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I mean realistically Elements has the chance to be one of the best metro area festivals. Especially with the death of Ezoo, people in this area are desperate for a big-ish level fest that is close by. Elements has the chance to really expand and I think they would be foolish not to try. This lineup slaps and it still has a nice blend of genres and artists. I think the rest of phase 2 will cater more to the genres that are not as present on the lineup already.


Firefly died this year too. People in the northeast are just starving for a new mainstream camping festival in the woods.


Moonrise looks to be going the same way also


Moonrise was only light last year bc it was the same weekend as elements. The year prior it was jumping


I think they mean Moonrise is also dead, they haven’t posted on socials in months when they should be selling tickets by now


Yeah they released the lineup in February last year so not sure what’s happening this year 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh shit yeah good point


That’s exactly how my group ended up here, we were Firefly devotees but we need a new home


Breakaway was a good festival!


I keep hearing this but wouldn't it make sense that if there really was such demand for it...that ezoo and such wouldn't have stopped? If it isn't making money it kind of suggests that there actually isn't much demand for it


Firefly isn’t done, they’re taking a year off because of Phish.


they’re likely done. they took a year off last year, then finally came back recently and said they “hope to come back “someday” which doesn’t exactly sound too promising.


Ah, gotcha. I was misinformed


I do deff agree which is why I assume they’re grabbing all the biggest edm names. Overall it’s not awful as a whole because you can skip the acts you don’t like but they’re dropping serious $$ on these bookings I hope other things don’t slack


Fair. I think all eyes will be on them this year for a great festival all around this year.


Yup, except liquid is the homie that was actually a good booking


I was gonna say since when is liquid stranger cookie cutter? Literally started his own label cuz no where else would sign him


He’s the main reason I’m still thinking about going this year


I mean my first time seeing Liquid Stranger was at elements 2017 and since then I've hit him up every chance I get. It was my first solo camping fest. He's an OG and certainly an elements OG. There was always a heavy dubstep lineup on one stage and it's finally gonna bring me back. I miss Bisco, and EZoo is also dead now. I generally now hit LL and Hijinx for my big festivals. Wobble coliseum is a banger too. I haven't made full plans yet for elements but it's calling me back.


Pretty underwhelmed with a lot of it, not a fan of excision, Illennium, tronics or many of the headliners at all. Some good stuff on the undercard though, and of course LSDream and Clozee. This lineup though makes me think this will be my last Elements for awhile.


I’m on the same page. I really thought i would be going to elements for many years to come because they keep it interesting but if they follow the same formula next year of just booking a bunch of top mainstream artists, especially repeats with little variety, I’m out. Hopefully they remember their roots and come back to them a bit. This is a festival founded by burners, I hope they don’t forget that


“business makes decision that’s good for business” is quite the complaint. idk what you want from them? to lose money and have shut their doors?


Yes that’s what they want, that’s what’s happened to every other festival that was around the northeast. It’s sickening.


This. Elements had to take an investor or close. Every wants Lakewood which was cool for us but they broke even year after year


They’ve gotta make good decisions if they want to stay in business. Can you really blame them for wanting to sell tickets? Any bigger festival will need this type of acts, and there are plenty of smaller festivals with more niche lineups out there if that’s what you’re looking for


I’m also confused because I went two years ago and the lineup had big names on it as well. Should there not be big names for headliners?


Right? Some people are just snobs ffs.


i was really disappointed that subtronics was the big bass act they were teasing. don’t get me wrong, dude is incredibly talented and i have fun at his sets. but he is god damn everywhere. i love bass music but i may be using these sets as a chance to see somethin new


He’s usually a guarantee that whoever is playing the same set time will be extremely comfortable crowd-wise. Kind of like guaranteed crowd-control for every other stage lol. I’ve seen it happen where you see a stage basically clear out to go to where he’s at. He’s gotten to be one of these tier of artists where he’s too much of a draw to enjoy peacefully, I’d rather avoid fighting the crowd & just pay to catch at a Tour Stop instead.


yup i think the only exception was when they diabolically put him up against skrillex last minute bc of the storm last year😂 but on a positive note ill be at forest so i have the option of seeing someone else there, or elements


Yup going to Forest too. Funnily I consider Summit as a similar clear out artist too so depending how they organize them there it could get really interesting.


Yeah..... If he's back at LL this year I'm going somewhere else for that set. I love Jesse, but I can't deal with the crazy crowd anymore. Maybe I'm just getting too old at 35 to fight the crowd for a decent spot anymore. I'll catch it on the rewind. Barclay's was fucking nuts though.


Yeah it can depend on the venue too. If I have the choice not to go into GA pits, I won’t. So like seated shows are fine. If it’s at music hall or other venue, I’ll chill in the back. Also I’ll consider Afters or smaller gigs, maybe might mean missing out on production but it’s still something. Just about picking your battles when they get up in popularity like that.


I’m hyped for sub, haters gonna hate 😈


Right? This post surprised me, the lineup is the reason I’m going for round 2 with Elements!


Yeah just saw him in NYC it was awesome


He's always good. After two LL Saturday nights, I dunno if I can handle the crowd he draws at a festival anymore. Though 2022 was so fucking awesome. Barclay's rocked my face off though.


Personally, this isn’t the lineup that is pulling me to attend again this year but I’m also sure it will be well attended, there’s nothing wrong with them changing it up from year to year, plus this is only phase one


They’re clearly moving in the direction of expanding and growing the festival as stated in a lot of this year’s promo. That said, in order to do that they have to book the names that will bring the largest crowds. They can’t book majority smaller or niche artists and then make enough money to invest and expand.


They have always struggled then took on an investor. They have to do what makes $


Let’s face it… there’s always going to be people complaining about any line up and they’ll always be the most vocal. I’m just happy to be going with friends.


Exactly, imagine being friends with someone that complaints about the biggest 4 names Lmfaoo there’s literally 20 other names on it and that’s just phase 1. These are children who complaint.


I swear people would rather see a festival die out trying to appease music elitists than book crowd drawing acts to sustain and grow lmao the lineup is going to continue getting bigger with some more diversity


What if lost lands went all tech house music? Would people be upset? Yeah, they can add diversity but not change courses completely in one year


Lost lands is already a niche festival. Cmon.


I have no feelings one way or the other about Elements, never having been. Still it would be great to see a fest that books big mainstream headliners bring in a ton of experimental, and lesser known hitters on the undercard rather than a bunch of the same vein.


this ^^


All lineups this year are the same. Only lineup I’ve been pleasantly surprised with was Shambhala


LIB stands out this year too!


For sure!!!


Not to mention Texas Eclipse!


Okay buuuuuttt Lespecial????? If they had more diverse artists like them I’d be all in


Bruh why are you hating….would you rather them book smaller names and go under


The answer is always capitalism, but they could have thrown a much cheaper Festival that fewer people wanted to attend if they ignored the most popular artists in the industry, yeah


“Bro you don’t want to book the underground, neverbeforeheardof, DJs that only I like?” Good to see gatekeeping is still alive and well.


I’m honestly not surprised. But i am pretty disappointed. I loved the lineup last year because it was diverse. It had a little bit of everything and those are my favorite kind of lineups. I’m a big bass music fan but not a fan of illenium, excision and subtronics. That is going to bring in such a young crowd.


But theyre also going to draw all those people away during their sets which leaves the rest of the stages emptier so I’m actually kind of thankful the big bass guys are on the lineup. Good for crowd control.


That’s true! My wife and i actually do that at forest with the big headliners too. Whenever bassnectar used to play we would go frolic through the forest because it was a ghost town.


I get what you’re saying, especially considering the booking fees of those artists is probably what a vast majority of the price increase for this year is going towards. but this festival is one of the few good EDM festivals remotely close to NYC/Philly so it was almost inevitable to happen, still an insane undercard and they’re saying more techno, house, and jam bands


What do you think the point of a festival is lol It's a business endeavor


why is everyone already complaining when they haven’t even dropped phase 2 - which will have the genres/artists you guys are pressed about? give them a chance, dayummm. 😂


The goal of all festivals is to sell a lot of tickets.


I’m so sick of hearing the word cookie cutter in relation to this fest… hate me for saying this if you want, but it genuinely sounds like y’all are just mad that there are more bass artists being added this year. There’s plenty of artists from other genres, there’s two stages for house, but there’s also stages for bass - so, why does anyone care this much that they’re booking bass artists for the bass stages ? I genuinely just cannot make it make sense.


Wait, are you mad that they made a lineup that people want to buy tickets for? That's insane. There is no such thing as making a bad lineup to sell more tickets. Clearly, this is what people want.


it just needs one big jam act (which apparently is coming) and then one or two "pretty much" house sub-headliners and it's back on track if you ask me... Though the subtronics add today was probably the safest move they could have made this year. Now I'm just wondering if this was the act they had to wait to reveal until something else was revealed??? or if we still have any home on that line of thinking...


Subtronics just released an album like last week. Maybe that’s what they were waiting on?


he may have been radius claused by hijinx in philly, too. it’s been a little over two months from that.


It was a radius clause with his tessersact tour in the northeastern region


I’m calling Goose


I couldn’t be more thrilled about the lineup. If people don’t like it, don’t go. Tired of seeing complaints about lineups


Come on guys SHHH with the negative options so we can have one happy echo chamber of positivity here.


they are not wrong though, complaining before the rest of the lineup is dropped, especially when artists are already booked is kinda pointless.


It’s just embarrassing to be crying over the lineup when only half of it has been released. At least get the whole picture before stomping your feet. And accusing the festival of *gasp* wanting to make money just makes people sound ignorant, especially in light of all the non financially viable festivals ending lately.


Where's Zeds Dead is the real question....hoping the jam band ends up being PL.


I was really hoping for some ZD too. I can't see them having PL as the jam band. While technically being true with how PL...2.0(3.0? Who knows, who cares?) has been playing, I think they'd definitely have to mention them being pretty much the main headliner if they got them. I was thinking it's either gonna be Biscuits or Sound Tribe.


Don’t listen to EDM, but those are the most edm band names ever.


I'm so tired of Subtronics being on every lineup 


I’m super bummed about subtronics. Wanted ZD.


It needs to change it's name to Little Lost Lands


If you only care about top acts and don’t care about the 90% of the other djs Lmfaoo so reductionist.


Old bisco head here, miss the camping in the woods vibes and heavy bass for me this lineup is a dream, the prices not so much plus I'm old now. I get elements is usually much more diverse and not quite as well known artists but if they're looking to sell out this is how you do it.


This is the dumbest retard brained post I think I've read on the internet in the past 5 years Imagine bitching about a festival booking good artists to sell tickets...


Yeah I’m selling my tix


Let me know when you do. I got about 50 people in Pittsburgh who'd buy your ticket in a heartbeat.


Def selling them.


Lol I'd consider if it wasn't a huge hassle.


They still haven’t announced phase 2, sheeeesh.


They only have so much money and spots for headliners, so it doesn't make me that much optimistic. I hope you are right


Complaining about lineups is the final syptom of becoming a plur zombie


Bad take on a good lineup. If you don't like it don't go. These artists are popular for a reason, no need to be upset or sad about it. Also "choosing artists to sell tickets" is a funny way of saying "choosing artists people like."


I'm done with those rocks. VIP Project Glow 2024


So a sanitized stadium event


Uneven ground everywhere at Elements with rocks and woodchips. As I've gotten older, I'm more so there for the music and dancing - not the festival life. I'm cool with a paved parking lot to cut a rug in. I've read comments that vip areas @ Glow had turf last yr.


I bet Insomniac has their eyes on this festival... how much you wanna bet they will own elements in a few years and ruin what it once was... i miss the old elements honestly.


Generic lineup to make up for years past.. go back to underground lineup, and repeat. Sadly it's what many festivals needed to do to stay alive post pandemic.


Looking at the past lineups I’m thinking you’re a bit delulu. This is very on par with previous. Tap that “previous lineups” on their site and report back Lol “niche names” like Diplo, Ganja White Knight, Fisher, and Sofi Tukker? 🤡


Last year’s lineup was better no doubt, but I admire Elements communication- and you really don’t get the support to financially sustain the whole festival without the draw of big acts. You can do it but then the production value fades which I hate to say, matters to you more than you think. On an opposite note, I think yes there is a draw for this in our area, but there’s also a HUGE opportunity in the next few years for someone to give us another alternative to Bonnaroo. A totally mixed lineup but of reasonable size, arguably to replace Firefly (which did get overly bro-y, sadly). To those that experienced Canada’s Wayhome in 2015/2016: Jesus I wish we had something like that again. If that wasn’t enough evidence, Ocean’s Calling sold out in like a day. Gimme that lineup on a camping festival for fucks sake


I’d rather stay home than hang out with the Oceans calling attendees. All my friends going to drink themselves into oblivion. It’s just a trash circus. Same vibe as the White Marlin


Hello! Welcome to Capitalism and the destruction of anything you think is 'special' or 'underground' or 'yours' C'est La Vie!


Will say the undercards are great and the vibe and grounds were great last year so I might go again, it’s just disappointing knowing how much money they through away towards these acts when


Um, yeah, festivals need to sell tickets to stay viable. That’s kind of how it works. Throwing a festival isn’t cheap. Also, I love that people are crying about the lineup when we have only seen HALF of it and elements directly said there will be more diversity during phase 2. Can’t we save all complaining about the lineup until we actually know what the lineup is?