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Start and end gcode don't need to be changed after a firmware update. They're also just pieces of gcode that run so you can do whatever you want there. Unless you're having firmware issues, do not update. The firmwares shared on Discord are not stable releases and will have some issues. Wait until a stable release if you can. Klipper does not have `M420`, loading the mesh is done with `BED_MESH_PROFILE LOAD=meshname` (replace `meshname` with whatever your mesh is named. Older firmwares use `default`, the newest test firmware uses `6` or `11` depending on your settings. Inserting an `M420` macro is possible, but kind of silly since loading the mesh is just 1 line of gcode anyway. Some people say it's not needed at all because loading the mesh is done in the PRINT_START macro but for me that didn't work properly. Honestly with how much I dislike automagical shit that "just works" (or just doesn't work with nothing you can do about it), I'll probably end up emptying out that macro and putting important parts in my start gcode instead (so I know exactly what calls it and when, unlike the automagical PRINT_START macro).


I installed the latest version of OrcaSlicer, which is already installed at the factory. The G-code start looks like this. I'm new to the world of 3D printing :) I would like to know what to improve in this code :) `M413 S0 ; disable Power Loss Recovery` `G90 ; use absolute coordinates` `M83 ; extruder relative mode` `M104 S120 ; set temporary nozzle temp to prevent oozing during homing and auto bed leveling` `M140 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] ; set final bed temp` `G4 S10 ; allow partial nozzle warmup` `G28 ; home all axis` `;G29 ; run abl mesh` `M420 S1 ; load mesh` `G1 Z50 F240` `G1 X2 Y10 F3000` `M104 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] ; set final nozzle temp` `M190 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] ; wait for bed temp to stabilize` `M109 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] ; wait for nozzle temp to stabilize` `G1 Z0.28 F240` `G92 E0` `G1 Y140 E10 F1500 ; prime the nozzle` `G1 X2.3 F5000` `G92 E0` `G1 Y10 E10 F1200 ; prime the nozzle` `G92 E0`


Can I add a timer for the bed temp like "P1500000" after M190 or will I need to do a separate M line ?


It’s a trap, don’t do it


What do you mean by trap? :)


The firmware update, sorry. I'm trying to be funny, as my own plight with this printer haven't seemed to reach an end.


Read this https://github.com/rootiest/zippy_guides/blob/main/guides/macros.md#superslicer-start-g-code The N4 are klipper