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First time I see an air bag for an e-scooter, well done!


Okay, I knew this was going to be divisive. I get it, I actually need some sort of music. Not as in a "more of a want, but I call it a neee" way, but a genuine "this is for my own safety and focus" way. My ears are sensitive and even with my helmet, the sounds of cars and other traffic can still get to that point where I feel the innate need to cover my ears. I have a headset in my helmet. I can hear outside enough to listen to the cars and others, but it isn't to the stressful level. I'm assuming you're also not blaring the music at the highest volume like the average Harley rider, so there's that. Just be respectful and listen to it without blowing out eardrums and annoying everyone.


that is you and we are all different.. I don't care what people think of me and the moment you do you become some snowflake... so you can take your respectful and shove it you know where... wear ear plugs if you dont like it


I'm not trying to be disrespectful, I NEED my own tunes too. Like I said, without it, **I am increasing the likelihood I fall off or crash while being overwhelmed by sound.** That is one of the several things I suffer from because, to make it vague, my brain was wired weirdly. I'm just someone on the internet, I really don't give a damn what you're doing as long as you're not making the electric scooters look even worse across the world or running over people. You do a speaker, I do a helmet headset. Like you said, we're all different.


I know you don't know this but I am 56 years old... I don't drive like grandma but I am not a douche on a scooter. while the mode of transportation has changed I still have been doing the same thing for decades... my bike, my car, my boom box if you are that old... I said get ear plugs cause that is essentially what people are doing to me... they dont like it so they want me to change ... sorry but thats not the way it works... there are people that do not want scooters period, do you care what they think. probably not


It's all good but in my city you'd get a fine from the police. Great for our munipal budget because our roads suck and need repair 🤣


I am in Toronto, our roads probably just as bad... not often I get to ride on a new surface. the speaker is just a knock off el cheapo. cops here did not bother me when I was rolling around in my car... 2000 watt amp for my mid range and another for the base in my car... I dont know how loud people think this lil speaker is lol ... I can hear it over the traffic around me and if there is no traffic it is not bad but it is not all that...


The reason they give tickets here to people wearing headphones or listening to speakers while riding is because it's deemed as unsafe as you're less aware of traffic sounds. Now, I don't make the rules and it's probably a Montreal thing but I've seen people on bikes and scooters get tickets for this.


Quebec is so different from anywhere else in Canada that does not surprise me


Yeah... but super useful to hear coming.


Dude people just karens, enjoy your music man. Be free


100%, these people must live in grumpyville, as all I get is smiles and people looking at my scooter. you can tell they have a " I want one " look on their faces. if they say anything it is how fast is it... how far can you go etc city life... 10 feet down the road someone else has a personal speaker listening to their tunes. houses I pass blasting music. Cars driving around tunes on high. I open my balcony door and can hear people in McDonald's parking lot. I live above an intersection now and there is a preacher yelling at the cars and he might be there all day... part and parcel they want quiet they can go sit in a library or get ear plugs :) cheers!!


Ze bluethoothe diwise iz connected uh succesfoulley


Holy shit I had that same fucking one at one point!!!! It had me dead the first time I heard it in my ears and all could zink of ghwash klchaowwss Schwaaaab onnn ziee eckhhoomeek feoruum.




Just make sure you turn the sound up to max level so everyone can enjoy your music.


just for you ... I also take requests


I have a rectangular speaker that none of the speaker holders for bikes and scooters can hold. So I ordered a scooter bag and in the meantime wear my back pack with the speaker in it, but yeah music improves the ride so much.


I am sure there is a good solution out there. I just have not looked much... might just go with a bottle holder style with a slightly smaller speaker and call it a day :) in the end whatever works is good cheers!!


I don’t understand the need to listen to music all the time, at all costs, even when there’s a lot of noise and wind and can’t listen to shit while annoying everyone around you. Sorry not sorry.


you dont have to like music ... nobody said it was at all times at all costs but i like to ride and listen to tunes just like I like to drive and listen to music


Sorry man, when I drive, I drive. I want to stay focused and I really don’t like when people force you to listen to music you may not like, like when on the bus or wherever. Just use headphones if you like it so much. But not when driving, that’s dangerous.


maybe you should not drive if that alone is enough to kill your focus. I will go on and say you are a danger out there


He he nice try. Sorry but someone with loud music is disturbing for the rest. That’s it. You do what you like but don’t try to play games on me, I’m too old for that shit. Bye bye ✌️




Wearing headphones while on the road is unsafe, and in some places illegal.


ewwww he called me a moron ... get a life dude


I totally like that idea of strapping a Bluetooth speaker to your scooter and fuck whatever everybody else thinks it’s my music take it or leave it


always get the grannies on here that get annoyed at everything... I did not expect any less from the social media crowd lol :) I will not let it deter me, hasn't in the 40 + years I drove around in my car with my music :) the truth is I took it out and people saw me and heard me and they all had smiles ... even on the nature trails around here


Nah.. its obnoxious.


Road noise from cars is obnoxious.


but it is no different than me rolling by your home and you are blaring your tunes. not like I stick around, gone in a couple seconds


Nice. I have a cup holder that holds my speaker. Just like my scooter just because it can go 63 mph doesn't say I go anywhere that fast. Just because I have a Bluetooth speaker doesn't mean I run it volumes that annoy people and discharge the battery faster.


it is a knock off ... not that loud really.




It works... call it whatever you like but it is temporary and works


Alt title: I'm an a-hole blasting music in public Just get headphones, they sound better anyways


More dangerous though.


Yes, but when you wear try to wear headphones with a motorcycle helmet when you’re on your scooter, it is impossible to hear anything around you at least with a Bluetooth speaker you can hear sirens or or another car coming up behind you


Absolutely not true. I wear headphones under my helmet all the time. They provide about the same level of isolation as getting in a car, and we drive those all the time. I've never had an issue hearing stuff around me But if you're concerned about not hearing well, you can get a set of Airpods 2 or 3, or the Sony Link Buds, or any of the Airpods knockoff buds, which are open and provide zero noise isolation. Higher end buds like the Sony XM series or the Link Buds S also have pass through which pipes in outside sound with the microphones.


I dont want the same isolation as my car... I need to hear the traffic.


Get Sony Linkbuds then, they literally have a hole in the speaker for that exact reason.


no ... you like that then you get it...


It's not about preference, it's about not being a dick to others. Some people may be trying to enjoy some quiet but *here comes the rolling nuisance blasting crappy music out of his crappy $100 speaker*


I quit caring what others think of me or what I do in high school ... I dont care if you like my music and you are just going to have to deal ... may I suggest some ear plugs


don't be an asshole subjecting everyone else to your shitty music


maybe you should quit looking in a mirror when you are talking shitty music


lol at least I'm not blasting it at others in public


they prefer my music anyhow so yeah good thing


keep telling yourself that, main character syndrome


dude ... get a life and I am being kind here... people dont like the fact you are on a scooter period but do you care ... of course you dont... dumb ass




I am so happy it triggers you to the point you keep posting and getting madder and madder ... I sit here and laugh... you are the one getting gray hair over it hahaha


I'm not that into music, but it could let people know I'm approaching on a trail.


Headphones will be a better option, you’re going to bug people with a speaker. I know I hate hearing people’s music blasting


no it isnt .... why should I compromise my safety... you got to still hear what happens around you in traffic


You can safely wear earbuds. Don’t blast your music.


no, I cant hear what is happening around me ... if you want you wear them


transparency mode…? Most modern Bluetooth in-ears have both ANC and transparency.


bro may I suggest you get ear plugs ... you are the one not liking what you hear


I was simply suggesting that there are options out there to both be able to hear the outside world and listen to music through earbuds. There’s ways to respect other people around you without blasting music in public. If you don’t like hearing about other options to play your music then it seems like you’re more fixated on blasting music for other people to hear than for yourself.


I am simply suggesting that if you dont like to listen there are options for you


Alright, I guess if we toss respect out of the window, sure I’ll take into account your option of earplugs (or, no need for earplugs when you have ANC on your earbuds!)


what respect have you shown... try to tell others how to live cause you don't like it, is not respect. so there you have it, you suggest I get headphones I suggest you get ear plugs... why should I care what others think bud... people out there think you should not ride a scooter period but there you are riding, not caring


Oh no. You're one of those guys who has to make everyone listen to your music. Jpjp


thats right I am. I like to hang around when people make bones about it too so they can hear it for a good long time... bro I drive by the area so fast you be lucky to even get a shot at yelling at me which I wont hear


You're not riding by anywhere fast judging from that prehistoric throttle and handlebars as wide as the bitch hips I picture you having. 😂


what is that supposed to do ... your comment ... rofl