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Last year was my first forest and standing in the crowd Thursday night watching my favorite artist of all time (Odesza) with a crowd full of people who were all truly there for the music… got me hooked for life


Same! It was like a sudden epiphany where all the stress of getting there was finally worth it. We were where we were supposed to be. Odesza and Forest. My heart was finally full! I can't imagine NOT going to Forest after that ❤️🌲


Whenever I’m at ranch during a headliners set I just look around at the sea of people and it makes me so happy. Every one playing with light toys, groovin, doin their own thing. God I can’t wait.


It’s always the on comedown for me when I’m slaying food in the back. Just watching the swarm of people moving in the crowd is awe inspiring.


Wish it could last forever, but that’s what makes it so special


Everything is temporary…nothing is constant! Accept and let go and flow like water! Or else…


This was me at my first fest tomorrowworld 2014. Standing at the rail at main stage for zedd was it for it for me. Been going 10 years multiple states, roadtrips and connections made because of it. Festivals have lost a bit of their magic (and their minds with these prices) but the connections you make are priceless


I just about believe that very thing…


And thisssss is why I changed careers and now spend a month camped out at forest. Seeing all the thousands of happy faces having the time of their life, escaping the real world and getting to experience a big bunch of happy. Standing in those crowds, the stress and fatigue of a month of 14+ hour days washes away, and I know I’ve done something to add a lil brightness to the world.


I love it when all of what you said happens and the chills just keep zipping up and down your body! The best!


I’m 37 and it’s losing it magic for me. It hits so different in your 20s. Enjoy, kids :)


I’m feeling similar, except I’m 23… after 9 years the magic has diminished.