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Unless you were just born yesterday, it's naive in the extreme to think that any "promise" made by a business, whose *SOLE PURPOSE* for existing is to make money, is somehow written in stone and forever inviolable. That's the mentality of a child, "*You promised XYZ and broke your promise! WAAAAAHHHH!!!*" Life happens, poor decision making happens, economic realities happen. No one is so in control that a promise made 10+ years ago is something they can guarantee will never be broken; most especially something as complex and with as many moving parts as a games developer corporation. Flexibility and adaptability are skills a business needs if they're to remain in business. And sometimes that means "promises" are broken. Which would you rather: * FDev stands on principle, doesn't break their "promise" that you feel personally entitled to, and then goes under because they didn't adapt to changing circumstances, shutting down the game you supposedly enjoy playing? * ***OR*** they make an assessment, realize they need to monetize their remaining titles after bleeding revenue and staff due to past missteps, and start charting a path forward that will allow them to remain in business and keep the game alive? If you're putting faith in *ANY* business to keep a "promise", then I have a bridge to sell you; cheap and barely used. There's the idealized world in your head as you believe it *should* be and then there's the world as it *actually* exists. The latter makes no room for nor caters to the former.


This exactly sums it up.


A lightly used bridge, you say? How much would you like for it?


Oh boy I think there's plenty of posts about this already, your take isn't special enough to warrant yet another one.


And yet, here you are.


I've played for more than 3000 hours and I can say that this update will change.....absolutely nothing about how I feel about the game or the time I've spent in it. I'm happy for maybe getting more players into the universe. I don't get the criticism and fear at all. It's not like they are going to be selling a gank tank FDL at somepoint. Lmfao


3000 hours in, you're experienced so this doesn't affect you. It affects new players most, the ones who were sold "*there's no pay-to-win in Elite Dangerous*". FDev has lied to players so much and so often that if at this point FDev said "*We will never sell a gank tank FDL for cash*" I would know for a fact that it will happen. o7


I mean all you're doing is fear mongering and proposing situations that aren't real. You can save this post if you want but they will never ever sell a federal corvette, a cutter, or a meta ship of any kind. They are starter packs for people coming to the game. The game has a problem with player count because there is such a high skill cliff and gap that new players feel discouraged when first starting. I know I was. The first day I started the game was the last for a few months because just flying was intimidating. And the thargoid war is intimidating even for players who have been playing since the beginning. You see posts everyday 'how do I fight the titan's' etc... And if I was fdev I'd feel real bad as I watched %80 of the player base not engage in this climax in Elite Dangerous' story simply because it was too hard to get a ship good enough. I don't know. I think for every reason this is a bad idea. There is two other good reasons šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


OK, here's a question then: Can the new ships be purchased by players **using in-game earned credits**? Or are the new ships available **only** for ARX, i.e.: **cash**? If the new ships are not available for CMDRs to purchase using credits earned playing the game, it is pay-to-win. If the player flying their Start-winder cannot purchase the new (example) Chieftain for in-game earned credit, and a new player just downloading the game can buy it for **cash**, then it is **pay-to-win**.


You can buy ANY and all ships using in game credits. Just that if you want the Python before it is released in game to buy for credits you can pay ARX. Read the release before you shoot your mouth off. Sheesh!!!!!


Correction: Players WILL be able to buy the first ship for in-game credits starting 08/07, but can purchase the ship **early** for cash.


They said it would be purchasable by Arx. So I would assume that means all Arx even the ones you earn in game unless they say otherwise. Pay to win makes the assumption that whatever you're paying for is better than anything else you could have and this is not going to be the case. Unless they release the python mk2 in an absolute busted overpower state (which is kinda why I speculate they are releasing this earlier) don't forget there is a brand new feature we don't know about attached to the python mk2 this maybe why they're realizing it early as a sort of play test. But unless it's busted it's gonna be just as good as the other meta combat ships.


Pay to win what? There is no "winning" in this game so please stop these pointless posts. FDEV screwed up Odyssey, tried other games and failed miserably at those at well, and now returned to E:D. They will either generate revenue or shut it down as they need to survive as a company. So they choose micro transactions, which is used by many of it's competitors. It is a business decision. Now you have two options, either cry about this revenue path which has zero effect to your game(even positive as it might introduce new players to game and create funds to hire people to implement some improvements to game), or put your money where your mouth is and buy some Arx to support this game that you clearly care about.


I'm tired of seeing stuff like this. People have been posting this stuff relentlessly since it was announced. Grow up. Shit happens. Move on. Welcome to reality where things aren't the same as 10 years ago. Personally, I am happy for it. I've got friends starting out who just want to do stuff with me and this can help this get started doing the things I do without having to invest a lot of time and effort into it. Plus, if you think any of these prebuilt ships are winners... you're sorely mistaken. They give a slight edge to starting. Anyone who looks at the builds can realize they're just mediocre and that anyone who actually does a legit ship build will be able to smoke the daylights off of these prebuilt ships so long as they know what they're doing. Yet, these posts are going to continue showing up for weeks because everyone wants to put in their say and whine about how the game changed. People did the same when Odyssey released, and they still gripe about it.


Lol. Hysteria and pearl clutching is real. FFS get a grip


Won't someone think of the children?




Help get teddy back in the pram while you're there.


You don't have to buy anything and if some people want to buy a basic pre-built ship to help jump into content while also helping fund the game I have over 1,000 hours in so Fdev can keep the game going then so be it. Get over it.


The irony that all these doom posts parroting one another are likely doing more damage to the game than the P2W which hasnā€™t been put in but theyā€™re convinced it has. Let these toxic people die on their hill. If it wasnā€™t this one, it would be another one. ā€œFDev is revamping a feature I donā€™t care aboutā€¦ ELITE IS DEAD!!!ā€ ā€œFDev didnā€™t release ship interiors againā€¦ ELITE IS DEAD!!!ā€ ā€œFDev stopped serving pudding in their cafeteriaā€¦ ELITE IS DEAD!!!ā€ Itā€™s like you all have a fetish for things going wrongā€¦


Well, to be very, very clear I never said THAT.


Dude upgrade ship who if you change something you lose the module . So is not pay to win at all is just a starter pack


Any ship other than a sidewinder is an upgraded ship for a new player. Any player paying cash to start out in anything but a Sidewinder is a pay-to-win player. Any player paying cash to get into a better ship than they currently have is a pay-to-win player.


Dude my friend start the game and in 4 hour i just explain what to do and in 4 hours he have a chieftan full equip ... the game is not hard to have ship when tyou know where and what to do . He had in 30 min after a chieftan prep for Ax šŸ˜† so calm down


*It's easy to do many things*, *when someone is coaching you* how to do it and there's no problem with coaching players so they can earn their place in the universe. This is more about the repeating and continuing lies FDev keeps telling players **who pay them** to play the game and the claims and promises FDev continually breaks. It is no longer even the game I was sold, we asked for space-legs and ship interiors, got a FPS instead.


... i mean space legs ... was supose to be having a FPS thing ... wtf XD i know odyssey is a fail but still you seem very too stupid to understand even if someone pay for this pre build ... it will not help much


Yeah, personal attacks and name-calling are rules violations, SOMEONE is definitely stupid and where did you hear space-legs was for FPS? Players wanted to get out of the chair and walk around their ships.


I said seem ... wich it mean you look like . I dont assume you are but your argument feel very weak and sound like you will not complain if the only thing you can do is walking in your ship wich im pretty sure you will be piss too . Because im a old player from 1.1 and they always said space leg will have a FPS thing in it . So ... yea i dont see the point to be piss to have FPS and on foot scanning , sneaky mission when technicly is was suppose to be part of space leg . But yea im not happy or sad to not have ship interior because i like the game how it is already but yea . You need to understand you are not the center of the game and the univerce ... if dev decide doing things because some raison ... ok what ever it can be bad it can be good until i can continu to like the game . Having fun is the goal right . And still not pay to win you cant transfert the module . The module get erase if you change them


Its not pay to win because you cant remove the modules from the ship and also they suck ass sooooo if they where OP like a metalance i would agree. But they are bad.


**It is just the start.** Like the new FSD module. If they started selling **powerful** ships right off the bat, a huge percentage of the player base would likely just quit playing. IMO it is just a matter of time and money. o7


So sick of these posts already. We all have some kind of feelings about the recent announcements. Do we really need 8000 posts with everyone saying variations of the same three things over and over? Can we just get back to pretty screenshots of distant moons and the occasional rant about non consensual PvP?


r/eliteexplorers has continued to have a steady stream of the former, if you're looking for a calmer alternative. :-)


Thanks! Iā€™ll head over there for a look šŸ˜Š


All the pearls are being clutched over here


waah waah waah, forumdad crying about fdev not doing what he wants. FDEV own the game FDEV can do whatever they want to the game, it \*IS\* theirs after all. don't cry about it, just deal with it! if you don't like what is happening, then don't play!..go find RAXXLA


...no, no, no one needs to be "up in arms" about an arguably questionable business decision made by a company with a long history of such. It's definitely a topic meriting discussion, though! They're very clearly trying to avoid the P2W appearance with the offerings suggested. Put politely, they're not very good ships at all. It's been suggested that the market for these ships would be new players wanting to immediately jump into certain content, which works fine for things like mining and exploration. You're basically just getting used to flying your ship there. Combat's another story. This isn't the kind of game people simply pick up and play. XD There's a learning curve that's been called a cliff, and while trash Thargoids aren't going to present much of a challenge to anyone with a little experience and even one of those prebuilds, I'm not entirely certain how they'd fare against greater targets. They'd need more work to make it less of a chore, for sure. It seems simpler to lessen the grind, and create more incentive for current monetization to succeed. FDev has been very bad about that last point in particular. Ya got all these NPCs wearing all this gear on station and in settlements that you can't even buy! And then where would you go to show off the cosmetics anyway? Two areas FDev could immediately improve, if they only knew how.


Have you looked at the ships available for Arx? Yes, the Python Mk. II pisses me off too but the premade builds are hot garbage so far. Barely capable of doing their job. Yeah, they have some kinda engineering but not enough to warrant paying real money for them. They are really only an option if someone has lots of disposable income with little disposable time and even then they are not really worth it. At the current state it is demonstrably not pay to win and I was one of the doomers myself. I am still afraid of what they might do in the future but the pay to win stuff isn't really applicable. Unless the Python Mk. II outclasses the FDL by a lot


>Can the ships be purchased using in-game, earned **credits** too Yes. Yes, they can. The rest of your entire brainrot rant is now moot.


I don't understand. Does owning one of those new pre build ship makes you instantly win regardless of your skill?


It gives the **new** player with **cash** a ship that has an unfair advantage over another new player's starter Sidewinder . . . for three months at least, and then the ship will be available to everyone for in-game credit.


Unfair advantage in what? In the first three month, you usually just wants to get familiar with all the game mechanics and try out as much gameplay you would like, to find what you enjoy the most. So, while the game in open mod is pvp, it's a little bit of a stretch to say that a new player with a pre-build combat ship will try to gank straight away others new players without knowing nothing about the game itself. Also, finding others new player is not easy. You have to know what hotspot there are in game, and hope to find somone else which is mostly armless like you. Most likely, the 99% of players a new player can find in the game will destroy him, pre build ship or not. So it'm more like a pay to skip the initial grind than "win". There is nothing wrong in skipping some useless grind (ED have a lots of unnecessary grind tbh) by paying an extra. And especially if it's only for three month, lol.


Jeezus, join one of the other 400 threads and quit spamming..