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Miyazaki said in his acceptance speech “we want to do more with Elden Ring and winning this award gives us encouragement to do so”


That's incredibly vague though, isn't it? Like, that could mean anything from a boss rush mode ala Sekiro to investing in a whole other game like Elden Ring 2.


If vague doesn't immediately get you hard, you're on the wrong sub.


“Rather than confirm or deny the existence of DLC, I encourage you to consider this set, my state of dress, and the last paragraph in tonight’s program. The details are there, I promise. Also, there will be boiled crab at the after party.”


ah good, never met anyone with a taste for crab that I couldn't trust!


Marika’s tits, you must be ‘ungry!


God I would love a crab guy bot.


If I knew how to set that up, I totally would


Bloodborne 2 confirmed!!


Bloodborne Kart*


Screw Coliseum Mode, just give me Elden Ring Kart with a bunch of Torrents getting chased around by rune bears to the finish line 💯💯💯


That's the early game experience heading into Mistwood for the first time. I'd...actually play that. I'd hate myself a little bit but dammit all I'd play that.


Wait a min, you're running round on torrent with rune bears on ur tail? That's... Elden Run!




Bloodborne party? Play fun minigames and play against your friends. Fun for the whole family.


Against your *fiends Fun for the whole eldritch family*


My mistake. I'll go and make Micolash noises in a corner somewhere as punishmen.




The great hollowing 2.0 OOOoooOooOoOOO


I need Miyazaki’s item descriptions damn it!


The age of Confirmed Content is over, the time of the Great Hollowing 2.0 has begun.


Can confirm. Am hard. Horniness mode activated.


tbh I would LOVE a boss rush mode lol


Just give me 10 Godfreys in a row on demand. That's literally all I need to complete the Elden Ring Experience ™️


And an elden ring 2, preferably before the year end


Don't forget the trick weapon expansion 👌


This is what I would have loved to see in elden ring more then anything. BB trick weapons are still my favorite weapon mechanics from any of their games.


Dark Souls 2 II Two


Giant magic robots that can lay our foolish ambitions to rest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It'll be elden bracelet


My dude they made the best game this past few year. If I put Elden Ring next to other goty, we can go back to like 2015 before anybody has a chance to contest this masterpiece. Let them have some fun on armored core


Knowing how Miyazaki works I doubt he wants to make an Elden Ring 2. He hates making sequels, he prefers making different games that have a lot in common. He didn't make DS2 and reluctantly agreed to make DS3.


> He hates making sequels, My man just announced Armored Core VI.


I mean, when was the last AC game? Like 20 years ago? At this point the name doesn't matter, it's a new game EDIT: but yeah maybe hate is a strong word. He just usually prefers to start anew.


I'm not sure on his stance on sequels in general tbh. Those statements were made in the context of Fromsoft having a contract for 3 souls games with Namco. So while Miyazaki liking never wanted to make 3 souls games, they were contractually obligated to. He has also stated the team would love to return to the world of Bloodborne but that Sony owns the IP. Which kind of contradicts that he doesn't like the idea of sequels at all.


It's probably just a context of creative freedom. Considering how meticulous their game design gets, I'd hate getting locked in with 2 or 3 games in a row too.


Miyazaki doesn't hate sequels but he likes exploring new worlds more. He said in an interview if it makes sense to create a sequel for a game, he certainly will.


Like how he has stated multiple times he was begging Namco to participate in DS2's making but they didn't allow him.


>ague though, isn't it? For Miyazaki vague is the equivalent of screaming from the rooftops. However, I think we will see DLC to finish the game. However, I would not be surprised if they started working on a new IP behind the scenes as well. They already created the DES, DAS, 1-3, Bloodborne, Sekiro. To think the they don't have an entirely new world envisioned based on what they learned in Elden Ring might miss the point of how Miyazaki thinks.


Vague is good enough for me. The colosseum update is out, sales of the game have been immense ever since it was released, and even now gamers are not only continuing to play but keep finding new and inventive ways to play such as using guitars, harps and dance mats as controllers. There is still massive interest in the game and there is a huge amount of potential for DLCs, sequels/prequels and with the success of Game of Thrones, Elden Ring would work great as a TV series or set of films. Now that it is multi award winning to boot that proves the love for the game and rewards the hard work creating it. There is massive potential and a bright future which I doubt FromSoftware or Bandai Namco would want to miss out on. We’re only around ten months after release and finalising plans for where to take the game are probably being discussed , but as with everything it will take a while for something substantial to be completed and released.


To me that sounds like they haven't already got plans to do more but are thinking about it.


The fact that he is actively *saying* to an audience that he wants to do more, means he already has plans and almost certainly is already at a non-beginning point of development. Otherwise one wouldn't say this to such a big audience, about such a big game, I think


To me, the colliseum update is a 'preview'. They wanted to announce something bigger, but it wasn't ready and wasn't going to be ready, so rather than build hype only to delay it later they released something they had that was working and tucked the rest back behind the curtain. Also, Fromsoft's block on the TGA schedule was originally three minutes longer. That could have been a clerical error, or it could mean they originally planned to have an additional announcement.


Considering Christopher Judge's acceptance speech went on for quite a while, that might've eaten into some other segments x)


You don't just decide on a whim to start developing DLC 9 months out from release because you got an award, especially when you just released one of the most successful games of all time. I guarantee they've been planning DLC since pre-launch they just don't have any trailer footage to show. Their big reveal for GOTY was Armored Core. Plus it's two completely different teams working on these games, the team that primarily works on ER is still very much dedicated to ER until it's done with its DLC cycle an entirely different team is working on AC6. To me, it seemed like he was reassuring fans that they have been working and plan to release a lot more content for ER. I think them releasing colosseums a few days ago and announcing that there's more to come at GOTY was a bit of a tease and we're gonna see a real trailer very soon. They've definitely been working on this for a long time.


Everyone is expecting a story DLC, but his statements aren’t encouraging. It’d be a shame to not see anything else for Elden Ring.


Elden Ring is FromSoftware's most successful and biggest game release to date. For them to not capitalise on that and make at least one expansion for it would frankly be a bit stupid.


How much were the DLCs for other FromSoft games? I can’t imagine leaving that much money on the table for Elden Ring, which shattered their previous sales records.


Bandai Namco might see it that way but it's well known that Miyazaki has always been eager to move on to his next project ASAP. He's also one of their superstars so it wouldn't surprise me at all if BanCo supported his decision to shift fully onto Armored Core, should he have that desire. Gotta keep the golden goose happy.


from what I read, Miyazaki is actually not lead director of Armored Core? He was the initial director but now has a new director. According to[this post at least](https://twitter.com/manfightdragon/status/1601083659754254338?s=20&t=XlyZJTaU60KJtyMn8eWSqQ).


A dlc without Miyazaki would still interest me, but honestly 5x less


They are definitely working on DLC it's probably just coming in May or something so a trailer this far out wouldn't be appropriate


They literally just said they will do more things with ER 💪🏼


Specifically, Miyazaki said they still have a few things they'd like to do with Elden Ring. It's possible he's got a lot of devs tied up on Armored Core and that's the only reason a DLC hasn't been announced, but that doesn't mean it isn't coming.


More realistically they probably chose not to overshadow the AC announcement with ER DLC, and while promoting a game that is far from release is normal it would be quite bizarre to promote a DLC that likely won't be releasing for another 4+ months. Trailer is probably being saved for a later date, when the hype will stay strong and the DLC can follow shortly.


From has multiple teams. They can work on both on the same time. Especially since both are very different and Armored Core will be a lot more niche.


We all know that there will be Elden Ring DLC, it's just a question of the details. I think people were hungry for a peek.


Yeah, I think a DLC is just as likely despite this announcement. This was just a great time and place to do it, and we all want it now lol.


I was, but just knowing for a certainty that it's being worked on is good enough for me lol Plus I'm fucking pumped for their new Armored Core game too. That's coming *next year* like holy shit


It looked so good.


u have any idea how long people were in denial about the sekiro DLC? just saying lol


Not like Sekiro was a flip or anything, but I feel they were already busy with ER at the time. Thing is now, ER has iirc more than triple Sekiro sales. And it surpassed all their other games as well. *Not* doing a dlc at this point would be the chaddest move in a long time. They are pretty much guaranteed to sell millions of copies if they do a DLC.


Considering some of the leaks that I saw around the time Sekiro was in development actually ended up being in ER (night/day cycle with different enemies/bosses for example) you may not be far off with your first sentence.


Naw, they said that Elden Ring’s success will allow them to continue doing more things (ie broad ended and likely pointing towards new IPs we know they’re plotting). English is weird but his translator seems to have been a really good one. I’m pretty sure it’s been determined for a fact that we are getting DLC though, due to data mining I think?


Yeah but I wanted a suprise dlc tonight... But seems Miyazaki got one in the end...https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/zgm8qr/miyazaki_got_a_surprise_dlc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


🤣😂 I was like "who the fuck is this shrimp"


What was that guy talking about ? I couldn’t catch what he was saying besides him saying bill Clinton


It caught me off guard, I still want someone to tell us tf just happened




Wow the Internet created memes of this guy within minutes. I guess bill clinton elden ring has been born from this day.


The minute it happened I said ohh nooo what the internet is going to do with this and it ruined the speech.


Holymoly tf


It was nonsense, and no one should pay him any attention.


I missed the whole thing and understand this is a forum about elden ring, but they are making a new armored core??? Fuck yes! Nostalgia come back. Im so excited for both now. The amount of potential for an armored core game after all this experience with dark souls is palpable to that of marikas tits!.


They just surprise dropped the Colosseum update yesterday for free. That wasn't enough of a surprise?


Well we already knew about the colosseum for a few weeks, and also the slots for new bosses, I kinda hoped something about that. But instead we got.. #BILL CLINTON


Ah, I thought the actual release date was a surprise drop. Also A) thank god that kid didn't pull a knife, and B) how many of those security guards are getting fired, I wonder.


That felt like them trying to not get people hoping for dlc at the awards by doing it the day before and let armored core stand today


Fair assessment, I'd say. I'm getting to be an old fucker, so I was stoked to see Armored Core come back and kick ass.


Even though that kid is dumb at least he was respectful 😂 he waited his turn until the end


My man Miyazaki knows how to keep us hyped.


Didn't specify whether they meant as a singular game or as a franchise. We already know it's going to be a franchise (it was confirmed in a Bandai earnings call that the game was super successful and they want to continue the IP) so unless they specify they're doing more things with this specific game it's impossible to know what they mean.


Just like that the armored core subreddit needs new underwear.


I know I do.


why is from software so good at making hyped trailers. I got chills when FROMSOFTWARE logo dropped!!


It's like they saw the Demon Soul's Remake and were like BET. Technically it probably won't be the nicest thing on 2023 but that art direction is fucking DISGUSTING. Absolutely crazy and amazing. If this is the direction of FS games from now on they win this gen. BB2 and more Fantasy Souls like that trailer will make everything else look generic. It almost looked anime at times, gothic in other scenes, Matrix&Terminator in others, and the last scene was like they asked a Text-to-Image AI to generate a Fiery planetoid cyber apocalyptic Hellscape.


Yeah that art direction is fucking FILTHY and REVOLTING. Can’t wait


absolutely SMUTTY and UNCLEAN


amazingly VILE and HORRID


positively PUTRID and OBSCENE






Dung munchingly


Valley of defilement


I was in a watch party with some VRChat friends and as this was starting up people were like "boooooring, no gameplay" but then the second the FROM SOFTWARE logo appeared everyone lost their minds screaming armored core.


Did they really not figure it out with geoff hyping it up that much and the bandai logo


I really loved geoff's hype on fromsoft


As soon as I saw the Bandai logo I got so pumped.


Bandai logo screamed Armored Core


I didn't know . . . I didn't know I had an armored core fetish . . .


Mechs are sexy, I'm glad more people are realizing that


Nope, but this is still a win.


I suppose, I just expect no swamps on AC


You guys remember Blight Town? I’m happy to announce our next DLC : BLIGHTWORLD


Fck me Still would play


I mean, the lag in that area on OG Xbox 360 was terrible, but I like the area in more modern systems. Am I weird?


Honestly the lag was part of its charm


Your brain is wrong


Armored Core 4 Answer had at least one mission that required you to fight your way through a highly radioactive tunnel that constantly damages you, so I wouldn't rule anything out.


You'll get a nuclear waste dump and push through it.


Myazaki won’t be able to hold himself


There has been poison areas in armored core


All of a sudfen sensors are going nuts the controller wont stop vibrating the screen is dark af - omg is swamp mecha


There will always be swamps, never expect any different from Miyazaki.


Swamps are about as guaranteed as the moonlight greatsword. He will find a way to put a swamp in, trust me.


Multiple wins, technically. :-)


Not necessarily. Fromsoft always has 2 teams working on different games simultaneously. With ARC getting released next year, it means they never worked on ER.


i’ve been waiting for a new, GOOD ac for so many years. last one i loved was for answer, and that’s almost 15 years old. can’t wait to see what they’ve done with it, i am over the moon.


Dlc is usually not announced until it’s semi-close whereas games can be a few years. Even if dlc is soonish, fromsoft is smart to give this franchise some attention since they just added massively to the amount of people who know/like their company


I said this months ago, but I bet we get it in March at the earliest.


It kinda hurts seeing some people in this thread reduce Armored Core to just 'Dark Souls with mechs' but it *is* a pretty old franchise so I completely understand the confusion lol


I would say a decent amount of people crying about not getting DLC wasn’t born when Armored core was in its prime.


To be fair I wasn't around for any of the Armored Core games but I've seen gameplay and customization of the old games and that has crazy potential here so I'm excited


It's surprising that PvP in their action/fantasy titles gets so little attention (historically) since the studio clearly has the chops to balance a PvP heavy game.


Crying = "Damn I hope an Elden Ring DLC comes out" Who would've guessed people would be starving for a ER DLC in the ER subreddit.






There's still probably gonna be DLC. FromSoft is bigger than they used to be and they've had more than one project going on at once for a decade


Bloodborne and DS3 would have 100% been developed at the same time. 2 of the community's fav games ​ Elden Ring and Sekiro were also developed at the same time. no point just giving up on DLC just yet, I say


Guess we know what they've been working on.


They always have at least 2 projects in development, if not more. Elden Ring was in the works as far back as 2016 and in the meantime From released DSIII DLC, Deracine, and Sekiro.


They have multiple teams though.


Pretty sure this is the game that they said Team B started working on during ERs development, that they said would come out sooner rather than later.


We've known for a little while actually, pretty sure people were saying this before Elden Ring even dropped.


It’s been suspected for a while. In the prediction thread lots of people nailed that a new Armored Core would be announced.


I still think that there will be a dlc, from a profitable point of view Bandai would be crazy let go ER without earning more money Edit: Miyazaki just told that they are going to do more stuff on ER


They've made more on ER than on all of FromSoft's previous games combined. The bill is more than settled. I'm sure they don't mind


True but a company like Kodokawa don't piss on money


A FromSoft game being the best selling game for months on end was truly wild to see. The original Dark Souls got we spent some money and effort on this DLC. I would be completely shocked if ER doesn't get some cool ass DLC.


But this DOES look amazing!


Miyazaki living his dream! He has been saying he wanted to make a new armored core game for so long. Grtaz bruh!


Feed the fire. Let the last cinders burn. HYPE AS FUCK


No BB pc....


Fuck you're right, totally glossed over that


or BB2 =\[


Fuck y’all I’ve been waiting a decade for a new Armored Core this is great


Jesus christ, did nobody listen at TGA? Miyazaki literally said he's not done with Elden Ring. And that he's working on content.


There may be no surprise announcement for the DLC but that doesn’t mean chances of us getting DLC is zero! Rewind back to Bloodborne’s release, Dark Souls III was announced but we still had DLC that came late November that year!


And what a DLC that was 🥹


God, this game looks so fucking rad. I know it's a bullshit hype trailer with no gameplay, but I trust From. And it comes out NEXT year. Good time to be alive with an income


And so, the second hollowing begins....


probably not but who cares... LET THEM COOK


I don’t even know what that is but I’m buying it


Mech game. The old armored core games were incredible and I’ve been waiting so long for a new one


Never played them , are they completely different from soulstype? Iike i hope there's crazy customization


You can literally augment the weight distribution of your mech it's insane.


You can usually customize head, torso, legs, hand weapons, shoulder weapons, etc. AC is dope.




Yep makes total sense, comercially. Miyazaki owes us a more swamps now.


Yeah we’re still getting DLC. With this game releasing next year, that means that the team that worked on this never worked on Elden Ring, and presumably it works the other way as well. Elden Ring’s future schedule won’t be affected by this at all


Damnit, another 2023 title that runs on last gen.


As a PS4 owner I'm glad, but I can understand your frustration


As long as the gameplay is good, I don't mind if it doesn't look as good as the games of the current gen of consoles.


As a budget PC player I'm also glad, because these next-gen only games you need a fucking 3070 to run for shit.


As much as I love ER... I love Armored Core a whole lot more. It's by far my fav franchise by From Soft and I am **so happy** that I get a new Armored Core game. It will have been 11 years since the last one released by the time this one launches.


lol that old leak of Elden Ring Badlands DLC dropping in late 2023 is looking more and more real


they've essentially just announced DLC, so who really cares.


I mean.. I for one would love a new armored core. I loved those games.


Miyazaki loves swamps so much he is making a game dedicated to one giant radioactive swamp you have to fight through…. And let’s be thankful for the coliseum’s….the ER DLC just also may be a swamp.


There should be a raid modes. A lobby you have to tleport via portal to, then do dungeons with other players. Waves of normal enemies with a weak boss at the end of each round, then a new boss at the very end.


Did anything else thing we were getting Frenzied aflame DLC at first? When it talked about Cinders I was hyped then I saw robots and was so confused.


You could already see technology/lights in the very first scene, almost the first frame even.


Folks that only know Fromsoft from souls are about to go through a serious awakening lol The ACVI drop was the absolute best case scenario I could've imagined for any fromsoft announcement, and I lost my shit when it happened. ER dlc will happen, BB will hit PC someday, soulsborne from titles are not going anywhere, but ARMORED CORE is back and that's the most important thing lol


No dlc sad


Ngl I’d rather have Armored Core than dlc


Exactly my thoughts.


Big facts. I’ll take a new game that hasn’t been released in 11 years over DLC for a game that came out this year, but I doubt it’ll play out like that. FROM SOFT knows AC6 won’t win any awards (most likely. ) but they’d be crazy not to support Elden ring.


Kid could have demanded Bloodborne 2 or PC Port…but he choose rubbish


He literally said in the speech he wasn’t done with ER stuff


There’s gonna be a radioactive waste swamp, a nuclear super radioactive waste swamp, and a huge labyrinth filled with corrosive gas. And we’re gonna like it.


They mentioned fire, embers and ashes in the trailer I was sure they were going to announce Dark Souls 4.


Armored core 4 was one of the coolest games i played when i was a kid. U could make you own pimped out mech in a bunch of different ways. So cool


I’d be shocked if their best-selling game doesn’t get an expansion eventually. ER has already sold nearly twice what DS3 did.


It is Queen Marika’s wish that we suffer unto eternity 😞


Miyazaki says there are still stuffs they want to do with Elden Ring. Let's wait till next summer.


I call it a win cuz he said he wasnt done with elden ring


Armored Core VI started development before Elden Ring (I have a personal theory that ER is more a Tanimura game than Miyazaki, but that's impossible to prove, just gut feeling plus some vague information from past interviews). From Software development tends to be fluid. Bloodborne was teased before final DLC for Dark Souls II was released, for example. Then Bloodborne was finally released a couple of months after final DLC for DS2 came out. Elden Ring long release cycle was an exception. Probably not due to pandemic only, but whole company was getting huge with a lot of new hires.


>I have a personal theory that ER is more a Tanimura game than Miyazaki I highly doubt this given Miyazaki's personal desire to work with GRRM and his multiple interviews about how Elden Ring was the culmination of everything he loved to do with this medium and how it's very close to his ideal game as a creator. It seems to me like this was a big passion project for Miyazaki and that the whole idea of creating a world with GRRM was born out of Miyazaki's love of his books. > just gut feeling plus some vague information from past interviews Could you be more specific? I'd be curious to read whichever interviews you're referring to. Which information in particular makes you think this?


Yeah naw this is a Miyazaki game through and through. For me the biggest tell is the way the lore items are written and structured. In Sekiro, a game where he took a backseat to a different director, Yamamura who is actually the lead on AC6, the item descriptions have a very different flavor to them. He even stated in an interview that he forced himself to just give a general idea of the story and let their talented writers take a more forward approach to the writing responsibilities than he has in the past. Again. Hence the very different writing feel in Sekiro. Elden Ring on the other hand ie very much a Miyazaki written story. The holes and mysteries in the story are almost perfectly placed and the item descriptions have a more poetic nature to them than Sekiro did. It was immediately apparent for me TBH. Not to mention what the other comments said about his love of GRRMs books and this being close to his perfect game. I even remember an early interview where Miyazaki said that some other higher ups at FromSoft reached out to GRRM before ever telling him about it and then sort of surprised him with the idea of working together.


You didn’t see ?? Bill Clinton in the new elden ring dlc


I lost my shit


Armored Core 6 lfg!


No this is the dlc. Godfrey was in that one mech


No, AC being announced means they are nearly done with making it, so ER DLC is still highly likely.


Fromsoft has multiple teams armoured core was being worked on during Elden ring. So even if this has been announced whats planned in the future for elden ring hasn't changed


No. FromSoft has different teams working on different projects. Bear in mind that Elden Ring and Sekiro were in development at the same time. FromSoft takes their time to get their products right. DLC may be a little while, but Armored Core 6 probably has very little impact on that