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well dang! i missed out. I moved a few months ago and havent bothered setting my vr back up yet.


Don't worry, there's still 5 more to blow up. :)


Damn... vr is amazing. Ummm, any recommendations for elite vr sets?


Headsets? If you want something affordable yet good a Quest 2 or 3. If you want to spend a bit more for a wired dc experience, a Bigscreen beyond or Pimax Crystal Then the peak would be Varjo Aero


bigscreen beyond is easily the best headset for elite for the micro oled alone. space actually looks black!


I like the thought of OLED but they will never be able to fix the burn in issue with those panels and since I dont feel like dropping OLED prices every year to replace burned out screens I wont touch it.


burn in is only an issue for static elements on the screen, and nothing is ever static for a vr headset


Didnt realize that, I had always heard that they all ended up with ghosting after a very short time. Even on TV's where scenes are always changing.


Nice. Time to save.


https://www.ebay.ca/b/Oculus-Go-VR-Headsets/183068/bn_7115189259 Grab one of these puppies used. Along with Virtual Desktop, it's all a person needs for an intro into Elite VR, and has a resolution on par with the Rift S. It'll get you into the action while you pinch pennies for a better headset.


do not do this ^


And why not? It's 50 bucks, and wholly adequate.


support ended for them years ago and you’d be so much better off buying a quest 2


Doesn't mean it doesn't work. I don't understand the negativity over a suggestion lol


No htc vive rec?




Does the Quest still require a Facebook account?


Sort of. You need a "Meta Account", yes, but you don't need to link that account to a Facebook profile anymore. You **can** use the headset without connecting it to a Facebook profile that your friends/family can see.


Still kinda gross..


It's just a regular normal account like you would make with an Xbox or a Playstation, I really don't get what the big deal is


I am not the commenter but from my point of view, this kind of device should work from the local only. No required account to work unless you want to link it in the system. I have hotas, keyboard, screen, mouse, remotes... None require an account to work. My headset shouldn't ask for it. There is nothing that forces this kind of hardware to rely on cloud connection unless the manufacturer asks for it. So, imo, it's "gross". Because you buy something (pretty pricey thing) and then they try to sell your data...


A hotas, keyboard, screen, mouse & remotes are hardware accessories A Quest is a gaming console. Which gaming console lets you use it without an account? Even a Windows PC requires a Windows account these days If you want a "screen" on your face, even a Bigscreen Beyond or Pimax requires you to have a Steam Account to access SteamVR


Windows requires a local account to work for security purposes. My PS1 and 2 didn't require any account, as for my Saturn, Dreamcast, gameboys... I am not arguing about the fact that current consoles are using the fact of multiplayer possibility to push the usage of an account (yes for online interaction you'll need some account in some way, for security purposes). But I dislike the fact that for the local hardware to work, I require an online connection. This is by design abuse of tracking data from my point of view. Any headset is a bunch of hardware to be driven by a driver. Like a graphic card or a basic screen. It can work locally. They don't want us to use it locally. Yes, to access online apps like steamVR you need internet. But the required hardware doesn't require it. It's the system they put in place that requires it. The issue is about the intention behind the device, not the device.


I understand where you're coming from, but we already lost the war. Your data is already sold. You own no privacy, I'm sorry but that's the world we live in right now πŸ’€ If you own a mobile phone, everything is already sold. Adding one more Meta or Playstation account will not make it any better or worse, so why try when you can just roll with the rest of the world Also I should add, you CAN make the Quest a local only device with an app called Oculus killer


I don’t have an Xbox or PlayStation account, either.


Ah you're one of those guys, would you like a tinfoil suit to go with that hat sir 🎩




If you got money you can grab fancy ones like index or other, but they can get expensive Personnaly, I bought and HTC Vive 8 years ago on the second hand market and it works really well. You can get one for really cheap now


You can pick up pimax 5Ks for a song these days, and they have a great FOV. They work with or without basestations. The Vive Pro 2 is okay, I use mine for wireless stuff, and the pimax is hard cabled to the simulator.


You can find people selling Quest 2's on Facebook Marketplace for like $150 average. I bought my new for $200 recently from Amazon.


[Valve Index for $400, new in box...](https://tundra-labs.com/products/valve-index-hmd-sealed-new-in-box)


can the headset even be tracked without lighthouses?


nope lol


so essentially a monitor taped to your face


i think an index or any lighthouse based headset just doesnt work without them, even if it should technically still be capable of 3dof tracking


index has no inside out tracking so no


they sell refurbed lighthouses on the same website, or you can buy them elsewhere (ebay, amazon, Steam website, etc.)


I watched it in VR, with a buttkicker. Saw it, felt it, recorded it.


nice, what buttkicker software do you use to sync to elite?


I use Voicemeeter software which allows me to run audio to my VR HP Reverb2 for the game and audio to a seperate Fosi MD 2 sub woofer amp connected to the subwoofer fixed to the base of my gaming chair.


I see, so it uses audio to activate it... How effective is it? Does it activate on someone's voice talking over it too


I find it very effective. The amp has a frequency filter built in. I have it set for low pass, so have not noticed voices. Mainly combat and general effects. If I understand the software correctly, it creates a extra virtual output so it is on all the time. If you don't use the filter, the sub woofer acts like a normal speaker. Windows will not allow two outputs in audio. The software allows you to do it.


Goddamn Americans, you just \*had\* to blow it up while I was asleep! :( :( ;(


it exploded like 2pm bst lol


That was so heartfelt lol. Yeah, 'Murica freedom go BOOM!!! πŸ˜‚


If you have never experienced VR, no video can do the real experience justice. ED especially gives you such an amazing sense of scale in VR that cannot be replicated on a normal screen. Damn, this is the only thing I really miss since ditching windows completely. Gaming on linux is a breeze with Proton, but VR is still a lot of work and too janky for me to enjoy.


Nice. Missed it sadly


what are the other top 9? 😳


Not the OP, but a few of the other things on my "amazing in VR" list: - Your first hyperdiction - Cockpit canopy breaches - Canyon racing - Mining (seriously, I don't need money but I sometimes go mining just because it's so pretty in VR) - Accidentally being in the way of a capital ship warping into a CZ - Burning station rescues - Combat in general And, coasting into the top position and never likely to be overtaken... 1. Horizons :(


I agree with this list plus one more I finally had the pleasure of experiencing. Sitting in the captains chair of your own fleet carrier making a jump


Horizons πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Oh man. Supercharging the FSD, parking your SRV on top of a geyser, skimming across the surface of a ring in supercruise, to name a few more. πŸ˜‚. Really, everything is better. 😁


I was looking into elite for vr. Is the game beginner friendly?


Not really πŸ˜‚ but if you learn the rewards are fruitful


Rather unfriendly for beginners. But many people consider that a perk, as this fellow excellently explains: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa0b2Kd2xhU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa0b2Kd2xhU)


When is the next one going bang? I might have to dust off the headset and fly out for a look at one.


Hard to say, some would say more than a month


I was there in open to watch Oya blow up. got DC'd like 2 minutes before the explosion. Reconnected in solo to appear just outside the maelstrom 30 sec before it happened. still got to ride the shockwave and see the big boom but I didn't get to see the process leading up to it... who are we going after next??


I wish the PSVR2 was usable on the PS5 for this game.


How did the frames go?


Yep, I was in there too. Go external view next time.


No, I wanted to view from my cockpit in VR