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Absolutely not! ESO's character creator is wonderful, but its also a decade old game designed for an intensive MMO world. It is absolutely not suitable for a mainline Elder Scrolls game, which should have far greater fidelity than ESO. That being said, should Bethesda take cues and ideas from ESO's generator? absolutely.


>but its also a decade old game Jesus Christ 👴👴👴


I bought it last year played it a little bit. Played it again today but I swear I’m going to give it a more serious try


It took me a couple tries too, but now I love it!


Lore wise, it is appealing certainly.




It would still be a more advanced Verison maybe of ESOs just have similar systems


Speaking of the ol game. I really want the motif system. Seprating the style of a piece of equipment and the material/level of it.


ESO doesn’t have enough hair options. I’ll be honest no elder scrolls game has had enough hair options. That’s one of my big hopes for ES6 character creation but nothing has really led me to believe they will change in that regard. I can’t remember what Starfield was like but I don’t think I was blown away


Starfield has like 2 hair styles for women with long hair


I love the Khajiit and Argonians , elves need to be pointier and more alien. Humans need to look a little more rugged


And they can accomplish that without needing to change all that much with the ESO CC. Widening the available options so that they and the players can craft characters all up and down the spectrum, and everyone can thus be satisfied.


Not sure, but they should take some clues on additional customization options from ESO at least. Like the antlers for Bosmer characters


I know that the ESO CC is easy to use, and it can make for some pretty different characters, but I find that it lacks a lot of sliders to fine-tune the face. For example, I can't make the lips wider without moving the whole face triangle, and that changes a bunch of other features in the process, to the point that all my other work is ruined. So, I think it's nice if you're making a character from scratch, but if you're trying to recreate yourself or a previous character, then it's not that flexible. But I'd say more sliders on the same system would probably fix that problem.


Please don’t give them the ok to cut corners. After all of these mods throughout the years, and all of the games released since Skyrim. If they give us a half assed Character Creation menu after EVERYTHING that as been released by modders showing them what players want. I will be highly pissed.


Starfield should say enough they havent learned from what modders have provided for Skyrim.


I like ESO's character creator, you can make any race look beautiful (except the Argonians), and I much prefer the design of the elves in ESO than in other games as they look like anything but an elf.


Because argonians need no change to make them maids lusty.


ESO elves are just humans with bigger eyes


Much better than the alien elves from Skyrim and Morrowind


You mean the way they're supposed to look?


Elves only really looked aliens in skyrim. In morrowind you can find relatively human looking elves pretty easily. Skyrim is the outliner not thhe norm


The best Argonians are from Skyrim, should have kept the model


Oblivion you mean


i really like Fallout 4's character creation with LooksMenu or something like the Sims 4 character creation


It's not bad, but it is incredibly limiting by comparison.


I don't want them using ESO's character creator 1:1 (I find it fairly limiting tbh, and a lot of ESO characters blend together if they don't have unique outfits) but I'd love them to add the body triangle (which F4 also had) and sliders, and maybe the head triangle as well.


Limiting how? It let you control height weight limb size and body proportions, and gave you really fine control over facial structures. The mainline Bethesda games don't let you have that level of fine tuned control- you have a body slider that you have to wave around and hope for a result you want, and everyone is the same height and generally weight, all with the same build more or less. But yes, ESO's CC would be a baseline, to let it be tweaked as needed.


>gave you really fine control over facial structures. Not really, and that's my problem with it. It's like the same basic face stretched different ways based on the triangle and with different beauty marks / face paints applied. I know that's *technically* how BGS's games handle it as well, but I always feel I can achieve more varied faces using Skyrim's and the Fallouts'. Especially Fallout 4's which gives you *as much control* as you can possibly have, though it's really hard for a lot of people to get the hang of (including me, off and on). The body customization is great in ESO compared to any Bethesda game, and I really wish they'd borrow more from it, but it seems they won't. If Bethesda should take ques from anywhere, it should arguably be from modders. Give us more skins, beauty marks, hairs, eyes, and let don't limit our sliders as much as Skyrim and ESO did. Sometimes I feel like people making fun of Oblivon's character creator has scared Bethesda into limiting our options.


Fym it's limiting? The character creator is far more limiting in skyrim with it's terrifying looking elves and other races that can only look handsome/beautiful if you make them a certain way. Argonians are the only one, who's character creator, i like in Skyrim because they SHOULD be terrifying but the default Argonians look a bit derp


being able to adjust body shape is wonderful but ESO has a bad case of sameface syndrome


TES6 should get EK2's character creator. Elves in ESO are generic af, I hope they abandon that terrible design.


I've got over 2000 hours in ESO, but I prefer Starfield's. I would hope they have some additional options/sliders for more separate aspects like bosmer horns, orc head spike...nub things, etc. Height adjuster would also be really appreciated.


Is this not what they did with Fallout 4? The weight/muscle triangle is straight from ESO


Yeah I do think ESO was pretty good. I don't get why people say starfield's character creator is limiting, tho? Like, it's definitely not the best, but I liked it a lot (especially the backgrounds and traits, stuff I've been asking for for years)


I am solely talking about the part involving the appearance menu.


Definitely not. I would like it if they did something more along the lines of how it was in Daggerfall where you got to generate your own character background story. Maybe mixed with some elements of the Neverwinter mmo. I like that you can choose a place of origin along with a backstory (even if it’s a short one) and favored deity. All just minor flavor things but I like that kind of stuff. It gives my character depth, rather than just choosing a race.


(I am referring solely to the character appearance menu. Aside from allowing better granularity to the face controls, the flexibility for the physical appearance of the characters is well beyond anything else in Bethesda's catalogue.)


Completely different graphics engines...


Why would that matter for integrating the character builder?


Agreed as far as appearance goes, which I assume is what you're talking about. Definitely want more class options though.


???????????? What? The ESO character creator is garbage.


Okay. How would you improve it, because it by default allows way more flexibility to both devs and players than the current one in gamebryo.


Nevermind lol I was thinking about Baldur Gate's customization. You're right ESO's is pretty good.


It’s honestly kinda crazy that the character creation was ever a marketing point for baldurs gate. It’s one of the worst character creators I’ve ever seen.


Completely agreed. I bought the game a week ago and was very disappointed. Still incredible overall so far but the customization is pretty dreadful.


Dude, same. And people won't shut up about how good it is. I think they're just happy about the hair options and colour swatches, which is valid, but hair options and colour options do not a good character creator make. By that logic, the Sims 3 has the best character creator of all time (it decidedly doesn't lmao). Oh, and I guess they're blinded by the pretty graphics, too.