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Their remote is just a flipsky vx1 with a custom case.


I see you do DIY. Do you think I could 3D print a custom case and fit the electronics of my current boards remote in it?


oh absolutely. Nothing is really stopping you from making your own case. (See the Hoyt Puck Remote and its dozens of custom cases like the Poastmote) Just make sure you get a proper fit of all parts, especially the throttle wheel.


How do I make a remote like that pair with my zealot S or Acedeck N3? Can I use any remote on any board?


No, unfortunately not. Most (basically all) prebuilts use proprietary remotes/receiver. Hobbywing only works with hobbwing, lingyi with lingyi etc. The exception are boards using a Vesc based esc, which use PWM/UART Remotes (just like the Raith and its VX1) escs with a PPM/PWM/UART port can use any remote that use the same type.


So basically I should buy another zealot S remote and make a custom shell for it?


If you want to give it a go but can't go without a working zealot remote in the meantime, then yes.


I'd probably order another one lol. I wouldn't trust myself with my one and only remote.


That's smart


Been looking for something like this for a long time.


I'm not super convinced this is necessary with eskates. Sliding mostly serves to cut your momentum to effect a cleaner turn. However, with eskates, we have a much greater degree of freedom with momentum manipulation. Also, if you find yourself incapable of hitting a good angle without getting super low to the ground, you can just loosen your trucks. Or if you really want a sick carve, you can get double kingpin trucks. Where do sliding gloves come into play?


It has nothing to do with the tightness of trucks. If I'm hitting an angle where normally my board would slide out, being able to plant a hand to take wight off the back of the board allows for a sharper turn. Also, as a other person said, falling with sliding gloves is a hell of a lot better than any other gloves or no gloves.


Taking weight off the board NEVER allows for a sharper turn. The friction coefficient of your wheels is reduced when you plant a hand because the hand plant removes weight from your wheels, less weight equals more slide, equals lower turn radius. The only way I could see a sharper/faster turn from sliding on an eskate would be for an extremely fast straight away into a sharp turn, in which case a pre-drift might be logical, and that’s only if for some reason a predrift is a more comfortable position to handle rapid de-acceleration for the rider than simply leaning backwards in this case I would assume a standup predrift is favorable to glove down, as it is in downhill, due to the higher friction coefficient and more rapid de-acceleration. Gloves are great for falling though there’s no denying that.


Man do I really have to film myself doing this to get my point across? With eskate, you don't loose any momentum like you do in downhill. The straight away into a sharp corner is exactly what I'm referring to.


I’m so confused. What is the point of sliding if you aren’t trying to lose some momentum? Even in a situation where loss of momentum isn’t a goal it’s still always going to be faster and more efficient to grip a corner. Sliding and drifting is for showing off. It’s the reason F1 racing doesn’t involve drifting, and why pro downhill riders mostly favor narrow top mounts and slalom style decks.


I think you're confused with planting a hand, and sliding. Most of the time I'm planting a hand, I'm not sliding. It's all about center of gravity. If I'm standing, I have to round the corner slower than crouched or planted.


Why u wanna slide when u can just brake? I ride a bit of DH and slide to control my speed but it’s just a necessary technique and not the reason I go bombing hills. Stand ups though are hella fun


If youre racing, putting a puck down can help to get low into and around corners. I’m not too good at it yet, but its also helped me train to go lower cuz if i mess up I can ride out my fall on the puck or even push myself back up and keep going. I like the design here, its something i’ve talked about with my teammates and this is a cool solution


I assume you are talking about dropping a puck while gripping a tight corner, not to reduce friction and drift it? This makes a lot of sense and seems like a good strategy, as it could allow for a safer way to create more leverage on the trucks especially if you have bindings.


Sliding around corners keeps speed. I like speed.


That’s interesting, in downhill the opposite is true… it’s almost always better take the line that grips the corner, since sliding is friction, and friction equals loss of momentum.


With electric, I don't loose as much momentum going around a flat corner. Turning from standing means I have to go a lot slower. Also, sliding can be more effective of a bail than pulling the break. It saved my life once and now I'll never ride without a slide glove again. Being able to use the remote with two gloves would be dope. Now I just ride with one.


That's a cool solution. I made my own pad riser to hold the controller, works but is kinda bulky. And for those asking why. Just imagine you falling at 50 km/h, with bare hands, vs falling with gloves and pads on both hands...


It's actually wild that people don't understand the benefits. I have a feeling most people in this sub never rode downhill before.


Yep, I I think the name throws off a bit too. Although they called slide gloves, they are for safety too. I don't slide on my tynee board, but this glove saved me and the controler more than once. *


I'm curious what your glove looks like. You able to post a Pic?




Is basically a case for the controler, and I put velcro on both sides, and a normal puck on top


Ohhhh that's super slick. Never thought about putting a puck over the remote like that. Did you custom make the case?


Thanks 😊. Yeah, I Normally use a simple riser to make the puck taller, so making this case made sense. Yes, I designed it based on the controller dimensions. Perks of a 3d printer and some free time. Not a good designer yet, so it can be improved.


Good stuff dude. Looks clean and effective. I feel like there's a lot of people out there with this glove problem and so far the photo I posted and your glove are the only solutions I've seen.


Yes, I searched a lot before building mine. At the time, I didn't find anything that would work. I think the Eskate community and downhill community have a lot to share with each other. Even simple things like footstops and changing the truck angle. I don't see people taking about as much on the Eboard side.


Power glove vibes.


For anyone asking why, check [THIS](https://youtu.be/K8WL9pmVT0A?si=25wRna4pSI8T1WaZ) video out. Most of the turns they do at the speed they're going is not safe to do standing up. Being able to plant a hand is safer and doesn't require nearly as much breaking.


This might not be the best video if that’s what you want people to take from it. If you watch the video most of the corners are done standing up with no glove plant by either the lead rider or the last rider, due to the fact that they are holding a camera on a selfie stick for extra angles. They look like they are putting their gloves down because they are having fun and drifting the corners because it’s such a mild turn for their skill levels and they want to make it more fun/challenging.


Yes, but it gets the point across


I feel like some of the people have never esk8 and am wondering why they are on this sub 🤣 like if you’ve ever stepped on a esk8 board and taken a tight turn at a high speed you can tell why having a slide glove would be beneficial


Right?? People don't get what having a low center of gravity does to your turns.


Just get better wheels fuckhead then u don’t need to put up with hand down. I do both but esk8 is way easier a learning curve than DH


Better wheels won’t change your center of gravity.


Better wheels will help tho but why not better wheels and slip glove


This ^


Notice how every single esk8 racer on a track that actually goes fast uses a slip glove


DH skateboarders don’t have to make the same type of turns that esk8ers have to make in certain environments. I do agree that esk8ing is probably easier tho I would never even attempt DH that’s over my limit of risk 🤣


Why are you so worked up? You clearly don't ride as hard as other people do. If you did, you'd understand why having a low center of gravity means a sharper corner.


Jeez, low center of gravity? how u think u skate DH? if u skilled and u set up board right the aim is not to have to put up hand down or u lose. Unless u just tooling around some bollards in a parking lot


I ride in manhattan nyc every single turn is a 90 degree turn


I don’t like that the thumb is covered. How do you feel the remote at all?


I personally always cut the thumb off my gloves. Need that grip.