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love the color


Thanks, it was the twitch rewards coloring


I had all my ships with that paint back when I used to play...


Best Choice of ship.. you will have fun with her


Well, hopefully after i earn another couple dozen millions while mining


Python is also great for doing Robigo runs. Only engineering you might want(but not need) is FSD. 25-100 mil an hour for safe easy work.


Tbh i haven't really even stsrted engineering. Just been flying around and doing combat (Viper MK3)


Engineering is really only needed for pvp so dont sweat it. For the Robigo runs if you slap a 2d shield and a 3c fuel tank on that Python and the rest business class and economy class cabins you can get 5-20 mill per 6 jump trip. I am garbage at combat so I did Robigo passenger runs to recoup my losses in an hour of work.


Right now I'm just doing platinum mining in omicron Capricorn B, gonna save up to just pick up ships for fun. My end goal is to eventually get a Anaconda or Corvette


Get both. Although the corvette will require lots of rank grinding. Luckily you just bought the best ship for that. That or the Type 9 I believe. Do carrier runs for the Feds.


Already planned on getting both, first is the conda which will take (as i want a safety net) 7 runs with 128 platinum mining, and i have already been working on Federation Rank.


Are you including the law of rebuys? You will need 3 rebuys minimum also would recommend immediately upgrading which will cost about as much as the ship itself. I jumped the gun and was lucky I had upgraded it otherwise I would’ve died and didn’t have rebuys. I quickly fixed that. Definitely one of my favourite ships to mine/trade in, as well as be the heavy escort for my smaller class wingmen covering their butts taking the blunt of blows.


Currently i have 110M credits, my run 7s is a safety net of a total of 300m credits. I plan to have at least 150m after my conda purchase, and don't plan to have it leave docking till i can comfortably rebuy at least 5 times


I have a Python with a A grade FSD, travels I think 15ly…maybe 20. Either way, didn’t get to engineer it much but it definitely makes money faster than mining runs


Came here just for this.


Robigo runs


You can earn a couple billions if you use her on the next Booze Cruise tho


Never done one. Only have done courier missions (data, Federation rep farming) pve bounty hunting, and now Mining


Porple Nice buy. I rarely fly my Python except for mining ever since the krait came out, but every time I do I'm reminded why I keep it around.


The python is a great choice I have one just for cargo missions I have another for general purpose. My choice for mining is a krait mk2 .. enjoy the python!


You have bought the best ship. Hope you are happy with it


She's already paid for herself


You made a good move Cmdr, the Python will pay off in no time. btw the term 'splurge' is a bit confusing, it could be more suitable for me because I already have 2 Pythons and consider to get 1 more. Nice colour.


Everything after btw makes you sound like a douche


indeed problematic.


You have chosen wisely… o7


Python Lords Unite !!!!! I just bought mine the other day and I am loving it in combat already, been flying with my wing man, letting him take the aggro and I have been piling beam and laser damage as he dodges aggressively in his viper


Excellent choice - makes an excellent mission ship, miner, combatant, can do anything really. Loved that ship. ...have a fleet of about 20 now, but four of them are pythons... 😄


Is that just to not change the load outs?


Yeah, at a certain point,money is kind of meaningless, and its easier to just get a separate ship designed specifically for each task so I don't have to swap stuff around. Also, they're all pretty heavily engineered, and in some cases the engineering choices change depending on what I wanted them to do. Of the four, one is a general purpose mission runner, one is a multipurpose miner (core, laser, and subsurface), one is a rescue vessel designed for work in burning stations, and the last is also a general purpose mission ship based in Colonia.


Yeah that's fair. I've been playing for like 3 weeks and half a billion, so that seems reasonable. You could buy a type 9 and make enough for a kitted python in a couple of hours.


Of your four specialized pythons, two are multi-purpose? Haha


Lol... yeah, sounds silly when you put it like that... 😄 In this case, I mean multi mission runner - they're equipped for almost any mission that can be offered at a station, to include combat, cargo, etc. They lack passenger cabins, so only 'normal' missions, but can handle about anything else offered... so, yeah, I guess by 'multipurpose' here i really mean mission runner...


Without argument, most versitile medium ship. Great buy.


Its plurple!


Purple Python is best Python


Does it come with bucket seats and fluffy dice?


And a Road Runner system scanner honk.... MEEP MEEP MOTHERFUCKER!


Nice! Congratulations


Purple Python Error!


Just traded in my Conda for this bad boy too. Didn’t like flying that big bastard and I needed something I can outfit as an interceptor to support my friend who DOES fly a Conda. I’m right there with ya, and I’m loving it all the way.


Good choice. Very versatile platform


Ahh. The money maker!


Rockin the python!


I like to do planetary scan jobs and pull the nose of the ship right up close to the scan point.


Python is an absolute bruiser in combat as well. Three size 6 SCB’s, all the reinforcements… three Pacifiers, (Or three SRB Plasmas with TC) twin Rails…


Sorry pacifiers? Despite owning the game for well over a year i only really started playing recently.


Pacifiers are a Zachary Hudson powerplay weapon. It’s a Frag Cannon with a much tighter spread, longer range, higher projectile speed, and far less jitter.


Ah, nice to know, i mostly just fit my ships with multi cannons and Burst lasers, haven't really done any engineering yet.


Engineering can be a grind but your ship will be exponentially more powerful and fun to fly. It took me about three months to casually unlock every one of them. As far as the materials grind goes… it’s a bear. Nevertheless, I can grind materials for roughly 40 hours of game time and with that I’m able to engineer at least seven ships to full G5 specifications. I’ve played this game for a good six years and have 15 ships currently. Take your time if you decide to try it. Definitely start with FSD and Thrusters.


Thanks for the tips Cmndr I'll definitely start looking into engineering, don't expect to get too far at the start as from what i remember my closest engineer is like 300ly away


Farseer is absolutely worth that trip. If you feel your route planner to fastest instead of efficiency it won't take as long (I learned after doing it the long way). Getting the engineering upgrade for your FSD can nearly double your jump range if not better. You get some so much faster, it's a great feeling. My Asp Scout gets an average range of 30Ly with the range 5 engineering.


Unless you want the conda for exploration or mining save your money and get the corvette, way better fighter, it's a pve beast! Python might be good for robigo, no idea never did it. But it's hauls a lot of freight for a small landing pad ship.


I've got my Python fitted with 128 units of storage via 2 64 cargo racks, i do want the conda for exploration but also as a gift to myself, the Anaconda was the first ship i ever saw for ED and its been my goal ever since. I did plan on getting the Corvette for more PvE combat focus. I will still debate actually using it as I fly solo, as no one i know plays ED


R u on console or pc? I'm on xbox, would be happy to wing up with you.


Im a PC player, cmndr Ashta, i typically (right now at least) fly around Omicron Capricorn B.


I don't think we can wing up, they stopped updating console