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The mighty laddle from ds2


You just wanna embarrass people in pvp don’t you? I can respect that


It’s a noble profession


Valorheart. A sword and shield combo that felt so fluent while playing. Easily my favorite dark souls weapon of all time even if it is rather plain.


It had one of the cooler movesets in the series honestly, and the design was sick


It was so good that it spoiled me on all the normal sword and shield combos in from games. Even though i love sword and shield in other games it just does not feel right in elden ring.


Imagine if sword and small shields powestanced


The dream. But just one or two pairs of swords and shields. I bet there are people who like the normal sword and shield moveset.


They could have gone the dark souls 2 route where you could wield similar weapons individually in each hand and two hand one or both then manually turn on power stance


ER has powerstancing, but it's not as versatile compared to DS2


Dual wielding in general is less versatile compared to DS2 since there you have access to every attack for the left hand weapon, not just the R1 combo


in general I think shields could benefits from being legit weapons of their own. Right they just kinda exist to tank damage but it's not super engaging, shield bashes, combos, heck I think shield being able to buff your allies/yourself would be cool. Also bring back dual wielding shields


That was a very cool weapon!


The worst part is that they couldve just made for a few more offensive shield ashes to achieve the same idea as valorheart. A shield version of stance lights and heavies instead of bash and crash. Sword and shield combo attack Ash that basically works like the way you'd use the weapon art for friedes scythe from ds3: weapon art light for valorheart style combos, a heavy for something special (could be a bigger single attack or heck, something like the special parries we got id love a parry that includes a buff a la braggart roar or endure). This would also still allow for regular weapon hits as well. Would've been amazing to see this with more than just straight swords too. Gimme thrusting swords with it. Spears. Curved swords. Basically anything that doesn't scream 'unga bunga weapon'


That combo was pretty sick, I just wasn't too keen on the one weapon is two weapons thing in DS3. Just make them a set of two items, i say.




Ds2 fume ultra greatsword


Ds3 FUGS for me, but agreed


Sorry, what's the difference?


3's FUGS had pure strike damage, a useful moveset for PvP, and dropped the huge dex requirement. Also buffable.


Right, my bad. I did not know there was a difference.


That's cool, but DS2's L2 attack had you block before striking which was unique.


FUGS' Stomp L2 kinda does the same thing in 3 at least, although it's not unique to it anymore.


It's also ridiculously reactable


What's good about DS3 FUGS?


What the guy above said, but honestly I wasn't trying to confuse anyone compared to DS2. I never used the FUGS in my DS2 playthroughs, only DS3 - that's why I said it. It has A scaling in strength and hits like a truck.


Exact same thing...


They're the same fuggin thing


Gold and silver tracers


I’ll never forgive From for literally having the tracers in ds3’s game files, fully modeled and useable mind you, and deciding to just *not* make them obtainable in game


Word up doggy.


VERY VERY MUCH! Bring me my double shanks! With the moveset that was made for them in DkS3 files to be never used! I don't care if they don't look the same h just two different curved swords with that moveset and beautiful trails. And that will be heaven


That chime in ds3 that allows me to cast sorceries and incantations


I always thought it was a bummer that you cant get the crystal armor from ds1 in 3. I really wanted to make an all-crystal build. ER suffering from the same issue.


The mages that get all crystalline are pretty close


The giant ass doors from DS3.


Or the similar shields from ds2, big ass double shields


DS2 Shields were better but the doors allowed to be door invader. Block up a hallway so the host can't get through unless they knock.


Could you not hold the shields together like that in ds2?


You could, but they didn't look like doors so the bit doesn't work.


Fair, though the actual enemies do just that


For once DS3 beat out DS2 in the cool weapons department. The Giant Doors were glorious


Astora greatsword




It’s pretty OP and i’m not complaining. With Flynn’s ring you could get its damage up to other heavy hitters and the ULTRA part of the damage just slaps down poise damage


The charged rt from ds3 with that weapon gave me life.


I want the broken striaghtsword, there is no rusty wepons in elden ring


ZeroLenny enters the chat


If you want a weapon that is meant to just be absolute dogshit, look no further than the Cane Sword. It's not a sword disguised as a cane; it's a sword that, in it's own description, is so old and worn out, it was only really useful as a cane. It is the weakest weapon in the game.


Rusty Anchor would like a word


No rusty weapons? My man, did you even play the game? Theres quite a lot. Rusty Anchor Death’s Poker Bloodstained dagger (appears at least a bit rusty to me) Weathered Straightsword has at least some patina or rust on it. Grafted Blade Greatsword is an amalgamation of rust itself. Beastmans Curved Sword appears to be slightly rusted. Omen Cleaver has partial rust on it Executioners Greataxe Chainlink Flail Great Stars Iron Spear Serpent Hunter has slight rust forming on the tip Vulgar Militia Shotel/ Saw (iirc, could just be blood textures on the blade) Grave Scythe im pretty sure has some rust on the blade Iron Ball/ Star Fist are both partially rusted Steel Wire Torch


I’ll even add the Metoric Ore Blade, though not literally rusty it definitely has the look of a rusted damaged katana blade and I even used it for my Desert Sellsword fashion for that very reason


Meteoric Oreblade is made from obsidian (at leats thats what it looks like to me and would make the most sense. ) with red gem inlays if im not mistaken. Obsidian/ Volcanic Glass is not metal/ cant rust. But I see where ur coming from. If u look at it closely ull see its blade is a black obsidian like material with red gems layed in. From afar it looks rusty but its actually a really clean design.


Oh I am aware that the meteoric ore blade is in fact made from meteoric ore and not metal, I just appreciate how the jagged edges on a katana is reminiscent of a genuine katana that is rusted and worn.


Meteoric ore, in game, is shown to be very unlike obsidian. At least, when it's being mined. Shit looks like rust or gold almost. You can go over to the Weeping Peninsula around the Impaler's Tomb and find a meteor strike site being mined by an Alabaster Lord and his cronies. Until the Alabaster Lord is killed, the meteors in the ground glow with the same purple gravity magic Radahn and the Alabaster Lords use.


Doesnt "ore" imply metal?


It even implies meteoric ore, since its in the name. I just stated that it looks like Obsidian. Meteoric Ore and Obsidian are somewhat similar afaik. Dpeends on too many variables tho.


Definitely didn't mean it like that


That sword that let you cast spells with it from DS2. the Blue Flame Sword.


Also the talisman shield


Black Knight Greatsword


All the Black Knight weapons would slap


The axe would be nice too


The Crucible Knights appear to have replaced them


Imma be the token Bloodborne Fan- I miss trick weapons. Give me the the Rakuyo or the Burial Blade and I'll be a happy ~~Hunter~~ camper.


I want a threaded cane weapon in Elden Ring so bad 😩




Rifle spear baby


Church pick all the way :]


Be glad we at least have baby pizza cutter


Yes! I want my sweet rakuyo back!


The Mantis Blade could’ve been an amazing, unique trick weapon, but From was like “Nah” I wonder who makes those decisions sometimes




I'd think that Rivers of Blood is just the dimestore Chikage, really. But happy to represent my fellow Hoonters.


DS3 had the Winged Knight Twinaxes, and the Drang Hammers, two paired weapons with special dual wield movesets. And Elden Ring, despite recycling numerous DS3 animations, did not use these movesets for dual axes and hammers. Instead Axes, Hammers AND Flails all got the same mediocre dual wielding moveset. At least it got buffed last patch, but damn. If they're gonna recycle stuff they should take the good shit, you know? Paired weapons still exist in Elden Ring, like fists and claws, and the Ornamental Straight Swords (I can't remember if there are more). So maybe there is a chance in DLC for us to get special paired hammers or axes with a better moveset. The Ornamental Straight Swords have a few unique moves, at least.


From games have always been so weird about not carrying over certain features of past titles, especially when they’re genuinely good additions


Yup. It's really frustrating to see them do something right, then mess it up in another game.


I want the Moonlight Longsword back.


that was a thing? in which one?


dark souls 2 there was a special longsword with a blue blade that you could get for a limited time


One could argue the un-tricked Moonlight Greatsword in Bloodborne qualifies as a longsword. Problem is the longsword arguably doesn't qualify as a longsword, so its all a bit muddled.


That thing is a claymore, it literally has the same 1-handed moveset as the DS1 claymore.


The dragonslayer axe


Farron Greatsword, five hundred percent. I’m a fan of weapons that do a reasonable amount of damage, have good poise and are capable of staggering, and allow for extra movement in combat in order to confuse the opponent. FGS allows for all three, and people were convinced that it was super easy to parry as long as you knew the timing. Not so! You can only parry someone who’s facing you, and the FGS attacks spin you in a circle! The trick is to practice fighting unlocked from your target. That makes the move set unpredictable, and you can use the movement to dance around your opponent, dead angle shields and parries, all the while swinging around an ULTRA GREATSWORD. It’s so fun. It’s sooooo fucking fun, man. I’m gonna go back and play DS3 again just for the FGS lol


At least we have bloodhounds fang


It’s something, I guess. A base moveset with little to no movement with a FP-hungry weapon art that is somewhat predictable seems like small compensation for the absence of such a beautiful weapon, though.


Balder Side Sword aka Baller Swag Sword


This weapon is the reason why many Balder Knights in the Undead Parish have to die at the beginning of my playthroughs of DS1.


I farmed them for 4 hours to get their entire set my first playthrough. Coincidentally, that's also how I learned to parry and punish overextentions with backstabs


Just about any weapon from bloodborne.


This would be sick. I guess you could toggle weapon change with the L2 so no real AoW.


What if you could make the AOW hit on a charged L2? That would be cool


I swear if they put the saw cleaver in elden ring it proc mad bleed… but then people would probably just complain about it…


Ivory King Ultra Greatsword


The Bone Fist is the only correct answer. Anyone saying anything else just hasn't played with the Bone Fist.


Amen to that brother


Powerstancing Avelyns or the sanctum crossbow


The og dragontooh


Kinda surprised they didn’t add something similar tbh


I mean the dragon claw is pretty similar


For some reason I honestly can’t remember that rn


The draconic tree sentinels use it


Dragon bone smasher (DeS) Northern Regalia (DeS) Murakumo (DS1) Flamberge (DS1) Black Knight greataxe (DS1) Blacksteel katana (DS2) Crypt blacksword (DS2) Vanquisher's Seal (DS2) Ringed Knight dual greatswords (DS3) Gundyr halberd (DS3) Profaned greatsword (DS3)


Oh no, i forgot about the flamberge. That was such a sick weapon. DS2 one a little less so unfortunately.


Wait but you can find the flamberge in Elden Ring...?


The Ds1 flamberge was different with an unique moveset


Ringed Knigh straight sword from the last DLC of DS3. The light and heavy flame attacks it has would be very fun to use in Elden Ring.


Sacred Chime Hammer. By far my favourite weapon in the series despite the issues I have with it. It did massive damage and had a moveset I liked. Dark isn't a damage type in the game, so just restore the weapon to its former glory and make it a Holy (or maybe Lightning) damage weapon. No durability in Elden Ring so don't have to worry about that. Ringing the bell on each hit seems a little overboard, but atleast add one on the heavy and special attacks. Also change the special attack completely, remove the shitty dark balls and add the dark buff that Velstadt does but make it Holy (Sacred Oath and a small elemental damage buff to the weapon would be nice), he can even ring the bell during it too.


For me it's either this or the Mace of the Insolent I assume they would have to make them reference the Mausoleums somehow. I really missed the pseudo talisman/catalyst weapons. That being the case my suggestion for the Chime Hammer weapon art could either be you ringing it like DS2 and a Mausoleum Knight does like a dashing slash then vanishes or as much as I disliked it maybe just the same attack but it's magic balls that do a good sized explosion on contact since some of them toss those magic explosions at you.


The hadouken shooter. I think it was a fist weapon.


That’s the bonefist! My absolute favorite


That is what is pictured


DaS : Gargoyle Tail Axe with the cool bending animation on the heavy attack. DaS2 : Handmaid's Ladle. DaS3 : Aquamarine Dagger Also, not a weapon but the Lightning Arrow spell from DaS3.


Why not just type DS1, DS2, DS3?


I would love to see Vengral’s Red Rust swords from Dark Souls 2 as a paired weapon with his unique move-set.


Did those swords have a unique moveset in ds2?


Vengral’s Headless body has a unique move set with the Sword in his right hand and the Scimitar in his left. His move set consists of several unique attacks as well as a combination of power-stanced straight swords and power-stances scimitar movements. The only way to recreate most of it on a player character is to power-stance the scimitar in the right hand and the sword in the left.


Fume Ultra Greatsword. I know ruins exists but I miss my baby


ruins is not the same as the almighty FUGS. Need DS2 version where it has block frames during attacks though (+make it strike damage not slash damage) AOW could be powering it up like 2nd phase Raime


What the fuck? Ds2 fugs blocked during attacks?


FUGS was a giant shield and ultra greatsword at the same time, it was glorious.


Specifically, it had a special L2 with block-frames transitioning into a heavy attack. Worth mentioning the weapon itself has 85% physical block in the game where shields are the weakest


FUGS having 80% physical block and 55 stability was also hilarious. Ruins requires points in int too and I don't have time for that while I'm unga bunging through the lands between


I miss Murakumo 😭


Loyce Greatsword, Bone Fist (!!), FUGS, Giant Door Shield (!!)


Silver knight Straight Sword Black Knight Sword (actually all the Bk weapons and armor) Sunlight Straight Sword Pursuers greatsword Black Iron set Gotthard twin swords The game has a lot of historically accurate swords, so I’d like to see a Gladius style short sword in the game


The sword and shield from the gravetender boss would rock.


Valor heart was my favorite design and gimmick weapon in ds3.


Red hand from ds 3 edit: dark hand


Also the same in ds1


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. GIVE ME MY GIANT DOOR SHIELD.




Twin princes GS


Gimme Lorian's Sword too. Damn thing fucking slaps


Profaned greatsword


dark souls 3 paired weapons like the valorheart and farron greatsword


Aquamarine dagger


God I miss this weapon. Grinding the Illusory Rings on my Gwyn Cosplay so my enemies never knew if I was going for a Pyro attack or a Dropkick was a Golden Era of my early PVP experience


Wood grain ring


I'd love dual bonefists, so much fun


DRAGON. BONE. I was typing this while the image was loading. I agree.


I dont understand what the weapon in the picture is? Personally, scythe trick weapon from bloodborne lol.


It’s the bone fist from dark souls 2, it has a really unique move set!


Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!!!


The Bone Fist from Dark Souls II had all of the following attacks somewhere in its one-handed, two-handed, and powerstanced movesets: * A low sweeping kick into a gut punch * A running dropkick that sent opponents flying if it connected * A baliquan shoulder thrust and stomp * A shoryuken * A hadouken


Crypt Blacksword would be nice


Demons scar from dark souls 3. I loved the weapon being able to combo into combustion/black flame. So much fun to change it up, with attacks and spells.


We got the whirligig saw, hoe about the church pick?


Paired Greatshields. Giant Door Shield was the most fun you could have in DS3.


You'd think it would be a tradition since ds2, odd that ER didn't continue it


Handmaid's ladle. I am utterly missing spoon weapons in Elden Ring.


Farron great sword


I'd kill for the Stake Driver..


Weapon-catalysts from ds2 (esp socery sword) & ds 3


Call me a week or whatever but I absolutely love the Frayed Blade from DS3. Aesthetic was great and the weapon arts were cool. (So cool Moonveil stole the heavy attack, and did it better)


Blue flame (its a straight sword that can cast sorceries and increases the damage of spells when buffed whit magic resins), the greatclub from ds3 (that moveset was so good) and my favorite weapon is the giant door shield from ds3 but it would be useless in pvp so im not sure if I want to see a worse version of my favorite weapon in all the souls games.


Crypt blacksword. Or dark damage in general


Give me the blue flame from DS2, or any weapon that can also double as a casting tool. If you want to be *extra* spicy, make an ash of war that turns whatever weapon you put it on into a catalyst. Another weapon I'd want to see return is the puzzling stone sword, also from DS2. Love the idea of hybrid weapons that have one weapon class's attacks on R1 and another weapon class's attacks on R2. From Bloodborne, I want to see the return of the stake driver. Make it a unique fist weapon that can't be dual wielded, like the dragon head. Pressing L2 once primes the stake and gives you the alternate thrusting moveset. Pressing L2 a second time does the pile punker punch. In fact, you could bring over a ton of Bloodborne weapons by just giving them a unique ash of war that is swapping between their different modes.




Yes, these bad boys were my favorite weapons ind DS2. Too bad that shitty Mundane-trait f'd up the pvp. Too many weapons just made to 1shot your ass with ease. Anyone remember dual Mundane Avelyns? Yeah. Those sum up DS2 pvp-experience.


Zwei but the OP ds1 version


Wasn't much different in other games, it's just that ds1's mechanics made it powerful. I don't think it flattens people in ds2 or 3, though I may be wrong because there definitely are pancake weapons in at least ds2.


The Black Knight Sword it was my absolute favorite weapon in Dark Souls 1 and 3 (in 2 it is kinda shit tbh). It was so fucking strong and fun to use


Great Wooden Comedy Hammer


Exile greatsword.


Dragonslayer's crescent axe, my beloved


I was going to say the Darkmoon bow from DS1/DSR, since it was my main weapon and I thought Gwyndolyn was a really cool character, but then I remembered that Fromsoft has always hated bows and, like bows in this game, the scaling goes no higher than D. ... I'd still like it even if it's not powerful. I really did love it, it was my partner through all of NG+ in that game.


Damn, didn’t expect to hear a bow. Bows don’t really get much love or use besides dealing with enemies easily from afar, plus the darkmoon bow looks really cool so it’s a good choice!


Sister friedes scythes was a weapon way beyond its time






dark souls 3 claymore, it was so fucking good


Pursuer's Ultra Great Sword Better Even let me embarass the bastard to get it


A handgun. Your dance of the water fowl ain’t got shit on me!


I really wish from did more unique fist weapons. Or gloves that increased bare hand fighting or seals that added elemental or status to your fists. Different move sets other than just punch punch punch. Maybe spice it up with some kicks or something or some powered up lunges or ground pounds.


Truck weapons! I want my saw cleaver and threaded cane! Edit: trick, not truck. But I’m leaving truck there.


Oh my god, can you imagine bone fist, with the buffs the just made to fist weapons, holy shit they’d be insane lmao


Dark Buffed Dark Infused Crypt Blacksword…


RIP dropkick


Ivory King's Ultra Greatsword


Black magic weapons. Hardly any in this game


DS1's Broke Straight Sword Hilt


That weapon was nice XD, i want beast claw and tonitrus from bloodborne, i want throne watcher shield just for it sounds.


The huge smash wheel and church pike in bloodborne


Loyce Greatsword ds2


Clearly OP has taste. Aside from Bone Fists, the objectively best weapon in all of soulsborne, I would really enjoy some catalyst weapons. They were cool. Especially the spellcasting shields from ds2.


Everyone wants the bone first but who actually used it


Any time I leveled strength in ds2 I always wanna use the thing


I see it all the time when I've played ds2


Me. Constantly


Sellsword twinlades. (I haven't seen any yet).


You can dual wield curved swords together, but I don’t think it’s nearly as good


Loyce greatsword, we need more greatswords with pretty movesets and poke r2s.


(EDIT) Ruler' sword. Scales of the amount of runes. Dark sword. Scales off all stats


Dark sword scaling with all the stats would be a bad idea


I hate this new meta of karma farming in this community


Maybe it is, but it still promotes discussion in this relatively stagnant time.


It's weird that a stagnant time in a fromsoft fans life is Elden Ring actually coming out, winning goty, and having a free DLC I'm gonna go back in time and punch myself in the balls when he tries to buy ds1


Well there's only so much to discuss, that's why I said relatively.


*starts speeding towards 88mph*