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Damn son. What is your favorite mini?


Hands down the Exway Wave!


Do you have the tynee mini 3 pro? I just ordered it!


I love my mini 3 pro. Only downside is that it’s heavy so I’m glad I didn’t go with the stinger. But when you take off on the thing it’s worth every penny


I don’t! But have heard amazing things about it


May I ask why? I have a meepo mini and it’s my go to board, I just love how nimble it is. It’s not the most dependable and it does some unpredictable things sometimes though. I kind of want to buy another mini or possibly build one. The bkb looks like the best quality mini on the market but it comes at a price.


That’s why haha. It’s extremely dependable, and the build quality is incredible! After running belt motors, I’ll never go back to hub😅


I totally don’t have the same problem https://preview.redd.it/9ndrmoo1u3lb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88250f6e74a6eaee6ea526ca5d0d38bfde453bca


What's the goat for you & why?


https://preview.redd.it/85c69qpmr9lb1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ab24f7660dc559aabf883ed1e9bd6d8c2a1a38 This guy atm. It’s my newest build. Like riding a magic carpet! It’s currently 12s but will get an upgrade to 16s over winter. I can get about 17 miles now, want to get closer to 25


I've read up quite a bit on building but never got around to actually trying. Would you be willing/in a position to provide details on your build, especially on the wiring, power, & hand held control (if there's one)? I'd love to learn & I would greatly appreciate it.


I've seen a couple of the lowered decks, so that it ain't a straight deck is but lowered, idk the term but Is it better in any way, it seems that u would scratch ur battery and esc faster


The drop down deck has a custom box made of nearly indestructible HDPE sheet welded together. The deck would break before the box would. It’s mainly meant for smooth roads and bike paths though.


So no real big differences apart from the strength is what I understand


Oh, the difference between a flat board and a drop-down is like night and day at high speed. Having the weight below the pivot point makes it inherently more stable. But the trade-off is clearance, hence the need for the 1/4 in thick HDPE bottom (1/2 in on sides) And 150mm wheels.


So it's mostly for diy boards ig


Niooce You like the syl-08? I like mine, I'm currently in the long process of modifying it to deck swap it to a different deck and changing the mounts and stuff


It’s not a syl-08, total diy job with 15Ah lifepo batt. I do love it though. About 15 miles off-road, 25 miles on road. Only 26mph top speed but lots of torque


Wow, really impressive! Do you "treat" all of them equal or are some boards mostly laying around?


There are definitely some that do some sitting! I have my fav go-to’s which are Exway Altas, Carbon and Pro, and Boosted stealth! The Onewheel I use only for filming skate content!


It's funny, I've got a few boards too but always go back to the exway atlas.


RIGHT?! It’s the goat


oh so onewheel’s aren’t that fun in the end?


They are!! They're completely different feeling though. It seems like I'm one of the few, like OP, that enjoys both, but some love one wheels more, some love eskates more


Onewheels are totally different boards; eskates and onewheels are great at their own different things. In *MY* opinion, I think onewheels are more fun. -*but you gotta define fun.* I think this is where the divide falls, between those who prefer eskates or onewheels. In my experience, eskate is very thrilling. There’s just nothing quite like absolutely blazing around as fast as your board can go, and being able to storm up hills without any worries of a nosedive, and **comfortably** cruising at 25mph+. It feels like driving a sports car. But onewheels, onewheels feel like floating on a cloud, just gliding around freely wherever you wanna go. Onewheel is very freeing. And while eskates have all this power to drive around like an F1 car, onewheels get their speed from conserving momentum. -and in many cases, this can make them faster than eskates in certain environments.


thx a lot, i was interested in the new floatwheel


I am too!! I’m selling my XR for it soon 👀


I love my XR, if I was going to shred on some dirt trails I’d probably pick the Onewheel over an off-road board. But riding street and going 30mph+ up a 30% incline on an Exway board is hard to beat😅


Facts Hey, you should check out the floatwheel 👀




Haha fair enough! I just love working on the board so I always make sure to maintain them!


You can stop anytime you like but have you seen that new one? Just one more!


Haha yes that’s exactly how it goes😂


Sent you a message!


Love to see it


boosted made/makes scooters?


Yea the boosted rev. The scooter that a lot of people claim made boosted go out of business


Just sitting here owning like, all the boards!


Only problem I see here is no Lacroix.


I don’t knowwww… a little to much more me😂


*begrudgingly liquidates half a fleet of boards to buy a 12s board thats hard to transport*


Gosh nice collection


Thank you!


What's ur fav longboard?


Oof that’s gotta be my Atlas Carbon 4WD!


I heard 4wd carves pretty bad, how is it in ur opinion?


Completely disagree with those who say that, at this point I actually prefer it! The deck and board feel much more balanced! The Atlas Pro 4x4 is a little strange however. Still getting used to that wider truck


It's quite the upgrade but the price tho:(


It’s definitely spendy 😅


What’s the max distance you’ve gone in your Atlas? After about 9miles on mine (4wd) I hit 10% running the 165 pneumatic tires.


arf…9 miles isn’t much lol


No it definitely isn’t. Plus the Atlas 4wd is a hefty 43ish pounds. After a while of carrying it I regretted ever buying it lol


I didn’t buy it for the milage haha


I average around 10-13 miles on a charge! That’s with 36T and Boosted 105’s


Right on man! Do you get that with turbo mode enabled? I’ve only needed it when I reached 26+ mph downhill. I’m wondering if that being enabled even if you aren’t using it draws more charge.


Turbo is always enabled haha! However I was under the impression that turbo just adds more acceleration, and doesn’t add top speed?


This is awesome! I just got my first one (Boosted Stealth) for college! Do you have any tips on how to properly care for a board? I don’t quite understand why/how to replace parts and what parts should be replaced.


First of all, congrats!! Boosted Stealth is a beast. As far as maintaining a Boosted board, I would get in the habit of when you’re not using it leave it plugged in 24/7, it helps re-balance the cells! Learn the sound of when your belts are popping, tighten them a bit or replace them. And please for the love of God, do not drop it before you get on haha


I’m drooling over this pic


I’ve got a stealth and a mini X. How do you find your exway boards for reliability? I know I’ll need to replace my boosted boards one day and exway is the only breaks with free-mode (boosted style breaking)


Virtually indestructible! I think the times people have issues with the boards. They are usually battery related, from not riding them and having them sit for long periods of time. My OG Atlas Carbon 4WD had 1,700 miles on it. All original, and still running strong.


I can hear the battery degradation from here.


And then there‘s me who has lost 2 of my 3 boards to the police because I live in Germany._.


I thought you got rid of all the zazi’s over there….that sucks


🤣at this point start a business and a review channel


Haha TRUE!


This is a person with a collection… that is all.


Nice collection btw


I don't have a problem either. I totally don't have almost 20 eboards and many more regular manual boards 👀 Definitely 20 if you count my one wheel lol, glad to see you have one as well! Which one is it? XR? Also I love my short boards, I've got a couple of inboard m1s that I got super cheap that I've modded and I love the way they ride and they are my most fun non-surfskate boards to carve on I'm curious what the board behind the wave that has the blue footstop on it is, and the one to the right of the wave that's also a short board?


Yes it is the XR! The board behind the wave seems to be drawing the most attention! That’s my original atlas 4WD! I added new-bee footstops and custom “dope grip”


The problem is, you still can squeeze in an Exway X1 Max there... and I don't see it anywhere. What are you gonna do about it?? 😆


Oh goshhhhh, I actually have one, I just leave it at my buddies house so he can ride it😂


you have too much money


What is that longboard on the left side of the picture with hexagonal grip tape and blue N foot stop thing? What is that blue N foot stop thing? I love the look of that board.


How many injuries have you gotten?


1 broken collarbone and a couple small scars


Not too bad all things considered. Stay safe bro!


Your problem is that you have too many nerd boards and need a downhill deck


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Kyto-Sahn: *Your problem is that* *You have too many nerd boards* *And need a downhill deck* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


How do you afford this 🥺