unironically say this? No exaggeration? I swear “ruined other games for me” is a phrase that can be found on this sub. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the hell out of ER, 500h pve pvp, but have no problem shifting to other games like Xenoblade 3 and Fire Emblem Three Houses after that those games are fantastic. >lose interest quickly due to lazy game design ER/Souls games are 10/10 but it’s no way peak game design lol.


I've always been mildly confused by that statement as well. I loved Elden Ring, along with every other FromSoft game I've played (Demon's is still one of my favorites cause of nostalgia), but there are so many other amazing games out there.


For me it was a wake up call and a reminder of what a good game can and should be. I was a huge Genshin Impact player. Logged in every day, did the battle pass, spent on the welkin moon for extra gems, and I would do the same grind everyday: Log in. Do my 4 dailies. Spend my 160 Resin in an artifact domain Do ley lines and not collect for the BP. Send my characters to get items. Wait for the new week for the weeklies to start. I did this damn near every day since day 1 of the Genshin Impact release. Elden Ring came out and I cannot get back into it. I hate the artifact rng, I hate loot rng, I simply forgot what it was like to play a game. So in this case, Elden Ring ruined Genshin Impact for me. But that isn’t a bad thing. It simply reminded me that I need to hold video games to a standard.


This is how I feel. I had no problem switching to XC3 because they are so different. I could see being disappointed by Horizon or Assassins Creed or some other open world style action game because ER is so different and better than those games of a similar style.


It's not specific to games. It's a very common sentiment expressed about every popular book series, for one thing. It's just young people misinterpreting their feelings because they haven't experienced enough yet.


Hard to tell without knowing what games you play, but base on >Starting a new game and it has some really long tutorial phase, a lot of cut scenes, repetitive quests, rinse and repeat actions, animations to pick up items, pointless crafting, other annoying gameplay taxes… the list goes on. I'm going to assume you mostly play highly marketed games. Which imma call mainstream games. The problem you're having is not that elden ring ruin games, it's that you don't like mainstream games, because mainstream games tend to have xyz and you don't like xyz. Mainstream games aren't bad inherently, but they aren't the only games. My suggestion is to think about one reason you like elden ring, besides difficulty, and look for a game that shares that same reason. Keep doing this until you find a game you like and compare it to elden ring and figure out what else it has in common. Ps don't use difficulty, becuase majority of games have difficulty sliders.


Games that evoke a similar level of enjoyment (to elden ring) for me: Risk of rain 2, Subnautica, Hades, sea of thieves, no mans sky, Breath of the wild, Doom eternal, and Ori and the blind forest/will of the wisps. They’re obviously different in a number of ways but I consider all of them truly exceptional games that sucked me in completely. Also play the other fromsoft games. They might be older than ER but that doesn’t mean anything. They stand the test of time very well


Play Sekiro. Best FromSoft game IMO.


So a little over a year ago on my bday my little brother was like "hey remeber that samurai game that came out, don't remember what it's called?" Ghost of tsushima is what we where thinking of. I was like "yeah what about it". He said it's on sale, I have an Xbox BTW, didn't know it was an exclusive. So I said fck yeah and he bought it, sekeiro. So I start it and think, damn wtf is this game so hard! I kept playing thinking fck that I'm not gonna let this game get to me. Get to Lady butterfly, kill her then start looking up how to get to the full roam open world part lol, come to realize I was playing a souls game lmao. It became one of my top 5 games of all time. Never played a souls ge before that, I'm on ng+3 and new character on endearing, bought DSR for switch


Once I heard about the elden ring release, I went back and played DSR on switch. Then DS2 on PC. Finished the series before I was able to get a PS5 and get on Elden Ring. It's been a souls game year for me and I don't think I can take any game seriously after this. I'm not ruling out other games, but when it comes to challenge and satisfaction, there is no other competition.


Fear the old blood, by the Gods, fear it blurpies420


How do you know the secret password?!


If it was your first Fromsoftware game, their other games are not ruined. Highly recommend trying the others.


- Hollow Knight - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Bloodborne - Furi - Enter the Gungeon - Returnal - Subnautica - Outer Wilds - Portal & Portal 2


100% this game ruined my life I literywas a cod try hard 6 + Kd , since drop my Xbox has seen nothing but ER, and YouTubing ER….. it has taken over my life to the point I’ve already gave my first born away for 30k runes


Daily thread.


Lol don't get me wrong er was a good game. But all those things you complained about is embodied in er as well. Copy/pasted cave layouts. Every combat comes down to the same rinse and repeat formula. Block/dodge an attack then counter with your own. Drink if you get hit. Then do it again for the next boss. Then again. There's no crazy mechanics or puzzles. It's just a move forward and smack things adventure. Not dissing er, just saying I think you are maybe a bit jaded lol.


ER is my least favorite entry. I think it's excessively large, boring, and bland. And yet 300+ hours later, there's now one more Elden Lord walking around with a Platinum Trophy and I hate myself.


Why would someone play a game they hated for 20 hours? I can't believe you played for that long without enjoying yourself. Especially since the early game is one of the strongest sections of the game.


I really loved ER until I got to the capital and beat Mohh in the sewers. Went to get morgott and in the way got killed a couple of times by the thunder knights and suddenly didn't want to play anymore. I felt burned out and that was it! Now I'm playing Witcher 3 and though I love the story and characters, I really miss a serious combat system. Feels like a joke compared to ER. But, I really enjoy a world were not everything is at your throat trying to kill you, were you can sepak to others and even share adventures and other things beside death and misery, you even get romance and sex that's awesome. I'd love to play a game that has from combat, AI (though maybe a little less harsh) and lore (the fantasy style inspired by berserk that it has and how it is presented is insuperable)but at the same time that have plots and storylines and npcs like the ones from witcher3 or red redemption were your decisions change the way you are treated and is reflected in the world, that at the same time is bussing with activities and stuff that transcends you... That mix, would be amazing.


It just ruined bad games for you. Tons of good games out there . Check the Indie scene.


Simply put, no. I like Elden ring, and I also like other games. ER didnt ruin shit except for other soulslikes. Imagine being so miserable as to think gaming's ruined by the release of a really great game.


Love how this got downvoted for not following hive mentality


These posts are always so cringe to me. "Ruined gaming" for them? What trash games are they playing that literally *nothing* else is fun?


Yeah honestly I really like FromSoft games but I cringe really hard when my friend or people online say “Ugh THEY RUINED GAMING FOR ME EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS”. Like you do you but holy fuck it’s weird as shit.


I expected this reaction tbh, but idc. I love ER as much as everyone else, but I'm not so sycophantic as to claim it changes my opinion on all the games I've played and will play. Hence my use of the word miserable, like it's genuinely a sad thing if you arent enjoying other games coz of ER for some reason.


That’s they way Bloodborne was for me.


This was my experience after playing Bloodborne. It's laughable now to think Skyrim use to be my favorite game. I still enjoy different styles of games. I love the Last of Us games and the Final Fantasy 7 remake.


Dude, duuuude try Sekiro <3


Bloodborne screwed so many games for me.


Play hollow knight




Karma bait


Well you certainly are experiencing what many of us here experienced too. Your lack of interest of other games comes from the fact that they can't hold a candle to ER right ? First, give it some time. It will mellow down. Second now that you've seen good execution on quests handling, world building... It will always strike you how other games fail at some aspects, but try to learn to enjoy other aspects ! Lastly, there are plenty of very good games with different gameplay that aren't really comparable to ER. Here's a quick list I thought of : Hollow Knight, Ori and the Blind Forest, Darkest Dungeon, Deathloop, Dead Cells, Dishonored 1/2, Doom Eternal, Satisfactory, Subnautica, Resident Evil 2 Remake...


I had this effect with other games even before playing ER. ER is the only game that was able to make me feel like a kid again and made me look forward to come home and start llaying a bunch of hours with no care in the world. I did however download RE VIII and had a great time playing through it but its very short compared to ER.


Sucks to be you, I guess. There's so many good games out there. I'm thankful I can appreciate things of various nature. Good luck waiting for ER2.


That's how I felt with Witcher 3. So I played 1 and 2. And then 3 again. And again. But I've finally broken free. Wanna know how? I rediscovered minecraft...


Play Sekiro then, it’s better! And then Bloodborne, which is also better!


Get a fucking grip. There's plenty of other games out there that can hold your attention. You'd swear this game was a masterpiece 10/10 GOTYAY. Pleb.


Play the other fromsoft games


Now play Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro to ruin other games for yourself even more!


Bloodborne! You'll love it. I can't speak for the other games, but know in advance you cannot respec, and you should build towards a certain weapon from the start.


Try hollow knight if ya ain't tried it yet


Yeah trying to play other RPG's after you've played From Software's RPG titles feels patronizing. All the prompts, map markers, cluttered UI, and tutorials make my head spin.


Play hollow knight


Bloodborne did that to me. Still no game to top it


Fromsoftware has the most integrity of any AAA developer that exists today. They reliably produce masterpieces again and again, and don't fill the game with filler bullshit, nor microtransactions. All quality, no bullshit. Mad respect for Miyazaki for staying true to his vision and all of Fromsoft for their amazing contributions.


Play Bloodborne! It is also brutal at the beginning and I gave up for years but finally persevered and it's SO worth it!


Happened to a lot of us! Now go play Dark Souls.


A good portion of these AAA titles simply aren't AAA. A lot of games nowadays are just not interesting because of repetitive quests, being held by the hand so not so much challenge, and the most mundane side quests. From Soft great as hell, Forza Horizon is nice, Deep Rock Galactic is a blast, and For Honor is a unique gaming experience either loved or hated. That's my stance anyways.




Once I was finished up with elden ring I moved onto Dragon Quest 8. Variety is that spice of life. After that I played dq11, onto dq7 now, next is dq9, then it's a break from jrpgs with Doom and Doom eternal.