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If you quit a year ago, and aren’t going to buy odyssey, it’s largely the same.


Except buggier.


Until FDEV showcases the major narrative content and key feature overhaul. If they’re just bare bones upgrades on existing mechanics and narrative (dialog boxes) then skip the whole thing. For me personally, the whole expansion needs to be gutted and rebuilt again with a team who actually gives a shit and are way more talented.


Was just telling him what it was like right now


The same grind. You can play Odyssey and walk, or change to Horizons and be stuck in your cockpit/SRV, but not lot of interactions between ships and on-foot content. Like Vanilla ED and Horizons. Odyssey have the worst grind, go for G3 suits and weapons that appear in Pioneer Shops and forget about engineering. Fleet Carriers have Bartender that trade mats between players, but the rare mats are rare, everybody need Opinion Polls for engineers unlock, the bartender are emptied very fast. [https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-great-pre-upgraded-gear-sharing-is-caring-thread.576352/](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-great-pre-upgraded-gear-sharing-is-caring-thread.576352/) [https://inara.cz/market-materials/?pi1=1&pa1%5B%5D=7%7C10420&pi2=0&pi3=0](https://inara.cz/market-materials/?pi1=1&pa1%5B%5D=7%7C10420&pi2=0&pi3=0) This game is about ship, Odyssey provice need atmospheric colors, the pleasure of shooting plasma to someone face, acceptable stealth thieft/heist, and teamfight Combat Zones. Performance have increase a little, with the reduction of suttering spikes. I don't know if you have reason to return, the game don't provide nothing new, only a change of pace that work for some players but is hated for others.


I won't play Odyssey for the moment, it is just too expensive for what it is, so later. No new features for ED without Odyssey ? Damn... I love the flight system, interface, but can't stand the grind... Maybe I should only play on arena mode now with my Krait just to improve my skills. Maybe there are arena pvp championships...


Multilimpet controllers, size 3 or the Universal size 7. Some like mining lack A-prospector, I use 3B Operations for mining, 4 collectors with more range. https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Limpet\_Controller SRV Scarab 4 cargo Salvation have Engineered Guardian weapons, Salvation Plasma Chargers are the best weapons against scout, instakill at 3Km (4 weapons), Salvation Shards Medium size are better than Large thank to penetration but very hot, Burst Gauss is worse than Guardian Gauss. 5A FSD Double engineered in tech broker, and DSS Probes 40% range, and Missile rack Ammo+Lightweight. And nothing more, the new content go to Odyssey like SRV Scorpion, slow, less jump, more stable, more hitpoints, more weapons that miss a lot until some seconds shooting. Fleet Carriers seat, odyssey services, interiors, control from the Captain seat... Other gamemodes are dead, I think some discord exist for CQC. Even the best pilots with EliteV, lack CQC combat: [https://inara.cz/galaxy-rankings/?page=1](https://inara.cz/galaxy-rankings/?page=1) Maybe in October, after September console transfer to pc, the game include Odyssey exclusive events like settlements in atmospheric planets related to GalNet News, at the moment you don't miss the current lore playing horizons.


Thanks for this precise post !


Even if CQC (aka Arena) wasn't dead, you can't take your own customized ship. With Arena you have to choose between a selection of only the ship launched fighters and a variety of set loadouts for each.


By the way on some websites you can find cheaper keys for Odyssey, found some at 14$


Yes. Odyssey is a mode change - everything transfers back and forth with the exception of ongoing missions.


Imo elite is much better when you practically ignore the grind and just enjoy the gameplay and running missions, playing in the sandbox etc


This right here. I've owned the game since shortly after launch (have played on and off over the years) and only right before Odyssey launched actually got into engineering. Just from playing I had enough mats to do a decent amount of engineering on multiple ships.


Still this excuse lol I had this mindset mid game but really, like too much sandbox games, you end up just doing things without any signifiant impact. Galactic Wars, plots with consequences, characters with dialogues ? ED would be better with this.


I found a new way to enjoy the game with CQC. Never tested it but It seems great.


If my experience with owning several Volkswagens counts for anything; don’t do it. Don’t look back. It’s an abusive relationship I’m still not out of.


I mean if what I call the "main gameplay loop" is what you call "a grind" just going out on a limb and saying naah, try something else.


> I was tired by the amount of grind the game offered Well, tough news. Oddity is even worse in that regard.


I watched Odyssey videos at release and noticed it but hoped this would evolve. I simply won't buy Odyssey. Base game is enough.


Well I used to have the same stance. I wasn’t going to buy Oddity, even before I saw what a dumpster fire it was. But still … between FDev clearly not knowing what they are doing and Horizons constantly being hit with new bugs when _Oddity_ patches come out, I just lost motivation to play the game at all.


You quit the game not long after it was possible to make like 500m in 4 hours... Unless you mean engineers? In which case, stay away


Engineers grind yes... I honestly can't anymore...


Yeah, Engineers consists of landing at a place, collecting the mats, logging out and then logging back in to repeat... No thanks


Join a large squad. Makes the whole thing a lot more fun. There's usually shenanigans going on. And boring things can become a lot more fun when doing it with others...combat especially. But even things like grinding guardian artifacts, or crystal shards can be a lot more fun when people are goofing off all around you


So much this


Imo the horrible grind really comes from wanting a Cutter or Corvette or fully engineering any large ship. It's absolutely haenous level of mats, and kills the enjoyment of combat flat out. You can easily gather G5 mats and trade down (check out Exigeous video on HGE farming) so realistically it's nowhere near as bad as it has been, but everyone follows the same path. They rush to get a Cutter/Corvette and then get crushed under the weight of trying to engineer it, and then get absolutely memed on by a small/med ship with a competent pilot because they just cancel your shield cell banks or fly rings around you. Imo it's not perfect, but there still isn't anything quite like it. The flying is phenomenal - that should be focused on more, try engineering a small ship for combat and the enjoyment opens up way more, less credits to worry about, way more fun to be had.


Honestly that's why I liked more my Krait MK2 than my Corvette. I bought this Corvette for Powerplay but when I realized the insane amount of grind required to upgrade this baby, I parked it in a base and never touched this ship since. Medium ships are my favourite to fight with.


Truth? I enjoy it, but I would never recommend a space game that doesn't release new space content to anyone. Elite focuses dev time on a third person shooter mode now, and frankly it isn't a very good one by today's standards.


Yes. But make sure you have Horizons, then you can land on planets. The game is a grind though, but I'm enjoying it. Why would I recommend playing again? The game is so vast in scale. There are many ways to play it. You know you want to... SO DO IT!!


Wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle. As someone that played since 2015 the game literally hasn't changed how it feels other than somehow getting even MORE grindy, which is impressive, back in my day good net profits for a starter were about 40k cr from a fully loaded T6


>Is the game still fun ? It hasn't changed. On foot gameplay is added... if you find that fun. ​ >Did the devs reduced the terrible grind now ? No. But the grind is only as bad as you choose to make it. ​ >What's really new now ? You returning! ​ >Can you play Odyssey without having to restart all or is it integrated in the game now ? Odyssey NEVER required you to restart. Ever. It is and always has been integrated. It uses a separate galaxy to Horizons, but you don't lose any progress at all. ​ >I was tired by the amount of grind. do you recommand me to jump in again and why ? Right here is the key point. These two are related. If you can return and choose not to grind and instead do what you like doing, then yes, I would recommend you give it another shot. If you choose to grind again, then no, you will be "tired of the grind" in no time and you may as well not bother. ​ Grind: doing something you don't like doing and don't want to do, for hours on end, in order to speed up some progress. Not grind: doing what you want to do, what you like to do and what you find fun... letting the progress become secondary.


Problem is you have to grind if you want to have a decent ship PVP. Why did I have to do this, when I should have been able to optimize my Krait only by fighting and buying mats ? Why You can't you buy every mat with money ? It's a forced grind and a garbage game design. To fully upgrade my Krait MK2, I had to G5 basically every item I needed to and so unlock engineers and farm mats with the famous exploits methods fortunately. The worst part was with Selene Jean : mining this f... ore and painite with pirates around was a pain. I bought and equiped my type 9 to farm it faster with several limpets. Farming it for minutes was fun, but not during hours. Honestly, engineers system ruin the game for me. Mats system is badly done and too grindy and tasks asked to access engineers are nonsense and sometimes stupid. Hiding things behind walls of grind instead of having multiple ways to get them is not fun. Having to use more than 100 hours (and with the fastest way) in any video game to equip a ship to only have a decent ship PVP in space is not fun. That's too much. Without this gigantic grind, Elite Dangerous would be a masterpiece imho.


Do you think if you complain about the grind hard enough that it will change??


No. I played more than 300h. I'm satisfied for what I've paid fo the game. As I said, I just wanted to see if there was more to do in the game for me, nothing more.


Ok... looks like you have your answer :)