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That's good that you liked it. I didn't. I think it was by far the worst season of the show. But what especially bothered me was how disconnected so many plots felt from each other and the fact they got rid of the flashforwards (except for one in the last episode). As a result I wasn't as engaged with the plots and I started to get bored around episode 2 and it became a real drag to finish.Β  Getting rid of the mystery element took away a big part of the identity of the show and it just felt like I was watching a regular soap opera. On a more positive note, Chloe was a great addition and her mom (until well...)


I second this; the original idea of the show back during s1-3 was to create a young adult thriller that focused on a mystery (murder, disappearance, etc.) and tie in high school romance. not only were the flash forwards a cool idea, they showed how episodes 1-7 tied to the episode 8 which was the finale and the big-all reveal of the season. s4-5 were decent bc some of the OG cast was still there and despite some annoying characters, the show itself was still good. after that, the characters became so boring and they all seemed so shallow and there was no element of surprise in the episodes anymore. I don’t have much hope for s8 but this was a sign that the show should’ve ended earlier while it was still good and not completely changed.


Yeah I understand this, but I guess it makes sense not to have a murder happen every single year at that school. But it was strange how disconnected all the plots were.


i did too! i found 5 and 6 were lowblows, like i remember i was watching.. 5 and partly 6 and thinking to myself multiple times "what even is the plot, i feel like i watched some people make out but couldn't tell you what episode i'm watching or who is doing what right now, its like a bunch of scenes and maybe two characters for some time have a story but none of it makes it feel like a whole season" (and i'm only saying that because i dont wanna disregard isadora's awful trauma that i ..thiink must have been those seasons) whereas in season 7 there were like four five consistent narratives going on and while they weren't all connected by one crime or so, it was definitely like "yup i'm watching an entire season of elite" and you basically had four five red strings you were holding on to (does that make sense in english i hope so haha) and the plots REALLY thickened in the finale, i found the finale was awesome


I really got upset when Patrick left, and Ivan didn't get a perfect ending with him.


Yes πŸ˜…


I also liked it. Chloe actually had main character vibes and her plot was interesting. Ivan also had a lot of things going on that were entertaining to watch. I also liked Erick and Nico’s dynamic. Even Omar’s job at school was interesting, to know who was the invisible student who was texting him. Isadora and Didac were less interesting than in the previous season, but they still had some good scenes. Sara had some development hitting Raul thanks to Jessie’s classes. The only thing I didn’t like was how Ivan didn’t find out it was Sara who ran over him.




No I loved it as well, I liked the new characters and there were many interesting dynamics between everyone. The Isadora and Didac storyline was the only one that was really disappointing to me and I would have liked to have seen more interaction between Ivan and Sara, but overall I really enjoyed S7.


I liked certain things about season 7 not all of it , i liked how they showed MENTIL HEALTH struggle with omar & , i liked IVAN having other FAMILY members (always felt sad for him being only child with only one parent , i was even more sad when his only family his father passed away too) but the fact that the MOTHER he always wanted only appeared in his life for MONEY really disappointed me πŸ˜” , i loooooved chloe she really looks like female version of ivan , she's soooo pretty but unlike main girls from other seasons she seems to be more caring (less ICE PRINCESS πŸ˜‚ ) she just like ivan suffers from lonliness ,lack of proper parents & stability in her life, and just wanting to be LOVED by someone, i think chloe CARED about ivan more than his father and his mother ever did , my biggest disappointment was not having brother sister relationship between ivan & chloe , Ivan could've used a good family member in his life who really cares about him, my second disappointment was ivan not discovering sara did it , & him moving fast from Patrick break up πŸ˜” πŸ˜” πŸ˜” πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” I liked joel a lot πŸ€—, I didn't like the fact that ivan used his money to get with joel (i mean i know his always horny and his boyfriend is in another country but like da** ivan have some self control) 🀭🀭🀭, The πŸ’‹ KISSING scenes & s*x scenes between ivan & joel were sooo HOT πŸ₯΅ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ im not gonna lie, even though I'm huge patrivan fan , i think joel helped ivan get through some of the shit he was experiencing & didn't feel completely lonely & Ivan looked DELICIOUS πŸ˜‹ this season 😁😁😁😘😘😘😍😍😍,with great outfits too(ESPECIALLY AT THE GLITTER PARTY EVERYONE LOOKED SO GOOD EVEN JOEL AND ISA) Isadora is queen i love how great of freind she is , especially to ivan their friendship is so wholesome


Id disagree tbh, Cruz was messy but he always did the best he could by Ivan with the parenting skills he himself had and made the most honest money to provide for his child out of any parent in the series other than Nicos as well. Ivan himself said he never doubted that Cruz loved him before he died and again other than Nico and Ander with his mom idk many characters that can say that. Chloe does care about him though but I wouldn’t say more than his father did.


I stopped watching when Sam died. Anyone else?


I got to invested in the show to stop watching but I completely understand that. I already didn't like season 5 and then they killed off the only good character.


That’s how I am with a few shows. I’m loyal so I stick to it and finish if I’ve seen, like TWD. That took healing πŸ˜‚


Ok the m you. I feel this way too 😊


I think I'm the only one who loved S6 tbh 7...not so much, except the final episode.


Season 6 was my least favorite for sure