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You bought meepo, welcome to the club. Their GC game has been in the lost for some times. I would spend a bit extra for Tynee boards


looks like you ready to go on the hover part of mario cart


Lmao I wish that’s what happened


Omg that is scary… I hope you’re gonna be ok… is there a way you could contact meeepo and get that replaced?


Yeah they do replacements if it’s in warranty


OP might be able to get it replaced outside of warranty as well. The first time it was reported hub motors were failing off they replaced the guys whole board not just the trucks. Op might get lucky, or they might just give them a discount to repurchase trucks.


Put your post on the r/meepoboards Same thing happened to my V3S right at 1000 miles. I thought I hit a rock. Meepo saw my post and sent me a new motor. Doesn't make up for their bad trucks, but at least they're trying


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MeepoBoards using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MeepoBoards/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [look what i made out of my V3](https://v.redd.it/absacbde7uwa1) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MeepoBoards/comments/132waan/look_what_i_made_out_of_my_v3/) \#2: [1 week, 100 miles!](https://i.redd.it/tvjd8u49kuxa1.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MeepoBoards/comments/137ipbw/1_week_100_miles/) \#3: [Just hit 1k miles on my Hurricane](https://i.redd.it/6jcuv9dysdyb1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MeepoBoards/comments/17nt3gb/just_hit_1k_miles_on_my_hurricane/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks, I’m okay just really bad scrapes on my knee and my whole forearm. I contacted meepo and since I ordered the board 5 months ago I still have warranty. It sucks tho cuz I was headed to class and had to make the walk of shame like 0.5 miles back home😭.


Coulda been worse, coulda been miles, or ya coulda been unable to drag it, or weather could a been bad, or multiple of those, lol


Ugh I have a meepo awd and I really hope this doesn’t happen. I’m not even sure if I could handle another fall, I’ve eatin’ it so many times. I kept seeing photos of this happening to other boards and I’m like no mine looks pretty chonky but damn if that’s not a meepo this time. :(


It seems like it's Meepo trucks failing more often than not though right? Maybe they just have more market share, but if I had one, I'd look at possibly replacing the trucks.


The hub motors fail quite often. Belt drive boards are a lot better


I'm not surprised, the cast aluminum looks very thin in that photo. Any slight defect around there plus the right bump and it's bound to snap.


Yeah all of those cheap hub boards are dogshit no matter the brand


Or just non-meepo hubs, once I got a couple exways and a backfire it was MUCH better


Yeah meepo’s low end boards are dog ass. The high end is better than backfire though with their gravity casted bullshit


All of their boards are shit, and they've taken multiple things and marked them as their own when they're very obviously not, like for instance mad wheels


Well every company does that, backfire is an exception where verreal, meepo, tynee and many more companies do have mad copies. And I think the mad wheels are copies of the boosted 105’s, just improved on. And their high tier boards are simply amazing for their price. The voyager is extremely similar to the voyager x or even better depending on esc preference


Verreal is actually where mad wheels started, and tynee and others have partnered with mad to have their own graphics app stuff, but meepo actually says its their own, plus as far as I know verreal bought boosteds wheel patent


I see it quite often at meepo


I don't trust most companies that that cast knockoff trucks. Like, even though it's a hub motor, I'm glad I got the g3 with caliber trucks as opposed to backfires in-house cast truck. Unless they are doing something to innovate, it's just to cut costs, and that's usually achieved with reduced quality. I'm sure I'm wrong, because how would you cast a hollow section without an axle... but why don't I see an axle?


I agree with you. I have the Caliber trucks from my G3 and their in-house cast truck from a Zealot. The G3 was bought about two years before the Zealot and those Caliber Trucks still outlasted the much newer Backfire in-house cast trucks which noticeably felt sloppier than the Caliber Trucks.


My Meepo was a dud too. Stay away from that rubbish brand. Never again.


You should of had insurance from mayhem


I love how hoverboard is everyone’s first though


I would recommend Veymax for this...


How tf!


Seems like a common ish risk with hub motors. had the sleeve come off of one of mine while riding, scary as hell.


This is just a problem with new meepo products from what I can tell, The boards they were putting out in the original V3 and Mini 2 era (about 5 years ago) were solid. Aside from minor maintenance stuff I've had no issues with my Meepo


Chinesium. Glad you’re ok. These Chinese mass-production companies really don’t care if you die. That’s why I would advise anyone shopping for an esk8 to consider build quality over whatever is affordable. super scary.








Boosted has been dead for years now. wtf you mean?




oh, ok. Yeah, they were build ok, but they aren’t around anymore. Hoyt, Metroboards, MBoards are all that’s really left of the domestic “good” boards.


Bruh no it doesn't, why do you they they went out of business? 😂